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Addis Ababa City Administration

Construction License

Policy o.

Infrastructure and Construction

Works Authority

February 2005
Addis Ababa

1 For lingual purposes only. This translation is not officially approved.

Construction License Policy o.1/2005
1. Constructional License Formats
Plan Information ……………………………………….………………………. Form 001
Proposal for construction license ……………………………………………….. Form 002
Certificate for Construction License/for public use/.………………………… Form 003
Certificate for construction License/for Non-public Use/…………………… Form 004
Certificate for Construction License/Infrastructure/…………………………. Form 005
Certificate for Construction License/Advertisement board/………………… Form 006
License for maintenance of construction ………………………………..…. . Form 007
License for demolition of construction ……………………………………... Form 008
License for Temporal Construction …………………………………………. Form 009
Declaration of construction on boarder area ……………………………..… . Form 010
Notification of construction on boarder area …………………………..…… Form 011
Obligation of design Expert…………………………………………………… Form 012
Total construction cost estimate submitting format.…………………………. Form 013
License of Infrastructure coordination………………………………….…… Form 014
Title and Information Box………………………………………….…………. Form 015
Reporting format………………………………………………………………. Form 016

2 Construction Supervision formats 58

Construction Commencement ……………………………………….………. Form 017
Construction supervision ……………………………………………………... Form 018
Construction Halting warning ……..……………………………………..…… Form 019
Construction halting …………………….……………………………………. Form 020
Notification of construction Decision ……………………………………...… Form 021
Change/variation in construction ………………………………………..……. Form 022
Obligation of contractor…………………………………………….…………. Form 023
Application for utilization ……………………………………………………. Form 024
Certificate for utilization ………………………………………….………….. Form 025
License for Nighttime Construction …………………………………..……… Form 026
Notification of construction process………………………………….…….. .. Form 027
Construction Halting Notice/Code Enforcement/…………………………….. Form 028
Supervision Report Registration /Code Enforcement/ …......................…… . Form 029
Certificate of Good performance ………………………………………...…... Form 030

2 For lingual purposes only. This translation is not officially approved.

Table of Contents
PREFACE ............................................................................................................................................... 5
PART OE.............................................................................................................................................. 6
1. GENERAL .......................................................................................................................................... 6
1.1 Short Title .................................................................................................................................. 6
1.2 Scope of Applicability ............................................................................................................... 6
1.3 Definition .................................................................................................................................. 6
1.4 Service- Provision Level ........................................................................................................... 9
1.5 Reporting ................................................................................................................................. 10
PART TWO .......................................................................................................................................... 11
2. PROCEDURE FOR ISSUANCE OF CONSTRUCTION LICENSE ................................................................. 11
2.1 General.............................................................................................................................. 11
2.2 Plan Information ..................................................................................................................... 12
2.3 Project design and documents presentation ............................................................................ 13
2.4 Design evaluation and approval ............................................................................................. 14
2.5 Construction works on demarcations/borders ........................................................................ 17
2.6 Temporary Construction ......................................................................................................... 20
2.7 Permit for mounting of advertisement board .......................................................................... 24
2.8 Method for notification of decision ......................................................................................... 24
2.9 Expiry period of permit ........................................................................................................... 25
2.10 Construction by phasing ....................................................................................................... 26
PART THREE ...................................................................................................................................... 28
3. DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION STANDARD ...................................................................................... 28
3.1 General ................................................................................................................................... 28
3.2 Design standard ...................................................................................................................... 29
3.3 Construction Design Standard ................................................................................................ 33
3.4. Construction Standard ........................................................................................................... 44
PART FOUR ........................................................................................................................................ 45
4. CONSTRUCTION WORKS REPAIR/MAINTENANCE AND DEMOLITION ................................................. 45
4.1 Maintenance/repair of construction works ............................................................................. 45
4.2 Demolition of construction works ........................................................................................... 47
PART FIVE .......................................................................................................................................... 49
5. CONSTRUCTION FOLLOW UP AND SUPERVISION .............................................................................. 49
5.1 Follow up ................................................................................................................................ 49
5.2 Termination of construction works ......................................................................................... 50
5.3 Supervisors of constructions ................................................................................................... 52
5.4 The obligations and grade of constructor ............................................................................... 52
5.5 The duties and responsibilities of the law enforcement officers .............................................. 54
5.6 Permission of utilization ......................................................................................................... 55
5.7 5ight time construction permit................................................................................................ 58
5.8 Certificate of performance ...................................................................................................... 59
5.9 Power of attorney .................................................................................................................... 59
PART SIX.............................................................................................................................................. 60
6. GRADE, RESPONSIBILITY AND OBLIGATION OF A CONSULTANT ...................................................... 60
6.1. General .................................................................................................................................. 60

3 For lingual purposes only. This translation is not officially approved.

6.2. Duty and Responsibility of a Consultant ................................................................................ 60
6.3 Grade/Level of Design Examiner Expert ................................................................................ 61
PART SEVE ....................................................................................................................................... 65
7. SERVICE CHARGE ............................................................................................................................ 65
7.1. General .................................................................................................................................. 65
7.2. Payment for Construction License, Supervision, Utilization and Related services ............. 66
7.3. Miscellaneous......................................................................................................................... 67
7.4. Service Charge for License of Infrastructure Construction ................................................... 67
7.5. Discount/Incentives/ for construction License of Apartment, Real-estate and Repeated constructions
...................................................................................................................................................... 68
7.6. Service Payment for Construction /Installation of Advertisement Board .............................. 69
7.7. Penalty ................................................................................................................................... 71
PART EIGHT ....................................................................................................................................... 73
8. DEFINITION ..................................................................................................................................... 73
8.1. Definition for Abbreviation of Contractor ............................................................................. 73
8.2. Definition for Abbreviation of Consultant Organizations ...................................................... 73
8.3. Definition for Abbreviation of Experts ................................................................................... 73
8.4. Definition for Abbreviation of Road Standard ....................................................................... 73
8.5. Definition for Abbreviation of Plan ....................................................................................... 74
8.6. Definition for Abbreviation of paper size ............................................................................... 74
PART IE .......................................................................................................................................... 75
INDEX FROM A-Z ................................................................................................................................ 75
PART TE ............................................................................................................................................ 76
ANNEXED FORMATS ........................................................................................................................... 76

4 For lingual purposes only. This translation is not officially approved.

Construction License Policy o, 01/2005


• As it is necessary to perform and exert the all-round effort: to make the city of Addis Ababa
suitable for residency and work and implement the Vision set by the Administration.
• As it is necessary to prevent wastage of time and financial resources by making clear the detailed
operation procedures and extending an efficient system both to the service provider and the service
• As it is necessary to create a process free from corruption through informing user communities of
their rights and obligations.
• As it is necessary to prevail a standard process in all service- provision levels by narrowing the
conditions in which decisions are given to the service providing expert only based on personal
• As it is necessary to arrange clear and detailed policy of monitoring and supervision process to
make sure the existence of quality level construction that ensures the safety of the service user
community so as to issue License of construction.
• As it is necessary, to state in bold, the community has a key share and the fact that the Authority
and its Offices are the supportive power in bringing about the fast development to Addis Ababa
• As it is necessary to have a coordinated system to manage the Infrastructure construction of the city
of Addis Ababa.
• As it is necessary to set an Implementation policy detailing the required duty and responsibility to
enable the construction process be in conformity with the legal procedure. As a result of the
provision defined in Regulation No. 17/2005 of the construction License, the Authority for
Infrastructure and Construction Works of Addis Ababa City has issued this Policy of Construction

5 For lingual purposes only. This translation is not officially approved.

Part One

1. General

1.1 Short Title

This Policy can be cited as “Construction License Policy No. 1/2005”

1.2 Scope of Applicability

This policy must be applied on any construction within the limits of the city of Addis

1.3 Definition
Unless the context requires Otherwise in this policy the following terms have the following
meanings respectively assigned to them:

1. “City” : the city of Addis Ababa

2. “Administration” : the city Administration of Addis Ababa

3. “Authority” : the Infrastructure and construction works Authority of Addis Ababa

4. “Office” : the Infrastructure and Housing Affairs Office of the sub-city

5. “Holding”: an occupied land under land-Holding certification document given from competent

6. “Owner of Land-Holding”: any Private Individual or Organization registered as an Owner

on the Land-Holding certificate.

7. “Structural or master plan”: the approved plan of the city of Addis Ababa.

8. “Local Development Plan/LDP/” : a detailed study that is part of the Master plan on
specific parts of Urban land

9. “Plan Information”: the Master plan Information given for a certain urban land by an authorized
10. “Strategic Investment site” : a site bounded for strategic Investment in the Master Plan

11. “Construction”: any action of building: House, Building, shelter, fence, Infrastructure
Networks and Advertisement Board underground or on the surface of land.

6 For lingual purposes only. This translation is not officially approved.

12. “Temporal Construction”: a single storey construction built with easily detachable and removable
material on a temporary land- holding.

13. “Temporal land-Holding”: a holding determined and given by a competent Organ for a service
period of not more than five years.

14. “Land use” : a Building Service assigned for a specific plot of land in the structural plan

15. “Room” : any land plot having a floor and a roof and providing service

16. “Access Road”: a rood providing access to a certain land- holding.

17. “Floor” : the floor of a house or a Building placed on the ground, above ground and underground.
18. “Mezzanine”: a floor contained with in an elevation of the containing Floor, Covering a size not
more than 40% of the Floor.
19. “Number of Floors”: all the Floors of a single Construction Excluding mezzanine floors above and
below ground level.
20. “Under ground Floor/basement’’: a Floor having down-ward depth size of more than 2 meters
below the natural ground level.
21. “Constructional Supervision and monitoring”: a supervision to be made on licensed constructions
until their Completion or issuance of Utilization License.

22. “Utilization License”: a License to be given by the Authority or the Office to a Public Institution t
o enable clients make use of its service up on its proper completion under Construction License.

23. “Related Temporal Construction”: Construction of a shelter to be built in relation with the legal
Construction on the land-holding and to be removed or demolished soon after the Completion of
the Principal construction.

24. “Temporal modification of Existing Construction”: Temporal Construction on land-holdings out of

strategic Investment Sites with change of shape, size, kind of Service and Material with out
observing the building height and land use Requirement of the Master plan.

25. “Advertisement or Construction of An Advertisement Board” : the Construction of Board or an

Advertisement, which is an Installation on a given Construction or is independently installed
thereby to contain various Texts, pictures, crafts and other promotional activities.

26. “Major road” : the Road referred to as PAS or SAS or RR in the master plan

7 For lingual purposes only. This translation is not officially approved.

27. “Local Road”: the roads out of the Major road.

28. “Supervisor”: a staff member or an expert delegate assigned by the Authority or the office
for supervision and monitoring of constriction works.

29. “Builder” : a contractor fit for the standard of the construction and who concludes a contract or, in

the case of minor constructions, an Individual Expert or the Owner of the construction.

30. “Consultant” : a consultant company which concludes the contract for preparation of construction
design or, in the case or minor constructions, an Individual Expert preparing construction Design
as per the relevant profession and standard profession.

31. “Change of service”: the act of changing the service of a Building for which a License had been
given earlier.

32. “Public Service Institution” : any Building other than a given Residential Construction
Proposed as a residence for a family or a Business Service built with a residence or independently
by it self within a given land-holding and contained within equal floor size of same residence or
within not more than 100 Sq.m. Floor size.

33. “Declaration of on-Boarder Construction”: the Evidence Document with which the owner or
Builder of a Construction is bund under an obligation to take the appropriate cautionary action to
protect the safety and right of an existing neighboring construction.

34. “Code Enforcement service”: the Code Enforcement service of Addis Ababa and the Offices found
in the respective sub-cities and Kebeles.

35. “Basic Construction” : the Completion of the full structure, external and internal wall, external
door and window and the roofing work of a given Construction

36. “Main Construction/main Constructional Service” : the primary Service offered upon completion
or a construction containing the same within it i.e. other than the construction for security purpose,
Disaster prevention and supply of reserve power, Inter Compound passage way, road and fence and
the related Construction designed to support the service of the main Construction.

8 For lingual purposes only. This translation is not officially approved.

37. “Complete Construction”: a Building or a construction fully completed under the Construction

38. “Infrastructure Line”: the lines for road, water, electric light, Telephone and drainage.

39. “ Maintenance” : the process of reconditioning and maintaining (repairing) any existing
construction of a Building without demolishing the foundation wall and Roof structure and
without changing the size, form ,constructional materials or the position of doors and windows,

40. “open able” : fully or partly open able window or door to be Constructed on any wall, roof or floor

41. “Expert”: an Expert registered by the competent Licensing Organ and having current year

professional Certificate to be engaged in to his/her specialized field of design or construction


42. “Man”: Natural person or an organ having legal personality and entity.

