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L.-F. LI & J.-P. CELIS

REVIEW), Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly, 42:3, 365-376

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Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly, Vol 42, No 3 pp 365-376, 2003

© Canadian Institute of Mining, Metallurgy and Petroleum
Published by Canadian Institute of Mining, Metallurgy and Petroleum
Printed in Canada. All rights reserved


L.-F. LI1,2 and J.-P. CELIS1
Department MTM, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven,
Kasteelpark Arenberg 44, B-3001 Leuven, Belgium
Department of Metallurgy, School of Materials and Metallurgical Engineering,
Northeastern University, Shenyang 110006, China

(Received July, 2002; in revised form February, 2003)

Abstract — The effect of hot and cold rolling on the pickling of austenitic stainless steels is introduced.
The formation of an oxide scale and a chromium-depleted layer during annealing, the composition and
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structure of that oxide scale and their effects on the subsequent pickling process are reviewed. The pre-
liminary pickling methods and the mechanism of electrochemical neutral pickling are discussed in detail.
The dissolution of an oxide scale is facilitated by the oxidation of either metallic cations or oxygen anion.
While chromium and manganese oxides dissolve at first, followed by the dissolution of iron oxides, sil-
icon oxide enriches at the surface. The removal of a chromium-depleted layer is the most important step
during final pickling and the dissolution of the oxide scale is inconsequential. The final pickling opera-
tion with traditional electrolytes based on HNO3 + HF is detailed and compared to the environmentally
friendly electrolytes. The latter operation is more advantageous due to its environmental and economical

Résumé — L’effet d’un laminage à chaud ou à froid sur le décapage des aciers inoxydables est présenté.
La formation d’une couche d’oxydes et d’une sous-couche appauvrie en chrome pendant détrempage, la
composition et la structure de cette couche d’oxydes et leurs effets sur le décapage sont passés en revue.
Les phases de pré-conditionnements électrochimiques et chimiques sont discutées ainsi que les
mécanismes de décapage électrochimique en milieu neutre. La dissolution de la couche d’oxydes est
accélérée par l’oxydation soit des cations métalliques soit des anions d’oxygène. Les oxydes de
manganèse et de chrome sont dissous en premier lieu suivi d’une dissolution des oxydes de fer. Des
oxydes de silicium enrichissent la surface. L’élimination de la sous-couche appauvrie en chrome est de
loin l’étape la plus importante pendant le décapage chimique et la dissolution de la couche d’oxydes n’est
pas pertinente. Le décapage chimique en milieu traditionnel HNO3 + HF et dans des solutions plus
acceptables d’un point de vue écologique, sont présentés et comparés. Ce dernier procédé apparaît
comme étant le plus indiqué tenant compte des aspects environnementaux et économiques.

INTRODUCTION to enhance the corrosion resistance. A correct pickling

process is a complex operation that includes annealing,
Stainless steels, especially austenitic stainless steels, are scale removal, complete dissolution of the chromium-
used increasingly for their excellent mechanical properties depleted layer and the recovery of highest surface passivi-
and high corrosion resistance. Austenitic stainless steels ty.
are generally continuously casted, reheated, hot rolled and
annealed in a modern operating process and the alloys are The first literature mentioning the pickling of chromi-
subjected to elevated processing temperatures throughout um-iron alloys appeared in 1924 [1]. Two patents on the
the process. Under such conditions, a continuous oxide pickling of stainless steel with an electrolyte containing
scale film is formed covering the metal and a chromium- sulfuric acid and a salt, sodium nitrate or copper sulfate,
depleted layer grows between the oxide scale and the base respectively [2,3] were approved later.
material. The two layers eliminate undesirable inclusions
and defects from the surface, but it is undoubted that a sub- Pickling in a modern operating route consists of sever-
sequent pickling operation should follow to expose the al processes. A scale breaking at high stresses loosens the
substrate metal, to improve the surface finishing and thus, scale layer, disrupts it and results in some cracks inside the


366 L.-F. LI and J.-P. CELIS

remaining oxide scale so that the electrolyte can easily ANNEALING

penetrate into the oxide scale during pickling. During shot
blasting, the oxide scales can be removed mechanically. During annealing, austenitic stainless steels are heated up to
Electrochemical neutral pickling consists of polarizing the about 1150 °C and are kept at this temperature for some time
metal surface alternately anodically and cathodically to to soften the metal in order to release the work hardening
condition the oxide scales that can dissolve in the pickling induced by hot and cold rolling. A uniform grain structure is
electrolytes. The last step is a chemical pickling that oxi- obtained depending on the annealing temperature. The elim-
dizes and dissolves the surface metal so that the remaining ination of surface defects by forming an oxide scale is
oxide scale is undercut and disrupted. The major task of required to improve the corrosion resistance [7]. On the other
this operation is to completely remove the chromium- hand, processes are required to remove that oxide scale and
depleted layer in such a way that the base metal is dis- the chromium-depleted layer to obtain technological prod-
solved as little as possible. ucts, but that has to be achieved with a minimum base mate-
rial loss.
Today, quality, cost and environmental concerns are
the three most important factors guiding a pickling opera- Annealing parameters significantly affect the oxidation
tion. In a modern pickling line more attention is paid to the kinetics of base materials and consequently the composition
pre-treatment steps than ever before. Subsequently, the and structure of the oxide scales formed at the surface of
stainless steels are electrochemically pickled in a neutral austenitic stainless steels. The main parameters are the base
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sodium sulfate electrolyte and chemically pickled in a metal composition, annealing temperature and atmosphere
nitric acid-free acidic electrolyte. and the treatment time, which is time at temperature (TAT).
The TAT depends on the gauge of the steel (the thickness of
In this paper, the effects of hot rolling, cold rolling and coils and the diameter of wires), in industrial applications. A
annealing on pickling are discussed. The preliminary and larger gauge needs a longer annealing time and correspond-
final pickling processes of austenitic stainless steels in neu- ingly, a lower walking speed in the furnace. Chromium and
tral and nitric acid-free electrolytes are reviewed in detail. silicon oxides hinder the diffusion of both oxygen and metal-
lic ions and are known to increase the resistance to oxidation.
Iron increases the oxidation kinetics. Nickel and molybde-
HOT AND COLD ROLLING num do not significantly influence the oxidation behaviour.

