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Flyers 2



Vocabulary - Page 14

It's a team sport which
you play with a ball sailing
shaped like an egg: trò chơi It's an activity or sport of travelling across water in a sailing boat: lướt
bóng bầu dục thuyền

Prepare 2 - Level 2 1
Flyers 2

It's a team sport of nine
players who get points by volleyball
hitting a ball with a bat: It's a team sport which you use only their hands and arms to hit a ball to
bóng chày each other over a high net: bóng chuyền

No. Vocabulary Explain in English

1 To receive (verb) It's an action that you get something that someone gives or sends to you.

2 Amazing (adj) It means very surprising.

It's a feeling that you are not interested in something or because you have nothing
3 Bored (adj)
to do.

4 Alone (adj) It means without anyone with you.

It's a time when you do not work or study and do things for pleasure instead =
5 Holiday (noun)

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Flyers 2

6 Different (adj) It means not the same as another person or thing.

It's an activity of people who are trying to get something that other people also
7 Competition (noun)

8 Country (noun) It's an area of land that has its own government and official borders.

9 Difficult (adj) It means not easy to do anything.

10 Keep me fit It's an action that you make yourself have a nice body.

11 Champion (noun) It's a person who has won an important competition, especially in sport.

12 Work hard It means you work a lot, work everyday and anytime.

13 Weekends (noun) Saturday and Sunday

Prepare 2 - Level 2 3
Flyers 2

It's an activity or sport of riding a thing
that you stand on with both feet and
use for sliding down a hill covered in
snow: trượt ván tuyết

Prepare 2 - Level 2 4
Flyers 2

It's an activity or sport of moving
quickly over a surface on skates: trượt


nhận được

làm kinh ngạc, sửng sốt

chán, không thú vị

một mình

kỳ nghỉ

Prepare 2 - Level 2 5
Flyers 2

khác nhau, không giống nhau

sự canh tranh, cuộc thi đấu

đất nước

khó, không dễ

giữ cho tôi có một thân hình đẹp

nhà vô địch, người quán quân

làm việc chăm chỉ

cuối tuần (thứ 7 và chủ nhật)

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Vocabulary - Page 16





Unit 1 - How do you play it 30

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Unit 1 - How do you play it 30

Phoenix Class Prepare 2



Vocabulary - Page 16

One person pushes the cheese from the top of a hill.The cheese starts
to roll down the hill then lots of people run after it and try to catch it.
The winner is the first person to get to the bottom of the hill with the
cheese. You don't play in team.

This is a sport which is similar to football, but you play inside, not
outside. There are 5 players in each team.

People play this game on the grass. There are four balls of different
colours. Players don't play in teams. They hit the ball through the
hoops on the grass. Winner is the person who hit all the balls through
all the hoops.

This is a sport which is similar to hockey but you play underwater.

People also call this is an underwater hockey. There are 6 players in one

Unit 1 - How do you play it 30

Phoenix Class Prepare 2

This is a sport that people use their hands to hit the ball. They play in
teams, each team has got 2 players.

Unit 1 - How do you play it 30

Phoenix Class Teens 1



Vocabulary - Page 18 and 19

No. Vocabulary Explain in English Vietnamese

It's an action that you combine two or more substances so that they become
1 To mix (verb) trộn đều
a single substance.

2 To serve (verb) It's an action that you provide food and drink for someone to eat at a meal. phục vụ

3 To cook (verb) It's an action that you prepare food and heat it so that it is ready to eat. nấu ăn

4 To put (verb) It's an action that you give something to a particular place. đặt, cho vào

5 Recipe (noun) It's a set of instructions for cooking or preparing a particular food. công thức nấu ăn

6 At the moment It means now. ngay lúc này, bây giờ

7 300 milliliters of milk ml = milliliter 300 mil sữa

8 100 grams of flour gr = gram 100 gram bột

9 Very thin It means not thick. rất mỏng

10 The other side mặt bên kia

11 To enjoy (verb) It's an action that you feel happy from doing something. thưởng thức

The Tuesday in February that is the last day before the Christian (who ngày thứ Ba "béo": ngày cuối cùng trước khi
12 Shrove Tuesday believe in Jesus) season of lent (when Christain mustn't eat meat). The các Kito hữu vào mùa chay. Ngày thứ 3
American word is Mardi Gras. trước thứ Tư lễ tro