1.4 Service- Provision Level

Centers and offices have the following service-provision level as per their current structure and
man-power mobilization:
1.4.1 Service provision in the level of sub city Except the lands on the Principal Streets of the city, the Office grants
Constructional License for the following kinds of constructions:
A. For a Building having 5 (five) or less floors or a construction to be build on a land
size of
5000 sq.m or for Institutions with the following level of layout
1. Residential house, up to 100 houses with one stretch
2. For schools, up to secondary higher education level
3. For health centers up to higher clinics
4. For libraries and multipurpose halls, intended for up to 500
5. For sports fields and centers intended for up to 500 people
6. For medium and small factories and storages with total construction cost

9 For lingual purposes only. This translation is not officially approved.

5,000,000 birr
B. Local roads, bridges, infrastructure and monuments on these local roads
C. Construction renovation and demolition license
D. License for fencing any land-holding
E. License for an Advertisement Board
F. License for temporal construction
G. License for Temporal Modification of an existing construction
H. License for Night time construction Conducts supervision and monitoring works will be done on licensed constructions Grants License of Utilization and Good performance Certificate for licensed Constructions
that are complete. Gives decisions on petitions submitted in relation with cases of construction

1.4.2 Service given in the level of a Center For kinds of constructions, other than the ones given in the level of sub-city, and listed under;
the Center provides Construction License as well as supervision of construction, License of
utilization and Certificate of Good
A. Construction to be built out of the limits of a given sub-city,
B. Transport Terminals to be built in an International, National or city-wide level
C. Diplomatic Institutions

1.5 Reporting
All information regarding license of construction, monitoring and supervision services
given by any Office, based on report submission article016, will be sent to the office of the
Authority at the end of each month.

10 For lingual purposes only. This translation is not officially approved.

Part Two

2. Procedure for issuance of construction license

2.1 General

2.1.1. Any construction design must ensure the safety of the users and the residents of the area.

2.1.2. It is necessary to obtain construction permit before commencement of any construction work in
the city. It is not necessary to obtain construction permit for the works listed under sub-article If built with one stretch within a period of one year in a private possession of residence.
However, the list of the construction renewal works need to be filled on form 007 and notified
to the office.

2.1.3. If the works to be conducted are in excess of those stated in sub-article 2.1.2. and if the works
are to be conducted for more than once in a year, a construction permit is required.

2.1.4. If any access road’s width stated in the title deed or land possession certificate is in excess of
the width of the road as stated in the master plan, the possession certificate shall prevail. If the
master plan’s is in excess of the possession certificate’s, the master plan shall prevail.

2.1.5. Any design applied for a construction permit should be prepared and submitted pursuant to the
construction permit rules and regulation;

2.1.6. Any application on an afternoon for issuance of a construction permit shall be deemed to have
been submitted on the next day.
2.1.7. Issues of construction permit shall be entertained provided that the application is submitted by
the owner of the construction, legal representative or by the professional who undertook the
design work. However the permit shall be given to the owner or legal representative only.

2.1.8. As regards to construction works that are to be undertaken at different areas but with the same
standard plan should be granted with their respective construction permits.

11 For lingual purposes only. This translation is not officially approved.

2.1.9. With respect to any request made for issuance of construction permit, the construction permit
shall be attributed by way of number as per the city wide standard coding system.

Sample no R or P 1 96 1 or 2 01 08 3322

Numbers of permits given for the specific

/place issued/ center or kefle ketema


Interpretation of code

Serial number
Residence or

Kifle ketema
Year issued


2.1.10. The following are the codes to be given to sub-cities plot

01 Addis Ketema 05 Gulele 09 Nifas Silk
02 Akaki Kaliti 06 Kirkos 10 Yeka
03 Arada 07 Kolfe Keranio
04 Bole 08 Lideta

2.2 Plan Information

Any construction design submitted for construction permit should be prepared as per the specifications
stated on the plan information of the land concerned.

2.2.1 Request for plan information Any possessor or private possession can request for plan information from the
authorized government organ that addresses issues of pre development studies. Any person shall be entitled to request data from any authorized information service
office in sub cities for plots of land located within the sub city concerned.
2.2.2 Giving out plan information Plan information shall be valid for a period of 12 months starting from issued date by the
authorized expert with his/her signature and the seal of the office.

12 For lingual purposes only. This translation is not officially approved. The plan information or data should contain all necessary particulars for design studies
indicated in the master plan. The plan information should contain the following documents.
A. Plan data form 004
B. Site plan Sc 1:2000 on which the contour line is indicated
C. Possession proving copy/title deed. Each plan data document should bear the seal of the office and should be signed by the
officer who issued the data. If the road indicated in the master plan has variation of size or width as compared to the
one stated on the certificate of possession/title deed, this should be clearly indicated on
the plan information.

2.3 Project design and documents presentation

2.3.1 Design presentation
Any person seeking to be granted with approval for change of construction or
utilization is required to fill form 002 and to present plan information (evidence of
possession), service payment receipt and the following project design and necessary
attachment documents. For a single storey residence whose roof is not made of concrete, and for construction
of fence, the architectural design and the general estimate of the construction work
must be presented. For buildings with concrete roof or for warehouses and construction works having
similar status as halls with more than 12 meters span or for buildings between G+2 and
G+5, architectural and structural design including statical calculation along with the
design draft and the general estimate of costs must be presented. For buildings of G+6 and more, architectural, structural, including statical calculation,
electrical, sanitary design, fire prevention system, soil test results along with related
document and the general cost estimate of the construction work must be presented. For construction of infrastructure, infrastructure development integrated certificate

issued by the authority or the office and written confirmation in witness of the approval
by the concerned organ as it pertains to the design should be presented along with the
general cost estimate of the construction work.

13 For lingual purposes only. This translation is not officially approved. For high level manufacturing institutions, In addition to the designs stated under
and and mechanical design; they are inquired to submit, provided that their
estimated cost of the construction work exceeds Birr 5,000,000 , an environmental
impact assessment provided by the Addis Ababa Environmental Protection Authority
as regards to the impacts of the manufacturing facility against the environment as well
as the type of construction required to mitigate the problems caused. For billboards, the design as well as structural design of support structure must be
presented. Concerning monuments, structures and memorials to be erected on squares, roads or at
public places within the city, design showing its perspective from all directions and
structural design of support structures must be submitted.

2.3.2 Before the master plan is approved, where any person with a construction permit
decides to change the design or to modify the plan for any particular reason; unless the
underground or the ground floor structural parts have been completed, the construction
permit request shall be considered as new on the basis of the specifications on the
approved master plan. Along with construction permit design document submitted for the purpose of adding
construction works on an already existing building or in relation with an existing or
already commenced construction work, design analysis should be submitted in
confirmation that the constructed foundation and other related structural parts are
strong enough to sustain and support such adjustment. However, the consultant shall
be responsible for any difference in quantity between the construction of the
underground and above ground works or any other problem caused by any reason

2.4 Design evaluation and approval

2.3.3 The expert entrusted with the responsibility of evaluating construction permits shall
examine the project design and documentation submitted within the time frame stated
under Article 2.8.1., and in three copies, as ascertain conformity with the master plan and
standard criteria. Where the criteria are determined to have been met, the required
information found to be necessary will be filled on the certificate of construction permit.
On the design document, the following shall be included: One of the copies shall bear the seal reading, "approved" On the second copy, a seal reading "permitted" shall be affixed.

14 For lingual purposes only. This translation is not officially approved. The third copy is to be kept in the file. The reference number of the newly issued permit will be included on the
design document and on the previous permit and will be returned to the

2.3.4 If the construction permit is found to be incomplete upon examination, the reason for
rejection will be stated on construction permit certificate and a seal to read "rejected" will
be affixed and such evidence will be given to the owner.

2.3.5 An applicant, who has grievances against the decision of refusal, is entitled to file an
appeal with the head of the office having crosschecked the terms of disapproval with the
applicable rule. The decision made by the head office will be the final judgment.
2.3.6 The following constitute detailed shortcomings that will be outlined in the certificate of
construction permit and plan approved so that they can be corrected in construction
process without preventing permit to be issued. Shortcomings that may not cause change in structural design and that have not
been clearly stated on the design submitted. Omitted measurements that do not prejudice the rights of the adjacent possessor and
which do not create problems during construction process as well as those on which
sanctions of standard are not laid. Omitted furnishings, With the exception of those which are mandatory to be stated as
regards to determination of other obligations stipulated for issuance of construction
permit as well as those to determine the area and utilization of rooms.

2.3.7 If the design of the construction work is below the standard to the extent that it is not
possible to conduct the examination related to issuance of permission, such design may be
rejected even though approved by the officer up the hierarchy as compared to the expert.

2.3.8 Any statement within the limits of the seal to read "approved" on the copy of the plan,
after decision of approval has been rendered, which will change the contents of the permit
,unless with the exception of the statements of the expert evaluator or proven by evaluating
body, will not be considered as integral part of the permit.

15 For lingual purposes only. This translation is not officially approved.

2.3.9 The certificate formerly issued by the Ministry of Works and Urban Development, for
government organs for construction purposes before the enactment of Construction Permit
Regulation No. 1/97, after having conducted the necessary evaluation of the design
documents, thereby approving the continuation of the construction is considered to be of
equal value.

2.3.10 Submission of files on existing construction All construction works undertaken with or without permit, or those which
have been completed must all be indicated in the site plan design document. The distance between an existing building and the new construction work in
respect of which the permit has been requested shall be as per the construction
permit criterion. Such criterion shall be fulfilled by either demolishing the
exiting building or by way of keeping the distance as required. Where
demolishing is necessary, the permission for demolition which approves the
structure is demolished should be submitted along with the request for
construction permit. If the existing building within the limits of the possession is not included
under the site plan design document in respect of which the request has been
made or in situations where such building or construction work is indicated in
a manner that is different from its real contents, the construction permit issued
on the basis of falsified information shall be cancelled when the case surfaces. In situations where the permit has been issued on the basis of falsified
information provided as regards to the distance requirement that needs to be
fulfilled, or other specifications on permits, either the new or the existing
construction will be demolished at the expense of the applicant; The original construction permit previously issued to complete works or

works already underway must be attached along with the copy of the site plan
when presented. If there are construction works on the site plan document submitted for
construction permit without the appropriate approval previously granted but
which would have been permitted had the appropriate request been made or
should there be uncompleted construction works for which permit had not

16 For lingual purposes only. This translation is not officially approved.

been issued, the owner shall be required to settle penalty as per the
appropriate regulation and service fee. Formerly issued construction permit shall be replaced by the current

construction permit. For the purpose of reference, the number of the formerly
issued construction permit should be stated in the new one.

2.5 Construction works on demarcations/borders

2.5.1. General Any person should make sure that construction works on the border of the
adjacent establishment would not be affected due to the new construction
work to be undertaken. If any construction work/including cantilevers/ is situated close to the border
of the adjacent possession without compliance to the following distances, it
shall be considered as resting on the border itself.
a. 1 meter for construction works up to 3 floors above the ground.
b. 1.5 meters for construction works or buildings between 4 and 5
c. 2.0 meters for construction works with 6 and more floors. It is not permitted to construct any building or construction work on the

border line of the adjacent possession with the exception of those for which
the consent of the adjacent possessor has been secured and fences. Even though an agreement is made to erect a construction work on the border
line of the adjacent possession, any open able structure must be laid on a
certain distance according to regulations of the construction permit authority. The owner of the construction should take responsibility to any damages that
may be sustained on the previously existing adjacent construction structure
situated close to the border lines. The owner is required to fill the form 010
concerning statements of construction works to lay on the border line. Any person making permit requests of construction works should accurately
state information concerning the adjacent establishments. If the information is

17 For lingual purposes only. This translation is not officially approved.

found to be incorrect, the owner of the construction works bears responsibility
for any damage in respective to the incorrect information provided. A possessor of adjacent establishment who contests against the permission
granted should prove that the information is inaccurate and the office or the
authorized person shall evaluate the consequences and render a decision
within a maximum of 5 days. It is not permitted to carryout construction of chimneys and construction

works directly connected to fire on the border line. Kitchens and other service
rooms built on boarder area must be made from fire proof material. In a situation where a possessor of an adjacent building has undertaken

construction work close to the border line, the other adjacent possessor has the
same right of construction provided that the height limit is maintained. Such
construction work shall be undertaken in compliance with the height limits of
the construction permit. For the purpose of making adjustments to the common roof or wall attached
with the adjacent construction work, to improve, maintain or demolish the
construction work, the maintenance/demolition work shall be undertaken in a
manner that would not prejudice the safety of the building and it shall be
undertaken as per the permit. Any design study to be conducted as regards to construction work to be

positioned on the border line should take the following in to consideration.
Any construction work above 5 floors, disregarding whether or not it has
underground floor, shall comply with the following requirements if it is to be
constructed close to the adjacent construction work with a distance of 2
meters or below.

a. The structural design to be submitted for permission should take in to

consideration the building structure of the adjacent establishment. Such
design document to be submitted should take in to consideration the
measurements of the adjacent establishment, such as the load to be

18 For lingual purposes only. This translation is not officially approved.

b. The applicant is required to submit a statement as regards to precautions
to be taken in order to avoid any destabilization that may be caused
against the adjacent property during excavation and construction. Such
application is to be submitted along with the document of site plan to be
approved. For construction works in respect of which the consent of the adjacent
possessor proves to be unobtainable due to unavailability of the possessor, it
shall be deemed that the adjacent possessor has not granted his/her own
consent to the applicant. Refer to for construction works meant to let light to pass through
only. Any structure with opening should be in line with the distance that should be
maintained as measured from the border line and this shall not be subject to
any adjustment upon agreement of the adjacent possessors.

