Input LC Filters

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Input filter design for power converters

J. Fernando A Silva, Cie3, IST, TULisbon

Sistemas de Energia Autónomos, Lecture notes, IST, 03-03-2011

Real dc or ac power sources do not output precisely constant or sinusoidal voltages and present non-
zero output impedances. A capacitor Cf should be added in parallel to compensate for the source U
internal impedance and provide a voltage free of inductive impedance effects. Furthermore, most
power converters draw current pulses from the power supply, therefore not minimizing the power
supply internal losses that depend on the supply current RMS value. The current pulses cause
voltage dips and spikes and further produce conducted and radiated electromagnetic interference
(EMI) to nearby devices and circuits.
To prevent degradation of the quality of the power sources output voltage and to reduce EMI to
nearby systems, it is mandatory to smooth the power supply source current. This is very important
to preserve the voltage waveform quality (power quality) of the power supply, enabling it to supply
other power consumers without a significant degradation of the voltage waveform.
Smoothing the power supply current can be accomplished using an inductor Lf placed before the
capacitor Cf forming a LC filter (Fig. 1a). In steady-state open-loop operation this filter could be
designed knowing that their operating conditions (Fig. 1c) are dual of the operating conditions of
the converter output filter:

0 < t < δT ⇒iCf = iL −iU

∧ vLf ≈VDC −uC (1)
δT < t < T ⇒iCf = iL
Therefore, using the texts of “Sistemas de Energia em Telecomunicações”, IST or “Electrónica de
Energia”, IST, the Lf Cf filter values can be estimated in steady-state operation as Lf0, Cf0, using
suitable values for ΔuCf and ΔiLi (from a few percent up to 10% of the nominal value).

Cf0 = = (2)
4 ΔuCf 4 Vo ΔuCf

T ΔuCf Io T2
Lf0 = = (3)
8ΔiLi 32ΔiLf Cf

These equations show that the power supply current ripple ΔiLi/Io is proportional to the square of the
ratio of the Lf Cf filter resonant frequency ωf=1/ Lf Cf to the switching frequency

ΔiLf T2 ωf2 π2 ωf2

= = 2=
Io 32Lf Cf 32fPWM 8ωPWM2 (4)

For low (<5%) current ripples ωf should be much lower than ωPWM (ωf <<ωPWM), since at ωf=ωPWM the
ripple ΔiLi is ΔiLi≈1.23Io, which is excessive.


rL Lf iL IU r i rB iL IU r i
Vdc uC Vdc uC
Cf C1
a) b)

ΔiL iL IL=δIo=IU
ΔuC uC

δT/2 δT T 2T t

≈i C
Fig. 1 Input filter: a) series rL damping; b) series damping with low frequency bypass inductor;
c) idealized dc filter main waveforms.
From (2) and (3) Cf0 >Co ∧ Lf0 <Li, meaning that the input filter characteristic impedance
Zf0= Lf0/Cf0 verifies Zf0<< Li/Co. This means that the filter characteristic impedance Zf0 must be
much smaller than the converter output filter characteristic impedance Zc= Li/Co.
Besides the filter characteristic impedance, a second parameter, the second order input filter
resonant frequency (damped filter cutt-off frequency) ωf=1/ Lf Cf can be roughly estimated from
(4) or from ωf ≈2πfPWM/10(At/40), knowing the needed attenuation At (dB) for a certain fPWM (or for the
switching) frequency.
Moreover, in closed-loop the time behaviour of the filter capacitor Cf voltage uC shows that the
buck converter operating at constant output power Po is described by the following non-linear
differential equation, which includes a negative incremental input conductance:

duC d 2 uC diL d ⎛ Po⎞ diL ⎛ − Po ⎞ duC

Cf = iL − I U ⇒ C f = − ⎜ ⎟⎟ = − ⎜⎜ 2 ⎟⎟ ⇒
dIU dt 2 dt dt ⎜⎝ η uC
⎠ dt ⎝ η uC ⎠ dt
d 2 uC ⎛ − Po ⎞ duC diL d 2uC ⎛ − Po ⎞ duC Vdc − rL iL − uC
⇒ Cf +⎜ ⎟ = ⇒ Cf +⎜ ⎟ = ⇒ (5)
dt 2 ⎜⎝ η uC2 ⎟⎠ dt dt dt 2 ⎜⎝ η uC2 ⎟⎠ dt Lf
d 2 uC ⎛⎜ − Po rL C f ⎞ duC uC rL Po Vdc