Hot and cold rolling operations are used to decrease the The maximum annealing temperature ranges from 1100
gauge of a product to a certain extent at temperatures to 1180 °C for austenitic stainless steels, but it may reach up
above the recrystallization temperature of the material and to about 1260 °C during reheating. A gas mixture consisting
at room temperature, respectively, to meet microstructural of a natural gas fuel and a preheated air is normally used for
and mechanical requirements. annealing austenitic stainless steels. The extra oxygen per-
centage in an industrial annealing furnace is between 3 and 6
Hot rolling significantly alters the grain size of metals vol%. Thus, the air to natural gas ratio before combustion
and the degree of this alteration depends on the following ranges from about 11 to 14.
factors [4]. The degree of deformation determines the
energy stored in the material that is the driving force for
recrystallization to occur. The number and frequency of Properties of the Oxide Scale Film
deformation steps and the initial and final temperatures Various compositions and structures of the oxide scale have
determine the rate of recrystallization and the occurrence been reported and most researchers state that the oxide scale
and rate of grain growth. Lower deformation temperature on austenitic stainless steels is composed of Cr2O3, Fe2O3
and larger amounts of deformation produce a smaller ulti- and (Fe,Cr)3O4 spinel [4,7-11]. Some studies conclude a
mate grain size and thus, induce an oxide scale during more stratified structure containing additional constituents,
annealing with a smaller grain size and a higher chromium such as FeO and Fe3O4 [6,8-10,12,13], NiFe2O4, Fe3O4 and
oxide content. Finally, these parameters will further affect chromic oxide (Fe,Cr)2O3 [11]. The (Fe,Cr)3O4 spinel is a
the composition of a chromium-depleted layer. As a result, non-stoichiometric compound mixture of chromium and
the pickling of the oxide scale and the chromium-depleted iron oxides including Fe2+, Fe3+ and Cr3+. The properties of
layer are influenced by the hot rolling conditions [4,5]. such a spinel are in between those of chromium and iron
oxides. (Fe,Cr)2O3 is a corundum-type non-stoichiometric
Cold rolling also increases the stored energy. When oxide phase containing Fe3+ and Cr3+ [14,15]. The Cr2O3
coupled to an annealing step, cold rolling changes grain films are fairly adhesive and protective, but the iron oxide
size in a way that is similar to hot rolling. However, unless films are quite permeable due to their loose and porous
a deformation induced segregation or a phase transforma- structure. In some cases, initially protective scales may
tion occurs, cold rolling has no specific effect on the pick- become non-protective due to the formation of iron oxides
ling behaviour [6]. or spinel after an extended oxidation.



Ozturk et al. [7] reported that the oxidation kinetics and increases linearly at a rather high initial rate and subse-
the properties of oxide scales are greatly dependent on the quently by a parabolic regime throughout the oxidation
annealing time and atmosphere. In the atmosphere used in process (Figure 2) [7]. If the air/fuel ratio is above 11, as
industrial furnaces, the oxide scale grows at a very low ini- used in short time annealing, the initial oxidation rate is
tial rate during the first 10 minutes and a large increase of very low. This indicates that a protective layer enriched in
the oxidation rate is noticed at longer annealing times. Cr2O3 forms at the surface. The oxidation rate slowly starts
to increase after about 10 minutes due to the formation of
At short annealing times in the range of seconds up to a iron oxides. A few minutes later, the surface is completely
few minutes, the oxidation rate is very low and nearly inde- covered with iron oxide and a spinel layer and, as a conse-
pendent of the annealing atmosphere. A protective layer quence, the scale grows at a very fast rate. At medium
rich in Cr2O3 forms on the sample surface [7]. Hildén et al. air/fuel ratios ranging from 11 to 13 close to the atmosphere
[16,17], Matsuhashi et al. [15] and Kiya et al. [18] investi- in industrial furnaces, the scale is composed of two layers
gated the oxide scale on the surface of austenitic stainless after a long period of oxidation. The outer layer is com-
steel AISI304 with glow discharge optical emission spec- posed of iron oxides and the inner layer of a spinel. The
troscopy (GDOES) or secondary ion mass spectrometry topography and cross section of such an oxide scale are
(SIMS). They found that oxygen is distributed throughout shown in Figure 3. Different layers of oxide scale can be
the scale film, but is present mostly at the most outer layer seen in Figure 3a and the internal oxide scale, mostly in
of the scale (Figure 1 [16,17]). The maximum manganese islands, is indicated in Figure 3b. An inward oxidation also
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content is noticed close to the surface. The maximum occurs by diffusion of oxidizing agents through cracks,
chromium content is farther away from the surface than the grain boundaries, and micro channels. The overall oxida-
manganese one. The iron content remains very low in this tion rate may be controlled by the diffusion of iron upwards
region. Iron oxides are located in the inner layer of the and oxidizing agents downwards through cracks and micro
oxide scale below a chromium and manganese enriched channels. When the air/CH4 ratio is increased to 18, the
region. A slight enrichment in silicon oxide as SiO2 [15] is scale is made up of very small crystals, octahedral in shape,
found at the interface between the oxide scale and the corresponding to the structure of a (Fe,Cr)3O4 spinel. This
metal. Thin film X-ray diffraction (TFXD) is used to deter- scale adheres very well and the transport of chromium, iron
mine the oxide scale structure formed at a short annealing and oxygen ions through this layer is very low. Therefore,
time, but the technique is difficult to apply. This is the main the oxide scale grows at a very low rate. The rate of scale
reason why the structure of oxide scales in thin scale films formation depends on the mass transfer once a thin layer is
has not yet been pointed out in literature.

