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LITERATURE above and beyond the plane of

extraordinary life and experiences.

What is literature?
- Literature comes from Latin “Litera”
SPIRITUAL VALUE – Literature elevates
which literally means
the spirit and the soul and thus has the
“acquaintance with letters”
power to motivate and inspire, drawn from
In definition
the suggested morals or lessons of the
- It is a body of work, either written,
different literature genres.
oral or visual containing imaginative
language that realistically portrays
PEMANENCE – Literature endures across
thought, emotions, and experiences
time and draws out the time factor
of the human conditions.
STYLE – Literature present peculiar ways
Literature according to authors
on how man sees life as evidenced by the
formation of his ideas, forms, structures,
- Great literature is simply language
and expression which are marked by their
changed with meaning to the
memorable substances.
possible degree
- It takes a great deal of history to
- It is the study, analysis, and
produce a little literature
evaluation of imaginative literature.
- The study of literature is an
- Literature adds to reality, it does not
essential component in this growth
simply describe it. It enriches the
of reflection
necessary competences that daily
life requires and provide and in this
3 purpose of criticism
respect, it irrigates the dessert that
 To help us resolve a difficulty in the
our lives have already become.
 To help us choose the better of two
conflicting readings.
UNIVERSALITY – Literature appeals to
 To enables us to form judgments
everyone, regardless of culture, race,
about literature
gender, and time.
5 Basics approaches
ARTISTRY – Literature has an aesthetic
appeal and thus possess a sense of beauty. 1. Formalism/ New Criticism/ Aristotelian
2. Historical and biographical approaches
INTELLECTUAL VALUE – Literature 3. The archetypal approach
4. Marxist approach
stimulates critical thing that enriches mental
process of obstruction and reasoning, 5. Feminist criticism
making man realize the fundamental truth of
life and its native. 1. Formalism/New criticism/Aristotle
- Focusing on the elements such as a
SUGGESTIVENESS – Literature unravels the exposition rising action, conflict,
complication, climax, falling
and conjures means emotional power to
define symbolisms, implied meaning images - This also includes characteristics,
settings, theme, point of view and
and messages giving and evoking visions
literature devices employed by the allusions in their proper classical,
author. political or biblical background.
- There is no need to bring in outside
information about the history, politics Disadvantages
Advantages: - New critics to the historical/
- This approach can be performed biography critics belief that the
without must research and it meaning or value of a work may be
emphasizes the value of literature determined by the authors intentions
apart from it context. as the “intentional fallacy”
- Virtually all critical approaches must - They believe that this approach
begin here tends to reduce
- The text is seen in isolation
- Formalism ignores the context of the Potentially positive aspects of reader
work response criticism
- It cannot accurate for illusions - Literature points toward actual
- It tends human situations and feelings
- Everyone’s reading can be
Reader response criticism considered
- Began as a rejection of formalism in - Multiple interpretations are allowed
the 1970 - The work can be change in meaning
and application over time/context.
Main ideas
- Multiple meanings Potentially Negative aspects of reader
- Authors and readers response criticism
- Everyone’s reading can be
2. Historical and biographical considered
approaches - Multiple interpretations
- Literature is seen both a reflection
and product of the times and 3. The archetypal approach
circumstances in which it was written
- It operates on the premise that the
history of a nation has telling effects 4. The Feminist criticism/approach
on its literature and that the piece
can better understood and
appreciated of one knows the times 5. Marxist approach
surrounding. - Karl Marx (18)
- Historical/ Biographical critics see
works as the reflection of an author’s 6. Psychological approach
life and times (or of the - Literature is viewed as the
characteristics life and times) expression of “personality,” of
Advantages “neurons”.
- This approach works well for some - It includes the psychology of the
works like Edgar Allan Poe’s works. authors, of the characteristics and
- It also is necessary to take a even the psychology of creation.
historical approach in order to pave - It has resulted in an almost
exhausting and exhaustive
“psychological analysis” of
characteristics of symbol and
images, of recurrent themes and

7. Romantic Approach
- There was more importance given to
individual responsibility than the
adherences to customs and
- The romantics represented the
common man’s life in literature and
brought out the beauty of rustic

8. Deconstruction theory/Approach
- Deconstruction involves the close
reading of texts in order to
demonstrate that any given text has
irreconcilably contradictory
meanings, rather than

9. Structuralism theory/ approach


Prose – is a discourse which uses

sentences and paragraphs to express
ideas, feelings and actions.

Poetry – refers to writings in verse, with


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