Cf + + + + − =0
dt 2 ⎜⎝ η uC2 Lf ⎟ dt L
⎠ f L f η u C L f

If rL<(Vdc2η)/(4Po), the above equation has two steady-state solutions:

Vdc Vdc2 P
UC = ± − rL o (6)
2 4 η

The filter dynamic behaviour is stable if rL>(LfPo)/(CfηuC2). The above conditions can be ensured
chosing adequate values for rL, Lf and Cf.
Since the converter operates at constant output power
(Po=VoIo=constant⇒dPo=VodIo+IodVo=0⇒dVo/dIo= -Vo/Io= -Ro), the term -ηuC2/Po is an
incremental negative resistance and may also be defined as:

du C d ⎛ Po ⎞ P P V2
ri = = ⎜ ⎟⎟ = − o2 = −η o2 = −ηRo dc2
dI U dI U ⎜⎝ η I U
⎠ η IU Vdc Vo

Where Vo2/Vdc2 is the square of the converter voltage transfer relation.

One way to deal with this incremental negative resistance converter behaviour at constant output
power is to consider the linearized transfer function of the input Lf Cf filter with Lf intrinsic resistor
rL and loaded by the negative ri (Fig. 1a).

ri ri + rL
uC ( s ) sC f ri + 1 ri C f L f ri
= = (8)
Vdc ( s )
rL + sL f +
ri ri + rL 2 ⎛ C f ri rL + L f ⎞ ri + rL
s + s ⎜ ⎟+
sC f ri + 1 ⎜ C L r ⎟ C L r
⎝ f f i ⎠ f f i

Dynamically this negative loaded filter will be stable if the poles lie in the left hand complex plane,
which means that the denominator polynomial coefficients of (8) must be positive:

Cf ri rL + Lf rL 1 Lf Z 2f Lf η δ 2
> 0⇒ > − ⇒rL > − ⇒rL > − ⇒Z f < −ri rL ∨ rL >
Cf Lf ri Lf Cf ri Cf ri ri Cf Ro

Where Zf is the characteristic impedance of the Lf Cf filter. Also, ωn>0:

ri + rL 1 rL rL 1 R
>0⇒ + >0⇒ >− ⇒ rL < − ri ⇒ rL < o 2 (10)
C f L f ri C f L f C f L f ri C f L f ri C f Lf ηδ

The two previous conditions imply

L fη δ 2
Ro ⎛ R ⎞ L R Lf Ro
> ⇒ ⎜⎜ o 2 ⎟⎟ > f ⇒ o 2 > ⇒ Zf < ⇒ Z f < − ri (11)
ηδ 2
C f Ro ⎝η δ ⎠ Cf ηδ Cf ηδ 2

From (9) and (11) it is clear that the characteristic impedance of the Lf Cf filter should be small
enough to obtain rL values leading to acceptable efficiencies. Supposing filter losses only in rL, the
filter efficiency is ηf=-ri/(-ri+rL). Therefore, for a given filter efficiency (ηf>50%), the following rL
value fulfils the condition (10):

1−η f
rL = −ri = −K f ri (12)

Where Kf=(1-ηf)/ηf being 0<Kf<1. Comparing (8) to the canonical 2nd order polynomial
s2+2ζωns+ωn2=s2+sωn/Q+ωn2, Q=1/(2ζ, the filter characteristic impedance Zf (9) can be calculated

to guarantee a desired damping factor ζ, 0.5<ζ<0.7, or a quality factor Q (or using (9) and (10) Zf
can be expressed as Zf2= -Hf2rirL, with 0<Hf<1, and from (12) Zf2= Hf2ri2Kf being the Hf value
obtained from (14) used to calculate Zf).