2.5.2. It shall be permissible to construct buildings on the border lines on the basis of the construction
permit without the need to request for the consent of the adjacent possessor for the following
constructions. However, the agreement of the adjacent possessor must be presented for construction
works that are bigger. Without including basements, buildings with two floors or less; or with a
foundation 150c.m away from boarder but with 3 floors or less; or any
building with a height not more than 7m on a road lesser than 15m. Without including basements, buildings with four floors or less; or with a
foundation 150cm. away from boarder but with cantilevered floor up to the
boundary and 5 floors or less; or any building with a height not more than
15m on a 15m or wider road.
2.5.3 With the right clearance from the road, consent from adjacent estates is not needed to build on a
vacant land or on a chartered land with no previous construction and if the adjacent boundary is
another road.
2.5.4 For the constructions listed bellow by entering an obligation of a boarder construction and by
presenting the design based on Article construction can commence. If the elevation of a wall of any construction with one basement is less than 2m
away from the boarder.

19 For lingual purposes only. This translation is not officially approved. If any construction with more than one basement floor is less than 3.5m away
from a boarder.
2.5.5 For construction of subfloors, a construction draft preventing landslide must be presented and
approved, in order to excavate more than 3.5m deep and which is 2m or less away from any
2.5.6 For construction works in respect of which the consent of the adjacent possessor proves to be
unobtainable due to unavailability of the possessor, it shall be considered that the adjacent
possessor has not granted his/her consent for the applicant.
2.5.7 The mentioned distance must be respected to erect the following constructions without entering any
obligations of constructing on a boarder. The mentioned distance will be fully implemented on
ground level and on levels above; consent from neighboring estates is not needed For buildings with 3 floors or more, 1m/ with no window or for an elevation of a
fully closed verandah on the neighbor’s Direction/ for buildings with 4 to 5 floors, 1.5m/with no window or with high window
( or for an elevation of a verandah covered up to 1.7m high For buildings with 6 floors or higher, 2m/for an elevation wall with or with out
any type of window or verandah/

2.6 Temporary Construction

2.6.1. General The service of the temporary construction shall be the service stated under the
provisional certificate of possession; The building of temporary construction cannot be any more than 1 floor and its height
more than 5 meters; It should be constructed from materials which can be easily dismantled. However, the
material should ensure the safety of the users and should give considerations to the
aesthetic value of the environment. The temporary construction should be connected to the main sewerage line without
being constructed using wall or should make use of movable septic tank; If the adjacent provisional construction is within the limits of traffic road or pedestrian
walk, a letter of consent should be submitted from Addis Ababa Roads Authority;

20 For lingual purposes only. This translation is not officially approved. The fence to be constructed for should be painted in a manner that would contribute to
the beauty of the area. However, this does not include using patterns for advertisement
purpose with the exception of the pattern that may arise in the process of the painting; Unless with special permission, shelters to be constructed for the purpose of various
social events, holidays and various programs should not be mounted, which would
require digging the floor, unless with special permission; Upon expiry of the period for use of the provisional construction, the owner of such
facility shall remove same at his own expense; Provisional construction works of bus stops, public telephone stands, micro and small
businesses and other similar public constructions should be approved by way of
construction permit and the request should be submitted along with provisional
certificate of possession as well as the design of the construction work;

2.6.2. Types of provisional construction permit Contract provisional construction - Provisional construction work erected on a

provisional possession until such time as the period of permission would expire; Auxiliary provisional construction - Provisional auxiliary construction work around the
possession for which the construction permit has been granted and which is related with
the activities of the construction work only; Timely provisional construction work - this refers to a request made in regards to
various social events, holidays and various programs for the purpose of putting in place
shelters that can be easily dismantled and which would be erected at free spaces and
roads; Provisional adjustment permit of existing construction works - refer to 2.6.4;

2.6.3. Submission of provisional permit and the period of limit

21 For lingual purposes only. This translation is not officially approved. The application form stated under Article, service payment receipt, provisional
possession certificate as well as structural and architectural design should be submitted
together. The period of such construction work should be the period stated under the
certificate of the provisional possession; The application form stated under Article, receipt for service, copy of the
original construction permit, topography of the provisional construction, architectural
plan showing the entrance and exit should all be submitted together. The period of
validity for this permit shall be completion of the construction or the validity period of
the construction permit. Along with the construction permit application form mentioned on article and
the receipt of settlement of service charge, details of the service for which the
construction work is required should be submitted. The period of construction in this
regard shall be a maximum of 5 days. Should where it proves to be necessary to make
use of traffic movement for reasons beyond control, the permit may be given for a
period not exceeding one day unless special permit has been granted.

2.6.4. Existing construction provisional adjustment modification permit With the exception of sites for which strategic investment and environmental
development , provisional modification license may be granted to existing construction
works; Even though provisional modification permit may be granted for existing construction
works on the basis of the provisions of the master plan, the request for permit shall not
be required to be submitted on the basis of the criteria and land utilization as stated in
the master plan; As long as it complies with regulations indicated on the master plan it is possible to get
provisional modification permit to expand up to 40% of the existing structure. This is
the ultimate limit of the total application request for modification works in one
possession and should respect the limit in place for possession-construction.

22 For lingual purposes only. This translation is not officially approved. Any person making a request for adjustment to existing provisional construction work
shall be required to submit the plan information, the service payment, the entire
document of construction permit previously issued as well as the adjustment design
documents. The design should clearly indicate the existing building of the existing construction
when submitting a request for a temporary license. For existing possessions constructed without permit, receipt for settlement should be
submitted along with the request. Existing, detached, construction works that have been erected in a compound should be
indicated in the provisional modification permit but it should be explicitly stated that
the permit does not include them. If the construction modification works are to be built
attached with the existing construction, such existing property should fulfill, as any new
construction work, the criteria set under the permit. For temporary modification of existing construction works utilization permission shall
not be granted. The temporary adjustment permit of an existing construction work is valid for a period
of 1 year. Construction works existing on PAS roads indicated in the master plan but which
have not yet been open for traffic should fulfill the following criteria to obtain permit
for modification.

A. Where it has been verified that a plan is not put in place to construct the road within a
period of three years.
B. The works to be undertaken should be made of materials that can be easily dismantled
and the construction work should not be beyond 1 storey.
C. Upon opening of the road for use in the future the owner of the construction shall be
required to submit confirmation that no compensation shall be requested as regards to
such provisional adjustment works.

23 For lingual purposes only. This translation is not officially approved.

2.7 Permit for mounting of advertisement board
2.7.1. For the purpose of obtaining permit to mount notice board, detailed or complete design
drawing and document of service payment should be submitted.
2.7.2. Notice papers, cloths and similar materials to be posted, suspended or placed on
various permanent and movable objects should have a permission which shall be given
provided that the details of the notice or advertisements is submitted in two copies and
given that a document settlement of service charge is provided.
2.7.3. Bulletin board construction permit should clearly indicate as to where the board is to be
2.7.4. The contents of the notice should not be in conflict with the appropriate behavior or
ethics of the society.

2.8 Method for notification of decision

2.8.1. The authority of the office shall rendered decision of construction permit after submission of
application within the period of time hereunder stated. However, the time indicated as regards
to notification of decision is the maximum period determined in consideration of the higher
level construction works. Otherwise, the decision shall be given within shorter period in
consideration of the size of the project in relative terms.

The maximum time required for examination

Area of
No. the type of the construction No. of floors possession
in m2 Architectural structural Electrical Sanitary Total

1. Single residence 1 any 1 - - - 1

2. Single residence >2 any 1 2 - - 3
3. Multipurpose <3 any 4 6 - - 10
4. Multipurpose 4-5 any 7 8 - - 15
5. Multipurpose above 6 any 12 18 - 30
6. Manufactory any <500 2 3 1 1 6
7. Manufactory any 500-1000 4 6 10
8. Manufactory any >1000 12 18 30
9. Warehouse any any 4 6 10
10. bulletin any any 1 2 3
11. Repair permit any any 5 5
12. demolition permit any any 3
13. adjustment of existing any any 7 7

24 For lingual purposes only. This translation is not officially approved.

14 Temporary Construction
• Temporary possession any any 2 2 4
• Temporary parallel any any 2 2
• Timely temporary any any 1 1
• Existing construction's any any 1
adjustment permit

2.9 Expiry period of permit

2.9.1. General A given construction permit would need to be replaced by another if the basic construction
work is not completed within the period the construction permit is due.

2.9.2. Period of limitation Unless a special contract has been entered into between the administration and the developer,
an approved construction permit shall be valid for the period stated under or until such
time as the last utilization permit is granted. The period stated under shall represent the maximum period of validity of the
construction permit and unless a special agreement has been made between the administration
and developer as regards to period of commencement and completion of the works.

A. Unless the work is not commenced within a year of the date on which the permit was granted
for medium level construction and unless the process is clearly noticeable within a period of 6
consecutive months.

B. For higher level construction works unless the process has began within a period of one year
and a half since issue or unless clear development is witnessed in a period of 6 consecutive
months after its commencement, the permit so granted shall be canceled. Table of Overdue of Construction Permit

25 For lingual purposes only. This translation is not officially approved.

With disregard to whether or not the period of validity of a given construction work is clearly stated on the
construction permit, it shall have the period of validity stated under article

Maximum period in which the

Level of construction Type of construction
permit will be effective
single residences
Low level 3 years
construction works other than public use buildings
Public use building of 5 floors or more
construction work to be undertaken on a given land
with area of up to 5000m2
Institutions that submit request as detailed below:
1. Residential house between 1 and 100
2. Education institutions up to the level of secondary
3. Health institutions up to the level of higher clinic
Medium 4. Library and all purpose halls with the capacity of 3 years
up to 500 persons
5. Sport fields and centers with capacity of up to 500
6. medium and low level manufactories and
manufactory institutions having total estimated cost
of Birr 5 million
7. Local roads and bridge to be constructed
on such roads, infrastructure and monuments
Construction work with 6 floors and more or
high level construction work having area of more than
5000 m2 or
For the following construction works not
High level 5 years
mentioned under No.1 above
1. Transport stations to be constructed at international
or local or city level
2. Diplomatic institutions

2.10 Construction by phasing

2.9.3. Except for areas that are considered as strategic investment places and for which environmental
development plan has been designed, without prejudice to the period in which the construction
permit shall remain valid, it shall be possible to make use of the works having undertaken the
works step by step. However, the first construction level should not be any lesser than the level
stated under the master plan.

2.9.4. In order to facilitate for follow up and utilization certificate, the works intended to be
undertaken step by step should be clearly stated on the permit. However, if a lease contract
agreement has been concluded for the place in question, the detailed construction execution
terms stated under the lease contract shall be applied.

26 For lingual purposes only. This translation is not officially approved.

2.9.5. Care should be taken to make sure that part of the building approved to be under utilization
until the other part which has been approved to be constructed step by step will have been
completed. Therefore, such care shall prevent persons moving around the construction from
being injured.

27 For lingual purposes only. This translation is not officially approved.

Part Three

3. Design and Construction Standard

3.1 General
3.1.1 The design and related documents to be submitted for granting of construction permit should be
written in Amharic or English only.

3.1.2 Quantities should be stated using the metric system and by way of graphics standard measurement

3.1.3 Designs should be submitted in three copies using a minimum of A3 size and unless it is requested
by the department in consideration of the magnitude of the project, blue print prepared maximum at
the size of A1 or with 80 grams of white bond paper. Written documents should be with A4 or A3
size and should be compiled. For huge projects, the office may request such particulars to be
submitted in the form of electronic copy using diskette or CD in addition to the above.

3.1.4 Each prepared in 3 copies, the design drawing paper should be folded in the size of A4 that would
enable it to be attached in the pertinent file.

3.1.5 Title and title box should be placed at bottom right corner as per form 015.

3.1.6 In order to serve for the approving body, there should be a blank space of 10x10cm just above the
title box.
3.1.7 Site dimension stated on the site plan should be in line with the measurement found on the
possession certificate or title deed.

3.1.8 Standards of design which are not stated in this directive but which are acceptable at International
level shall be acceptable. However, the choice of design standards shall be recommended by the
organ that conducts the design inspection.

3.1.9 Refer to 2.3.2 for construction permit plan adjustment or improvement granted before the approval
of the master plan that does not meet the specification of the master plan.

28 For lingual purposes only. This translation is not officially approved.

3.1.10 For designs that require special scale, without prejudice to the scale stated above, construction
designs greater than 30 meter in length, it shall be permissible to submit the designs by the scale of
1:100 otherwise it should be submitted with scale of 1:50.

3.2 Design standard

3.2.1 Architectural Design
The designs stated hereunder should be submitted having been included under the architectural
design. Floor plan

All floors should be shown by plans. If there is mezzanine floor, it should be considered
separately. For similar floors, the design should be submitted by way of typical floor plan. Section
The section should at least show the roof structure, underground floor, and open well
connecting two and more floors as well as stairs. Elevation
The external elevation drawing should show all the sides of the building. Totally obscured
views should be visible by way of sectional elevation. Concerning parts that are not clear and that require clearly visible design, the organ authorized
to issue permits may seek for details. Site plan

The site plan should show the topography and the distance of the building from the adjacent
boundary, road and other constructions, the name of the road in the nearby area, the direction of
the entrance to the building, the direction of the gate entrance, routs in the premises, existing
buildings at 2 meters of distance for residences and within the limits of 6 meters for public
utilities and their heights, contour plan and septic tank (ST), if it connects with sewerage line
on the main road, the type of infrastructure found in the vicinity, the type of roof cover
including the direction of drainage and inclination, parking lot plan with measurement, existing
constructions on the land and should show the north direction. For solid west container in
public utility should be indicated under SWC for public institutions.

