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Lipa City Senior High School 17



This study aims to know the impact of online gaming; hence this

chapter will elaborate the methods and techniques that are used in this

study. This study focuses primarily on Senior High School (SHS) Students

in Lipa City, Batangas.

I. Research Design

This research used a qualitative design through phenomenological

design to analyze in detail. Phenomenological design emphasizes

subjective measurement and discusses the meaning of the perceived

experience or the interpretation of the said data, uses unstructured or

semi-structured data collection such as interviews and questionnaires, the

process is transparent and uses the first-person perspective therefore

utilizing the data collection and interpretation of the research. This

research design is appropriate in this study as the data collection involves

subjective data and involves experiences which were analyzed and

Lipa City Senior High School 18

II. Respondents of the Study

Purposive sampling technique is using to decide the respondents of the

study. The technique involves handpicking subjects that is usually suit very

specific intentions. The process of selecting the respondents is non-

probability sampling in which not all the students have an equal chance of

being selected. The researchers will select 50 students either male or

female as the size of the sample.

III. Instruments of the Study

The study used a questionnaire as the primary source of data or

instrument. Questionnaire is the commonly use in normative survey and in

the measurement of attitudes and opinions (Good,1991). Also, this study

mainly focuses on the behavior of the respondents thus the questionnaire

is the best instrument for this study as it will gather data effectively and

completely and is commonly used for behavioral and social research

based on Calderon and Gonzales, 2005.The questionnaire is written

subjectively for the purpose of getting the opinion and experiences of the

respondents. In the questionnaire it is included there the name of the

student (optional), age, their section and strand that is needed specifically.

The questionnaire provided 5 questions that suggests the respondents the

game they are playing, the time span, and the cause and effects of their

gaming that is needed to be answer specifically for data gathering.

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