C f ri rL + L f ri rL + Z 2f rL ri Zf ri
2ζ = ⇒ 2ζ = ⇒ 2ζ = + ⇒
ri + rL ri + rL Zf ri + rL ri ri + rL
C f L f ri ri Z f
C f L f ri ri (13)
ri + rL r +r
⇒ Z f = ζri + ζ 2 ri 2 i L − ri rL
ri ri

1 Kf Kf −ζ ζ2
or 2ζ = −Hf ⇒Hf = + +1 (14)
Hf 1− K f 1− K f Kf Kf
1− K f 1− K f

It is clear that as rL<<ri, and Zf<<ri, then 2ζ≈rL/Zf, being Zf≈rL/2ζ or Q≈Zf/rL, and
The filter components can then be calculated as:

1 −η f
rL = −ri ;
ri + rL r +r
Z f = ζri + ζ 2 ri 2 i L − ri rL ; Z f > 0
ri ri
Zf (15)
Lf = ;
Cf = .
Z fωf

The filter ωn frequency must always be smaller than the filter cut-off frequency ωf or the converter
output filter cut-off frequency ωo=1/ Li Co.

ri + rL 1 + rL ri
ω n2 = = = ω 2f (1 − K f ) (16)
C f L f ri C f Lf

The worst case design is for minimum Ro (maximum output power). Often, to achieve high
efficiency the low required rL values led to very low filter characteristic impedances which need the
use of very big Cf capacitors, impairing power factor for ac sources. A turn around to this problem
is to use series rB damping with a low frequency bypass inductor LB (Fig. 1b).


The design of this filter (Fig. 1b) can be made considering its 3rd order transfer function:

uC ( s ) sC1ri + 1
= =
Vdc ( s ) sLB rB ri
+ sL1 + (17)
sLB + rB sC1ri + 1
sLB ri + ri rB
s L1 LB C1ri + s (rB C1ri ( L1 + LB ) + LB L1 ) + s(L1rB + LB ( ri + rB ) ) + ri rB
3 2

Applying Routh-Hurwitz stability criteria and making Z1= L1/C1, LB=KbL1:

a o = rB > 0
L1 rB (r + r ) r
a1 = + LB i B > 0 ⇒ LB > − L1 B
ri ri ri + rB
LB L1 LB L1 Z 2 Kb
a 2 = rB C1 ( L1 + LB ) + > 0 ⇒ rB > − ⇒ rB > − 1 (18)
ri ri C1 ( L1 + LB ) ri K b + 1
a3 = L1 LB C1 > 0
a 2 a1 − a3 a 0 L1 rB (r + r ) L1 LB C1 rB
= + LB i B − >0
a2 ri ri rB C1 ( L1 + LB ) + LB L1 ri

From the last condition:

C1rB ri 2 ⎛ ri K +1⎞
L1rB + LB (ri + rB ) < ⇒ Z12 < rB ri ⎜⎜ − b ⎟
K b ⎟⎠
rB ri ⎝ rB + K b (ri + rB )
2 Kb
Kb +1

Since Z12>0 and ri<0, and considering rB from (18) then

ri Kb + 1 Z 12 K b ⎛ Kb ⎞ Kb Z 12
− <0⇒− < rB < − ri ⎜⎜ ⎟⎟ ⇒ > (20)
rB + K b ( ri + rB ) Kb ri K b + 1 ⎝ Kb + 1⎠ K b + 1 ri 2

To obtain an approximate 2nd order low-pass filter behaviour, the real pole of (17) must be close to
the real zero. Therefore:

uC ( s ) 1 1 L1C1
= ≈
Vdc ( s )
s 2 L1C1 + s⎜⎜ 1 ⎟⎟ +
( 2
⎛ L + C1ri rB ⎞ s LB (ri + rB ) − C1ri rB + ri rB ⎛ L + C1ri rB ⎞
s 2 + s⎜⎜ 1 ⎟⎟ + 1 L1C1

⎝ ri ⎠ sL r
B i + r r
i B ⎝ i 1 1 ⎠
r L C

This simplification is acceptable if LB (ri + rB ) − C1ri rB2 ≈ LB ri , which implies that:

rB << ri
rB2 rB2 (22)
LB >> C1 rB2 ⇒ LB >> L1 ⇒ K b >>
Z 12 Z 12

rB2 Z 12
These conditions obey (20) as > . A close match to the damped second order filter of
Z 12 ri 2 − Z 12
Fig. 1a) can be obtained from the above restrictions, enforcing a desired damping factor ζ in the
approximate second order transfer function:

