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Lipa City Senior High School 1



Technology has come a long way. With the invention of computers,

cellular phones, and the Internet, it is inevitable to avoid gaming with the

use of these modern devices. Online gaming addiction is a serious

problem topic of increasing interest in research. It is a topic of increasing

research interest. Since the early 2000s, there has been a significant

increase in empirical research investigating various aspects of problematic

online gaming and online gaming addiction.

It is no secret that children and adults in many countries throughout

the world, play online games every day. Most players can limit their usage

in ways that do not interfere with their daily lives, but many others have

developed an addiction to playing online games and suffer detrimental


Online game is very popular today in this time of information age.

Students these days are very at risk of the enormous influence of

technology. They have most the major portion on the online gaming rather

than their school performance or academic matters.

Lipa City Senior High School 2

Addiction is an illness that changes the way the brain processes

information. Many teachers, parents and internet users are constantly

demanding stricter regulations on online games. The protests were

primarily focused on the tendency becoming a source of distraction for

students. The fact that most students are living on informative lifestyle, it

has made online games easy access in the students. In some ideologies

like Senior High School students playing online games such as Mobile

Legends, Defense of the Ancients (DotA), Call of Duty and Clash of Clans

can be stress-relieving, challenging to play, relaxation, fun, social

interaction and even escape from the real world. For most of these

students, online games are one of the best entertainments they enjoy.

Playing online games is controversial, it offers something that no one

can give. Studies show that the human brain can be easily distract and

designed to be distracted. One of the reasons is improper use of

technology. Educational systems tend to swim in time with this constant

change in society and create something relevant to today's generation.

The dark side of playing online games has become a hot topic throughout

schools and the whole Educational Department. Therefore, this study is

conducted to determine the impact of Online gaming to Senior High School

Lipa City Senior High School 3

The researcher of this study has an urge to find out the impact of

online gaming Senior High School students. The purpose of this study is to

determine the implication of online gaming to the students. It has an aim to

find out the impact of online games to Senior high school students.

Statement of the Problem

The general objective of this study is to find the impact of

online games to the Senior High School (SHS) students. Specifically, this

study aimed to answer the following question:

1. What are the demographic profiles of the respondents in terms of:

1.1 Name (Optional)

1.2 Age

1.3 Sex

2. What are the impact of online games among Senior High School (SHS)

Lipa City Senior High School 4

Significance of the Study

This study is primarily aimed at determining the impact of online

games in Senior High School (SHS).

The study will be significant to the Senior High School (SHS)

students about the awareness on the significant impact of online games.

They will be informed enough to lessen and prevent online gaming.

To the Netizens, this will be a guide on how to be aware to the

impact of online games not only in Senior High School students but to all

the youth who plays online games. It will be an instrument for awareness

about excessive use of technology.

The study is important to the Department of Education as it will

provide them optimistic understanding and awareness to the impact in

each student who take part about online games. This will be a big help for

their further consciousness about what they will implement in every school

and what will they do modern generation student who were part of it.

Lastly, for other future researchers who will conduct related studies,

this project will serve as their guide and reference to develop their skill in

decision-making and apply ideas, obtained awareness to the impact of

online games that will help improve future studies in the said field.
Lipa City Senior High School 5

Scope and Delimitation

The coverage of this study is all about impact of online games

Senior High School (SHS) students. It consists of effects of playing online

games, it will inform the proper use of online games as their habits. This

study is focusing on the negative impact of online games if it becomes the

education interference, and it talks about possibilities or results if you play

online games uncontrollable.

The researcher limited this research only to the Senior High School

(SHS) students at Lipa City, Batangas with the minimum count of

respondents, 50 students either male or female. It has a nominal duration

of 30 days. The consequence of the study was very genuine only for the

selected Senior High School (SHS) students only, while the

generalizations and analysis were empirically based on the findings of the

Lipa City Senior High School 6

Conceptual Framework


1. What are the Assessment,

data gathering
profiles of the
respondents in and analysis
terms of: of the Impact of
responses of Online
1.1 Name the Games
(Optional) respondents among
1.2 Age Senior High
about the
1.3 Sex
Impact of School
2. What are the Online gaming (SHS)
impact of online among Senior
games among High School
Senior High (SHS)
School (SHS) Students

Fig. 1 Research paradigm showing the “Impact of Online Gaming

among Senior High School (SHS) Students.

Lipa City Senior High School 7

Definition of Terms

To fully understand the content of the study, the following terminologies

are defined conceptually.

Impact. Having a strong effect on someone or something.

Internet. A global computer network providing a variety of

information and communication facilities, consisting of interconnected

networks using standardized communication protocols.

Online game. A game played by electronically manipulating images

produced by a computer program which is available on or performed using

the Internet or other computer network. Games that need an internet

connection. E.g., Mobile Legends, Defense of the Ancients (DotA), Call of

Duty and Clash of Clans etc.

Player. Person taking part in a sport or game specifically in an

online videogame.

School. A place where the student’s study or a teacher where


Senior High School. An additional two years of grade schooling in

secondary level, Grade 11 and Grade 12.

Lipa City Senior High School 8

Students. A person who is studying at a university or other place of

higher education.

Teacher. The facilitator of students’ learning. The one who oversee

the conduct of the learners.

Technology. the application of scientific knowledge for practical

purposes, especially in industry. It is the advances in computer technology.

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