3.2.2 Structural design

29 For lingual purposes only. This translation is not officially approved.

The following should be submitted having been included under structural design, static calculation
and soil inspection study: Structural design standard

A. Slab design plan

Slab and the position of slab reinforcement plan and vertical section design, the quantity of
the reinforcement, its length, distance, size and bar should be mentioned under bar schedule.
B. Beam design plan
The beam and the position of the beam reinforcement showing both of the vertical design
and the size of bar, should be stated in the form of table.

C. Column design plan

Horizontal cross section and the position of the reinforcement bar in the column, its size,
length, spacing and quantity should be submitted in the form of table.
D. Foundation design plan
The type of the foundation, the plan and the vertical view section should be stated. It should
also state the position of the reinforcement bar on the foundation, the quantity of bar, length;
spacing and size should be submitted in the form of a table.
E. Shear wall
Horizontal cross section on part of the building on which concrete wall is mandatory
showing the position of the reinforcement bar on the wall, the size, length, spacing and
quantity of the bars in the form of a table.
F. Retaining wall
On a building were it is necessary to have a retaining wall, it is necessary to show the
horizontal, vertical cross section showing the position, width and size of the wall .If it is
concrete retaining wall, the size, length and spacing of the bars should be stated in the form
of a table.
G. Roof structure
Roof structure design should have a view of the main truss structure showing the vertical
perspective along with supportive structures and should show their connection.
H. Other construction parts having structural content for example a stair, septic tank, water
reservoir and its position etc. should be shown for their disposition size and quantity in the
form of plan and if it is concrete construction, the size, length, spacing, quantity of bars
should be stated.

30 For lingual purposes only. This translation is not officially approved. Statical calculation
The statical calculation to be submitted for evaluation of a given project should show the
A. The general logic of the construction design and factors to be taken into consideration.
B. The building code standard to be implemented.
C. Static calculation for all building parts.
D. The software with which the design was prepared. Soil inspection results

Laboratory results to be submitted having studied the soil tests of a given construction site
should include the following:
A. The reference for the building code used for testing.
B. Test results and statement for the soil supporting capacity.
C. Hints concerning the selection of the foundation design type.
D. Other design hints for special underground building organs.
3.2.3 Electrical design
The following should be included in the electrical design. Electrical design plan Electric line load summary
3.2.4 Sanitary design
The following should be included in the sanitary design Potable water line supply design plan and report Sewerage filter and disposal design plan and report Flood water disposal design plan and report
3.2.5 Fire prevention system design
For constructions for which fire prevention system plan is required to be submitted with permit
document, refer to The following and other related specification should be included in the
design. General specification

A. Emergency stairs, exits, doors and corridors (size, straightness and straightness should be,
standardized and free from obstacles).
B. The construction should be fire resistant.
C. Indicatives should be properly placed and their types should be identifiable during day and
night and should be visible at times when there is no light.

31 For lingual purposes only. This translation is not officially approved.

D. Water spraying wheel hose, water reservoir connected with the hose and alternative means of
power to be used when there is no power.
E. Emergency alarm
F. Temporary holding area during emergency
G. Movable extinguisher should be placed at appropriate places and should be appropriate with
the type of fire accident that may occur with respect to the construction.
H. Lightening prevention.
I. Disposition of tools and what they are made from, and it should be ensured that they do not
aggravate the accident.
J. Kitchen, boiler room, workshop should get special emphasis and safety means.
K. LPG storage should not be underground. Storage and manufacturing institutions (in addition to

A. The compatibility between the number of exit doors, employees and total floor area.
B. Smoke detector, fire and heat detector should be properly installed according to the
C. Based on the nature of the manufactory or storage it should be connected with auto sprinkler
and fire alarm. Liquid fuel and LPG storage institution/in addition to

A. Fixed foam installation should be there.
B. Should be constructed separate from other institutions.
C. It should have water sprinkler.
D. Foam compound and foam monitor trailer.
E. There should be sufficient water reservoir with emergency source of power.
F. Protection of the liquid fuel coming out of the premises from the sewerage line in the vicinity.

3.2.6 General estimate of construction The general estimate of construction should be calculated on the basis of the average unit
square meter price to be given by the authority for the various types of the project as provided
under form 013. The general estimate should be calculated including all indoor and outdoor
constructions. For types of constructions which are not measured using square meters, based on the market
price it shall be determined through appropriate measurement for the nature of the construction

32 For lingual purposes only. This translation is not officially approved.

and it shall be acceptable on the basis of the unit price general estimate to be submitted by the
surveyor upon approval by the concerned body.

3.3 Construction Design Standard

3.3.1. Site Plan Standard For any Residential Constructions other than those referred to in Sub - Article,
the distance shall be 2.0
Meters and for manufacturing and warehousing construction, 6 meters away from the
Access Road.
Unless there is no Restriction set by the master plan, and except for the services
mentioned herein above, it is possible to make construction as close as the edge of the
road. If the distance that is expected for the site being studied under LDP from the Access Road
is indicated in the Study, it shall then be performed under the detailed Study. The distance of a building from a given road on a plot having more than one demarcating road
shall be measured from the front elevation of the building or on the part of the main access road,
whereas the on - border construction and the opening standard provision indicated in Article 2.5
and Shall be applicable on the part of other demarcating/bordering roads. A construction with a closed or open able window at a height of 1.7 meter and above from the
floor shall be distance of 1.5 away from the border .Apart from this any constructional surface
having any kind of window shall be built at least at a distance 2.0 meters away from the border, To construct an on - border construction with light translucent but no air - inlet, it is possible to use
glass - blocks of thickness not less than 5 cm and of non- transparent nature. While this must be
clearly indicated in the Design to be submitted, and if, it is on - border construction, then the
bordering party is not prohibited to construct close to it like any other non- transparent wall, so it
must indicate an additional or optional source of light for which a criteria of Light - Letting shall
be satisfied. Refer to Article 2.5.2. About ability of constructing without putting one self under obligation for
keeping to the safety of the existing construction of Bordering /abutting party,

33 For lingual purposes only. This translation is not officially approved. The distance of a construction having a window from that of the border shall be measured from the
wall - surface a window is fixed on, and the distance refers to any construction both below and
above the ground. There shall be reserved a distance of at least 6 meters between public service Institutions being
built thereof separately or in a partly connected manner within a given land- holding, The distance between two wall surfaces built thereof in parallel manner just between two
separately or partly connected blocks within a given residential holding shall be as follows:
A. At least 2.5.m if one of the wall surfaces has open able window.
B. At lease 1.5.m if there is no opening on both walls. The engine of manufacturing site or workshop having motor - operated activities the motor shall
be at least at a distance of 6 Meters from the border,

3.3.2. Standard of fence The height of a fence shall be measured from the natural ground floor The maximum wall height to be built between two bordering parties shall be 2.5. Meters Apart from the principal street, the height of a fence that borders with a given road shall be 1.50
meters and 90 cm respectively for residential house and business organization provided it is built
with non- transparent material or wall. But it is possible to increase the height up to 2 meters with
an increase of transparency up to 75% The height of a fence to be built on a boundary abutting a major street shall be as according to the
following, but the height of a fence on the part of the other bordering parties/ sites shall be as per
the Regular Fence Standard.

A. 70 Cm for residential house with the possibility to increase the height up to 1.5 meters using a
material having transparency of 75%
B. 70 cm for Office and other Business Institutions
C. It is possible to increase the height up to 1.5 meters for Manufacturing, warehousing site and
Social Institutions using a material having transparency of 80%
D. It is possible to increase the height up to 2.5 meters for Embassies and Diplomatic Institutions
using non- transparent material, but it is also possible to increase the height up to 3.0 meters
according to the optional security mechanism to be presented by the Institution,

34 For lingual purposes only. This translation is not officially approved. No plant should branch out which is planted for fencing purpose or any other object shall pass
beyond one’s own holding toward the road or a bordering site. Nor shall its height be beyond
the height permitted for a fence,

3.3.3. Room Standard The size of any room shall never be less than 6 m2, and the breadth of any wall shall never be less
than 2.0 meters, but the kind of rooms having various types of services like toilets and whose size is
going to be determined by the device to be fit in may be with a size less than 6 m2 and 2m in
breadth dimension The minimum floor to ceiling height shall not be less than 2.6. Meters. However, the minimum
height of a room depending on its respective services must be as explained in the Design Standard
Schedule indicated in the Standard Table/Schedule, The minimum net height of rooms having pitched ceiling shall not be less than 2.00 meters at the
lowest point, If the height of Crawl - In room is less than 2 meters, it shall be considered and calculated as part of
the roof height The following minimum room height shall be observed for an indoor car - parking

Number of Parking (in no.) Minimum Room Height /Per meter/

Up to 10 2.10

Up to 10- 30 2.30

Up to 30-70 2.50

Above 70 2.60 The minimum and the maximum height of a mezzanine floor room shall be 2.4. And 2.7.
meters respectively , If the total sum of the height of the Floor and the mezzanine floor is more than 6 meters, it
shall be considered and calculated as two floors, The number of floors of a construction having a room height of more than 6 meters shall be
calculated by dividing the total height of the room to 3 and by approximating the obtained
result to the minimum multiple of 3. For example, a Building having a room height of 11

35 For lingual purposes only. This translation is not officially approved.

meters shall be calculated as a 3 floor construction, because of this rule 11/3= 3.67 and can be
rounded off to 3.
3.3.4. Standard of Openings Any openable object shall never be open towards the out side direction beyond one's
possession An entrance way to a compound shall be at least a distance of 3 meters for residence and 4
meters for the others Refer to sub article about the distance from the border of a construction on which site an
open able is fixed. Except the rooms which are not needed to have an open able due to their special nature, there
shall be at least one door and one window or a unified window door to let in light and
ventilation. It is possible to use other mechanical and other options to let in air and light to a toilet,
public - meeting hall, indoor game - playing hall, goods' display and sale chamber,
manufacturing and storing warehouse and similar public use services. While the ventilation
duct required for this must be indicated and detailed in the design, the completeness of an air
conditioner line with a back - up power supply must be clearly indicated in the Design. The size of a window must be at least 10% of the room, and its minimum size shall never be
less than 0.2. m2. The net size of a door shall be 70 cm and its net height shall not be less than 200 cm. It is impossible to use a mirror glass or similar kind of mirror for an external part of a
construction The reflectance condition of external windows to be fixed on a Building shall never disturb the
safety of the residents and the traffic movement The main entrance of a building serving for the public shall have a size not less than 150 cm. Refer to sub Article about a Construction to be built on the border of a neighboring
party and which has only an inlet for light and not for Air The road - side elevation of a Construction to be placed on an edge of a road shall
accommodate the following. Up to 2 floor from the ground or up to a height of 5 meters, that
A. For Office and Business Institutions - 80%
B. For Manufacturing and Distributing - 50%
C. For Social Institutions(School, Hospital) - 40%
D. For Residence, to be built with 20% transparent material

36 For lingual purposes only. This translation is not officially approved.

3.3.5. Circulation Standard The side width of a corridor, stair or ramp through which more than one person can have a
passage was shall not be less than 90cm for residence and 120 cm for other services and its net
room height shall not be less than 200cm. The thread to riser ratio of stairs should be respected and the minimum thread width is 25cm
and the rise height shall not exceed 20cm. It is not possible to use various sizes of threads or rises within a single flight of stair. However
the threads or rises may be different from the ones mentioned herein if the stair helps to have an
access to water reservoir tanker or machine room or other rooms used for similar services. The width of a lift for public use shall not be less than 90 cm and a depth of 150 cm The ground floor of a building of public use shall have an access ramp of slope not more than
4.5% and the area of ramp stair to let the disabled people have an access with their wheel
chairs Any floor tile or floor finish to be paved both in and out of a building for public use should not
be slippery and should be designed for the purpose.

3.3.6. Building Height Standard For those areas for which the master plan suggest to refer further LDPs regarding height
regulation and if the LDP is not yet prepared a committee will be established to decide the
maximum building height. As long as it does not excel the maximum height specified by the
Master plan it is allowed to build as height as an abutting property or as low or as higher by one
floor. The Committee to be established for determining the height of a building shall make decision
based on the kind of Design to be submitted for manufacturing and warehouses, kindergarten,
library, cinema and theater houses, institutions using an auditorium - like construction (such as
Sport Center, Religious Institution) that are indicated in the Building Height Regulation for
Addis Ababa as, being considered as the ones on which a Height of Building shall not be
applicable. But other blocks designed together with different function will be governed by the
height regulation of the master plan. The rooms to be built on a roof may have its rooms not to be used for public service- provision
process if the total size of their floor is not more than the floor size of the stair case and the lift.
But, an attic (room on the roof) having rooms with a size more than this shall be considered
and calculated as a floor, Except for production or warehouse and public assembly halls a roof with a height of 2.8
meters excluding the eve shall be considered as a floor.

