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NOVEMBER 21, 2022

1. Directing definition according to Mejia and De Leon.

 Directing is commanding and telling people what to do and how it should be done. It is a means
of encouraging workmen to work with efficiency and effectiveness in achieving planned targets
and objectives. It is also defined as influencing, actuating, guiding, leading, and motivating the
workmen to do their job properly and satisfactorily.

2. Two major concerns of managers.

 Initiating structure - how concerned is the leader with organizational structures, job definition,
pressure for producing outputs, channels of communication, and assessment of group output.
 Consideration - concern of the reader for the mutual trust and respect, friendship, employee
support and effective informal communication.

3. Four specific types of participation to individual subordinates. Include their descriptions.

 Goal setting – workers and superior together determine the goal that each of them intends to
 Decision-making – participation of subordinates may range from consultation to actually taking
responsibility for the decision.
 Problem-solving - subordinates who have analytical skills are required to develop new ideas on
the basis of available information.
 Change - this is the most difficult. Managers and employees are required to participate in-
generating, analyzing and interpreting organizational data in order to develop specific
innovative solutions to organizational problems.

4. Principles of scientific management by Frederick Taylor.

1) Develop a science for each element of a man’s work.
2) Scientifically select and then train, teach and develop the work man.
3) Heartily cooperate with the workmen so as to ensure that all of the work activities being done
are in accordance with the principles of science which has been developed.
4) There is an almost equal division of the work and the responsibility between management and
the workmen. Management takes overall work for which it is better fitted than the workmen,
while in the past almost all of the work and the greater part of the responsibility were thrown
upon the workmen.
5. Modern management principles by Henri Fayol.
1) Division of Work - each member of the organization has his own assigned job requiring special
skills and knowledge.
2) Authority and Responsibility - authority referred to as the right to command and the power to
make oneself obeyed. This must be balanced by responsibility which is the reward or penalty
for the use of this power.
3) Discipline - This is seen in terms of obedience, diligence, energy, correct attitude, and outward
works of respect within the limits fixed by the agreement between management and the
4) Unity of Command - Every workman or subordinate must take orders only from one superior,
Fayol claimed that if this principle is violated, authority is undermined; discipline is in jeopardy,
order disturbed and stability threatened.
5) Unity of Management - Unity of management is called unity of direction. Each organization
objective must have only one plan and one manager to carry it out.
6) Subordination of Individual Interest to the Common Good - The organizational interest must
come before the interest of the individual.
7) Remuneration of Personnel - Work pay should be fair. The work period, kind of job, pay rates,
bonuses, profit-sharing and other relevant methods must be used to arrive at a reasonable
agreement; keenness is encouraged by rewarding successful performance and ensuring that
rewards do not go out of bounds.
8) Centralization - centralization of authority is a natural tendency of organizations, since most of
the major decisions are exercised by a few people at the top of management level. For
efficiency and effectiveness in larger organizations, some decentralization has to be done to
delegate certain decision making at the lower management levels.
9) Hierarchy - Hierarchy is otherwise called "sealar chain” which is an unbroken order of
supervision, the flow of authority emanates from the top lever executives to the bottom rank of
the organization. To preserve the hierarchy and ensure unity of command, communications
follow this formal channel. To minimize red tapes and to effect quicker action, especially in
bigger organization, Fayol offered his “gangplank principles” where people of the same level in
the organization are allowed to transact and communicate with each other provided there is
consent and knowledge of their superiors.

6. Definition of communication and its four essential elements.

 Communication is a part and parcel of directing. It is an exchange of facts, ideas, opinions or
emotions by persons. It is an intercourse of words, letters, symbols or message. In an
organization, it is the way the members of the organization share meaning and understanding.
It is information transferred and understood by the receiver.
 Communication is also an art of developing and attaining understanding between people, a
process of exchanging information and feelings between two or more people. It is a process of
sharing information with other individuals regardless if the sharing does not read to mutual
understanding, confidence or good human relations.

Essential elements of communications

 People - the minimum is two, the one will act as the sender and the other the receiver. There
could also be just one sender and a thousand receivers involved.
 Message - this is the content or substance of what is being communicated; it could be an idea,
feeling, instruction, order, fact or opinion.
 Channel - this is the medium and the manner by which the message is conveyed. It could be
verbal (oral or spoken) or non-verbal (other than written or oral). The latter makes use of sign
language or manifestation in body movements and facial expressions. It could also be mediated
where communication may not be face to face.
 Feedback - this the reaction of the receiver to the message as conveyed through a particular

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