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Reserve Money : Components and Sources

Variation over
Outstanding as on Financial year so far
Item 2007 Week 2006-2007 2007-2008
Mar. 31# Sep. 14# Amount % Amount % Amount %
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Reserve Money 7,09,016 7,53,759 16,377 2.2 27,491 4.8 44,743 6.3
Components (i+ii+iii)
(i) Currency in circulation 5,04,225 5,13,600 2,307 0.5 22,114 5.1 9,375 1.9
(ii) Bankers' deposits with RBI 1,97,295 2,34,376 14,112 6.4 6,776 5 37,080 18.8
(iii) "Other" deposits with RBI 7,496 5,783 –42 –0.7 –1,399 –20.4 –1,713 –22.8
Sources (i+ii+iii+iv-v)
(i) Net RBI credit to Government 5,752 –60,418 12,357 –1,216 –66,170
of which : to Centre 2,136 –61,877 13,630 1,672 –64,013
(ii) RBI credit to banks &
comm. sector 9,173 1,474 –10 –0.7 –1,659 –23.1 –7,698 –83.9
o/w : to banks
(includes NABARD) 7,635 91 –10 –9.9 –1,657 –28.6 –7,544 –98.8
(iii) Net foreign exchange
assets of RBI 8,66,153 9,37,769 1,513 0.2 87,394 13 71,616 8.3
(iv) Government's currency
liabilities to the public 8,286 8,457 — — –822 –9.4 171 2.1
(v) Net non-monetary
liabilities of RBI 1,80,348 1,33,523 –2,517 –1.9 56,204 45.3 –46,824 –26.0
(Rs. crore)
ariation over
2006 2007
Amount % Amount %
10 11 12 13
96,313 19.1 1,53,212 25.5

68,896 17.9 60,810 13.4

26,907 23.3 92,088 64.7
509 10.3 313 5.7

33,226 –67,338
33,388 –68,709

87 1.6 –4,048 –73.3

89 2.2 –4,048 –97.8

1,33,951 21.4 1,77,392 23.3

–251 –3.1 526 6.6

70,699 64.6 –46,681 –25.9

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