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1. Course Title: Islamic Legal System

2. Course Code: SHAS 1350

3. Credit Value: 6

4. Course Synopsis: Islamic Legal System deals with the philosophical, historical, theoretical and
practical aspects of Islamic law. The course covers the nature and objectives of Islamic law, and its
development from the era of the Prophet until years 750-950 C.E.. The course also covers the position
of Islamic law and Islamic institutions in Malaysia such as Syariah courts, Department of fatwa,
Department of Syariah Judiciary and many others.

5. SAF Elements:

This course plans to incorporate various values and knowledge related to Sejahtera
Academic Framework (SAF). Among the values to be incorporated in this course are
ethical principles, moral values and spiritual aspects of Islamic law to the students. The
knowledge to be exposed in this course are Islamic legal history and the application of
Islamic law in Malaysia. In other words, the course helps the student to understand the
theory and application of Islamic law by using Malaysia as the benchmark in terms of the
applications and institutionalization of Islamic law in the country. Through the course,
activities and assessment methods provided could help the students to understand the
nature of Shari’ah as practiced by the Prophet SAW, companions and other great jurists.
With that knowledge and skills, the students will be able to develop integrated knowledge
and skills to harmonize between Islamic law and civil law, transform those practices into
just laws and just legal system in their respective countries and bring Rahmatan lil-
Alamin to all parties wherever and whenever.

6. Course Classification within the Curriculum: Core

7. Pre-requisite(s) (if any): NONE

8. Co-requisite(s) (if any): NONE

9. Course Learning Outcomes:

No. Learning Outcomes (CLO) Outcomes
1 To analyse the developments of the Islamic legal system PO1, PO4
2. To apply Islamic legal principles in contemporary issues PO1, PO2
3 To analyse the application and implementation of Islamic law in Malaysia PO1, PO2
4. To compare the roles and functions of the different Islamic judicial and PO1
legal institutions
5 To display the ethics and etiquette of the profession, as well as moral PO3, PO5
obligations to oneself and the community

10. Constructive Alignment:

CLO Teaching-Learning Methods Assessment Methods

LO1 Lecture, tutorial Participation, common test & final
LO2 Lecture, tutorial Participation, Presentation & final
LO3 Lecture, tutorial Participation & presentation, final
LO4 Lecture, tutorial Participation, Class participation &
final examination
LO5 Lecture, tutorial Attitude

CLO Teaching-Learning Methods Assessment Methods

1 Lecture & Tutorials Test
2 Experiential Learning Class participation & legal
education experience

11. Assessment Distribution:

Assessment Methods Percentage

Test ( 7/12/22 at 8.30pm-9.30pm) 20
Class Participation 10
Presentation 10
Report on Legal Education Learning 20
Final Examination 40
Total 100

12. Course Content

Guided Independent
Week Course Content Learning Learning

1.1 Meanings of Sharicah, fiqh Islamic Law and

other related terms
1 (i) Differences and relationship between Sharicah and 2 5
ii) Dalil from the Quran: al Jathiyah: 18 & al Shura: 13

1.2 Characteristics of Islamic Law

1.3 Objectives of Islamic Law

2 1.4 Differences between Islamic Law and human- 2
made law

1.5 Meanings of Siyasah Shar’iyyah


Social, political and legal background of the Jahiliyyah

2.1 Development of Islamic law during the era of the 5

3 3
(i) Historical background
(ii) Sources of law and the position of Ijtihad
Distinctive features & Methods of legislation
2.2 Development of Islamic law during the era of
Rightly Guided Caliphs
(i) Historical background;
(ii) Sources of Law during this era 5
4 (iii) Differences of opinion amongst the 3
Companions and its reasons.
(iv) Characteristics of Islamic law in this era

2.3 Development of Islamic law during the era of the

(i) Historical background;
(ii) School of Hadith and school of Ra’y and the 5
5 3
reasons of their emergence.
iii) Characteristics of Islamic law in this era

2.4 Development of Islamic law during 750-950 C.E.

era/ 132-338 Hijri
(i) Historical background;
6 3 5
(ii) Reasons for calling the era the Fiqh Golden Era and
reasons for the growth of fiqh.
iii) Characteristics of Islamic law in this era
2.5 The great madhhabs (Hanafi, Maliki, Shafi’i,
Hanbali and others) and the reasons for their