Chúa Nhật Phục Sinh: Ngày Chúa Nhật sau

The Sunday in March or April that Easter (the time when Jesus Christ died
13 Easter Sunday 40 ngày ăn chay (Chúa Jesus sống lại sau
then returned to life according to the Bible) is celebrated on.
khi chết đi, theo Kinh Thánh)

It's a competition that decides who is the fastest at doing something,

14 Race (noun) cuộc đua
especially running.

Someone who is married has been formally joined in marriage with another
15 Married (adj) có chồng hoặc có vợ

It's an action that you hold someone or something using your hands, arms, or
16 To carry (verb) mang theo
body and take them somewhere.

It's an event that is held to celebrate a particular thing or activity. Example:

17 Festival (noun) lễ hội
Mid - autumn festival

18 All over the world It means around the world. khắp thế giới

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Vocabulary - Page 19 and 20

No. Vocabulary Explain in English Vietnamese

It's the most important occasion when you eat, especially breakfast, lunch,
1 Main meal of the day bữa ăn chính trong ngày
or dinner.

2 First course It means the first food of the meal. món ăn đầu tiên

3 Dessert (noun) It's a sweet food that you eat after the main part of a meal. món tráng miệng

4 To taste (verb) It's an action that you eat or drink something and to experience its flavour. nếm, nêm

It's a sweet substance consisting of very small white or brown pieces that
5 Sugar (noun) đường (ngọt)
is added to food or drinks to make them taste sweet.

6 At midday Twelve o’clock, when the morning ends and the afternoon begins. giữa ngày

7 Snack (noun) It's a small amount of food that you eat between meals. món ăn nhẹ giữa bữa ăn

8 Supper (noun) It's a very small informal meal that you eat before going to bed. bữa ăn nhẹ trước khi đi ngủ

9 Breakfast (noun) It's the first meal that you have in the morning. bữa ăn sáng

10 Dinner (noun) It's a main meal of the day that eaten in the evening. bữa ăn tối

11 Lunch (noun) It's a meal that you eat in the middle of the day. bữa ăn trưa

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Vocabulary - page 22

No. Vocabulary Explain in English

A series of performances of films, plays, music, or dancing that is usually organized in the same place at the
1 Festival (noun)
same time each year.

It's an object which is similar to a planet that goes round the Earth and that you can see shining in the sky at
2 Moon (noun)

3 To let off fireworks It's an action that you make a loud noise and bright colours in the sky.

4 To celebrate (verb) It's an action that you do something enjoyable in order to show that an occasion or event is special.

5 To dress up It's an action that you put on clothes in order to make you look like someone else, for fun.

6 To decorate (verb) It's an action that you make something look more attractive by putting nice things on it or in it.

7 To bring good luck If something does this, it makes nice things happen.

8 China (noun) It's a name of the country in East Asia, people live in here speak Chinese.

9 Entrance (noun) It's a place where you can enter a room, building, or area.

Something that is important has a major effect on someone or something, for example because it affects
10 Important (adj)
someone’s life or the way a situation develops.

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lễ hội

mặt trăng

bắn pháo hoa

tiệc tùng, tổ chức ăn mừng

hóa trang, ăn mặc đẹp

trang trí

mang đến điều may mắn

nước Trung Quốc

lối vào

quan trọng

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Vocabulary - Page 24

No. Vocabulary Explain in English Vietnamese

Music written according to standard European forms or structures by people such as

1 Classical (noun) nhạc cổ điển
Mozart and Beethoven.

It's a type of music that developed in the late 19th century in which there is a strong
2 Jazz (noun) nhạc jazz
lively beat and the players often improvise (= make up the music as they play).

It's a type of music, usually played on electronic instruments, that is popular with
3 Pop (noun) nhạc pop
many people, simple tunes that are easy to remember.