At an increasing annealing time, the oxidation kinetics

and the oxide scale properties become significantly depen-
dent on the annealing atmosphere [7]. When the air/fuel
ratio is equal to or less than the stoichiometric ratio of 9.53
for the complete combustion of natural gas, a pure iron
oxide layer rather than a protective one forms at the surface
due to the faster diffusion rate of iron ions to the gas/oxide
interface. Accordingly, the weight gain due to oxidation

Fig. 1. Depth profile of an oxide layer on annealed AISI 304 by GDOES Fig. 2. Weight gain as a function of the duration of an oxidation treatment
(Annealing conditions: 1140 °C, 2.5 minutes, 6% O2) [16,17]. at 1000 °C for AISI 304 [7].


368 L.-F. LI and J.-P. CELIS

the chromium-depleted layer is greatly reduced in a pick-

a ling solution and this furthermore facilitates the chemical
removal of this layer [4,23].

Lower layer
In anodic polarization curves, a significant increase of
of external the anodic current density for the chromium-depleted layer
oxide scale is noticed compared to the bulk alloy [25]. This confirms a
higher corrosion rate of the chromium-depleted alloy in
comparison to the original bulk alloy and supports the need
Upper layer of a removal of the chromium-depleted layer to obtain an
of external
oxide scale adequate corrosion resistance which achieved with a final
pickling step.

The formation of metal oxide is related to the diffusion

rate of that particular alloying metal under the annealing
conditions. The diffusion of alloying constituents in stain-
b less steels takes place at different rates and causes a
Metal chromium-depleted layer to a different extent. As a conse-
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quence, the thickness and composition of the chromium-

Internal oxide scale
depleted layer depend on the annealing conditions. The
thickness of that layer varies generally between a few hun-
dred nanometres and a few micrometres.

External oxide scale

Effect of the Oxide Scale on Pickling
The composition and the structure of the oxide scale are
Ni deposit
determined by the annealing parameters and they affect the

The time required for the dissolution of the oxide scale

Fig. 3. SEM images of the a) topography and b) cross section of an oxide decreases with increasing annealing temperatures.
scale produced by practical preheating and annealing on AISI 304. (A Different reasons have been argued. Lee et al. [11] consid-
nickel top layer has been electrodeposited to enhance the metallographic ered that the iron content is high in the oxide scale and this
cross sectioning). widens the chromium-depleted layer at the oxide/metal
interface at higher temperatures and enhances the ability to
remove the scale. Fernado et al. [26] reported that the oxide
formed. The mass transfer through the spinel is very low at scale annealed at higher temperatures develops a prominent
temperatures higher than 1000 °C [19,20]. The chromium chromium-rich oxide scale and the bonding between the
content in the protective layer is then much higher than in oxide scale and steel matrix may be weakened due to the
the bulk material. As a consequence, the chromium content increased chromium-depleted layer.
in the underlying metal close to the oxide scale is depleted
[21,22]. Pickling is claimed to be more effective at a higher con-
tent of manganese and chromium oxides and a low content
of silicon oxide in the scale film [18]. Such an oxide scale
Properties of the Chromium-Depleted Layer can be obtained by annealing at a lower preheating rate
Chromium is preferentially oxidized to Cr2O3 or a spinel below 400 °C, a rapid heating rate from 400 to 700 °C and
when stainless steel is exposed to an oxidizing atmosphere an annealing for more than 10 seconds when the tempera-
at high temperatures. This results in a region in the base ture is above 1000 °C. Such processing results in a thin
metal underneath the oxide scale that is significantly scale thickness, high Cr/Fe and Mn/Fe ratios, a low Si/Fe
depleted in chromium to an extent depending on the initial ratio in the scale and a scale dissolution that is significant-
chromium content in the alloy [23]. After the formation of ly increased during pickling.
this chromium-depleted layer, two dissimilar metal layers
are in contact with each other [24]. In this case, an electro- The annealing atmosphere can also be optimized to
chemical cell is established with the base alloy as the cath- achieve both a complete combustion of the heating gas and
ode and the chromium-depleted layer as the anode. This the formation of a porous, less adhesive spinel-type oxide
induces an intergranular corrosion or stress corrosion scale. This can be achieved since the dissolution of that
cracking in this layer. Therefore, the corrosion resistance of type of oxide scale is easier than a compact Cr2O3 layer [7].