37 For lingual purposes only. This translation is not officially approved. No Construction shall be allowed beyond height limit set by Aviation codes in areas where
aviation regulation pertains.

3.3.7. Land Usage Standard A public use building construction to be built in 6 meters range from the access road in areas of
mixed land use, except for diplomatic institute, the ground floor designs should consider
pedestrians on street and must provide commercial activities corresponding to the pedestrian
activity. For any License of Utilization or request of Modification on any existing manufacturing and
warehousing land - holding which has never been allocated either for manufacture or
warehousing in the Master Plan,
A. It must at least have 20m access road
B. It must comply with the Environmental Impact Assessment Criteria to be
issued by the Addis Ababa Environmental Protection Authority.
C. If the existing construction does not comply with the Environmental Impact
Assessment Criteria to be issued by the Addis Ababa Environmental Protection
Authority, then it must be ensured that the Construction that need to be
performed to minimize the impact is included in the submitted Study. A design to be submitted for manufacturing and warehousing process on a land allocated for
same process can include space for offices office, conference hall, clinic and similar related
support services but this should not exceed 35% of the floor area allocated for the main

3.3.8. Car - parking standard Except what is indicated in the LDP to have a parking area out of the property or or compound area
for except for a single residential house, there shall be arranged car parking area as per the attached
Designed standard table. While the number of parking areas to be required depending on the respective service of the
construction shall be as indicated in the attached Table, there shall be a size of 450X350 Cm
special parking area for physically disabled people for every 40car parking space of every public
building., The exit and entrance/ drive ways/ located at the principal street and leading to the principal street
shall not have more than two direction,

38 For lingual purposes only. This translation is not officially approved. For a construction placed on the principal street, it is impossible to use the principal street for
parking / circulation purpose, In order to minimize the traffic pressure on access roads, there shall be circulation /passage way
for a vehicle in the site to exit after loading or unloading a cargo in high- level institutions
running the manufacture, storage and other loading and unloading activities, Refer to the room height of an indoor car - parking in Article An institution already authorized for and is still under construction shall, in addition to the
modification demand required from it in relation with the requirements of Construction License
and quality of retaining structure, indicate the car - parking area proportioned to the proposed
construction of additional floor size, Refer to the calculation of the number of car parking areas in based on the floor size, The number of parking areas required for condominiums and residential real state construction
shall be as shown hereunder
Housing Typology Floor Area Car Park/House Hold

High Income Greater floor than 57.5 m2 1/1

ie.50m2 (bed rooms + living room + wc +kitchen)
+15% circulation = 57.5.

Middle Income 46 - 57.5 m2 floor space 1/5

ie. 40 m2(2 bed rooms + living room + wc + kitchen)
+15% internal circulation = 46

Upper - low Income and Low Income 20-46 m2 floor space (Minimum habitable area = 20
m2 )

3.3.9. Sanitary standard Construction of public toilet shall be made at a distance of 2.5. meter from the border, Without affecting the composition of toilets for men and women, there shall be at least availed
the minimum number of toilet indicated in number 3.3.13 of the Summery payable for any Building If a water reservoir is beyond 300 Cm above the ground, then, the edge of reservoir shall at least be
at a distance of 100 cm from the border, The roof drainage of a house to be constructed near a border area must be all towards one’s own
possession. The construction of a house with the roof drainage toward the direction of
demarcating party shall be built as covered by a wall having a height of 60 cm so as to prevent
the roof drainage,

39 For lingual purposes only. This translation is not officially approved. A public building must have a toilet being built with a size of at least 180X165 Cm, in a suitable
manner accessible for proper use by disabled people moving with the help of wheel chair , A construction to be built on places vulnerable flood disaster must have storm - water prevention, The rain - water disposal system must be constructed in a manner that helps the easiest disposal of
water, without water confluence, and in a manner that keeps the safety of the existing construction
on the demarcating party, Disposal of rain - water must be conducted with the storm - water disposal network located at a
demarcating rood but, if it is not possible to send out drainage lines that are to be laid dawn in
view of the natural land slope towards the accessible road, it is possible to have it passed through
a suitable direction within the possession of the demarcating party but, if it does not cross more
than a single possession, the Applicant can construct it keeping the standard. However, if it
crosses more than one possession, then, each Land - Possessor shall cover his/her/its respective
expense, If, with the help of the under listed additional constructions, it becomes impossible to lay down the
line within one's possession either by diverting the slope area toward one's possession or digging
down a high depth, it is possible to have it passed through the possession of the demarcating party.
However, the Office shall give decision on the construction and content of drainage line that must
be reviewed in separate manner by reason of the special topography of the land and the existing
construction of the demarcating site.

A. Fill below 50 Cm
B. Cut / excavation at a depth of 150 Cm and below a length of 20m. At least 20 cm concrete pipe must be built for a rain - water drainage line crossing only a single
possession, but the pipe size shall increase based on the length for that which crosses more than
one possession. However, there shall be built Man hole for the line at 2% slope, 40 cm depth
and at each 25 m length or at any curving - site of the line. It is never allowed to discharge any other waste matter through the rain - Water drainage line.
The applicant (the one that discharges the drainage) assumes the responsibility of cleaning the
line blocked by any waste matter caused by rain - water, whereas the recipient has the

40 For lingual purposes only. This translation is not officially approved.

obligation of allowing access to the applicant for same purpose and of keeping the safety of the
line, If the disposal drainage of waste matter is not found at a demarcating road, it is possible to
connect same with a line found on another road at the proximity area. If it is mandatory for the
connecting line to pass through the possession of a demarcating party, then, it must be done so in
a suitable direction in favors of the demarcating party, The septic tank for collecting waste drainage should be prepared in a manner that never
penetrates in to the soil, If there is no waste drainage line at a demarcating road or the natural slope of the land the
location of the building does not allow same, it is possible to construct quality - standard
cesspool or septic tank within one's own possession with its internal wall surface being at a
distance of 150 cm. However if the Structural Design is submitted and approve to construct
same with quality standard and re - enforced steel and cement wall or with another material of
equal quality, then it is possible to construct same at a close distance of 50 cm toward the border, The Edge of an exhaustive pipe of waste drainage reservoir/ septic tank must be fixed at a
distance of 1 m from the border.

3.3.10. Emergency Escape - Route and Prevention Standard Emergency exit lines must be prepared in an easily accessible manner , Other lines not accessible thereof but leading to the Buildings found within same possession
shall have a passage way of 4X4m size and height, For a building having more than 5 floors, there shall be, in addition to the main stairs, an
emergency down stairs at each floor of the respective 30 m length, that is free from accident,

41 For lingual purposes only. This translation is not officially approved. Without prejudice to the requirement of the emergency exit at each 30 m length of a building,
SN Density Zone Proposed density House Hold/Hec Population Density Inhabitants/Hec
1 Core Area 190-380 950-2000 h
2 Intermediate 120-190 600-950 e
3 Periphery and Expansion 54-120 280-600

main stairs may also serve as an emergency exit if so prepared in a manner meeting the
emergency exit requirement, The door of an emergency exit must be self - closing, An emergency exit must be easily accessible during accident, free from any obstruction and
clearly marked with an indicator board, Fire extinguishers shall be fixed at any public - use buildings Portable fire extinguishers shall be placed at an easily visible places in case of an accident
based on the nature and kind of the inflammable material in the area , A water - spraying hose shall be fixed at a suitable place in every 30 m length of a building
for fire - extinguishing purpose, and this water - line must be connected with a water -
reservoir on roof - top or on a ground having pumping power. If the water pump uses an
electric power, there shall be back - up generator, Fuel - drawing pump to be installed at a service station must be at a distance of 6 meters from
any Building Construction. The fuel- reservoir must also be buried at a depth of 6 m away from
any Building Construction. A pipe for disposal of evaporation must be fixed at a distance of
2.5. M away from any Building Construction, Incomplete Statement For public institution, a solid waste container serving and having a size of 2X2 m shall be
marked and indicated as Solid waste container (SWC), and there shall be an accessible way to
push the container toward the Garbage - loading vehicle or make the vehicle reach to the
container, The appropriate design of an Incineration Room must be attached and presented by Health
Institute and similar service - providing organizations that are forced to have an Incineration

42 For lingual purposes only. This translation is not officially approved. As for the Core, Intermediate and periphery / expansion bounded regions in the Master Plan,
the density rate of residents of Condominiums and Residential Real State being requested for
constructional license must be as indicated in the table below:

3.3.13. Designed Standard Table A construction having various major services shall be calculated by a Service requiring
maximum requirement among from its existing services. The number of parking areas shall be calculated based on the size of constructional floor, and
same is calculated for public service - giving rooms based on the net area , but it does not
include the passage way/ Stairs, lift /, corridor, underground floor and warehouses up to 1st
floor, kitchen, electric light/ water and similar regulator and the size of toilet room. In addition to the customer toilet to be calculated based on the floor size, there shall be at least
separate 1 toilet and 1 bathroom or same must be prepared in joint manner for 8 internal

Kind of Main service Minimum BAR Maximum Parking Area Minimum Toilet Recommendation
constructio BAR Room
n Height Male/Femal
Quantity Measurement
Residence Pvt. Res. 60% 85% 1per single Res. 2.6m 1 Residence -- With Bathroom

Condon./ 75% 85 % Refer to 2.6m 1 Residence -- With Bathroom


Business Shops 75% 100% 1 for70m2 shop area 2.6m 2 500m2 3/1

Supermarket 75% 100% 1 for 70m2 market area 3.0m 500m2 3/1

Hotel & Hostel 60% 75% 1 for 6 bedrooms 2.6m 500m2 3/1 With Bathroom

Catering Org. 75% 100% 1 for 15 seats 3.0m 500m2 3/1

Office Office 75% 100% 1 for70m2 Bureau Space 2.6m 500m2 3/1

Conference Hall 60% 75% 1 for 15 seats 3.0m 500m2 3/1

Manufactur For Manufacture 60% 75% Loading and unloading space 5.0m 3/1 With Bathroom
For Warehousing 60% 75% Loading and unloading space 5.0m 3/1 With Bathroom

For Garage 60% 75% Car Shelter 5.0m 3/1 With Bathroom

Social For Educational 60% 75% 1 for one teaching room 3.0m 500m2 1/1
Institutions Institute

43 For lingual purposes only. This translation is not officially approved.

For Health Center 60% 75% 1 for 6 bedrooms + 1 3.0m 500m2 1/1
Ambulance Parking

Clinic 60% 75% 1 for 70 M2 Treatment Space 2.6m 500m2 1/1 With Bathroom

For Library 75% 100% 1 for 15 seats 5.0m 500m2 1/1

For Religious 60% 75% 1 for 15 seats 5.0m 500m2 3/1

Institutes and for
all - round Halls
For Sport fields 25 % 60% 1 for 15 seats 5.0m 500m2 3/1 Error! ot a
and valid link.
Recreational 0% 25% 1 for 15 seats 3.0m 500m2 3/1
Park, Green

3.4. Construction Standard

3.4.1. Constructions whose totally estimated cost is above birr 15 million and that are forced to be
constructed by GC/BC 1 and 2 Contractors or the Constructions above G+5 must use detachable
metal and similar material for scaffolding and form work during their construction rather than the
usual would - post and timber materials

3.4.2. The Constructor/ Builder must make proper prevention to avoid the falling, leakage and shaking out
of any equipment and construction by - product toward the land - holding of bordering party road
on account of such construction. If this is not so, the constructor takes the responsibility and shall
assume fronted liability to correct, amend and take an immediate preventive action,

3.4.3. The Constructor/ Builder shall, at his/her /its cost, has the responsibility of daily cleaning any
falling and leaking material and construction by - product that may be scattered around the street
and out of his/her/its possession due to the loading and un loading of constructional materials.

3.4.4. Except for a special permission, it is never allowed to put/store any constructional material (such as
stone, sand, soil etc.) for more than 6 hours out of one's own holding/possession.

44 For lingual purposes only. This translation is not officially approved.

Part Four

4. Construction works repair/maintenance and demolition

4.1 Maintenance/repair of construction works

4.1.1. General Any person having legal possession and desires of obtaining permission for
maintenance/repair is required to fill out the repair form and shall submit such form along
with the documents stated under sub article 4.1.2 to the office in charge 5 days prior to any
repair or maintenance on the building. Only up on submission of all the documents attached with the form, it shall be deemed that
the application has been indeed submitted. The applicant will immediately be issued with
confirmation of receipt for the application and will have an appointment to pick up the
permit for the repair/maintenance. If both Grade 1 and 2 maintenance works are requested by the same permission, it shall be
entertained under grade 1 decision notification time. If it has been proven that the information filled out by the requester on the form are rather
falsified, the application or the permit will be canceled and the cancelled document will be
attached with the file. If the applicant is already in the maintenance work, such work will
be immediately stopped and the necessary corrective measure will be taken with the
expense of the applicant. The person making the request is fully responsible for any
problem that may result due to the falsified information. Persons or possessors whose properties are adjacent to one another where by each of them
share a given wall or roof cover, they shall be issued with detailed notification regarding
the repair and the demolition works to be undertaken. Prior to carrying out any maintenance/repair works on historical heritage properties stated
on the master plan, permission must be granted by the office in charge of historical affairs. Repair of fence should fully respect the width of roads that are indicated in the master
plan. Even though repair of fence requires change of existing location, it shall be approved only
on the basis of the renewal provisions and the payment to be effected in this regard.
However, request for repair of fence along with other construction permission requested,
the application will be approved on the basis of the payment allocated for such service. Works related to maintenance of fences should be in compliance with the standard
requirements and may include change in the material of the construction work.

