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Question 9:

In recent years, there is stronger awareness by the public at large for better quality works
in a construction project. How can a professional engineer ensure better quality
construction without conflicting with the profit objectives of both the owner and the


Rapid development in Malaysia, especially over the pass 20 years, has increased number
of modern and sophisticated type of building in the major cities. The educational level of
the local population have increased which will demand a higher living standard. Besides,
recent government policy also emphasizes to attract more oversea investors (especially
from the Middle East) to be involved in the property market in Malaysia. All these have
lead to the recent trend that there is a stronger awareness by the public at large to a
construction project, especially a high profile and prominent one, for better quality works
as well as aesthetic and pleasant looking. However, for owner and contractor, quality
means expenditure, in the instances, engineers are under pressure to ensure quality
construction while need to take care on the limited budget and projected profit.

Point 1:
Globalization has shrunk the world to such an extent that markets are no longer localized.
In order to go beyond the local market, quality assurance by implementing a worldwide
recognized accreditation is a must to both developer and contractor. In this context,
engineers should encourage the client to adopt quality system of works such as ISO 9000
accredited system in order to have a better quality of works. ISO 9000 is a set of quality
modal to be used to demonstrate the compliance of product or service to a specific
requirement and to give people a confidence towards the final product. There is a number
of big firms such as IJM, YTL have successfully to make profit by making choose to
improve quality.

Point 2:
Engineers should pursuit the client’s management to allocate a contingency sum of
money for the quality assurance and control in the original contract of works. So,
contractors have the budget to carryout quality works and its overall profit targeted will
not be affected. To the owner, the small sum of money allocated for a big contract value
in order to get a good quality and presentable to public should be well justified.

Point 3:
Engineers also need to explain to the owner the benefit of better quality works in stead
only cost for the project. For owner, a well presentable and aesthetically attractive
finishes will serve as landmark and be well-spoken for decades. Quality of works provide
a presentable finishes to public and may serve as an icon or tourist attraction. For
example, the Putra bridge at Putrajaya. It is a ‘landmark’ bridge which meets both
aesthetic requirement and cost effective design. The architectural concept adopted is
based on the Isatahan Bridge in Iran. Similar bridges have been built in Malaysia notably
the pedestrian bridge across Jalan Kuching at Bank Negara and Museum Negara. It has
been designed on the basis for satisfy the high standard of aesthetic appearance.

Point 4:
Engineers also need to explain to the contractor the benefit of better quality works in
stead only profit for the project. For contractor, it will help them to be well known in the
industry. Their good track record will benefit them in future to gain more projects. In
fact, it might help the contractor to save a lot of money and time to lobby for jobs. For
example, architect or client may specify certain products and its brand in the tender
documents due to their pleasant experience and quality assurance of the products.

As an engineer nowadays, providing a safe and sound design is not sufficient. One must
practice and learn to design on the basis to satisfy the aesthetic appearance. In a building
construction for instance, once the structure completed, it will be a ‘moment’ for decades.
An aesthetically unpleasant structure will become laughing stuck of public as long as the
structure remain there.

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