L1 + C1ri rB L1 L1 Z12
2ζ = C1 L1 ⇒ rB = 2ζ − ≈ 2ζZ1 − ≈ 2ζZ1 (23)
ri C1 L1 C1 C1ri ri

Then, the last condition of (22) means that the LB inductor should present an impedance much
bigger than rB at frequencyωf, LB>>2ζrB/ωf. However, to avoid big values for LB, in practice a Kb of
30ζ2 to 40ζ2 should be used, being LB≈16ζrB/ωf. A close match (error<1.5dB) to the damped second
order filter of Fig. 1a) can be obtained from the above restrictions. The filter parameters are then
mostly dependent on the selected damping ζ (usually 0.5<ζ<0.7). For dc sources, the capacitor Cf
value can be obtained from (2). For ac sources the capacitor Cf may be obtained from (24),
considering Cfac paralleled with a resistor valued Uacmax/Iacmim, neglecting L1 and assuming a power
factor (0.96<PF<0.99) introduced by Cf.

C fac =
I ac min
ωVac max
tan cos −1 ( PF ) ) (24)

⎧ I oT
⎪⎪ for dc
4Δu Cf
C1 ≈ ⎨
( )
⎪ I ac min tan cos −1 ( PF ) for ac
⎪⎩ωVac max
L1 ≈ 2 ; Z 1 = L1 C1
ωfCf (25)
Z 12
rB ≈ 2ζZ 1 − ≈ 2ζZ 1
LB ≈ 8 L1
Z 12

The series damping with low frequency bypass often requires comparatively large dc current
carrying LB inductors to reduce the second order filter approximation error down to 0.5dB

To reduce the Cf capacitor or the LB inductor values of the series resistor damping, a parallel
arrangement (Fig. 2a) of the damping resistor (rp||L damping, rp||L1) can be used instead.
The filter (Fig. 2a) transfer function is written in (26), showing that 2ζ=1/Q= L1/Cf
/(rp||ri)=Zf /(rp||ri) and ωp=1/ L1/Cf.

ri 1 ⎛⎜ L1 ⎞ 1 ⎛⎜ L1 ⎞
s + 1⎟ s + 1⎟
uC (s) sC f ri + 1 C f L1 ⎜⎝ rp ⎟
⎠ C f L1 ⎜⎝ rp ⎟

= = = (26)
Vdc ( s ) sL r ri ⎛ rp + ri ⎞ 1 L1
+ ⎜ ⎟
1 p
s +s
sL1 + rp sC f ri + 1 ⎜C r r ⎟ C L Cf
⎝ f p i⎠ f 1
s2 + s
⎛ rp ri ⎞ C f L1 C f L1
⎜ ⎟
⎜r +r ⎟
⎝ p i⎠
To obtain stability:

rp + ri rp + ri rp Ro
>0⇒ >0⇒ +1 > 0 ⇒rp < −ri ⇒rp < (27)
Cf rpri ri ri ηδ2

L1 L1
rp IU r i rp L2 IU ri
Vdc uC Vdc uC
Cf Cf
a) b)
L1 L1 L2
rd IU ri rp L3 IU ri
Vdc uC Vdc uC
C1 C2
Cd Cf
c) d)
Fig. 2 Input filters with damping: a) rp||L damping; b) r||L damping with high frequency inductor
(rpl||L); c) rCd parallel damping; d) Fourth order filter with rpl||L damping
To minimize the influence of the transfer function zero, the following Hp parameter (Hp≥1) should

rp 1 L1 −r
= H pζ ⇒ rp = H p ζ ⇒ rp = H pζZ f ⇒ ζH p Z f < −ri ⇒ Z f < i (28)
L1 C f L1 Cf ζH p

To guarantee some desired damping ζ (ζ<1), the needed rp value is:

rp + ri ri ri ri Z f
2ζω p = ⇒ rp = = = (29)
C f rp ri 2ζω p C f ri − 1 Cf 2ζri − Z f
2ζri −1

From (28) rp = Hp ζZf which equated with rp from (29) gives:

Zf =
(2ζ 2
H p −1 )r , Hp ≤
ζH p i
2ζ 2

Therefore, given the desired damping factor ζ the filter components can be calculated as:

1≤ H p ≤
2ζ 2

Zf =
(2ζ 2
H p −1 )r ≈
ζH p
ri Z f Zf
rp = ≈ ;
2ζri − Z f 2ζ (31)

Cf = ;
Z fωp
L1 = .