4 Rap (noun) It's a quick hard hit, or the sound of this, especially styles hip hop. nhạc rap

It's a type of music that developed from rock ’n’ roll and uses a heavy regular beat,
5 Rock (noun) nhạc rock
electric guitars, singing, and a tune that is easy to remember.

It's a type of African-American music that developed in the 1960s, combining R & B
6 Soul (noun) with pop, rock ’n’ roll, and gospel styles. Soul music usually has a strong beat and nhạc soul
places emphasis on singing.

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Vocabulary - Page 26 and 27

No. Vocabulary Explain in English Vietnamese

1 Mad (adj) It's similar to crazy. điên rồ, mất trí

An object such as a piano, guitar, or drum that you use for playing music. Musical
2 Musical instruments (noun) nhạc cụ
instruments are often simply called instruments.

3 Record an album It's an action that you make an electronic copy of sounds or images. ghi chép, thu âm 1 đĩa nhạc

4 Theatre (noun) It's a building, room, or outside area used for performing plays rạp hát, nhà hát

5 Adult (noun) It's a person who is no longer a child and is legally responsible for their actions. người trưởng thành

6 Teenager (noun) It's a young person who is between the ages of 13 and 19. thanh thiếu niên

7 Art school (noun) It's a place where you study about painting, drawing… trường nghệ thuật

8 PE school (noun) PE = physical education school. It's a school in which you exercise and play sports. trường thể dục, thể thao

It's an action that someone start to be a person who performs in plays and films,
9 Become an actor trở thành nam diễn viên
especially as their job.

10 Become famous It's an action that you start to be known and heard by a lot of people. trở nên nổi tiếng

It's an action that you move with the music on the part of a theatre where the actors or
11 Dance on stage nhảy trên sân khấu
musicians perform.

It's an action that you hold an event at which an orchestra, band, or musician plays or
12 Give a concert tổ chức buổi hòa nhạc
sings in front of an audience.

It's an action that you play a musical instrument in a small group of musicians who
13 Play in a band chơi trong một ban nhạc
play popular music such as jazz or rock.

14 Science school (noun) It's a place where you study about these subject: chemistry, physics or biology. trường khoa học

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Vocabulary - Page 28

No. Vocabulary Explain in English Vietnamese

1 Gradudation day It's a day when you complete a level and change into the new one. ngày tốt nghiệp

2 Stone (noun) It's the hard substance that rocks are made of, often used for building. hòn đá

3 Lake (noun) It's a large area of water that is surrounded by land. cái hồ

4 Broken (adj) Something has been damaged and is in two or more pieces. bị vỡ, bể

5 Plastic (noun) It's a material which is difficult to be broken. nhựa

6 Gold (noun) It's a material which is more expensive than silver. vàng

7 Silver (noun) It's a material which is cheaper than gold but more expensive than bronze. bạc

8 To look after It's an action that you take care of someone. chăm sóc

9 Wood (noun) It's a material which is made of trees. gỗ

10 Round (adj) It's kind of shape which is similar to circles. tròn

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Vocabulary - Page 36

No. Vocabulary Explain in English Vietnamese

1 Climb a mountain It's an action that you go up to a place similar to a hill but it's higher. leo núi

2 Cross the ocean It's an action that you go from this ocean to another ocean. băng qua đại dương

3 Paint a picture It's an action that you draw, color to make a picture more beautiful. vẽ tranh

4 Play tennis match It's an action that you do a sport that use a tennis racket and a tennis ball. chơi quần vợt

5 Walk on the moon It's an action that you go on a planet which go around the earth and you move by your feet on it. đi bộ trên mặt trăng

6 Record an album It's an action that you sing a song and put it into a CD. thu âm một đĩa nhạc

7 Complete the computer progra It's an action that you finish a software. hoàn thành chương trình máy tính

8 Join a band It's an action that you enter to a group of music. tham gia ban nhạc

9 Open a department store It's an action that you don't close a store which is similar to a supermarket but it's bigger. mở của hàng bách hoá

