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Ens Marrakech

Module: Guided Reading

Name: Khaoula Bouaklayne

Characterisation of Miriam

Miriam is the main character in the short story "A Pair of Jeans" by Qaisra Shahraz. Her
name stands for "rebelliousness". She is young Muslim girl of Pakistani descent, living in
England. She is in her first year at university, where she is studying geography, she's a good
student having finished high school with high marks. She has a slender figure , Miriam
described as shy and beautiful , obedient and respectful and also well educated and self
conscious .
Miriam’s life takes a serious turn due to her clothing. The Story starts when she comes out from
the bus and she looks in a
hurry and indicates towards some guests that they are coming. Her main concern is
that she is wearing western clothes and she does not want them to see her clothes. She's
wearing jeans with a short top that bares her midriff and a short jacket. Miriam is very insecure
in her western outfit , she is conscious of her appearance, when she wears it ,she doesn't want
anyone she knows to see her in that outfit. However, When Miriam wears the traditional Muslim
outfit, she appears more elegant and doesn't feel insecure , she's more confident in full control
of herself.
Miriam gets a shock that Her in-laws' arriving at the same moment as she arrived , they treat
her coldly and avoid eye contact with her, her mother as well was embarrassed and felt
ashamed of her daughter's clothing, she also asks her to change her clothes. Miriam thought
that she is treated unfairly simply because she dressed like a westerner. She doesn't want to be
judged simply by what she's wearing, clothes are nothing more than clothes, she still the
same person , her personality doesn't change and she still the same Miriam as they know her.
Especially Begun her mother in-law who sees her for the first time, when she had behaved so
correctly and gracefully and discreetly and respectably dressed , she was shy , modest and
simple . What makes Begun viewed her as the epitome of perfection. But now with those
westrem clothes she seems to them, especially, to Ayub as a modern girl , disobedient,
feminist , anti-religious, immoral and a symbol of shame.
Miriam sees herself both as a westrem and as a Muslim Pakistani girl , she is very conscious of
the difference between the two , moving in and out of different identities seems to be no
problem for her ,her identity changes depending on what she's wearing , her appearance in
shalwae kameez and sari signified Her first persona, opposite to her jeans and short vest which
represent her second one. These opposite personalities of Miriam present the conflict between
her shyness versus awkwardness,Eastern and westrem fashions ,traditionalism versus
modernism. Miriam likes wearing jeans to attend University in England and going out with her
friends and she feels easy in wearing shalwar kameez at her home and in parties of her
Farooq’s parents cancel the wedding . And that’s how a piece of clothing brings change in
Miriam 's life. When she heard the news she was angry and confused , she didn't understand
why Farook is leaving her , she kept asking questions that she couldn't find their answers, she
regrets having worn the jeans and kicks them. And she feels that she doesn't deserve this .
After she relaxed she decides to call Farook to ask him for a meeting to inform him about his
parents ' decision and to discuss their future ,even though her mother had forbidden her she still
left, Miriam put back her westrem clothes and went to meet Farook .
This is the birth of new rebellious women that challenges conventions , she claimed greater
independence from her mother and her in-laws and gained self-confidence.She went beyond
the bounds set by her traditional Pakistani Muslim culture and progressed toward accepting
Westrem women's individualistic self-confidence while yet maintaining her Muslim identity.

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