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DOI: 10.1002/nur.22016


Why and how to avoid a desk‐rejection

Eileen T. Lake

Department of Biobehavioral Health Sciences,

Research in Nursing & Health, University of
Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania peer review, publishing, writing for publication

Eileen T. Lake, Department of Biobehavioral
Health Sciences, Research in Nursing & Health,
University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia,
PA 19104‐6096.

Journal editors are the gateway to publication. As a journal editor, a the rejection letter. These additions to a standard template are my
major responsibility is deciding which papers advance to peer review way of softening the blow of rejection and trying to be helpful, minus
and which papers to “desk reject.” Precious few submitted papers the great time investment. These remarks are my genuine acknowl-
make their way to publication in our journal. Avoiding a desk rejec- edgment that, by submitting a paper, all authors have made an effort
tion is the authors’ first hurdle. In this column, I describe why to advance science on a topic they are committed to and in an ap-
avoiding a desk rejection is so important and I reveal clues to how to proach that they believe in.
increase the chance that your article will advance to peer review. I assert that avoiding desk rejection is the authors’ most urgent
Although readers may imagine that journal editors devote job. While the bases for my assertion may seem obvious, some may
most of their time to reconciling discordant reviews and coaxing surprise you. Certainly, if your paper is desk‐rejected, it has no future
papers toward publication, this is not true, at least in my case. with our journal. Beyond that black‐and‐white fact are a few more
I swiftly learned upon becoming editor in January 2018 that, quite facts. About 40% of newly submitted papers that go through peer‐
like my professional email, the inbox of submitted papers is always review are ultimately accepted after one or more revisions. I find that
full. The cold reality is that more than one new paper arrives each 40% number to be eye‐popping. Who would not want to position
day. From the perspective of the journal's livelihood, a steady their paper for a 40% chance at eventual success? Even if your paper
stream of incoming papers offers the promise of published papers is among the 60% of peer‐reviewed first submission papers that get
some months later. From the editor's perspective, however, there rejected following review, you receive a treasure trove of con-
are often difficult decisions to be made about which papers merit structive feedback that is, in my opinion, priceless.
peer review. As an author myself, I have always trembled when the decision
Since my arrival, I have consistently desk‐rejected about two‐ following peer review of a new manuscript we have submitted
thirds of submitted papers. This fraction surprised me in the early arrives in my email. Now, 2 years as an editor having no prior
days but now I have become accustomed to it. At first, I spent hours experience in editor roles has filled my heart with the kindness and
detailing in the desk rejection letter the reasons for the rejection. dedication of peer reviewers. I truly believe that peer reviewers
About 6 months into my tenure, an editor colleague shared that they are well‐intentioned, dedicated volunteers. Most peer reviews
simply pressed the reject button, which generates a kindly‐worded provide even more feedback than we ask peer reviewers to pro-
rejection template letter. This interaction prompted an a‐ha moment vide. At our journal, an associate editor gives feedback in addition
for me. Why was I dedicating my time to provide feedback to authors to the peer reviews. The set of peer review and associate editor
on papers that would never be published in our journal? Although it feedback is the treasure trove to which I refer. Our journal's time‐
was well‐intentioned and I may have suffered from a “mentor‐to‐all” to‐decision given peer review is a mere 37 days. That is, on
complex, it dawned on me that it was simply the wrong use of my average, 5 weeks from submission to decision. Making the effort to
precious editor hours. I immediately stopped providing explanations. submit a paper that warrants peer review is therefore both your
Fairly often, however, I will remark that I respect the effort and ticket to a 40% chance of having the paper advance towards
attention to a particular topic or population, or I will recommend publication as well as a small time commitment in the publication
alternative journal types, such as public health or oncology nursing, in life cycle of your manuscript.

