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9 E

Quick Quiz

On your answer sheet, write in or circle the correct letter for each question.

9Ea 4 Which of the following shows a substance

that would have a high melting point but a
1 Which of the following is a brittle structure?
ceramic material?
A steel
B glass
C cement
D polythene
2 Pottery and china are suitable for making
tea pots because they are:
A brittle.
B transparent.
C heat insulators.
D non-conductors of electricity.
3 Which of these statements about the
formation of solid crystals is correct? C
A Rapid cooling produces the largest
crystals as the atoms quickly form
B Slow cooling produces the largest
crystals as the atoms have time to form
a regular lattice.
C Rapid cooling produces the largest
crystals as it allows more bonds to form
in the lattice.
D Slow cooling produces the largest
crystals as the atoms can form lots
of molecules.

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9 E
Quick Quiz

9Eb 9Ec
1 Which of the following is a 1 Which of the following is a
synthetic polymer? composite material?
A sand B rubber A glass B plywood
C concrete D PVC C poly(styrene) D silicon dioxide
2 A polymer is formed when: 2 Why is concrete described as a
composite material?
A monomers join together in chains.
A because it is made with cement
B molecules break up into large atoms.
B because it sets hard and is strong
C single atoms join to make monomers.
C because it combines two or
D long chains break up to
more materials
form molecules.
D because it is made by mixing lots of
3 Some polymerisation reactions are different materials with water
endothermic. What does this mean?
3 Glass reinforced plastic is used for building
A The polymers are made by burning oil. boats because it is:
B The formation of the polymers transfers A flexible and strong.
heat into the surroundings.
B strong and brittle.
C The polymers are made by breaking up
C brittle and an insulator.
long chain molecules.
D an insulator and transparent.
D The formation of the polymers makes
the surrounding temperature decrease. 4 Which of the following describes what
happens during the decomposition of
4 The diagram below shows how the atoms
calcium carbonate (limestone) to make
in the rubber chains are joined together in
calcium oxide (lime)?
natural rubber.
A Heating makes two compounds join
together by an endothermic reaction.
B Heating makes two compounds join
together by an exothermic reaction.
C Heating breaks up the compound by an
exothermic reaction.
Vulcanisation is the process of adding D Heating breaks up the compound by an
cross-links to sulfur. How does this process endothermic reaction.
change the natural properties of the
A It makes the rubber softer but it is still
easy to melt.
B It makes the rubber harder and easy
to melt.
C It makes the rubber harder but it is
still elastic.
D It makes the rubber more flexible and
easier to melt.

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9 E
Quick Quiz

9Ed 9Ee
1 Which of the following substances 1 How are landfill sites used to deal with
is thought to be one of the main waste materials?
greenhouse gases?
A They burn the waste to
A soot B water produce energy.
C sulfur dioxide D carbon dioxide B They spread waste on or bury it in
the ground.
2 Which of the following explain what a
non-biodegradable polymer is? C They sort most of the waste items so
they can be reused.
A a polymer that breaks down when
buried in the soil D They melt the waste together to form
large solid blocks of material.
B a polymer that burns in air to form
carbon dioxide and water 2 Recycling a metal will help us be able
to use that metal further into the
C a polymer that doesn’t break down
future because:
when buried in the soil
A recycled metals cost less.
D a polymer that does not burn when
heated in air B it won’t use up landfill space.
3 Which of the following best explains why C recycled metal objects usually
low levels of toxins released into the sea last longer.
by factories can cause serious problems
D recycling saves our reserves of
to humans?
metal ores.
A The toxic materials release heat, which
3 Which of the following materials is
is causing global warming.
recycled, by crushing and grading, to make
B The toxin levels increase in the larger aggregate for building foundations?
animals up the food chain.
A paper B wood
C The toxin levels in the water increase
C concrete D polythene
as the toxin molecules react.
4 The most important reason for recycling
D The toxins increase acid levels in the
glass is that it saves large amounts of:
water and damage water life.
A sand. B trees.
4 Which of the following would help reduce
the possibility of global warming occurring? C energy. D limestone.
A Burn less fossil fuels.
B Remove sulfur from all fuels.
C Use more biodegradable plastic bags.
D Remove all toxic materials from
factory waste.

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