DESCALING, PICKLING AND PASSIVATION transparent passive film is composed of oxides and hydrox-
ides plus adsorbed oxygen. Its thickness is about 0.1 mm
The pickling of stainless steels is often performed in 4 suc- and that thickness can be increased by either exposing the
cessive steps: mechanical descaling, preliminary pickling, material to oxidizing solutions or by anodic passivation
final pickling and passivation. using electrochemical techniques. However, this passiva-
tion stage is not required in many applications because
Mechanical descaling is usually carried out by scale stainless steels are self-passivating in air due to their high
breaking and/or shot blasting. Both processes modify the chromium content.
scale film and make the subsequent pickling more effec-
tive. Shot blasting is one of the fastest descaling techniques
for hot rolled products [27]. Hardened carbon steel or sili- PRELIMINARY PICKLING PROCESSES
ca shots are dropped or directed at a rate between 40 and 90
m·s-1 on to the scaled surface [4]. The shape of the shots is There are two objectives for these preliminary pickling
irregular or spherical in diameters ranging from 0.15 to processes. The constituents in the oxide scale are electro-
0.60 mm. Some oxide scales are broken and disrupted dur- chemically or chemically altered to increase their solubili-
ing shot blasting. However, some surface defects can be ty in the pickling solutions. The metallic ions are oxidized
induced and a work hardening can take place. The thick- and the oxide scale is loosened to enhance the effectiveness
ness variation can be up to 200 mm [28] and a contamina- of the final pickling operation.
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tion of the surface can take place. A large amount of silicon

and oxygen was found when silica grids were used [29].
Classification of Preliminary Pickling Processes
Preliminary and final pickling processes are applied to
Taking into account the alloy composition, heat treatment
remove contaminants from the stainless steel surface. This history, environmental considerations and process costs,
results in a metallically clean surface on which a protective various processes are available for the preliminary pick-
passive layer can form. These processes also remove the ling. These processes are chemical acid pickling, electro-
outer surface layer containing mechanically induced tensile chemical acid pickling, salt bath pickling and electrochem-
stresses and thus, lower the risk of stress corrosion crack- ical neutral pickling.
ing [30,31].
In chemical acid pickling, acids are used to reduce or
The different metal oxides obtained at the surface of
oxidize the oxides in the scale in order to increase their sol-
austenitic stainless steels after a short period of annealing
ubility in the pickling solutions. Mixtures of H2SO4 and
and their removal operations are schematically illustrated HCl or mixtures of H2SO4 and NaCl descale a metal by
in Figure 4. Mechanical descaling and preliminary pickling reducing the oxides and also liberating hydrogen at the
contribute mainly to the removal of the oxide scale and the oxide/metal interface [4]. HCl is much more aggressive to
final pickling removes the chromium-depleted layer. iron oxide than H2SO4. When coupled with H2O2 for pick-
ling austenitic stainless steels, the resulting ferric chlorides
In some cases, the pickled surface can subsequently be may cause a pitting of the base material. Nitric acid oxi-
passivated in a mild oxidizing solution to increase its cor- dizes the scale to higher oxidation states and thus increases
rosion resistance. Such solutions are warm dilute nitric the solubility of the scale [34].
acid, ammonium persulfate, dilute hydrogen peroxide or a
citric acid-sodium nitrate mixture [32,33]. The resulting Electrochemical acid pickling with H2SO4 can be traced
back to the 1920s. Experimental studies have been detailed
in a number of publications [25,35-39]. This pickling
method can be classified into anodic, cathodic and alternat-
ing current pickling operations. Anodic pickling either
electrically oxidizes and dissolves the surface oxide scale
or brings the surface into a passive state. When the surface
is passive, then the base metal undergoes less attack than
the oxide scale, and oxygen gas is released at the surface.
The oxygen gas stirs the solution, uplifts the surface scale
and oxidizes contaminants such as organic impurities. In
cathodic pickling, the work piece acts as a cathode. The
base metal is electrochemically protected, while the oxide
scale is reduced. This process is faster than the anodic one
*MD: mechanical descaling, PP: preliminary pickling and FP: final pickling
and hydrogen gas generated at the metal surface contributes
Fig. 4. Schematic illustration of different surface layers after annealing to the stirring of the solution and the lifting off of the
and their removal methods. oxides. However, this hydrogen reduction may result in a