45 For lingual purposes only. This translation is not officially approved. Where more than one owner is stated on the certificate of possession, request made for
repair of the fences should be submitted in such a manner that all of the co-owners of the
property are listed in the application. However, such request shall not have anything to do
with request for proportioning of the property by way of partitions made from fence. Approved permission of repair is valid for a period of one year only.

4.1.2. The following are compulsory documents to be submitted along with the application for
maintenance permission request. If the house to be repaired belongs to a single individual as personal private property, copy
of the legal possession certificate or ownership book shall be submitted. This will be
crosschecked with the original in which is stated the name of the applicant in confirmation
of his ownership. For requests related to repair of fences, certificate of legal possession and plan evidence
registered in the name of the applicant should be submitted. Requests made for houses under the Rented Houses Administration or the Housing Agency
should be verified by way of repair works permission application form bearing the seal of
the office. For cases of Grade 1 maintenance, the office is to approve the request after accepting and
examining at least a single line design fully describing the existing material condition, its
distance with the outer premises of the property is submitted by the applicant.

4.1.3. Level of repair Grade 1 - The following are required to be submitted 5 working days before commencement of the
A. Works of new walls having area of not more than 5 m2 and their maintenance
B. Repair works involving external feature without affecting the fence to the extent of demolition
C. Repair works on the roof cover without dismantling the roof structure and covering area of more
than 10m2
D. Change of material or repair works without changing the exact position and size of windows and
E. Repair works of fence
F. Painting or other finishing maintenance works on buildings of 3 floors and above which require
scaffoldings and which are utilized for public services Grade 2- Maintenance works for which permission is granted within a period of not more than 1
working day since making the request

46 For lingual purposes only. This translation is not officially approved.

A. Roof cover repair works covering an area of less than 10m2
B. Repair works of sewerages
C. Painting works of public facilities up to the level of G+1
D. Floor cover of residential premises having an area of more than 40 m2
E. Electric line repair Grade 3-The following constitute works that could be undertaken without the need to get the
permission certificate and which require filling out a maintenance form just one day ahead of the
commencement of the construction works.

A. Painting works of non-public use construction work

B. Wall paper works
C. Change of mirrors
D. Change of basic assets which have become old; for example water tanker or washing sink
E. Floor cover of residential premises up to 40 m2
F. Wall with a maximum height of 90cm as measured from the floor and having an area of not more
than 3.5 m2
G. Retaining wall having height of not more than 40 cm, length of not more than 5m and volume of
not more than 2.5m3

4.2 Demolition of construction works

4.2.1. For the demolition an existing construction work, permission is required to be obtained.
4.2.2. To demolish an existing construction work, the owner of the possession or a person having legal
power of attorney specifically for the same purpose should be submit the application in which case
such application could only be acceptable only where such persons make the request;
4.2.3. The following documents are required to be submitted along with the request in order to obtain
permission to demolish the construction work. Certificate of possession to verify that the property has been registered in the name of the
person making the application. Certificate confirming that electricity and water services that were part of the construction
work to be demolished have already been terminated; If the construction work has two floors and more, a contract agreement for the demolishing
purpose should be submitted in which a contractor of grade GC/BC (Grade 6) will
participate as one contracting party with a valid license for the budget year.

47 For lingual purposes only. This translation is not officially approved. Confirmation that the building under question is free from any debt or injunction;

4.2.4. If the application for permission of demolition is submitted along with all the documents that are
required to be submitted as an annexes, the permission shall be granted within 3 working days;

4.2.5. Any person granted with the permission shall be required to confirm to the office that the
demolition work has been undertaken as per the permission by way of submitting report after
completion to the office in charge;

4.2.6. For construction works to be completely demolished, the copy of the document by virtue of which
the permission has been granted should be submitted to the office of the Kebele; in which case such
permission shall be transferred to land administration authority of the Addis Ababa City
Government and policy study and plan commission;

4.2.7. If there is wall of roof shared with the immediate possessor, such party shall have notice stating
detailed obligations entered into by the person that has been granted with the permission;

4.2.8. The person with possession right of the adjacent property may submit petition claiming that the
person granted with the permission has perpetrated an act that in dangers the safety of the existing
building, the construction word shall be sustained immediately whereby a decision shall be made
within a period of 2 days having conducted the necessary verification.

4.2.9. Permission of demolition is valid for three months only.

48 For lingual purposes only. This translation is not officially approved.

Part Five

5. Construction follow up and supervision

5.1 Follow up
5.1.1. The construction permit document issued as “for the purpose of follow up” should be placed at a
readily noticeable place during the entire construction period.

5.1.2. Any person who has construction permit at hand is required to notify that he/she is going to start
construction to the office that gave him/her the construction permit specifically to the construction
follow up and supervision section 3 working days ahead. He/she should then make payment for
follow up service and should receive construction commencement certificate and follow up book.

5.1.3. The following descriptions constitute construction levels upon which the regular construction
follow up activities are to be undertaken: Before commencement of excavation works, completion of setting out activities for
construction works; After completion of excavation for foundation, placement of foundation bars and sewerage
lines; After completion of foundation floor and placement of supporting standing steel bars for
foundation floor; Before finishing works of slabs and roof cover;

5.1.4. For building with at least 5 floors, taking into consideration the complexity of the construction
works, the office or authority may state in the permission granted that additional and regular follow
up activities may be undertaken without the need to settle additional payment.

5.1.5. Where the location of a construction work is found to be rather doubtful, the owner of the
construction work shall be required to clearly identify the boundary at his own expense up on the
request of the authority or the office.
5.1.6. If the owner of the construction work under takes the activities while such activities require
supervision and without notifying the office of the authority, under such circumstances request for
utilization permission shall be entertained upon the rate applicable to "previously constructed"
buildings design and construction document verification service fee.

49 For lingual purposes only. This translation is not officially approved.

5.1.7. It shall be possible to make and apply the following changes provided that such changes have to do
with the non structural elements and provided that the change is made in a manner that would not
prove to be in conflict with construction permit provisions. In this connection, the changes to be
adopted should not have any bearing on the supportive structure and without any change on the area
of the floor as well as the height of the building. Change in the size and placement of door and window. A new wall partitioning, a size not more than 25…than the indicated wall partitioning of a
specific floor.

5.1.8. To conduct the type of construction change stated under sub article 5.1.7, it shall be necessary to fill
out construction works change form No. 022 two working days before construction begins and such
form should be submitted in 1 copy along with the design to the Follow up and Control section
office of the authority. One such copy should also be attached with the site supervision register.

5.1.9. In order to adopt design changes involving change in size of floor and height of buildings,
construction permit is required, without the need to ask for additional permission. This does not
include those descriptions stated under sub article 5.1.7.

5.1.10. Construction raw materials deployed on site and insitu made construction materials should meet
standard for quality.
5.1.11. If the section for the construction follow up and supervision receives notification for expansion of
construction and design change (that does not involve height of the building), and finds that the
change presented on the document could not be permitted or requires pre construction permit then
the office should notify its decision to the owner of construction or to the contractor or to the
consultant within 3 days after notification.

5.2 Termination of construction works

5.2.1. The authority or the office shall cause termination of the construction work upon the following
events. After causing settlement of the appropriate penalty, a decision should be made to identify
which owners of construction should be granted construction permit. For the corrective measures
execution follow up, the concerned rule enforcement office shall be notified. Construction works to be terminated/suspended without the need to issue notice:

A. Construction works undertaken without having obtained the appropriate permission;

50 For lingual purposes only. This translation is not officially approved.

B. Change of service without relevant permission
C. Where, depending on the level of construction the construction work is undertaken without
the involvement of contractor or without authorized professional;
D. Where order is given to prohibit supervisors from entering the construction site;
E. Where construction work that endangers the safety of the building in the adjacent property
or where the appropriate protective work is not undertaken in compliance with the detailed
criteria in the permission;
F. Where the information detailed in the document submitted by the body that requests
construction permission as regards to the possession or construction work of the adjacent
property is found to be falsified and where such act undermines the rights of the adjacent
possessor; The following shall constitute construction works to be terminated upon issuance of notice for a
maximum of 15 days.

A. Expansion or change of height of construction work without appropriate permission;

B. Conducting construction works using a permission whose period of validity has expired;
C. Where document of construction permit is not placed at the construction site;
D. Where the entire construction or its part is found to create complex dispute between the
owner of the construction work and the adjacent possessor;
E. Where construction changes are made out of those listed under sub article 5.1.8 ;
F. Based on sub article 5.1.9, failure to send alternation document to the concerned organs and
conducting the changed construction works without also attaching supervision register;
G. According to sub article 3.4.3 and 3.4.4 being engaged in any activity that pollutes the
environment or practicing any incident that disturbs any movement outside ones

5.2.2. If the constructor makes the necessary correction on the basis of the notice, the construction works
will be approved to continue by a decision signed and issued by the head of the office or

5.2.3. If the corrective measure is not taken based on the construction adjustment or notice of suspension
within the appropriate time, the concerned law enforcement will be notified to take the necessary
measure as per the decision. The expenses of correction or removal will be covered by the owner of
the construction work.

51 For lingual purposes only. This translation is not officially approved.

5.2.4. If the construction work is still found to have been conducted in violation of the permit issued
despite the fact that construction adjustment or suspension decision was previously rendered, the
supervisor will, after causing the fixed penalty, notify the authority or the office, as appropriate, in
order that the permit would be canceled.

5.3 Supervisors of constructions

5.3.1. Any supervisor of construction works shall be required to put an ID card on his chest while entering
the construction site in a manner that would be easily noticeable and shall be authorized to
supervise the construction works at government working hours or during the process of the
5.3.2. Any supervisor appearing for his follow up supervision work at the place where the construction
work is being undertaken shall be required to state his remarks on observations, construction level
and his orders on the supervisors notebook placed at the site, including his signature. Any verbal
order and visit to the construction site without a written statement shall not have legal binding

5.3.3. The authority or the office or the supervisor shall be required to respond to any questions raised as
regard to the follow up and supervision works, by the owner of the property or the contractor or the
individual engaged as in charge of the works within a period of 3 days.

5.3.4. If any supervisor during his follow up encounters any situation in violation of a construction
permits outside his given territory or encounters a construction work being undertaken beyond the
jurisdiction of his authority and level, he shall notify the situation to the concerned office filling
form No. 027 intended to be used during the process of the construction work.

5.4 The obligations and grade of constructor

5.4.1. Any construction that has been approved shall be carried out by a contractor or a professional and
supervisory expert commensurate to the grade possessed. Grades of experts of construction, contractors and supervisors

52 For lingual purposes only. This translation is not officially approved.

level of Estimate of construction minimum grade minimum grade of expert required minimum grade of
constru costs/ in thousands / of contractor for works to be conducted by an experts
ction required for the expert without the need to to be assigned by the
works employee contractor
a contractor
1 above 20,000 GC/BC1 - P*IV
2 up to 20,000 GC/BC 2 - P*IV
3 up to 15,000 GC/BC 3 - P*III
4 up to 10,000 GC/BC 4 - P*III
5 up to 5,000 GC/BC 5 - P*II or A*III
6 up to 2,500 GC/BC 6 or * P*I or A*III -
7 up to 1,000 GC/BC 7 or * P*I or A*II or E*II -
8 up to 500 GC/BC 8 or * P*I or A*I or E*II -
9 up to 250 GC/BC 9 or * - -
10 up to 100 GC/BC 10 or * - -

1. P* shall mean professional grade at various professions
A* shall mean associate grade at various professions
E* shall mean those who have certificate issued by the ministry of infrastructure under "construction
professional" with various professions of engineering aid grades.

2. * Shall mean those construction works which do not require the involvement of contractors; as
such these works could be undertaken by private professional with the capacity indicated for the
level of the construction. For the construction grades 1 up to 5 constructions should be carried out at least by what
the grade and by a contractor who has filled in a contractors obligation form. Besides, the
supervisors to be assigned by the contractor should also fulfill the above criteria. For The construction grades 6 up to 8, if the construction is to be done by a contractor the
grade required should be met by the contractor, provided that assigning experts with the
minimum grades to work as supervisors being fulfilled. The other option is that the
construction work can be taken over by individual professionals who met the grade put in

53 For lingual purposes only. This translation is not officially approved. For the construction grades 9 and10, the construction can be made without restriction and
according to the need of the owner. However, if a contractor is to be employed, the works
should be undertaken taking into consideration the grade level based on the approved

5.4.2 Any registered construction professional or contractor shall be required to fill out the form of
obligation before commencement of works.

5.4.3 Any registered construction professional or contractor engaged in construction works shall be
obliged to carry out the construction works in compliance with the terms of the permit issued.