10 Text a message It's an action that you chat with friends by using phones. nhắn tin

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Vocabulary - Page 38 and 39

No. Vocabulary Explain in English Vietnamese

They're places which are made of stone or wood that have roof and walls, similar to houses but they're
1 Buildings các toà nhà

2 A crowded street It's a street with too many people. con đường đông đúc

3 A fire (noun) Flames and heat from something which is burning. đám cháy

4 A rat (noun) It's an animal which is similar to a large mouse with long tail. con chuột lớn, chuột cống

5 A sick person It's a person who doesn't feel well. người bệnh

6 Wood (noun) It's a material that is from a part of a tree and is used to make the furniture. gỗ

7 The River Thames It's a name of a famous river in London. dòng sông Thames

8 Close to (phrase) It means near to. gần với

9 Safe (adj) It's a feeling that you are protected. an toàn

10 To decide (verb) It's an action that you make a choice about what you are going to do. quyết định

11 Stone (noun) It's a material that rocks are made of, often used for building. viên đá

12 St. Paul's Cathedral It's a big and famous church in London. nhà thờ Thánh Phê-rô

13 Century (noun) It's equal to 100 years. thế kỷ (100 năm)

14 Monument (noun) It's a structure built in a public place to celebrate an important person or event. tượng đài

15 Exhibition (noun) It' a public show where art or other interesting things are put so that people can go and look at them. cuộc triển lãm

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Where did you work?

Vocabulary - Page 40

No. Vocabulary Explain in English Vietnamese

1 Boss (noun) It's a person tells you what to do when you have a job. ông chủ

2 Busy (adj) It means you're working hard and have lots to do. bận rộn

3 Customer (noun) It's a person who buys things in shops or cafes. khách hàng

4 To earn (verb) It's an action that you get money for doing work. kiếm tiền

It's a room or part of a building in which people work. There are usually desks, phones and computers in
5 Office (noun) văn phòng, phòng làm việc
this place.

6 Staff (noun) These people work for a business. nhân viên

7 Experience (noun) Knowledge and skill that is gained through time spent doing a job or activity. kinh nghiệm

8 To find out It's an action that you discover a fact or piece of information. tìm ra, khám phá ra

9 To serve (verb) It's an action that you provide food and drink for someone to eat at a meal. phục vụ

10 Friendly (adj) It means nice, helpful and pleasant towards other people. vui vẻ, thân thiện

11 To look for information It's an action that you get some facts about something or someone. tìm kiếm thông tin

12 Business (noun) The work of buying or selling products or services for money. việc kinh doanh

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50 different jobs!

Vocabulary - Page 42

No. Vocabulary Explain in English Vietnamese

1 Each It means every. mỗi

2 Expensive (adj) It means not cheap. đắt tiền

3 State (noun) A region of a country that has its own government for some matters. tiểu bang

4 To look after It's an action that you take care of someone. chăm sóc

A large park where people pay to play games and have fun and where all the entertainment is designed
5 Theme park (noun) công viên giải trí
according to one theme.