2.6 Codification of Islamic Law 6

7 i) History & Legality 3
ii) Advantages
iii) Objectives


3.1 Position of Islamic Law in the Malaysian

Federal Constitution

3.2. Harmonisation of Law

3.3 Significant of Islamic Institutions in

Malaysia and their source of power 6
8 (i) Council of Islamic Religion (Majlis Agama 3
Islam) (MAIN)
(ii) Department of Islamic Religion (Jabatan
Agama Islam) (JAIN)
(iii) National Council of Islamic Affairs (Majlis
Kebangsaan Hal Ehwal Islam) (MKI)
Department of Islamic
Advancement/Development of Malaysia
(JabatanKemajuan Islam Malaysia) (JAKIM)
4.1 Position and Structure
(i) Historical background
(ii) Position under the Federal Constitution
(iii) State Department of Syariah Judiciary 6
9 3
(Jabatan Kehakiman SyariahNegeri) (JKSN)
(iv) Department of Syariah Judiciary Malaysia
(JabatanKehakimanSyariah Malaysia) (JKSM)

4.2 Jurisdiction of Syariah courts in Malaysia

(i) Civil and criminal jurisdiction
(ii) Article 121(1A) of the Federal Constitution:
10 3
Purpose & Implications 6
(iii) Whether jurisdiction has to be expressly conferred.

5.0 Islamic Justice System

5.1 Institutions of al-hisbah, al-qada’ & al-mazalim

5.2 Al-Qada’ (Islamic Judiciary)

11 (i) Islamic judicial principles &judicial administration 3 6
during the eras of the Prophet, the Rightly Guided
Caliphs, theUmayyah&the cAbbasiyyah
(ii) Jurisdiction of Qadis


6.1 Qualifications of Syarie judge

12 6.2 Appointment and dismissal of Syarie judge 3
6.3 Etiquette (adab) of Syarie judge


7.1 Concept of wakalah bi al-khusumah

(i) Attorneyship among the Companions

13 7.2 Syarcie Lawyer in Malaysia: Qualifications, 3 6

Roles and Duties

7.3. Syarie Legal Profession Act ( Federal

Territories) 2019


8.1 Meaning of Fatwa

(i) Differences between fatwa and qada’
(ii) Qualification of a Mufti

8.2 Fatwa Institutions in Malaysia

14 3 6
(i) States and National Fatwa Committees
(ii) Procedures to issue fatwa
(iii) Enforcement of fatwa
(iv) Effects of fatwa in Malaysian Courts

8.3 Decisions of Syariah Advisory Council

Final Assessment (if applicable)

Total 40 78

13. References:

13.1. Required
Ahmad bin Mohamed Ibrahim. (1997). Pentadbiran Undang-Undang Islam di Malaysia.
Kuala Lumpur: Institut Kefahaman Islam Malaysia (IKIM).

Farid Sufian Shuaib, TajulAris Ahmad Bustami &Mohd HishamMohd Kamal. (2010).
Administration of Islamic Law in Malaysia: Text and Material, 2nd Edition. Kuala
Lumpur: Lexis Nexis.
Mohamad Akram Laldin. (2008). Introduction to Shariah& Islamic Jurisprudence. Kuala
Lumpur: CERT Publication.
Zaydan, Abd. Karim. (1969). Al-Madkhal li al-Dirasah al-Tashri‘ al-Islamiyyah. Baghdad:
Dar al-Wafa’.

13.2. Recommended

Abdul Rahman Taj (1994) Al Siyasah al Shari’iyyah Wa al Fiqhi al Islamiy Kaherah. Al

