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Candidate Name Subject Date Total Marks

Chemistry 2.9.2022 ⁄𝟑𝟓

Centre Number Year Level Monthly Test Time Allowed

PRE IGCSE (0.1 & 0.2) Sept (II) (45 Mins)

I. Write TRUE or FALSE for each of the following statements. (10Marks)

1. The smallest atom is that of oxygen.

2. Electrons revolve around the nucleus in shells (or) orbits.

3. Hydrogen and oxygen are combined chemically in a fixed proportion of 2:1 in the

compound water.

4. Isotopes have same atomic weight.

5. The smallest particle of any element that still has the properties of that element is called

a compound.

6. The formula of water is H𝑂2 .

7. Of a proton, neutron and an electron, the electrons is the lightest.

8. Isotopes differ in the number of neutrons they have in their nucleus.

9. The smallest particle of any element that still has the properties of that element is called

a compound.

10. Classify as sulfur (s) as an element.

II. Fill in the correct answer in the blanket. (10 Marks)

1.The total number of electrons that can occupy that can fundamental energy level

is………………………… .

2.The total number of electrons allowed in a ℓ = 2 sublevel is ……………………………. .

3.Calcium has an atomic number of 20. A stable calcium atom has a Complete Electronic

Structure of ………………………………………

4. Electronic Configuration of Silicon ………………………………….. .

5. Electronic Structure of Potassium……………………………………. .

6. Phosphorus has an atomic number of 15. A stable phosphorus atom has Complete

Electronic Structure of ………………………………………..

7.Complete write down Symbol of Isotopes……………………………..

8. ……………………………. have same atomic number.

9. What is the name of the element that has electrons arranged 2.8.8?

10. What is the name of the element that has electrons arranged 2.8.2?
III. Answer all these questions. (15 Marks)

1. How many electrons are there in the outer shells of the atoms of the noble gas of
argon and neon ?
2. What are the maximum numbers of electrons that can fill the first and the second shells
(energy levels) of an atom ?

3.What is a compound? Give two examples.

4. Briefly about the isotopes with examples.

5.What is a molecule? Give two examples.

6. Draw a diagram to show the structure of an atom of Aluminium.

7. Draw a diagram to show the structure of an atom of Magnesium.

8. Draw a diagram to show the structure of an atom of Fluorine.

9. Draw a diagram to show the structure of an atom of Sodium.

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