Since Hp≥1, the first equation of (31) implies that the damping coefficient should be selected as
0.5<ζ<0.7. The ωp frequency, estimated from ωp ≈2πfPWM/10(At/20) would be much lower than the ωf
frequency, since this filter has a -20dB/decade high frequency roll-off. Often, as nearly a first order
rpCf filter is obtained, the same attenuation of second order filters can not be provided, in practice
the filter being useless for 60dB or more attenuation due to bandwidth limitations. Instead, if
possible ωp can be selected as ωp≈ωf/3. The parameter Hp should exceed 1 (Hp≈0.95/(2ζ2)) to obtain
acceptable values of the capacitor voltage ripple ΔuCf and rp power losses.
Alternatively to this design, for a reasonably low ΔuCf ripple, filter components can be calculated as
(32) if conditions (27) and (28) are valid.

⎧ I oT
⎪⎪ for dc
4Δu Cf
Cf = ⎨
⎪ I ac min tan cos −1 ( PF ) for ac
⎪⎩ωVac max
L1 = 2
ω pC f (32)
Zf =
ri Z f
rp = .
2ζri − Z f

The rp resistor dissipates the power ΔuCf2/(12rp), which usually is much less than the rL dissipated
power (Fig. 1a). The rp resistor value can also be determined using the required efficiency ηf criteria
(very high efficiencies can be chosen if they ensure rp<<-ri):

ΔuCf2 η f
rp = (33)
12Po 1−η f

The filter design can then be completed using (34) to determine Zf, Cf and L1, provided Cf does not
impair power factor.

2ζri rp
Zf = ;
ri + rp
Cf = ; (34)
Z f ωp
L1 = .

As seen in Fig. 3, the high frequency roll-off of the parallel Lf rp arrangement is worse when
compared to the series arrangement.


A way to improve the high frequency rejection of the parallel damped filter is to add a small
inductor (L2) in series with the rp resistor (Fig. 2b), or a wire-wound rp resistor with inductance
L2.The new rpl||L filter transfer function is:

ri L + L2 rp
s 1 +
u C ( s) sC f ri + 1 C f L1 L2 C f L1 L2
= =
sL1 (sL2 + rp ) L1 rp + ri (L1 + L2 )
v dc ( s ) ri L2 + C f rp ri rp
+ s3 + s2 +s +
sC f ri + 1 sL1 + sL2 + rp C f L2 ri C f L1 L2 ri C f L1 L2

Applying Routh-Hurwitz stability criteria:

a o = rp / (C f L1 L2 ) > 0
rp ⎛ rp ⎞⎫
a1 = L1 + L1 + L2 > 0 ⇒ L2 > L1 ⎜⎜ − − 1⎟⎟⎪
ri ⎝ ri ⎠⎪ L1 > rp ri
rp ⎬ (36)
1 ⎪Cf rp
a2 = + > 0 ⇒ L2 < −C f rp ri +1
C f ri L2 ⎪⎭ ri
a 2 a1 − a 0 rp rp ri
= L1 + L1 + L2 − >0
a2 ri L1 (L2 + C f rp ri )