A zhar
Abdul MonirYaacob. (1996). Etika Hakim danPeguam Syarie. Kuala Lumpur:
InstitutKefahaman Islam Malaysia (IKIM).
Abu Ameenah Bilal Philips. (1988). The Evolution of Fiqh. Riyadh: International lslamic
Publishing House.
Ahmad Ibrahim. (1993). “Suitability of the Islamic Punishment in Malaysia”. 3(1) IIU
Law Journal 1.
__________. [1989]. “The Amendment of Article 121 of the Federal Constitution: Its
Effect on Administration of Islamic Law”. 2Malayan Law Journal xvii.
__________. (1986). “The Role of the Judiciary in the Administration of the Islamic
Law”. Syariah Law Journal.
Ahmad Ibrahim & Mahmud SaedonAwang Othman. (1993). “Judges and Lawyers under
the Shariah” in AiditGhazali (ed). Islam and Justice. Kuala Lumpur: InstitutKefahaman
Islam Malaysia (IKIM), 125-145.
al-Alwani, Taha Jabir. (1991). UsulFiqh Al-Islam. USA: IIIT
Anderson, J.N.D. (1996). “Law as A Social Force in Islamic Culture and History”. (1957)
20 (1/3) Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies 13-40.
Bennison, Amira K. (2009). The Great Caliphs: The Golden Age of the Abbasid Empire.
United Kingdom: Yale University Press.
Farid Sufian Shuaib. (2012). “The Islamic Legal System in Malaysia”. 21(1) Pacific Law
& Policy Journal 85-113.
Farid Sufian Shuaib. (2003). Powers and Jurisdiction of Syariah Courts in Malaysia. Kuala
Lumpur: Malayan Law Journal.
Hasnan Kasan. (2008). Institusi Fatwa di Malaysia. Bangi: Penerbit UKM.
Hawting, G.R. (1986). The First Dynasty of Islam: The Umayyad Caliphate AD 661-750.
London& Sydney: Croom Helm.
Ghulam Murtazam Azad. (1987). Judicial System of Islam. Islamic Research Institute, IIU
Jasri Jamal &KhairuddinMohd Amin. (2002). “Perlantikan, PerlucutandanEtika Hakim
Syarie di Malaysia”. 6JurnalUndang-UndangdanMasyarakat 55-68.
Kamali, Mohammad Hashim ( 1989). “Siyasah Shar’iyyah or Policies of Islamic
Government” The American Journal of Social Sciences. Vol.6. No.1. 59-80.
Mahmassani, S. (1987). Falsafah al-Tashric fi al-Islam. Malaysia: PenerbitanHizbi.
Mahmud SaedonAwang Othman. (1996).InstitusiPentadbiranUndang-Undang&Kehakiman
Islam. Kuala Lumpur: Dewan Bahasa danPustaka.

__________. (1989). “Islamic Law and its Codification”. 1(1) IIU Law Journal 51.
Mohd Daud Bakar. (1997). “Instrumen Fatwa dalam Perkembangan Perundangan Islam”.
5(1) JurnalSyariah 1.
Mohd Hisham Mohd Kamal. [2009]. “Office of the Mufti in Malaysia: Legal History and
Constitutional Role”. 4 Shariah Law Reports 65-89.
Ramizah Wan Muhammad. (2011). “The Administration of Shariah Courts in Malaysia,
1957-2009”. 13(2-3) Journal of Islamic Culture 242-252.
Shamrahayu A.Aziz. (2019). “Kuasa Parlimen Menggubal Akta Profesion Guaman
Syarie: Analisis Peruntukan Perlembagaan Persekutuan”. KANUN Vol.31. No.2, 270-
Shamrahayu A.Aziz ( 2019) “ Harmonization of law in Malaysia: Methodologies,
Mechanisms and Way forward. Law Majalla. Vol.6.No.1, 8-35
Shamrahayu A.Aziz ( 2016). Maqasid Syariah dalan Perlembagaan Persekutuan: Suatu
Perbahasan Awal. KANUN. Vol.28. No.2, 278-312.
Siti Zubaidah Ismail. (2017) Undang-undang Kesalahan Jenayah Syariah di Malaysia.
UM Press. Kuala Lumpur. .
Sonneveldt, Frans,(2017) Women judges in the Muslim world : a comparative study of
discourse and practice Leiden : Brill.
TajulAris Ahmad Bustami, MohdHishamMohd Kamal &FaridSufianShuaib (ed.). (2005).
KaedahPerundangan, BidangKuasadanTatacaraMahkamahSyariah. Kuala Lumpur:
Dewan Bahasa danPustaka.

Prepared by: Checked by:

Name: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ramizah Wan Name:

Muhammad Head,
Department/Unit: Islamic Law Date:
Date: 21/08/2022
Version Number: August 2022

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