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Published By: VALLENTINE MITCHELL & CO. LTD., London.

Total Pages : 256 & Price 2.50 Pound

1. About the Authors

It is a combined effort by ZEEV Schiff and Raphel Rothstein.ZEEV
CHIFF– is a member of the editorial board of Ha’aretz Israel’s leading
news paper, is widely regarded as his country;s foremost commentator
on military affairs. He is the author of a book on the Israeli’s Air force, “
Phantoms our the Nile” and co author of “La Guerre Israel-Araba”. As a
correspondent for Ha’aretz, Schiff has reported on the Vietnam war
toured NATO installations through Europe and written on the men and
policies of the pentagon

Rapheael Rothstein has been a member of the New York Times

News Service and a Washington Post correspondent in Mexico. He has
written for many leading American and Foreign publication, including
the nation. The New York times Book review and Audubon Magazine. He
is co author of silent warriors an account of mid eastern espionage, and
since 1968 has been the Ha’artez correspondent in New York.

2. About the Book

It is the storey of Palestine’s Guerillas. In the vivid and

authoritative description, the author examines all the aspects’ of the
movement, its origins , its politics , its military activities, ideologue, the
history of its campaign against Israel, the role of Russia in spurring its
activities and its future as a liberation movement.

3. The Palestinian Consciousness

The book opens up with a study into gradual development of a
consciousness among Palestinians in which they started defining them
selves as an independent demographic entity. The author notes that
while it is true that Jewish settlement in Palestine, Turkish province at
the time of the bal four declaration and British occupation in 1917, has
been achieved to some degree a the extent of the Indigenous Arab
population, it is no less demonstrable that the stubborn, will full and self
destructive refusal of the Arab to recognize and accommodate Jewish
National claims has been the basic cause of the violence and tension in
this seeming irreconcilable dispute.

The squalor and enforced idleness of the Palestine’s refugee camps

in Jordan, Syria, Lebanon and Egypt helped develop a strong common
bonding among the displaced Palestinian who was indoctrinated with an
ideology of return. This further gave impetus to the Palestinian
consciousness. The author also quotes passionate Arab writings by
eminent scholars, there by addressing the deep longing of the Palestinian
for return to the lost land of Palestine.

A detailed analysis of fact rightly brings out that the inherent

radicalization in the Arab nation prompted the goal of complete
annihilation of the Jewish in Israel and establishing a Palestinian nation
in its place. This goal proves to be an essential element in the unifying
consciousness of the Palestinians. This consciousness gained further
ground by the realization of the Palestinians that they were no longer to
be pawns in the inter-necine struggle of the Arab nations.

4. The time of the fedayeen

The unifying consciousness amongst the Palestinian and the effort
of the Arab nations to influence the movement for their own political
gains caused the Palestinians to see that they could only rely on
themselves to receive the cause of Palestinian liberation. This realization
resulted in the shrouding of various fedayeen groups and start of an era
of unlimited terrorist actions against Israeli interests, though aided,
directly or indirectly , by radical Arab countries. The author has dealt in
detail the developments to the five-day Arab-Israeli war.

5. A Tradition of terror

The author deals in vivid detail the progress in terrorist action

against Jewish entity, the use of terror and irregular warfare being a long
standing Arab tradition of combat. The book defines the term FEDAYEEN
in detail as the one who sacrifice themselves or assume a suicidal
mission. The characteristic of the Arab fighter has also been exposed a
one lacking cohesion, allegiance, faith and selflessness. The detailed
description of three major out breaks of Arab terrorism against Israel in
the year 1921, 1929 & 1936-39 provide a clear picture of the intensity &
savagery or Arab terrorism. As a counter measure , the Israelis raised a
self defense group called “HAGANNAH”. The exhaustive elucidation of the
“HIGANNAH’s” organization and functioning makes informative reading.
The author also very nicely differentiates between the guerilla conflict in
Vietnam and Israel.

6. The rise of Yasir Arafat and Fatah

This portion of the book deals in detail the rise of Yasir Arafat as a
revolutionary leader and the circumstances leading into the formation of
FATAH, a fedayeen group. This group later progress into the most
formidable of all fedayeen groups. The threat that this group posed to the
Arab nations interests led to the isolation of FATAH by Egypt, Lebanon &
Jordan. The author also touches the rise of Israel as a nuclear power.
There is also little mention of the start of covert support by the Soviet
Union of anti-israel operation in order to establish its hold over the mid-
east crisis, lest china and the USA gain more influence.