370 L.-F. LI and J.-P. CELIS

hydrogen embrittlement. In the alternating current pickling,

anodic and cathodic polarizations are altered at a certain electrolyte
frequency. This can also be achieved by using two tanks. In
the first tank, the strip is made cathodic with respect to the
counterelectrode. Here the base metal is electrochemically
protected and hydrogen gas lifts off the oxides. The strip
then enters in a second tank where the strip is anodically
polarized. Here, the surface scales oxidize and the release
of oxygen at the surface lifts up the scale.
Circulating Neolyte
For austenitic stainless steels, this electrochemical acid tank recovery Sludge
pickling requires some cautions because of the risk of sur-
face pitting. The probability of pitting increases for thicker Fig. 5. Neolyte pickling system [40].
oxide scales because the metal underneath breaks in the
oxide scale reacts more rapidly than the base metal still
covered with an oxide scale. This results in pitting before
The potential of the steel at the cathodic pole remains at
the bulk of the scale is removed.
-0.5 V when the current density is between 2.2 and 3.3
A·dm-2 [43]. The anodic potential depends not only on the
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Salt bath pickling increases the scale removal of stain-

current density but also on the number of sections. This
less steels, results in a uniform surface finish and decreas-
confirms the dissimilar state of the anodes in different sec-
es the duration of pickling needed to remove the scale
tions. Indeed, the lead anodes undergo corrosion cracking
[4,34]. This pickling operation can be performed in a
to various degrees. As illustrated in Figure 6 [43], the strip
reducing molten bath, an oxidizing molten bath, an oxidiz-
at the cathodic pole has a high negative potential (down to
ing aqueous bath or an electrolytic molten bath.
-2 V) and the strip at the anodic pole has a potential lower
than 2 V. Hydrogen evolves at the cathodic pole of the strip
Electrochemical neutral pickling was developed in
and oxygen at the anodic pole.
Austria [40] and is known as the Ruthener Neolyte Process.
This electrochemical neutral pickling operation involves a
Na2SO4 solution at temperatures between 65 and 85 °C
[41,42]. It is the predominant preliminary pickling process
in modern practices. The main advantages are an excellent
pickled surface, a reduction of the metal losses with avoid-
ance of over pickling, a facility for controlling the pickling
rate by adjusting the current strength, an improvement in
the service life of the plant, lower operating and mainte-
nance costs, better working conditions for operators and
fewer problems arising from effluents [41,43].
Fig. 6. Potential distribution along stainless steel strip during pickling
Since the neutral electrolyte attacks neither the chromi- with a current of 1 kA in each section (vs. SCE) [43].
um-depleted layer nor the base material, a post treatment
with a mixed acid is required for all grades of austenitic
stainless steel to remove the chromium-depleted layer
caused by the annealing.
Surface topography and cross-section views of the sur-
face finish obtained after electrochemical neutral pickling
are shown in Figure 7. The surface is still partly covered
Electrochemical Neutral Pickling
with oxide scale and partly exposed to air. The internal
In an electrochemical neutral pickling bath, pairs of anodic oxide scale (Figure 7b), is not removed by electrochemical
and cathodic electrodes are used to form two half-cells, neutral pickling because this process does dissolve metal
respectively facing the upper and lower surfaces of a stain- and the dissolution of internal oxide scale is, therefore,
less steel strip (Figure 5 [40]). The moving steel strip in the kinetically hindered. The internal oxide scale is distributed
bath passes the gap between upper and lower electrodes. mostly in the Cr-depleted layer and will be removed along
The polarization is achieved without making contact and with this layer in a final pickling operation.
the anodic current density ranges between 5 and 30 A·dm-2
[43]. The current passes through the strip which is essen- Different mechanisms of electrochemical neutral pick-
tially a bipolar electrode. The opposing anodic and cathod- ling have been proposed. Braun [41] reported that during
ic poles of the strip correspond to the bath cathode and the anodic cycle, anions are not discharged, but metal
anode, respectively (Figure 5 [40]). cations are formed on dissolving the scale. The anodic



a Furthermore, Shapovalov et al. [43] pointed out that the

mechanisms of electrochemical acid pickling and electro-
chemical neutral pickling are different. In the former
process, the metal and the oxide scale dissolve at a poten-
oxide scale
tial region where an active dissolution of steel takes place.
The latter process occurs in the transpassive region due to
an anodic current flowing through the metal from an exter-
Exposed metal
nal source. Dunaevskii et al. [46] claimed that the main
process of electrochemical neutral pickling is the electro-
chemical dissolution of subscale metal. This causes the
scale to lose its bond to the substrate. This oxide removal
mechanism is resumed by the fact that the oxide scale
remains wholly or partly unchanged. However, this mech-
anism has not yet been supported by other researchers so

More recently, Hildén et al. [16,17] investigated the

Ni deposit electrochemical neutral pickling of stainless steel AISI 304
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and 306 L in 15 wt% Na2SO4 with an Avesta cell by using