6 Factory worker (noun) It's a person who works in a place where products are produced. công nhân nhà máy

7 Farmer (noun) It's a person who works in a field. nông dân

8 Car mechanic (noun) It's a person who works in the repair shop to fix your cars or motorbikes. thợ sửa xe

người dẫn truyền hình về dự

9 TV weather man (noun) It's a person who tells us how the weather will be.
báo thời tiết

10 Model (noun) It's a person who wears beautiful clothes and makes-up in a fashion show. người mẫu

11 Football coach (noun) It's a person who trains people how to play football. huấn luyện viên bóng đá

12 Fisherman (noun) It's a person who catches fishes. ngư dân

13 Engineer (noun) It's a person who builds the house, roads and railways. kĩ sư

14 Museum (noun) It's a place where you can see many of historical things. viện bảo tàng

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Teens at work

Vocabulary - Page 44

No. Vocabulary Explain in English Vietnamese

1 Blog (noun) It's an online diary. nhật ký trực tuyến

2 Legal (adj) allowed by the law hợp pháp

3 Illegal (adj) not allowed by the law bất hợp pháp

4 Part-time job (noun) It's a work that you do not do full-time. công việc bán thời gian

5 Pocket money (noun) Money that parents usually give to their children. tiền tiêu vặt

6 Tractor (noun) It's a vehicle used on farms to pull machines. máy kéo

7 To save money It's an action that you avoid using money or to use less of it. tiết kiệm tiền

8 To spend money It's an action that you use money to pay for things. tiêu tiền

9 Fair (adj) Everyone is treated equally and in a reasonable way. công bằng

10 Tough (adj) It's similar to difficult. khó khăn

11 Different from (adj) It means not the same as another. khác với

12 Mostly (adv) It means usually, most of the time, in most situations. hầu hết, hơn hết

13 To pay (verb) It's an action that you give money to buy things. trả tiền

14 South Africa (noun) It's a country in the southern of the Africa continent. nước Nam Phi

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We went to Turkey on holiday.

Vocabulary - Page 46

No. Vocabulary Explain in English Vietnamese

1 Buy presents It's an action that you buy a gift to your friends and relatives. mua quà

2 Stay at a hotel It's an action that you live in a place where is similar to a house but you live for a short time. ở tại khách sạn

3 Swim (verb) It's an activity that you use your arms and legs to move in the water or sea. bơi

4 Go camping It's an activity that you go out to play, eat outside and sleep in a tent. đi cắm trại

5 Go to the beach It's an activity that you swim and play the sand, take a sunbath at the sea. đi đến bãi biển

6 Ride a bike It's an activity that you cycle around for fun. đạp xe đạp

7 Go sightseeing It's an activity that you travel around a place to see the interesting things in it. đi tham quan

8 Take photos It's an activity that you use a camera to capture a picture. chụp hình

9 Campsite (noun) It's a place where you go camping. khu vực cắm trại

10 Hundred of A large number or amount of people or things. hàng trăm

It's a small cubes of jelly which may taste of roses, oranges or lemons. They are often served in Turkey
11 Turkish Delight (noun) món kẹo dẻo Turkish Delight
and the middle East with coffee and tea.

12 Turkey (noun) It's the name of the country in southeastern Europe and Western Asia, people live here speak Turkish. nước Thổ Nhĩ Kỳ

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The journey took nine months

Vocabulary - Page 48

No. Vocabulary Explain in English Vietnamese

It's a young person between 6 and 25 years old do different activities such as camping, cooking and sports
1 Scout (noun) hướng đạo sinh
or help people.

2 To include (verb) It's an action that you contain someone or something as a part. bao gồm

đại hội hướng đạo sinh, trại

3 Jamboree (noun) It's a large meeting of scouts.
họp hướng đạo sinh

4 Australian (noun) It's a person who lives in Australia. người Úc

5 To decide (verb) It's an action that you make a choice about what you are going to do. quyết định

6 To cycle (verb) It's an action that you ride a bike. đạp xe

7 Sweden (noun) It's a name of the country in northern Europe, people live here speak Swedish. nước Thụy Điển

8 Comfortable (adj) It's a feeling that you feel relaxed. dễ chịu, thoải mái

9 To pack (verb) It's an action that you put something into a bag, case or box so that you can take or send them somewhere. đóng gói

10 each It means every. mỗi

It's an legal document containing your photo and showing which country you are a citizen of. You use it
11 Passport (noun) hộ chiếu
when travelling to foreign countries.

12 Journey (noun) It's a trip when you travel from one place to another with a long distance. hành trình, chuyến đi

13 Coach (noun) It's a long comfortable vehicle for carrying a large number of passengers on long journeys. xe đò, xe buýt đường dài

14 Ticket (noun) It's a piece of paper that show you have paid to go into a place such as cinema, airport. vé

15 Station platform (noun) It's a place where you can catch your train or a subway. sân ga

16 Africa (noun) It's a continent which has black skin people. Châu Phi

17 Wild animals (noun) Those are animals living in the jungle or forest. động vật hoang dã

18 Adventure (noun) It's an exciting, unusual and dangerous experience. cuộc phiêu lưu

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Roald Dahl's room

Vocabulary - Page 50

No. Vocabulary Explain in English Vietnamese

1 Armchair (noun) It's a thing which is similar to a sofa but only one person can sit on. It's very comfortable and large. ghế bành