Using a second order approximation:

u C ( s) sC f ri + 1 ri (s (L1 + L2 ) + rp )
= = =
v dc ( s ) ri sL1 (sL2 + rp ) ri (s (L1 + L2 ) + rp ) + sL1 (sL2 + rp )(sC f ri + 1)
sC f ri + 1 sL1 + sL2 + rp (37)
1 1
= ≈
ri C f L1 L2 s + s L1 (L2 + C f rp ri ) + sL1 rp
3 2
L1 L2 L1 ⎛ L2 rp C f L1 ⎞
1+ s 2C f +s ⎜⎜ + ⎟⎟ + 1
ri (s (L1 + L2 ) + rp ) L1 + L2 L1 + L2 ⎝ ri L1 + L 2 ⎠
This approximation holds if:

rp L1 rp L1 ⎛ L2 rp C f L1 ⎞ r L r L ⎛ L2 rp C f L1 ⎞
+ L1 + L2 − ⎜⎜ + ⎟⎟ ≈ L1 + L2 ⇒ p 1 − p 1 ⎜⎜ + ⎟ << L1 + L2 (38)
ri L1 + L2 ⎝ ri L1 + L2 ⎠ ri L1 + L2 ⎝ ri L1 + L2 ⎟⎠

L1 L1 L2 L2 H L Z1
Making L2=L1/HL, (HL>>1); Z1 = ; Zf = = = ;
Cf C f (L1 + L2 ) C f H L +1 H L +1
1 1 Cf HL HL Z f (H L + 1)
ω1 = ; ωf = = ω1 H L + 1; = = ; ω L = .
Z 12 Z 2f (H L + 1)
f 2
L1C f L1 L2 C f L2 HL
L1 + L2
Then, condition (38) reduces to:
2 2
rp HL rp2 ⎛ H L +1⎞ rp HL rp2 ⎛ H L +1⎞
− ⎜
<< ⎜ ⎟
⎟ ⇒ + << ⎜⎜ ⎟⎟ (39)
ri (H L + 1)2 Z 2f ⎝ H L ⎠ − ri ( H L + 1) 2
Z 2
f ⎝ H L ⎠

Rearranging the approximation on (37):

u C ( s) ω 2f ω 2f
≈ ≈ (40)
v dc ( s ) ⎛1 rp ⎞ ⎛1 rp H L2 ⎞
s 2 + sZ f ⎜ + 2 2 ⎟ω f + ω 2f s + sZ f
2 ⎜ + ⎟ω + ω 2
⎜ ri ω L ⎟ ⎜ ri Z 2 (H + 1)2 ⎟ f f
⎝ f 2 ⎠ ⎝ f L ⎠
From which:

⎛1 ⎞ 2
⎛ Z2 ⎞
⎟ ⇒ r = ⎛⎜ H L + 1 ⎞⎟ ⎜ 2ζZ − f ⎟ ≈ 2ζZ ⎛⎜ H L + 1 ⎞⎟
rp H L2
2ζ = Z f ⎜ + (41)
⎜ ri Z 2 (H + 1)2 ⎟ p ⎜ H ⎟ ⎜ f
ri ⎟⎠
f ⎜ ⎟
⎝ f L ⎠ ⎝ L ⎠ ⎝ ⎝ HL ⎠

Substituting the approximate value of rp from (41) in (39), the approximated Zf value should obey:

−r ⎛ 4ζ 2 ⎞
Z f << i ⎜⎜1 − ⎟⎟ (42)
2ζ ⎝ HL ⎠
Making HL>>1 (HL≥20) the equivalent inductance of the paralled L1 and L2 at high frequencies is
L1/(1+HL). The filter cut-off frequency will change to approximately ωf≈ (1+HL)/(L1Cf)) while the
filter characteristic impedance will be close to Zf≈ L1/Cf(1+HL). Considering the series circuit rp, L2
in parallel with Cf, with rp<<ri, and L2<<L1, the damping resistance can be approximated to

rp≈2ζZf. A -40dB/decade high frequency roll-off and 2nd order filter behaviour is closely obtained
with this filter (Fig. 2b) from the above considerations, using ζ≈0.7 and (43) which usually fulfils

H L ≈ 20; ω1 =
1+ H L
− ri ⎛ 4ζ 2 ⎞
Zf ≈ ⎜⎜1 − ⎟⎟
30ζ ⎝ HL ⎠
⎛ H L +1⎞ ⎛ Z 2f ⎞
2 2
⎛ ⎞
rp = ⎜⎜ ⎜
⎟⎟ 2ζZ f − ⎟ ≈ 2ζZ f ⎜ H L + 1 ⎟ ≈ 2ζZ f
⎜ ri ⎟⎠ ⎜ ⎟
⎝ HL ⎠ ⎝ ⎝ HL ⎠
1 1 (43)
Cf = = ;
Z f ω1 1 + H L Z f ω f
Z f 1+ H L Z f (1 + H L )
L1 = = ;
ω1 ωf
L2 =

Closer approximations require higher values of HL and lower values of Zf, at the expense of
increased values for Cf and L1.