Non-removed potentiostatic and galvanostatic polarizations. They pro-
internal oxide scale posed a mechanism based on a three-stage dissolution
[16,17]. This model gives a relationship between the dis-
solution sequence of different oxides and the polarization
parameters. Galvanostatic pickling is taken as an example
here. In stage 1, where the scale is enriched with chromi-
um and the outer layer contains a high amount of man-
Metal ganese, the preferential dissolution of chromium and man-
ganese oxides occurs at anodic currents. When the chromi-
um dissolution proceeds, the potential lowers. When the
chromium content lowers, the scale becomes enriched with
iron. The potential required to keep the current constant
Fig. 7. SEM images of the a) topography and b) cross section of elec- then increases or levels off. The iron content is about 25 to
trochemically pickled stainless steel AISI 304. 30%, and the chromium content is decreased to below 30%.
In stage 2, the potential increases or stays leveled and the
total chromium and manganese contents in the outer layer
of the scale diminish below 10%, iron increases to about
charge is consumed by the oxidation of oxygen in the 60%, and silicon enriches at the surface. After this stage,
scale. Shaprovalov et al. [44] proposed that the scale dis- the thickness of the oxide layer is less than 20 nm and most
integration is due to the electrochemical oxidation of the of the original oxide scale is dissolved. In stage 3, the
metallic species in the scale to higher oxidation valences. potential decreases and finally levels out at a steady state
A scale dissolution proceeds at high anodic potentials and value where the base material dissolves by a transpassive
the mechanism is similar to the transpassive behaviour of mechanism. As the dissolution of the base material pro-
stainless steels. A common feature of these mechanisms is ceeds, the iron gradient with depth in the surface profile
that the dissolution rate is greatly reduced when the scale becomes steeper. Silicon oxide is not electrochemically
is removed and there is no risk of excess pickling or exces- oxidized to a higher valence and remains at the surface after
sive material loss. It was pointed out that during electro- a prolonged polarization. In conclusion, it can be stated that
chemical neutral pickling, chromium, manganese and iron manganese and chromium oxides dissolve primarily and
oxidize to higher valence ions as Cr2O72– [18], MnO –4 [45] iron oxides follow in a neutral electrolyte. Silicon oxide
and probably FeO42– [18]. The dissolution rates of chromi- does not dissolve and concentrates in the remaining thin
um and manganese are high at the start of the pickling, scale film. The silicon enriched scale and the chromium-
while the dissolution of iron starts rather later and takes depleted layer have to be removed in a final pickling step.
place at a slower rate. Silicon oxidizes to SiO2 and this
oxide is not soluble in the pickling electrolyte. This mech- The most influential factors in electrochemical neutral
anism was also supported by Matsuhashi et al. [15]. On pickling are temperature, Na2SO4 concentration, metallic
anodic dissolution of the oxide film, an anodic current aris- ions produced, electrical conductivity of the electrolyte
es from the oxidation of Cr3+ in (Fe,Cr)2O3 and FeCr2O4 to and polarization parameters. The anodic dissolution of the
Cr6+ and from the oxidation of Fe2+ in FeCr2O4 to Fe3+. oxide films is virtually independent of pH [15].


372 L.-F. LI and J.-P. CELIS


The aim of a final pickling process is to remove the remain-
ing silicon enriched oxide scale and the chromium-deplet-
ed layer. This is done in a mixture of acids and oxidizing
agents to maximize the corrosion resistance of the stainless
steel surface as well as to facilitate the further cold rolling
if the steels are hot rolled. At the same time, the dissolution
of a minimum amount of bulk steel is necessary by this
processing to achieve the desired whitening effect.
However, an excessive dissolution of the base metal usual-
ly happens. This results in the loss of chromium and nickel
and increases the consumption of acids in the pickling bath.
Therefore, the ideal final pickling solution is one that easi-
ly penetrates into the remaining scale film, rapidly dis-
solves the chromium-depleted layer and dissolves only a
small amount of bulk steel. The most important parameters
for final pickling are the constituents and their concentra-
Ni deposit
Downloaded by [New York University] at 03:00 09 March 2016

tions in the pickling solution, temperature, pickling time,

dissolved metal concentration and agitation conditions.
According to the Pourbaix diagrams calculated by
Beverskog et al. [47], a lower pH achieved by mixed acids,
a higher redox potential by oxidizing agents and a lower
content of produced metal ions in solution by the use of
complexing agents facilitate the dissolution of metals.
Intergranular corrosion

Ferric sulfate was first introduced as an oxidizing agent. Metal

Its combination with hydrofluoric acid results in a good
pickling finish for a variety of stainless steel products
[48,49]. It is generally accepted in literature that the final
pickling of stainless steels is accomplished by an undercut-
Fig. 8. SEM images of a) topography and b) cross section of chemically
ting of the oxide scale and the high chemical reactivity of the
pickled stainless steel AISI 304.
chromium-depleted layer essentially controls the pickling
rate [17,32]. The dissolution of the oxide scale is inconse-
quential to the actual removal of the chromium-depleted
layer. It is important that the oxide be sufficiently disrupted, Traditional Final Pickling with Nitric and Hydrofluoric
released and flaked to permit the penetration of the pickling Acids
solutions [25,35]. The defects in the scale, such as pores and
cracks promote this penetration. The chromium-depleted Mixtures of HNO3-HF are the most commonly used final
layer that supports the oxide scale plays a very important pickling solutions for austenitic stainless steels in modern
role in pickling. It was estimated that a final pickling bath pickling lines due to their high effectiveness. Each chemi-
functions for 85% of the dissolution of the metal and for 10- cal in the pickling bath operates individually without any
15% of the dissolution of the oxide depending on the base synergistic effect. The respective acid concentrations
metal composition and the scale formation conditions such depend on the type of plant, the type of steel to be pickled,
as time, temperature and annealing atmosphere [28]. The the steel surface property and the shape of the part to be
electrochemical characteristics of the dissolution and passi- treated [51]. The pickling effects of the chemicals on scale
vation of this chromium-depleted layer are very different free and oxide covered surfaces are different. This suggests
from those of the base alloy [35,50]. HF is widely used to that while dissolution may be important in pickling, the dis-
increase the dissolution kinetics and to bring the pickling solution of the bulk alloy may not be critical. The acid con-
working conditions to induce the active dissolution of both centration varies depending on whether hot or cold rolled
the base alloy and the chromium-depleted layer [36]. products are involved [28].