2 Blanket (noun) It's a thing which is on the bed and you use it to cover your body when you're cold. chăn

3 Carpet (noun) It's a thing which is thick and used to cover the floor. It's similar to a rug or a mat. thảm

4 Cupboard (noun) It's a thing which is used to put things inside such as bowls, dishes or clothes. tủ đựng ly, chén

5 Drawer (noun) It's a thing which is a part of the table. It can pull in and out to keep things. ngăn kéo

6 Drawing (noun) It's a picture which someone has drawn. bức tranh

7 Lamp (noun) It's an electric light which stands on the table or desk, and it's small. đèn ngủ

8 Photograph (noun) It's a picture of something that you make with a camera. hình ảnh

9 Shelf (noun) It's a thing which is usually on the wall and used to put things on such as books or toys. kệ

10 Hut (noun) It's a small simple place where people are protected from bad weather or from danger. túp lều

của riêng (my own = của riêng

11 Own (adj) It's used that something belongs to a particular person.

12 Tidy (adj) It means not messy. ngăn nắp

13 Instead (adv) in place of someone or something else thay vì

14 Metal (noun) It's a material that is hard such as gold, silver or iron. kim loại

15 Else (adv) It means other or different. cái khác

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My special place is the beach!

Vocabulary - Page 52

No. Vocabulary Explain in English Vietnamese

1 Listen to the sound of the win It's an action that you hear the sound of the wind. lắng nghe âm thanh của gió

2 Listen to the sound of the sea It's an action that you hear the sound of the sea. lắng nghe âm thanh của biển

3 Listen to the drums It's an action that you hear the sound of a musical instrument which is very loud. nghe tiếng trống

It's an action that you play a musical instrument that you use two sticks to hit on the surface of it to make
4 Play the drums chơi bộ trống

5 Play stories It's an action that you are a part of the stories and act like an actor. diễn kịch

6 Read a diary It's an action that you read what you write everyday in a small notebook. viết nhật ký

7 Read magazines It's an action that you read news with lots of pictures. đọc tạp chí

8 Write stories It's an action that you make new stories by noting down in a notebook. viết truyện

9 Hill (noun) It's a place that is similar to the mountain but it's lower. đồi núi

10 Garage (noun) It's a place that you keep your car inside. ga-ra, nhà để xe

11 Own (adj) It means to belong to someone. của riêng

12 Special (adj) It means very important to you. đặc biệt

13 Decide (verb) It's an action that you make a choice about what you are going to do. quyết định

14 Lie on (verb) It's an action that you put your body down on the floor or on the bed. nằm trên

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The history of light!

Vocabulary - Page 54

No. Vocabulary Explain in English Vietnamese

1 Flight (noun) It's a journey that you travel by plane. chuyến bay

2 Century (noun) It means 100 years. thế kỷ

3 Artist (noun) It's a person who makes paintings. nghệ sĩ

4 Ornithopter (noun) It's a kind of a plane with wings that go up and down like a bird's. máy bay cánh chim

khinh khí cầu bay bằng sức

5 Hot-air ballon (noun) It's an extremely large bag full of hot air, with a basket that people can ride through the air in.

6 Passenger (noun) It's a person who travel in a plane, train or ship. hành khách

7 Design (verb) It's an action that you think and create something new. thiết kế

8 Glider (noun) It's a plane with no engine that people fly in for pleasure. tàu lượn

9 Wing (noun) It's a part of the bird that move up and down so that a bird can fly. cánh

10 German (noun) It's a person who is from Germany. người Đức

11 Engineer (noun) It's a person who designs and builds things such as roads, houses, bridges or machines. kỹ sư

12 Improve (verb) It's an action that you make smothing better. phát triển, cải thiện

13 Engine (noun) It's a thing that makes the machine can run or work by using fuels or gas. động cơ

14 Fuel (noun) It's a subtance such as oil, gas, coal or wood that produces heat or power so that a machine can work. nhiên liệu