The RC damping of Fig. 2c) may be an alternative in dc systems, although the size of the inductor
of the RL damping is usually much smaller than the dc blocking capacitor Cd. A suitable filter
behaviour is often obtained using (44) where rd is chosen to include the Cd capacitor ESR. Usually,
high values (Hd>4) of the Hd parameter give best results at the cost of capacitor Cd increased

⎧ I oT
⎪⎪ for dc
4Δu Cf
Cf ≈ ⎨
( )
⎪ I ac min tan cos −1 ( PF ) for ac
⎪⎩ωVac max
L1 = 2
Zd = (44)
Cd = H d C f , H d ∈ [4;6]
Hd +1
rd = Zd
2H d

Fourth order filters with rpl||L damping (Fig. 2d) can advantageously be used to provide extra
needed high frequency attenuation.
Very close (+1.5dB) bode approximations to a Chebyshev response with 1.5dB passband ripple can
be obtained sizing the second stage, as a parallel damped 2nd order filter with inductor in series with
the damping resistor, using (43) where the damping coefficient is ζ2≈0.9, since the LC first stage is
used without damping. The cut-off frequencies of the two stages are centred around the needed 4th
order filter cut-off frequency (geometric mean of the two frequencies with ratios from 1.5 to 2) and
the characteristic impedance of the first stage should provide a low damping factor (0.3) able to
recover the 4 to 6 dB loss provided by the second stage, at the cut-off frequency of the first stage.

Second stage : First stage :

2πf PWM ω o1 = 1.6ω o 2
H L = 30; ω o 2 = At / 80
1.6 10 ζ 1 = 0 .3
ωo2 − ri ⎛ 4ζ 2 2 ⎞ Z f 1 = 2ζZ f 2 ,
ω2 = ; Zf2 ≈ ⎜1 − ⎟
1+ H L 30ζ 2 ⎜ HL ⎟ (45)
⎝ ⎠ C1 =
⎛ H +1⎞
⎛ Z2 ⎞ ⎛ ⎞
2 Z f 1ω o1
rp = ⎜⎜ L ⎟⎟ ⎜ 2ζ 2 Z f − f 2 ⎟ ≈ 2ζ 2 Z f 2 ⎜ H L + 1 ⎟
⎜ ri ⎟⎠ ⎜ H ⎟ Z f1
⎝ H L ⎠ ⎝ ⎝ L ⎠ L1 = .
ω o1
1 Z f 2 1+ H L L2
C2 = ; L2 = ; L3 =
Z f 2ω 2 1 + H L ω2 HL

Bode Diagram

Magnitude (dB)



1 2 3 4 5
10 10 10 10 10
Frequency (Hz)

x 10 Pole-Zero Map

Imaginary Axis



-9 -8 -7 -6 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0
Real Axis 4
x 10

Fig. 3 Input filter responses a) rL damping; b) rL||LB damping; c) rp||L damping; d) high frequency
inductor rpl||L damping; e) rCd parallel damping; f) Fourth order filter with rpl||L damping;

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S. Pinto, J. Fernando Silva, Input Filter Design for Sliding Mode Controlled Matrix Converters,
IEEE Proc. PESC'2001, CD ROM ISBN 0-7803-7069-4, Vancouver, Canada, Junho 2001.

S. F. Pinto, J. F. Silva, Input Filter Design of a Mains Connected Matrix Converter, Session on
Power Electronics Mitigation Methods for Power Quality, IEEE-Power Engineering Society
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S. F. Pinto, J. F. Silva, Input Filter Design of a Mains Connected Matrix Converter, Session on
Power Electronics Mitigation Methods for Power Quality, IEEE-Power Engineering Society
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J. Fernando Silva, PWM Audio Power Amplifiers: Sigma Delta Versus Sliding Mode Control, Proc.
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