An example of a chemically pickled surface finish is HF acts as a generator of H+ ions, a complexing agent
given in Figures 8a and 8b. The surface is completely free for Fe3+ and Cr3+ ions, a redox potential stabilizer of solu-
of oxides; however attention has to be given to the inter- tions and an effective depassivator of the passive film com-
granular corrosion that lowers the corrosion resistance of posed of various mixtures of nitrogen and iron oxides [51-
the base material. 54]. The presence of iron involves the formation of a vis-



cous layer of the NO2xFey type ferric nitrosyl. The increase However, the emission of nitrous gases can be sup-
of HF induces the complexing of Fe3+ ions and thus, the pressed by an injection of hydrogen peroxide [56]:
destruction of the passive layer. It was found that the disso-
lution rate of AISI 304 alloy is directly proportional to the 2NO2 + H2O2 Æ 2HNO3 (8)
HF concentration in HNO3-HF mixtures [55].
NO + NO2 + 2H2O2 Æ 2HNO3 + H2O (9)
HNO3 acts as a generator of H+ ions, an agent for rais-
ing the redox potential, a passivating agent, an oxidizing 2NO + 3H2O2 Æ 2HNO3 + 2H2O (10)
agent of the metal and a dissolution agent of oxide scales.
Its disadvantages are related especially to the presence of Moreover, according to the Pourbaix diagrams, it is
nitric acid which results in nitrates in effluents and nitrous possible to replace HNO3 by any viscous substances situat-
gas in gas emissions during pickling. ed above the reduction range of nitric acid [28,45]. These
include oxygen, air and hydrogen peroxide (H2O2).
The reactions in HNO3-HF mixed acid solutions were Hydrogen peroxide is completely non-polluting, miscible
detailed by Henriet [28]. In HNO3-HF baths, the ionic or with water, weakly acidic in aqueous solution and acts as an
molecular species present are HF, H+, NO–3, NO+2, NF–2, Fe3+, oxidizing agent in pickling solutions with the formation of
Cr3+ and N2+. In aqueous solutions and in the presence of water according to the following reaction [57].
metals, nitric acid contains HNO2 and its dissociation prod-
ucts interact to form NO, NO2, N2O3, N2O4, NO+ and NO+2. H2O2 + 2H+ + 2Fe2+ Æ 2H2O + 2Fe3+ (11)
Downloaded by [New York University] at 03:00 09 March 2016

HF reacts with Fe3+ (and Cr3+) to produce the complexing

ions: Hydrogen peroxide was first introduced in the final
pickling of austenitic stainless steels at Daido Steel [58].
Fe3+ + F– Æ FeF2+, Fe3+ +2F– Æ FeF2+, Fe3+ + 3F– Æ FeF3 (1) Hydrogen peroxide can be induced by injection into the
recirculated pickle liquor through a spurge pipe or a spray
An addition of HF to moderately concentrated baths allows pickling facility [56]. With the introduction of hydrogen
nitric acid to be regenerated. peroxide, the consumption of nitric acid can be significant-
ly reduced or completely avoided. There are no major plant
The chromium-depleted layer is attacked by the follow- modifications needed and hydrogen peroxide has no
ing reactions: adverse effect on the stainless steel product quality.

Fe + 4H+ + NO–3 Æ Fe3+ + NO +2H2O (2) In the UG3P pickling method [28,59], the oxidation of
Fe2+ and its complexes are the main reactions in solution.
Cr + 4H+ + NO–3 Æ Cr3+ + NO +2H2O (3) The oxidized metal/solution reaction involves two types of
reactions depending on the degree of oxidation of the fer-
3Ni + 8H+ + 2NO–3 Æ 3Ni2+ + 2NO +4H2O (4) rous ions. If Fe3+/Fe2+ >1, then

The attack of oxides sometimes happens with the same 3Fe3+ + Fe Æ 3Fe2+ (12)
type of reaction as the formation of cations and the release
of NO. NO produced by Equations 2-4 is then oxidized by and Fe2+ is then reoxidized to Fe3+ by H2O2. If Fe3+/Fe2+ <1,
air to NO2. then

Fe + 2HF Æ H2 + FeF2 (13)

Environmentally Friendly Final Pickling
Electrochemically, the UG3P process may be consid-
The use of mixtures of nitric and hydrofluoric acids during
ered as a “potentiostatic” process. The baths can be practi-
the pickling operations results in two serious problems, an
cally adjusted in such a way that the main variable is the
environmental pollution and a sludge formation processing.
nature of the metal to be pickled.
Nitrate effluents produced during pickling are polluting and
their processing cost is very high. The regulation of the per-
Recently the CLEANOX252 pickling process was
mitted level of nitrate in process effluents becomes increas-
developed to suppress the use of nitric acid in a final pick-
ingly strict. Nitrous gases are emitted during the pickling
ling by using a solution containing H2SO4, Fe(SO4,), HF,
(Equations 2-4) and by the following reactions:
inhibitors, wetting agents and stabilized H2O2 [50]. The
function of hydrogen peroxide is to accept the number of
Fe + 6H+ + 3NO–3 Æ Fe3+ + 3NO2 + 3H2O (5)
electrons required to oxidize ferrous ions to ferric ions. An
adequate H2O2 proportion gives the solution a redox poten-
Cr + 6H+ + 3NO–3 Æ Cr3+ + 3NO2 + 3H2O (6)
tial, thanks to the Fe3+/Fe2+ balance [54,60], which fulfils
the requirement of a controlled potential pickling where the
Ni + 4H+ + 2NO–3 Æ Ni2+ + 2NO2 + 2H2O (7)