5.4.4 A professional or contractor found to have undertaken the works in violation of the construction
permit, rule and directive, shall get the necessary penalty that may be taken as per the directive put
in place by the authority.

5.4.5 In case where the contractor changes his address or where the supervisor of the contractor changes
his business address or in situations where the supervisor himself has been changed, the same
should be notified to the authority or the office within 5 days.

5.5 The duties and responsibilities of the law enforcement officers

By virtue of the powers given to the officer of law enforcement under the proclamation of its
establishment under the city government of Addis Ababa as well as pursuant to article 13 of the
construction permit regulation No. 17/1997, the Addis Ababa law enforcement service shall have
the following duties and responsibilities.

5.5.1 Any person undertaking construction works or in situations were supply of materials is being
carried out to the site, the following document need to be verified as to their presence; Whether there is certificate of possession Whether construction permit has been issued Whether the plan issued and approved for follow up purposes is available Whether construction commencement certificate and site control register is found at the

5.5.2 The law enforcement service shall have a desk at which the residents of the area would provide
information about illegal construction activities, without payment;

54 For lingual purposes only. This translation is not officially approved.

5.5.3 If construction works are begun without having certificate of commencement after the permit has
been granted, notice shall be issued to the owner of the construction work or the constructor in
order that the appropriate certificate would be obtained;

5.5.4 If construction works are under way within a possession and without the construction permit, the
owner of such activities or the one engaged in the construction works shall be notified to obtain the
permit within 15 days and to suspend the works until then. If the permit required is not still
obtained, the office shall demolish the works.
5.5.5 An employee of the law enforcement agency or office engaged in supervising activities on legally
permitted construction works shall be required to state the details of the supervisory activities, the
results obtained and the work order on the register found at the site. The copy shall be issued to the
owner of the construction work or the representative found at the site.

5.5.6 Any worker engaged in law enforcement activities at the site should give written order in
discharging his duties. Otherwise, verbal order given shall have no binding effect and the owner of
the construction work or the possessor shall not be obliged to carryout such order given verbally.
5.5.7 The necessary controlling activity shall be carried out to make sure that accumulation of
construction materials present out of a construction site shall not pass the permitted period.
5.5.8 The worker shall control whether by products of the construction activity are disposed in a legally
acceptable manner and commensurate lease the sanitation requirement of the area concerned.

5.5.9 The worker engaged in law enforcement shall cause execution of the decision about the suspension
and demolition given by the supervisors from the central branch office within the period of time
stated on the decision form. The execution shall be reported to the office that originally permitted
works to be undertaken on the 25th day of a new month.

5.6 Permission of utilization

5.6.1 If a construction work intended for public use has been completed after having passed through the
appropriate processes of permission and follow up, the use should be preceded by a permission to
be given in this regard.

5.6.2 An existing construction work done without permission and on a given land but having certificate
of possession shall be granted utilization permit for the existing establishment provided that the
following criteria are met: Standard criteria of the master plan The criteria of construction permit as in the case of any new construction permit.

55 For lingual purposes only. This translation is not officially approved. Service and penalty payments stated under section 7 of this directive Certificate to be submitted in a manner that proves to be within the criteria of evaluation for
approved construction works having passed the environmental impact assessment of the
Addis Ababa environmental protection authority within the provisions of sub articles and

5.6.3 For a new or an existing public institution construction with 6 or more floors and with global
estimate of more than five million Birr, and which has passed through the regular process of
supervision should submit certificate of infrastructure such as water and electricity as well as
competence as regards to fire accident prevention works. Such certificates shall be collected by the
owner of construction work from the appropriate institutions.

5.6.4 The consultant shall be required to submit competence certificate document (the copy) along with
application for permit use as regards to the collected materials to be used for the works of public
use establishments with global estimated value of more than five million Birr as provided under sub
article 6.2.2

5.6.5 For construction work that have been completed after having passed through the regular follow up
activities, and for those who provide application for permit use, site plan information and also full
design of the complete site, based on article 2.3.1 . The authority of the office shall investigate and
issue permit of use within a period of 15 days.
5.6.6 For construction works that did not fulfill the criteria set under the master plan but that have been
completed as per the approved design with a construction permit issued before the approval of the
master plan, the office of the authority shall issue permit of use within 15 days provided that an
application, information on plan of the site as well as full architectural design of the completed
construction works are submitted.

5.6.7 For works to be carried out step by step (refer to 2.10) the utilization permit to be granted shall
expire at the expiry of the construction permit.
5.6.8 If some of the construction works within various existing construction works of a given possession
fail to fulfill the requirement of distance as between or among themselves in compliance with the
criteria set under the construction permit, the utilization permission may be granted to the blocks
that fulfill such criteria. However, the blocks that have been rejected for failure to comply with the
terms of the construction permit shall be clearly stated as not being included in the utilization

56 For lingual purposes only. This translation is not officially approved.

5.6.9 When presenting an architectural design of an existing construction work for which construction
permit has been granted it should be as per the full content of the works on land. Upon verification
by the supervision section, the same shall be referred to the construction section for examination of
construction permit standards. Other than the first site visit conducted as to whether the contents of
the construction work has been accurately submitted on the basis of the construction content resting
on the land, the repeated visit made due to incorrect design content shall cause additional payment
as per the rate.

5.6.10 Existing construction works without permission or execution or those undertaken in violation of
construction permit rules and regulations and should these have a negative impact against the
master plan, the authority or the office shall notify the concerned law enforcement office to take
appropriate corrective measure.

5.6.11 The following shall constitute causes for rejection of construction permit. Failure to fulfill the requirement of quality standard as regards to construction raw
materials and products; Where the construction works have been undertaking in violation of the permit or
the rules and regulations; Failure to remove temporary construction works undertaken in parallel; Where the utilization requirement stated under Article 5.6.2 is not fulfilled Failure to organize fire prevention systems within the site and outside and failure to
mount and affix accident and direction indicators at appropriate locations. Expansion beyond the limits of a given possession Where the material used in the construction is found to be problematic to traffic
movement or to the residents of the area or the users of the building (, etc)

57 For lingual purposes only. This translation is not officially approved.

5.7 ight time construction permit

5.7.1 For any public use construction work, permission request to carry out the works during the period
from 7:00 P.M until 6:00 A.M shall be submitted along with the construction permit (photocopy) in
which shall be stated in detail the types of works intended to be undertaken. In this regard, such
permission shall be issued within a period of 3 days after requesting.

5.7.2 The office that has been requested to issue night time construction works permission shall verify
whether the following criteria have been met: that the works would not disturb the residents of the area; that it could not create a possibility for illegal construction works; that it is not a type of construction work that requires presence of a supervisor; Whether the works would create an impact on the movement of individuals and vehicles if
undertaken at day time; whether the part of the entire construction work is not in dispute as related to the adjacent
possessor; that it is not part of the work for which construction warning notice or suspension decision
has been given; that it is not a construction rested on the boundary of the possession;
5.7.3 For construction works that are under regular follow up the supervisor is not obliged to avail
himself while works are being carried out at night.
5.7.4 The office shall identify and list out those construction works that can be allowed to be undertaken
at night time and also the precautions to be taken before granting permission.

5.7.5 The permission of night time construction works shall be valid for 3 months in case of public use
institutions while infrastructure projects shall enjoy such permission for a period of 6 months.
However, such permission may be extended for additional 30 days in order to allow continuation of
the works as per the permission already granted and without payment.

5.7.6 As infrastructural construction could cover large area of an environment, works to be permitted
should be agreeable to the kind of works the environment allows and also the starting and ending
point of the area should be clearly stated.

58 For lingual purposes only. This translation is not officially approved.

5.8 Certificate of performance
5.8.1 On the basis of article 5.3.2, when certificate of performance is requested by a contractor upon
finalizing a construction work for which he/she was actively engaged filling out an obligation form.
And if after completion, certificate of utilization is given; when such request is supported by owner
of the construction work, upon submission of evidence of income tax and on settlement of service
payments, the certificate of performance will be issued to the contractor provided that the proper
completion of the works is attested by the supervisory office.
5.8.2 A contractor requesting certificate to assure good work performance shall be issued by
consideration of both the correspondences made during the follow up undertaken and documents of
the construction work process.

5.9 Power of attorney

The office or the authority by producing a description of criteria’s may delegate its powers of
construction permission and follow up, infrastructure and fire prevention, certificate of competence and
other related and appropriate services to other relevant government, nongovernmental, consultancy and
similar institutions by way of contracts signed in this regard.

59 For lingual purposes only. This translation is not officially approved.

Part Six

6. Grade, Responsibility and Obligation of a consultant

6.1. General

6.1.1. The grade of consultant has been prepared in conformity with the existing policy and the one
to be formulated in national level for consultant Organizations implementing
Governmental construction Projects but, if it requires an additional adjustment/amendment up
on its approval and becoming operational, the same will be corrected in the respective levels.

6.1.2. Any constructional design must be prepared by an authorized and registered Design Expert
but, as it is possible to have the Design be prepared by an Expert having One step less than
what is required by a profession, there shall be signed acknowledgment to prove the
preparation of the design by competent authorized and registered Expert.
6.1.3. Any Design Expert shall clearly put his full name and registration number in each copy of the
design that he would prepare and this kept on the place prepared in each name box.

6.1.4. In addition to the design to be prepared by an Expert either through work Experience or post
graduate specialization acquired by him/her in the level of profession, he/she can also prepare
a Design through his/her profession of Graduate level.
6.1.5. Until the law for granting consultancy license for town planning is issued town planning
design shall be prepared by a group of professionals with the minimum number the profession

6.1.6. The preparation of an Urban Plan Design must be made by an Urban Plan Expert described in
sub-Article 6.4.5 or an Architect planner having equal professional Standard.

6.2. Duty and Responsibility of a Consultant

6.2.1. Any consultant shall, together with his Design, provide the following; Up on his filling out and presentation of Consultant Obligation form 012 in 2
copies, 1 copy will be retained and he shall provide 1 copy to the owner of

60 For lingual purposes only. This translation is not officially approved. If the Design is prepared by Consultant Organizations, current year renewed
copy checked to the Original Professional License shall be presented along with
two copies of Consultant Obligation Form certified under a stamp/seal If the Design is prepared by an individual consultant, current year renewed copy
of original profession License shall be presented along with two copies of
Consultant Obligation Form

6.2.2. Any Consultant consulting Public Institutions having a total capital estimate of more than
5,000,000 birr must collect the sample at any level of operation to ensure the quality of
construction Materials in the course of his supervision, and shall attach the Quality Assurance
with the Construction Site Book.

6.2.3. In the event that a given Consultant fails to discharge his contractual Obligation of Design
preparation and construction process, the Authority or the Office shall forward the case with
accompanying evidence to the Licensing organ for an appropriate action.

6.2.4. A consultant submitting a Design work for the purpose of securing License shall execute the
State Tax of such Design as per the Implementation policy to be described.

6.3 Grade/Level of Design Examiner Expert

An Expert that examines and approves the Design to be submitted for Construction License by
the Center and the Office shall meet the Following grade/Standard.

Center Office
Examiner Approving Expert Examiner Approving Expert

6.3. Consultant’s Table

6.3.1. Architectural Design Consultant

61 For lingual purposes only. This translation is not officially approved.

Level/standard Estimated cost of Minimum level/standard List of minimum level of Experts that
Of construction Construction of Consultant arrange the Design
Birr /000/
1 Above 50000 CAE I or CA I PPAR, PAR
2 Up to 50000 CAEII or CA II PPAR, PAR
3 Up to 30000 CAE III or CA III PPAR, PAR
4 Up to 20000 CAE IV or CA IV PPAR, PAR
5 Up to 10000 CAE V or CA V PPAR, PAR
6 Up to 5000 CAE VI or CA VI PPAR, PAR, GAR
7 Up to 2000 * PPAR
8 Up to 1000 * PPAR, PAR
9 Up to 500 * PPAR, PAR, GAR
10 Up to 250 * PPAR, PAR, GAR, PTP, PUP
11 Up to 100 * PPAR, PAR, GAR, PTP, PUP, GUP,
• Where the Design is not obliged to be made by Consultant Company, the Expert indicated for the
respective construction level can make the Design as private consultant.
6.3.2. Structural Design consultant
Level/standard Estimated cost of Minimum level/standard List of minimum level of experts
Of construction Construction of Consultant that arrange the Design
Birr /000/
1 Above 30000 CAE I, CE I PPE, PE, PST
2 Up to 30000 CAE II, CE II PPE, PE, PST
3 Up to 20000 CAE III, CE III PPE, PE, PST
4 Up to 15000 CAE IV, CE IV PPE, PE, PST
5 Up to 7000 CAE V, CE V PPE, PE, PST
6 Up to 5000 CAE VI, CE VI PPE,PE, PST, PSE, GCE
7 Up to 2000 * PPST, PPE
8 Up to 1000 * PPST, PPE, PE, PST
9 Up to 500 * PPST, PPE, PE, PST, GCE
10 Up to 250 * PPST, PPE, PE, PST, GCE
11 Up to 100 * PPST, PPE, PE, PST, GCE

• Where the Design is not obliged to be made by Consultant Company, the Expert indicated for the
respective construction level can make the Design as private consultant.

