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“I don’t think too badly of him, really” comment.

Charles Darney to Lucie Manette , at Manette’s house ,when Sydney Carton spoke
to Charles asking him to forgive him for being rude after the trial , and Charles
made some general comments about his lack of responsibility then Lucie thought
that he wasn’t kind to carton.

2 – What was happening in Saint Antoine on that July evening 1789?

Mad dangerous footsteps were forcing their way through the streets of Saint
Antoine. Young and old took held of knives, guns, swords; tools they found on
their farms and their workshops and others armed themselves with rocks and

3 – “What is the meaning of hundred and five north tower?’ comment.

Defarge to prison officer at the bastille when the angry mob broke down into the
prison release the prisoners and capture the manager of prison.

4 – What happened to the governor of the bastille?

They were taking him to the court for trial but Madame Defarge stood near to
him as attacked him. And when he was dead, she took her long knife and cut his
head off.

5 – Who was “the vengeance”? And what did she do?

She’s he grocer’s wife who is fat short woman knitting red caps for people. Crowd.

6 – He’s in Ropes. Let’s take him outside and make him eat grass” Comment.

These words said by Madame Defarge to her husband, Jacque three and the
vengeance when she found “Foulon” tied , people pushed grass into his face . He
was taken to his death.
7 - East west south and north travelled through the country. Explain

After the revolution, the villager didn't go back to bed, the castle was burnt and
the height grow higher wider and The Brighter the mender of roads and his
Friends shouted the castle must be burnt.

8 - How did Charles Dickens describe the start of the Revolution in the Chapter?

He compared the spread of the Revolution all over France to the spread of the
fire and the in the woods

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