374 L.-F. LI and J.-P. CELIS

dissolution rate of the chromium-depleted layer is the high- Price et al.[32] investigated the dissolution kinetics of
est [61,62]. the chromium-depleted layer in HNO3-HF mixed acids.
With the increase in pickling time, the weight loss due to
Patents on some other final pickling operations with the dissolution of chromium-depleted alloy increases pro-
solutions containing at least one acid and one oxidizing portionally with the pickling time within 140 seconds. The
agent have been reported [51-54,60-66]. Hydrogen perox- weight loss also increases with the decrease of chromium
ide is widely used in these operations as an oxidizing agent and nickel contents in the alloys as well as with the increase
of ferrous ions into ferric ions and is used to increase the of the concentration of nitric and hydrofluoric acids in the
bath redox potential [50-52,54,60-66]. Accordingly, the pickling solution. A discontinuity of the dissolution rate is
alloy in the chromium-depleted layer is oxidized and the noticed between the alloys containing 12 and 14% chromi-
scale tightly adhering to the metal is activated and decom- um, respectively. This is due to a change in the phase in the
posed. Hydrochloric [51,62,64,65], hydrofluoric [50- alloy from an austenitic to a ferritic one as the alloying con-
54,60,61,66] and sulfuric [50,52-54,61,62,65] acids con- tent decreases[70]. Thus, attempts to optimize the final
tribute to the total and free acidity of the solution and, in pickling must consider the effects of chromium depletion
consequence, to the dissolution of the oxide scales activat- [23]. This discontinuity also confirms the industrial evi-
ed by hydrogen peroxide. The pickling rate in such solu- dence that an HNO3-HF mixture should rapidly dissolve
tions depends on the steel based constituents, type and any off specification surface alloy and avoid the removal of
adherence of the oxide to be removed, solution temperature the underlying stainless steels.
Downloaded by [New York University] at 03:00 09 March 2016

and composition, reaction product concentrations, agitation

condition, time of processing and presence or absence of The dissolution of the bulk steel may not be critical in
inhibitors and accelerators [63]. determining the rate of pickling; it controls the amount of
bulk steel dissolved. The influencing factors are tempera-
Stainless steels are susceptible to intergranular stress ture, acid concentration, dissolved metal concentration and
corrosion cracking (IGSCC) when used in boiling water agitation [4]. Agitation is very important since it affects
containing hydrogen peroxide even at a low concentration mainly the cathodic reduction of the oxidizing agents.
of 0.8 ppm [67-69]. However, the influence of hydrogen There is no dissolution of austenitic stainless steels if the
peroxide in an inorganic acid pickling solution on the inter- concentration of nitric acid in solution decreases below a
granular corrosion is still unknown. certain amount [24,71]. Moreover, temperature has a sig-
nificant effect on the dissolution of austenitic stainless
The introduction of nitric acid free pickling processes steels.
presents many advantages. These processes lead to the total
avoidance of nitric acid and thus the suppression of toxic
NOX emissions in vapours and nitrates in effluents. These CONCLUSIONS
processes result in a reduction of the number of treatment
baths and a reduction in the consumption of HF. Moreover, Hot rolling parameters influence not only the ultimate grain
these processes can be operated at a low temperature, even size of stainless steels but also the properties of the oxide
at room temperature. Accordingly, the cost of the pickling scale and the chromium-depleted layer. The surface conta-
operation is decreased. A further advantage is the effect on mination is removed by annealing. The properties of the
the pickling surface finish. In certain cases, the pickling oxide scale are greatly dependent on the annealing time and
time can be shortened with these solutions, over-pickling temperature and influence the pickling efficiency. When
resulting from HNO3-HF mixture is avoided and the inter- the air/fuel ratio in the annealing furnace ranges between 11
granular corrosion is greatly reduced. This accounts for an and 13, the maximum content of manganese, chromium
improvement of product quality. Concequently, the lower and iron oxides distributes somewhere in sequence from
attack on the metal surface reduces the weight loss of the the air/oxide towards the oxide/metal interfaces SiO2 is
steel processed. detected mainly at the oxide/metal interface. This situation
prevails at a short annealing time. At an increasing time, the
oxide scale is composed of two layers, namely, iron oxides
Dissolution of Metal in the outer layer and a spinel in the inner layer. The
chromium-depleted layer is less corrosion resistant than the
The dissolution rate of the chromium-depleted layer in
base material and this facilitates the final pickling.
pickling solutions is higher than that of the bulk stainless
steel. The rate and efficiency of the final pickling operation
The pickling of stainless steel is often performed in suc-
are largely determined by this layer [25]. The dissolution
cessive processing steps consisting of a mechanical descal-
behaviour of the chromium-depleted layer is affected by
ing, a preliminary pickling, a final pickling and a passiva-
factors such as pickling time and temperature, constituents
tion. Electrochemical neutral pickling anodically oxidizes
and their concentrations in pickling solutions and the agita-
oxygen and metal ions present in the oxide scale to higher
tion conditions.
oxidation valences. In this way, the solubility of the oxide



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