62 For lingual purposes only. This translation is not officially approved.

6.3.3. Electrical Design consultant

Level/standard Estimated cost of Minimum level/standard List of minimum level of experts

Of construction Construction of Consultant that arrange the Design
Birr /000/
1 Above 50000 CAE I or CEL I PPEL, PEL
2 Up to 50000 CAEII or CEL, II PPEL, PEL
3 Up to 30000 CAE III or CEL III PPEL, PEL
4 Up to 20000 PPSN PPEL, PEL
5 Up to 10000 * PPEL, PEL
6 Up to 5000 * PPEL, PEL, GEL
7 Up to 2000 * PPEL, PEL, GEL

• Where the Design is not obliged to be made by Consultant Company, the Expert indicated for the
respective construction level can make the Design as private consultant.

6.3.4. Sanitary Design Consultant

Level/standard Estimated cost of Minimum level/standard List of minimum level of experts

Of construction Construction of Consultant that arrange the Design
Birr /000/
1 Above 50000 CAE I or CSN I PPSN, PSN
2 Up to 50000 CAEII or CSN II PPSN, PSN, PE
3 Up to 30000 CAE III or CSN III PPSN, PSN, PE
4 Up to 20000 PPSN PPSN, PSN, PE
5 Up to 10000 * PPSN, PSN, PE
6 Up to 5000 * PPSN, PSN, PE, GCE
7 Up to 2000 * PPSN, PSN, PE, GCE

• Where the Design is not obliged to be made by Consultant Company, the Expert indicated for the
respective construction level can make the Design as private consultant.

63 For lingual purposes only. This translation is not officially approved.

6.3.5. Urban Plan Design Consultant

Grade/ umber of single Total size of Estimated Kind of professional

Standard Houses holding Area Expense List/Description Minimum Amount
I Above 2000 Above 4 Above 50000 PUP/PTP 4
II From 100-200 2-4 Up to 30000 PUP/PTP 2
III From 50-100 1 -2 Up to 20000 PUP/PTP 1
IV Up to 50 Up to 1 Up to 10000 PUP/PTP 1

64 For lingual purposes only. This translation is not officially approved.

Part Seven

7. Service charge

7.1. General
7.1.1. The payment for service charge of Constructional License, Supervision and Monitoring
services shall be as per the rate determined/issued by the Addis Ababa Finance and
Economic Development Bureau.

7.1.2. The rate of service charge shall be decided as calculated by the total estimation of the
project to be Licensed on request (that is by calculating the occupied size or length of
construction with current construction price), which would be the Document to be prepared
and submitted by the person /party/requesting for License. If, on examination of documents
submitted in request for Licenses, it should be found that the basis of total estimation and
Occupied size and length of the construction is presented in a manner less than the
size/length stated in the project Design, then, the total estimation shall be made to be
presented with an adjustment, and an imposition for making payment for one more level
category will be required from the up-coming service in the form of penalty.

7.1.3. For a Design and Document to be resubmitted with an adjustment after being rejected under
the construction Licensing requirement, the service charge must be fully repaid as new.

7.1.4. If the main service of the construction presented for Design Examination is to be for a
mixed use of residence and business, the service charge shall be calculated per the rate
applicable for public Use Institutions.

7.1.5. Payment for follow up for those with regular follow up it shall be carried out according to
the construction level sited in article 5.1.3 if additional follow is needed no additional fee
shall be incurred.

7.1.6. The payment for the four grades/standards on which supervision of construction would be
made shall be paid in lump sum when the contractor/Builder reports to commence
construction and he/she is granted certification to begin construction.

65 For lingual purposes only. This translation is not officially approved.

7.1.7. when request is made to obtain utilization license but it is found that the previous design /as
built plan/ of the construction is not present in the correct condition, then in such
circumstance the applicant shall pay or for each round trip to be made to verify the case
with an amount of birr 100 for projects having a total cost 1,000,000 and 200 birr for
projects having a total cost above 1,000,001.

7.1.8. For size of an Infrastructure construction which is measured in terms of kilometer, if the size
is less than 1 kilometer the service charge shall be paid with a rate for 1 kilometer.

7.2. Payment for Construction License, Supervision, Utilization and Related services

Service Charge (Birr)

No. Total project cost Construction Construction License of Utilization License of Utilization Certificate of
License supervision (for formal (For those completion
construction) Discovered
on follow-up
A** B* A** B* A** B* A** B* A** B*

1 25,000 50 150 - 100 50 250 50 100 25 50

2 25,001-50,000 80 250 - 120 100 300 50 100 50 50
3 50,001-100,000 120 450 - 300 100 350 50 100 50 50
4 100,001-500,000 150 700 100 500 200 400 50 100 50 100
5 500,001-1,000,000 180 1000 150 750 250 450 50 100 100 200
6 1,000,001-3,000,000 200 1500 200 1000 250 500 50 100 100 300
7 3,000,001-10,000,000 200 2200 200 1250 250 750 50 100 200 400
8 10,000,001- 200 3200 200 1500 250 1000 50 100 200 500
9 25,000,001- 200 4700 200 2000 250 1500 50 100 200 750
10 50,000,001 200 6500 200 2500 250 2000 50 100 200 1000

A** shall mean pure residential or fence construction.
B* shall mean public or mixed use (residential plus commercial) construction.

66 For lingual purposes only. This translation is not officially approved.

7.3. Miscellaneous

Item Kind of Service Measurement Payment/Birr/ Statement


1 Terminating renewal and Temporal

Single 50
• Residence
Single 250
• Public Institution
2 License for Night time Under
Construction (for Public Institution) Permission
3 Engineers service
• For Residence Per case 25
• For public Institution Per case 50

4 Dumping site for construction west

M3 3.00
materials and earth

7.4. Service Charge for License of Infrastructure Construction

o. Kind of Infrastructure Unit Service charge

1 Asphalt Road Construction
Up to 20 meters K.M 100
From 20- 30 meters K.M 150
30 meters and Above K.M 200
2 Non- Asphalt Road K.M 100
3 Asphalt Pavement (out of the Road) M3
Up to 500 ; 2.5
Above 500 ; 1
4 Electric line Construction
Above the ground K.M 100
Underground K.M 200
5 Telephone line Construction
Above the ground K.M 200

67 For lingual purposes only. This translation is not officially approved.

Underground K.M 100
6 Water line construction
2 Inch and Less K.M 50
From 2 Inch – 200mm ; 100
200 mm and Above ; 200
7 Drainage line Construction K.M 100
8 Pedestrian Road (when requested separately) K.M 50
9 Flood line construction
- Open K.M 50
- Buried Underground K.M 150

7.5. Discount/Incentives/ for construction License of Apartment, Real-estate and Repeated


7.5.1. Discount will be made for the service charge of Apartment and Real estates as per the following
calculation, but such Apartment or Condominium to be built by such real-estate must have at
least 20 more single houses within a Block.

o. Kind of Construction Discount Statement

1 Apartment or Condominium built by 10% discount from On fulfilling the Minimum Discount Criteria,
Real-estate the Total Construction Apartments and Housing Blocks of
License payment Real-estate Constructions will benefit
10% additional discount for repeated
blocks of similar design with in a Land-
in addition to the already offered 10%
discount, which would then be a total of 20%

68 For lingual purposes only. This translation is not officially approved.

2 On repeated placement of a single The normal rate shall be
house or calculated for the first Block
Block at a given place without design , after which 10% discount
Item Kind of Service
change (For Residence, Business or
Measurement Payment
will be made for each
Statement Item
mixed use) repeatedly-placed Block /Birr/ o.

7.5.2. Condominium Constructions to be undertaken by a group of people (Housing Cooperative

Associations) shall not be included in the incentive/ Discount/ of Real-estate Housing, because
each member of the Union builds his/her respective house.

7.6. Service Payment for Construction /Installation of Advertisement Board

69 For lingual purposes only. This translation is not officially approved.

1 An Advertisement to be Posted Sq.m/year 250 To be calculated by
/written/ a part of a Building or the whole size of a
a wall. Board in all face(page)
2 Advertisement to be installed Sq.m/year
with Vertical post inside one’s
• Single Surface/ page 500
• Double surface/ page Sq.m/year 350
• Above Two Surfaces 700

3 To advertise for an institution Sq.m/year 250 To be calculated by the

present with in a possession and whole size of a Board
the board being installed in all surfaces
within the same possession
4 Board to be installed within
the Area of an Administration or
the Road side or at Vacant spaces
for advertising**
• Single Surface/ page 500
• Double surface/ page Sq.m/year 350
• Above Two Surfaces 700
5 Board to be installed at any places and 150 To be calculated by the
having alternative or rotating Sq.m/year whole size of a Board
screening surface ** which alternates for
more than one surface
6 Board to be installed at any place 700 To be calculated by the
and having light Image or digital Sq.m/year whole size of Board
Technology for Advertising ** surface to be seen at a
To be installed at the top of a Sq.m/year
7 Building **
• Single Surface 500
• Double surface 350
• Above Two Surfaces 700
8 To be affixed on Vehicle Vehicle Per 300

70 For lingual purposes only. This translation is not officially approved.

9 Installing a Board for Affixing
Texts, Posters and Advertisements Sq.m/year
• Single Surface 300
• Double surface 200
• Above Two Surfaces 500

** If the Advertisement Board is installed or fixed at key or Junction areas, the payment amount will be
determined through Tender, where a given suggested price shall stand as the initial tender price.

7.7. Penalty
7.7.1. If any Individual or Organization violates this policy and if its decided that with new permit and
adjustment the construction, then with the payment for service charge remaining practical, penalty payment
shall be imposed according to the rate below.

No. Kind of Illegal Action Payments/Birr/

1 Unauthorized Construction on one’s Possession
Residence & Fence 500
Business and mixed Service 5000
Infrastructure Construction 2000
2 Altered Construction diverted from an authorized work
Fence (mason wall and garden area)
Residence Service 150
Business and mixed Service 300
Infrastructure Construction 3000
3 Construction with expired License 1000
Residence 100
Business and mixed Service 300
Infrastructure Construction 3000
4 External/out door Advertisement with out Authorization
or beyond the Scope of Authorized limit

71 For lingual purposes only. This translation is not officially approved.

A. Fliers and Posters Per Single illegal
distribution-Birr 500
B. Posting board Birr 500 per Sq.m
Suspension Texts (banner) Birr 500 per Sq.m
5 Construction in Violation of an Order to Holt
Residence (For First Time) 500
(For Second Time) 1000
Business and mixed use (For first Time) 2000
(For Second Time) 3000
6 Construction By-product
Loading without dumping License or Dumping at Birr 300/ per truck
unauthorized site

An action of demolishing the Illegal construction takes place after the second warning and that a charge will
be filed at the competent court as may be found necessary
7.7.2. The payment of penalty by an offending person for illegal construction shall never legalize
the case of offer any legal coverage for his/her/its illegal construction

7.7.3. Payment of for an Illegal Construction shall never include the payment required to obtain
License for future Service.

72 For lingual purposes only. This translation is not officially approved.

Part Eight

8. Definition

8.1. Definition for Abbreviation of Contractor

GC: General Contractor
BC: Building Contractor

8.2. Definition for Abbreviation of Consultant Organizations

CAE: Consulting Architects and Engineers
CA: Consulting Architects
CE: Consulting Engineers
SCSW: Specialized Consultants in Sanitary Works
CEW: Specialized Consultants in Electrical Works

8.3. Definition for Abbreviation of Experts

PPAR: Practicing Professional Architect
PPSN: Practice. Prof. sanitary Engineer
PAR: Professional Architect
PSN: Professional Sanitary Engineer
GAR: Graduate Architect
GSN: Graduate Sanitary Engineer
PPE: Practicing Professional Engineer
PUP/PTP: Prof. Urban/Town Planner
PE: Professional Engineer
GIP/GTP: Graduate Urban/Town Planner
GE: Graduate Engineer
AUP/ATP: Associate Urban/Town Planner
GCE: Graduate Civil Engineer
AME: Associate Municipal Engineer
PPST: Practic. Prof. Structural Eng.
GAME: Graduate Associate Municipal Engineer
PST: Professional Structural Engineer
AE: Associate Engineer
PPEL: Practic. Prof. Electrical Engineer
GAE: Graduate Associate Engineer
PEL: Professional Electrical Engineer
EA: Engineering Aid
GEL: Graduate Electrical Engineer
GEA: Graduate Engineering Aid

8.4. Definition for Abbreviation of Road Standard

RR: Ring Road SAS: Sub-Arterial Street

73 For lingual purposes only. This translation is not officially approved.

PAS: Floor Area Ration CS: Collector Street

8.5. Definition for Abbreviation of Plan

BAR: Built-up Area Ratio

FAR: Floor Area Ratio
LDP: Local Development Plan

8.6. Definition for Abbreviation of paper size

A0: 841 x 1189 mm A3 : 420 x 297
A1: 594 x 841 mm A4 : 297 x 420 mm
A2: 420 x 594mm

74 For lingual purposes only. This translation is not officially approved.

Part ine

Index from A-Z

75 For lingual purposes only. This translation is not officially approved.

Part Ten

Annexed Formats

76 For lingual purposes only. This translation is not officially approved.

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