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Signals and System Analysis

Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
University of Wollega, College of Engineering and Technology

Course Number ECEg2121

Course Title Signal and Systems Analysis
Degree Program BSc in Electrical and Computer Engineering
Module Name Signals and Networks Analysis
Module Code ECEg-M2121
Module Coordinator XX
Lecturer XX
ECTS Credits 6
Lectur Tutorial Practice or Home
Students work load e Laboratory study
48 48 - 64
Enable student to understand and apply the
Course Objectives &
representation, classification, characterization and
Competences to be
analysis of signals and systems in time and frequency
This course will introduce students to mathematical
descriptions of signals & systems, and mathematical tools
for analyzing and designing systems that can operate on
signals to achieve a desired effect. Classification of signals
and systems; signal representation and approximation -
orthogonal and basic functions, Fourier series
representation; singularity functions; convolution -
analytical, graphical and numerical computations; single
Course description
and a system of ordinary linear differential equations as
applied to network analysis; the Fourier transform; the
sampling theorem; forward and inverse Laplace
transformations - system function and other applications;
forward and inverse Z-transformations and applications,
solving difference equations; introduction to discrete time
Fourier transform (DTFT).

Week Contact hour Course Contents

Characterization, classification, and
representation/modeling of signals and systems
2. Signal Approximation
Orthogonal/orthonormal and basis functions;
error to signal energies ratio.
3. Fourier Series Representation Signals
Trigonometric & exponential Fourier series,
frequency and power spectrums, error to signal
energies ratio.
4. Singularity Functions
The impulse, step and ramp functions;
discontinuous functions.
5. Convolution of Continuous Time Signals
Signals as a continuum of impulses; impulse
responses; analytical, graphical and numerical
evaluation of convolution
6. Modeling of Electrical Systems and Ordinary
Linear Differential Equations (OLDE)
Single and multiple variable OLD equations

7. Fourier Transforms and Inverse Transforms

Properties, energy spectrum, transform
theorems, system functions, the Sampling
Ideal and real sampling, Nyquist rate.
8. Laplace Transforms and Inverse Laplace
Properties, relationship between Fourier and
Laplace transforms; system functions;
Partial fraction method, modified power series
methods, evaluations from pole-zero plots;
systems response, solutions to integro-
differential equations;
9.Z-Transforms and Inverse Transforms
Discrete signals and systems, the Z-transform &
inverse transform; system functions; difference
equations and their solutions
Introduction to Discrete Time Fourier Transform

Pre-requisites Applied Mathematics III

Semester Year 2, Semester II
Status of Course Compulsory
Teaching & Learning Lecture supported by tutorial, assignment and
Methods laboratory exercises.
Assessment/Evaluation & Exams, Quizs, Assignments and simulation
Grading System
All students are expected to abide by the code of conduct of
students Senate Legislation of our University throughout this
 Academic dishonesty, including cheating, fabrication, and
plagiarism will not be tolerated.
 Class activities will vary day to day, ranging from lectures to
discussions. Students will be active participants in the course.

Course policy  You are required to submit and present the assignments
provided according to the time table indicated.
 80 % of class attendance is mandatory! Please try to be on
time for class. I will not allow you enter if you are late more
than five minutes.
 Active participation in class is essential and it will have its own
value in your grade
 Cell phones MUST be turned off before entering the class.
[1] Signals and Systems, Second Edition, Simon Haykin
and Barry Van Veen, John, Wiley & Sons, 2003
[2] Philip Denbigh: System Analysis and Signal, 1988.
[3] Processing with emphasis on the use of matlab,
Prentice Hall; 1st edition , February 3, 1998
[4] Budak: Passive and Active Network Analysis and
Synthesis, Houghton Mifflin, 1974.
[5] Hazony: Elements of Network Synthesis, Reinhold,
[6] Roberts: Signals and Systems: Analysis using Transform
Methods and MATLAB, MJ, International Edition,
McGraw Hill, 2003.
Approved By:

_________________ ________________
Name (Course instructor) Signature

_________________ ________________
Name (Module Coordinator) Signature

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