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Teens 1


Thoes shoes are yours

Vocabulary - Page 58

No. Vocabulary Explain in English Vietnamese

1 Cap (noun) It's a clothes and some people wear it when they play baseball. mũ lưỡi trai

2 Jacket (noun) It's a clothes that is similar to a coat but it's shorter. áo khoác

3 Jumper (noun) It's a clothes that is made of wool, it's similar to a sweater. áo len

4 Shorts (noun) They are clothes that are similar to pants but they are not long. quần đùi

5 Socks (noun) They are clothes that you wear on your feet inside shoes. vớ

6 Swimming costume (noun) It's a clothes and it's similar to a swimsuit. đồ bơi

7 Pocket (noun) It's a part of pants and shorts to keep something inside. túi quần

8 Light blue (adjective) It's a color of the sky but it's not dark. màu xanh nhạt

9 Dark blue (adjective) It's a color of the sky but it's not light. màu xanh đậm

10 Trousers (noun) They are clothes that are similar to pants. quần dài

11 Sunglasses (noun) They are things that you wear on your eyes when it's sunny. kính mát

12 Towel (noun) It's a thing that you use to clean your body after taking a bath to make it dry. khăn tắm

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Teens 1


Is your jumper made of cheese?

Vocabulary - Page 60

No. Vocabulary Explain in English Vietnamese

1 Cotton (noun) It's a material that is used for making your clothes. bông gòn

2 Wool (noun) It's a material that is from sheep, or some other animals. len

3 Leather (noun) It's a material that is from animal's skin to make shoes, clothes and bags. da động vật

4 Plastic (noun) It's a material that is used for making many things and cannot be broken. nhựa

5 Be made of It's a phrase is used to a thing is made of which material. được làm bằng

6 A pair of It means two people, two things work or match together. một cặp

7 Cool (adjective) It's similar to interesting. thú vị

8 Surprised (adjective) It's the feeling that you get when something unexpected happens. ngạc nhiên

9 Amazing (adjective) It's similar to surprised. kinh ngạc

10 Perhaps (adverb) It's similar to maybe. có lẽ

11 Bottle (noun) It's a thing that is used for keeping liquid like water inside. cái chai

12 Popular (adjective) It's similar to famous. phổ biến, nổi tiếng

13 Fork (noun) It's a thing that is used for eating with 3 or 4 sharp points on the end. cái nĩa

14 Designer (noun) It's a person who thinks and creates new things. nhà thiết kế

15 Necklace (noun) It's a piece of jewellery that hangs around your neck. vòng cổ

16 Believe (verb) It's an action to think that the fact is true. It's similar to trust. tin tưởng

17 Contest (noun) It's similar to a competition. cuộc thi

18 Car tyre (noun) It's a thick rubber that covers the wheel of the car. lốp xe

19 Knife (noun) It's a thing that you use for cutting food. con dao

Prepare Level 2 2
Teens 1


Are the sunglasses in the sale?

Vocabulary - Page 62

No. Vocabulary Explain in English Vietnamese

1 Make-up (noun/verb) Things or action that makes you beautiful. trang điểm

2 Purse (noun) It's a thing to keep money for girls and women. ví nữ

3 Shop assistant (noun) It's a person who selld things in the shop, similar to sales clerk. nhân viên bán hàng

4 Shopping centre (noun) It's a place that is similar to a mall. trung tâm mua sắm

5 Sign (noun) It means a signal. dấu

6 Wallet (noun) It's a thing to keep money for boys and men. ví nam

7 A bit of It means a little. một chút

8 Expensive (adjective) It means not cheap. đắt tiền

9 20 pounds Pound used in English.

10 Sales half price It means 50% discount. bán hàng nửa giá

11 How much is it? It's a question to ask about money of something. Cái này giá bao nhiêu?

12 I haven't got any left. It means I don't have any more. Tôi không còn lại gì.

13 Market It's a place that sells things outside and usually is cheaper than a mall or a supermarket. chợ

Prepare Level 2 2

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