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An Act Creating the Municipality of Mercedes, Province of Camarines Norte

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the Philippine Congress Assembled:

Section 1. The barrios of Babatnon, Lanot, Lalawigan, Pinagdamhan, Hamoraon, Culasi, Tarum,
Pambuhan, Masalong-salong, Hinipaan, Matoogtoog, Cayucyucan, Mambongalon, Manguisoc,
Gaboc, Cariñgo Is., Quinapaquian Is., Apwao Is., Mercedes, Tanayagan, Tagontong and
Catandonganon, are separated from the municipality of Daet, Province of Camarines Norte, and
constituted into a new and separate municipality to be known as the municipality of Mercedes,
Province of Camarines Norte. 1aшphi1

Section 2. The municipal mayor, vice mayor and councilors of the new municipality shall be
appointed by the President of the Philippines to hold office until their successors are elected and

Section 3. The municipality herein established shall begin to exist on the date fixed in a
proclamation to said effect by the President of the Philippines and upon the appointment and
qualification of its officers.

Section 4. This Act shall take effect upon its approval. 1avvphi1

Approved: July 26, 1948.

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