7. Fedayeen in Action

This chapter is informative on the renaissance of Arab movement

against Israel after the Six-day war and specially the commencement of
FATAH’s terrorist actions against Israel. Also, a new trend of recruiting
activists from among the students studying in foreign universities has
started. By this time the Israelis forces and its intelligence wing had
organized itself well for the war against terrorism. Thus, Israeli offensive
came of age resulting into intensive arrests of important separatist
leaders and strikes of terrorist stronghold across the border.
Comparative statistics of causalities suggests of Israel’s success against
fedayeen. The Israeli offensive had the desired effect and the fedayeen
groups got widely scattered, thereby weakening them. Thus, for their
own safety, the fedayeen groups started setting bases in Palestinian
civilian refuge camps.

8. Pursuit in the desert

The book gives a vivid account of Israel’s special anti-terrorist

operation of desert pursuit, which is very educative. Till date the Israeli
forces specialize in this operation

9. Fedayeen Kaleidoscope
The large number of fedayeen groups and splinter factions reflects
a divisiveness, bitter factionalism, ideological disputes and personal
rivalries amongst various Palestinian groups. The desire of various
people to enhance their reputation is the usual reason for a new
fedayeen group coming into existence. The attempts by one fedayeen
group to compromise another because of ideological or personal reasons
has been evident throughout the fedayeen movement. The author
touches in short the organization & functioning of some of the more
active groups during the time, such as, PLO, PFLP (Popular Front for the
Liberation of Palestine), the Syrian backed SAIQAH, then the Arab
Liberation Front, Front of National Sacrifice. Forces of Partisans, Heroes
of the Return, The Youth of Vengeance, Palestine Liberation Front, PFLP-
GG (General Command), Arab Movement for the Liberation of Palestine
and the Popular Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine. PFLP
has gone a step further by introducing the participation of women in
active fedayeen operation. The two most popular of women activists had
been Leila Khaled and Mona Saudi. Their exploits make interesting

10. Fedayeen Ideology

The author explains very analytically the evolution of fedayeen

ideology. The motivation under-lying the doctrines of all fedayeen
organizations stems from the frustration and disappointments the
Palestinian Arabs have suffered in their opposition to the Jewish
settlement of Palestine, and later Israel, Fedayeen ideology dictates that
the war with Israel in total, i.e. against her army and civilians and in
hostile opposition to the entire fabric of Israeli society Violence is exalted
in fedayeen literature and announcement. FANONS concept of the
psychological value of violence to oppressed people is enthusiastically
embraced by the fedayeen who see in terrorism and killing release from
their frustration and a path of redemption for the inferiority complex
engendered by their degraded circumstances.

11. Terrorism abroad

From 1968 onwards Palestinian terrorism against Israel graduated

from being concentrated in the mid-east & especially Israel and extended
towards terrorism against Israeli interests in foreign soil. The author
gives detailed account of some plane hijacking, airport attacks ,
bombings and abduction. The fedayeen groups had already started hiring
the services of foreign mercenaries for its missions abroad.

12. Fact and Fantasy

The basic psyche of the Arab shows that, the Arab is inclined to
believe that he wants to believe and not what the facts dictate he should
believe. Fedayeen boasts stimulated injured Arab pride and fuel the
emotions of a volatile imaginative people. The fedayeen has somewhat
successfully utilized the “BIG LIE” technique of the Nazis which states
that no matter how grandiose or absurd a lie, if it is repeated loudly and
frequently, the masses will always retain something of the assertion.
What’s important is not what people actually perceive but the
appearance of things. The truth here is not important but rather the
impression received from the announcement. According to military
analysts, a major cause of heavy Arab losses has been the tendency of
the average Arab fighter to relay back to his Commanding Officer what
he thinks his commanding officer wants to hear and not what the actual
battlefield conditions dictate him to report. However, the fedayeen has
capitalized through this technique or propaganda by eliciting sincere
concern among many Americans and Europeans who lacked in the
knowledge of the historical events that had led to the crisis.

13. Fedayeen in prison

The fedayeen prisoners were dealt quite leniently by the Israeli

authorities. The aim was to bring about a change in the individual’s way
of thinking but constructive means rather than by punishment. The
prisoners availed all basic amenities. The food was quite sumptuous and
the medical care very good. The Israelis were especially lenient towards
women offenders in an effort to assuage Arab sensibilities.

14. The enemy within

Indigenous resistance to Israel is chiefly expressed by the large

Arab membership in the Arab faction of Israeli’s divided Communist
party, the only non-Zionist party in the country’s political life. Israel’s
Arab minority has never constituted a serious threat to the nations
security. Although over the years there have been several instances of
espionage involving Israeli Arabs, the most serious cases if spying were
uncovered among the Jewish population. In the initial years the Israeli
Arabs had been indifferent towards the Palestinian influencing Israeli
Arab youth. This ushered in a dangerous development in which Israel’s
Arab youth started coming forward to aid terrorist and some even took
part in active anti Israel terrorist operations. The fedayeen had come to
believe that one Israeli Arab working on behalf of fedayeen was worth
more than ten Arabs from the Israeli occupied terrorists or the
neighboring Arab countries. Antipathy towards the occupier not
withstanding most of the Arabs were reluctant to act violently against
Israel for fear of reprisals. Even the Arab leaders in the occupied
terrorists were interested in peaceful existence under Israel’s occupation.