Res Nurs Health. 2020;43:141–142. © 2020 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. | 141
1098240x, 2020, 2, Downloaded from by Cochrane Portugal, Wiley Online Library on [27/12/2022]. See the Terms and Conditions ( on Wiley Online Library for rules of use; OA articles are governed by the applicable Creative Commons License

Let's turn now to avoiding desk rejection. There are common Heed my words: seek study design and methods advice from experts
reasons why I desk reject a paper and techniques authors can use to before you begin your study! A weak methodology is a particularly
avoid each type of desk‐rejection. Many desk rejections are due to a disheartening shortcoming. It wastes the investment of the research
poor fit with our journal. There are two common variants of this type participants, the research team, and the research sponsor (if any) to
of rejection. One variant is the topic is broader than our readership is carry out a study with weak methods. Although at the point of
interested in. Such a paper may be better suited to a public health submission it is too late to change inappropriate methods, one way to
journal, for example. The opposite variant is that the paper is too prevent a desk rejection based on your methods is to write the
narrow for our readership. In my rejection letter, I redirect such methods section clearly and completely.
papers to more appropriate journals. A minimal advance in knowledge is one basis for desk rejection.
Some papers are desk rejected due to poor English language. Low significance of a paper is another. To avoid these bases for desk
Most (~70%) new submissions are from non‐English speaking rejection, describe the problem your paper addresses with clear
countries. Our editorial assistant requires editing of some papers statistics and arguments supported by position statements or prio-
before they advance to me. Even so, there are papers for which the rities from authoritative bodies and recent literature. Identify the gap
English language still does not pass muster. Poor English language in the literature that your study addresses, and how filling that gap
reflects negatively on a research team. It signals that the team will advance practice and science. State any and all innovations in
does not recognize how poor the English is or simply does not have your work (aims, theoretical model, sample, design, measures,
sufficient resources to improve the English for submission. In ei- methods, analyses) and how they will advance knowledge.
ther case, the paper is a weak prospect for successful peer review. The last reason for desk rejection involves my personal judgment.
Rather than weak science, which often cannot be remedied at the Some papers have what I consider to be an inappropriate or unethical
point of manuscript submission, weak English is very easy to re- focus. An example is a paper on nurse burnout that focuses on nur-
medy. It is incumbent upon authors to find a native U.S. English ses’ personality traits, with the implication that burnout is the result
language speaker to edit the paper. For this purpose, our publisher of insufficient nurse resilience, rather than due principally to mod-
provides editing resources on our manuscript submission site. An ifiable organizational factors. Other studies exploit nursing students
alternative is to invite a U.S. colleague to become a coauthor, to study an extraneous question, like their attitudes towards kidney
ideally much earlier in the manuscript preparation. donation, which would also be a bad idea because nursing students
I often vacillate between advancing a paper with some degree of would not be a relevant representative sample for this question.
poor English language versus desk rejection with an offer to consider Here again, better planning can result in greater success. Think about
the same paper following professional editing. In the case I advance a how sound questions and methods can best advance science and
such a paper to peer review, I always warn reviewers that the language practice as you plan your study.
is not top notch, but I believe the science can be discerned sufficiently These tips for improving your paper's access to peer review mask my
to embark upon peer review. I am quite comfortable requiring profes- secret motive. When authors address significance, knowledge advance,
sional editing of papers for English language, even for authors whose sound methodology, and language, they will submit higher quality papers,
first language is English. I tell reviewers so they can feel confident that which should convert into a higher quantity of published papers in our
they can focus on science and leave language to me. journal's pages. This is the editor's dream scenario.
Oddly enough, the abstract of some papers exhibits worse English In summary, to generate nursing knowledge from your research
language than the paper itself does. I suppose that the abstract was effort: plan a study with clear significance and good methods, select a
written hastily or earlier and is then forgotten as the paper itself journal carefully, and prepare a paper that avoids the pitfall of desk
progresses to submission. This is quite a costly mistake to make rejection. Finally, give careful attention to the abstract! The abstract
because the abstract is the only thing besides the title that a po- is the emissary of your paper in the land of peer review.
tential reviewer receives when invited to review. Reviewers are
turned off by poor English language, for the reasons I mentioned
above: how it reflects negatively on the team and presents a likely ORCI D
low return on the reviewer's investment. Occasionally, a paper I Eileen T. Lake
advance for peer review does not attract any reviewers, whereupon I
desk reject the paper after 2 weeks of trying. This is a frustrating,
disappointing, and potentially avoidable outcome for the authors. How to cite this article: Lake ET. Why and how to avoid a
Another common culprit of desk rejection is weak methodology. desk‐rejection. Res Nurs Health. 2020;43:141–142.
Perhaps the researchers used nonvalidated instruments or con-
ducted a quasi‐experiment when an experiment was warranted.

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