Dialogues 2nd CT HY

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Class Nine/2nd CT/Dialogues/Half Yearly

1. Write a dialogue between two friends about the necessity of tree plantation.

Rakib: Good evening, Anis.

Anis: Good evening. You have been sleeping all the afternoon. No more, just leave the bed.

Rakib: It has been raining all the afternoon too. What shall I do? You tell me.
Anis: It’s not raining now. Let’s go to the bazar and buy some trees.

Rakib: Trees?
Anis: Yes, Trees. There is an open place in between our school and the pond behind it. We shall plant
some trees there.

Rakib: Did you take permission from the authority?

Anis: Yes. I did it before.

Rakib: You are just taking the burden.

Anis: Burden? Do you know that we’ve been suffering silently for want of adequate trees? The ongoing
increases of carbon-dioxide in the air, warming of local temperature, river erosion, air pollution due to
dust are all the result of lack of trees.

Rakib: Are all these true? How can it be relevant with trees?
Anis: Not only these, the disappearing of various species of birds and animals are directly related to
adequate trees and forests.

Rakib: You didn’t tell me, how…………?

Anis: It is an ecological mechanism. On the zoological living beings are directly or indirectly dependent
on trees. The place remains cool and calm if there are enough trees.
Rakib: Thanks, friend. I didn’t really know all this. Let’s go to buy some trees.
Anis: Let’s go!

2. The uses and abuses of a mobile phone.

The dialogue is given below.

Myself: Hello, Anis, how are you?
Anis: I am fine and you?
Myself: I am also fine. Hey, have you seen my new mobile phone? My uncle sent it from the
Anis: Wow! It’s very nice. Anyway, mobile phones are now available in our country.
Myself: Exactly ( ). The mobile phone has many advantages.
Anis: It has some disadvantages also. It helps us to tell lies.
Myself: But, we need it to communicate ( ) with other
people. It is a very good alternative ( ) to the telephone.
Anis: I agree with you. But, criminals use mobile phones to do evil ( ) activities
( ).
Class Nine/2nd CT/Dialogues/Half Yearly

Myself: You are right. But, sometimes, criminals are also caught because of their mobile phones.
Anis: Yes, certainly ( ). But, do you know that the mobile phone may
cause ( ) some diseases, even cancer?
Myself: Yes, I do. So, we should only use the mobile phone when necessary.
Anis: Again, some students talk on the mobile phone the whole night. It affects (
) their study a lot.
Myself: I think the parents should be careful about it. Well, think about its positive sides also.
Anis: Of course, why not? We can not only talk on the mobile phone but also send SMS or voice
SMS to any places of the world.
Myself: Actually, we can understand the importance of the mobile phone when we lose it.
Anis: Quite right. Once, I lost my mobile phone. I needed to call a few persons for very important
purposes ( ). I became very upset at that time.
Myself: Indeed ( ), if we use the mobile phone for good purposes, it has
many advantages.
Anis: And, if we use it for bad purposes, it has many disadvantages.
Myself: That’s the fact ( ). Thanks for the discussion (
Anis: Ok, see you again.

A Dialogue between Two Friends about the Benefits of Early Rising.

Farhan: Good morning, Bobby!
Bobby: Good mooring, Farhan.

Farhan: How are you?

Bobby: I am good, what about you?

Farhan: I am fine. When do you get up in the morning?

Bobby: I always get up early in the morning, most of the time at 6 o’clock.

Farhan: Oh, that’s pretty awesome. I can’t do that. I am a bit worried.

Bobby: You can too. It is not that hard. If you do it for a couple of days, then it will be your
habit. You just need to start.

Farhan: What is the benefit of early rising?

Bobby: First of all, we get a long day to work more and enjoy our time. And then it has lots of
health benefits too.

Farhan: What types of health benefits?

Bobby: When you wake up early, you will feel refreshed and your entire day will be so much
lightened. If you go for a morning walk that will help you to do your physical exercises too. And
it is highly important for having a strong body.
Class Nine/2nd CT/Dialogues/Half Yearly

Farhan: Do you go for a morning walk regularly?

Bobby: Yeah, I go for it regularly with my father. I enjoy it too much. It has so much importance
to our health. There are lots of rules of good health and it is one of the rules.

Farhan: Thanks for your information, Bobby. I think I am inspired enough now to wake up early
in the morning.
Bobby: You are welcome, I will be very happy if you can get up early in the morning. It is highly
important for our health. Take care, see you soon.
Farhan: Bye.
4. About the preparation of ensuing exam.
Wasif : Hello Ahnaf, how are you?

Ahnaf : Fine. Thanks and you?

Wasif : I’m fine’ too. What about your preparation for the ensuing Exam.?

Ahnaf : Well, I’m going on well with my studies. But I’m worried about my exam.

Wasif: It’s all the same about me too. But tell me about your preparation for different subjects.

Ahnaf : You know I’m weak in maths. That’s why I’m taking special care in maths. I’m
having a detailed revision of other subjects. What about your preparation?

Wasif : Well, my revision in all subjects has been completed.

Ahnaf : Well, what about your model tests of all subjects?

Wasif : Model tests of all the subjects are frequently being taken in our school to ensure proper

Ahnaf : Are you working with the test papers?

Wasif : Yes.

Ahnaf : Very good. You are well on your preparation, I see. I must start working on the test
papers. What do you think?

Wasif : Yes. I think it’ll be helpful for your preparation. I wish you the best of luck.

Ahanf : Thank you very much.

Class Nine/2nd CT/Dialogues/Half Yearly

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