15. Israel’s Occupation Policy

The author also touches Israel’s occupation policy, which makes

educative reading. Freedom of expression was a mainstay of Israel’s
occupation policy despite the fedayeen threat. Tangible proofs that the
occupation has not suppressed liberty of thought, no matter how anti
Israel exist in abundance. The policy limited the presence of Israli’s
military and official personnel. Israel’s occupation policy has been based
on the avoidance of excessive and cruel punishments, the holding of
hostages or collective retribution involving the guilty as well as the
innocent. Israeli counter measures were limited to destroying property
rather that taking lives and secondly exiling dissident leaders.

16. Russia and China

Communist Chinas’ interest in the Middle East has been to some

extent as a testing ground for its theories of international revolution.
China’s leaders realized that the mid-east conflict was an opportunity for
agitating against both the United States and the Soviet Union. In
arsenals belonging to the PLO, Chinese made equipment was found in
large quantities. China generously extended guerrilla training to several
leftist fedayeen groups. In May 1967, china was the first country to issue
statements supporting the Arabs and calling for Israel’s destruction.
Leftist subversive elements in Arab countries were given money and an
effort was made to alter the Pro-Moscow orientation of the Arab
communist parties. Besides moral and financial support, China took
pains to keep the fedayeen well supplied with propaganda. Since her
entry in the United Nations, Mainland China has championed the
fedayeen in debates on the Middle East. The Soviet Union became
seriously concerned over the inroads made by China among the
fedayeen. Russia realized that neglecting the fedayeen would only aid
China’s efforts. Moscow was apprehensive over the fedayeen potential for
bringing about a confrontation with the United States. A partial solution
to Moscow’s dilemma was to render the fedayeen moral support. Soviet
newspapers praised the heroics of Fatah but declined to endorse the
Palestinian aim of destroying Israel.

17. The future of the fedayeen

After crushing defeat rendered to the fedayeen by Jordan, the

world saw a temporary eclipse in fedayeen activity in 1971. However soon
the fedayeen organized itself and renewed attacks in early 1972. The
fedayeen has succeeded in reawakening the spirit of Nationalism and
making the Western world realize that the basic conflict in the Middle
East in between the Palestinian and Israel. As against the rigidity of the
older leaders, there seems to be a readiness among Israel’s younger
leaders to recognize Palestinian national rights and attempt to reach
some agreement that would provide for a measure of Palestinian self-
determination. The prosperity of the Arabs in Israeli occupied territories
has initiated or readiness in the Arabs to compromise and co-exist with
the Israelis. Realistic Arab leadership will emerge once the current cycle
of Arab radicalization ends. However, as for present, the fedayeen are
embroiled in strife and discord with the Arab world.


In the book authors, describe that how the Palestinians felt

desperation in refugee camps and even though being educated,
ambitious and distinguished them selves in many fields were displaced
blow. Existed and refugee. In other Arab, countries despite of tie of
language and religion were felt stranger. They were utilized as pawns in
the constant game of nations played in the Arab world. The stories about
Palestine their homeland the feeling of depression in Arab countries
refugee camps the young educated Palestinian felt for their own land and
concluded that Israel be liquidated.

Thus, the rise of fedayeen came into existence, which means in

Arabic – “FEDA” – sacrifice. In due time, these groups imminence in
many groups like PLO, PFLP, SAIAH, FATAH and even women activists
joined in the group. The rise of Yasser Arafat as revolutionary leader the
Palestinian revolution came to a peak, they revolted in such a way that
they were able to make realize to Israel for the Palestinian land by the
dominating influence of Yasser Arafat. Soviet Union and China help
Palestinian in operation against Israel in order to establish their hold
over the Middle East crisis.

After six-day war of Arab Israel, a new trend of recruiting activists

from among the students studying in foreign universities started. Even
some Israel youth were influenced, and they took part in Palestinian
movement with Palestinian nationalists. By this time Israel forces and
intelligence wing has organized it self and operations were launched
against terrorist. However, the policies of the Israel were polite instead of
destructive towards the fedayeen, Palestinian. The ideology of fedayeen
was war with Israel in total i.e. her army and civilians and in hostile
opposition to the entire fabric of Israel society.

With the mode of their operandi, the fedayeen make heavy loss to
Israel including plane hijacking, By the way fedayeen reawakened the
spirit of nationalism and make the western world realized that the basic
conflict in Middle East is in between the Palestinian and Israel.


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Sl. Particulars Pages

No From To

1. Details of the book 1 1

2. About the author 2 2

3. About the book 2 2

4. Book review 3 10

5. Conclusion 11 12

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