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Aql (intellect)
OBJECTIVE  Differentiate b/w men and animals
 Prohibits consumption of anything that
Maqasid – purposes/goals/objectives, etc might harm function of brain

Study on the rationale of revelation in 5. Mal (property)

quran/why  All things belong to Allah – human just
Allah revealed certain injunctions trustee
 Prohibits from taking riba, cheating,
History taking property illegally – al-maidah: 38
Al juwayni – teacher of al-ghazali
Al syatibi – from andalusia/spain
Ibn qayyim – from syria Hajiyyat
Existence facilitate life
Main objective of shariah - Cth transportation
Promote common good/benefits to mankind
Prevent harm from ppl Tahsiniyyat embellishments
Bring comfort to life
Shariah not only for muslims – to all mankind - Cth aircond
Al-Anbiya: 107
Yunus: 57 – shariah as healing
Other objectives
Establish justice – al-nahl: 90 - How to govern a country
Educate individuals - Gov according to shariah

Human needs
Essentials daruriyyat
Xdak – human life cannot continue

5 categories
1. Protection of al-din (religion)
 Personal level - perform ibadah – solat,
fasting, etc.
 Wider scope – defend islam if islam is
attacked – by writing/speeches –
praying in heart

2. Nafs (life)
Islam forbids taking of one’s life and life of

3. Nasab (lineage/dignity)
- Islam enjoins marriage and prohibits
zina, regulate r/ship b/w man and
women – to prevent problems in
- Protect individual rights to privacy

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