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31711 mnt W{-1235 SINo. 0966 ‘Total No. of Pages : 3 II Semester Examination, June - 2016 (Scheme: CBCS) COMMERCE HC: Capital Market Instruments Time : 3 Hours Max. Marks : 70 Instructions: 1) Any Statistical/ Financial tables and calculators permitted inside the examination Hall. 2) Answer all parts. Answer any five the following questions. Each question carries five marks. [5x 5=25] Q1) Define the term “Security”. What are the major types of securities traded in capital market? Q2) Distinguish between equity and debt market. Q3) Distinguish between a forward contract and a future contract. 4) Define swaps? What are their main features? Q5) Write a note on the role of ETFs as capital market instrument. Q6) Enlist the criteria for rating the bond. Q7) A bond with a maturity value of Rs.1000/- carry a coupon rate of 10%. The market interest is 11%. The bond matures 3 years from now. Assuming that coupon interest is payable annually, find out the value of the bond. Q8) A forward contact on a non-dividend paying stock is to mature in 3 months time from now. The stock is currently selling in the market for Rs.1700/-. The risk free interest is 10% p.a. compounded continuously. Find out the theoretical future price of the contract. PTO. 31711 M-1235 PART-B Answer any three of the following questions. Each question carries ten marks. [3 x 10 = 30) Q9) Discuss the types and features of option contracts. Q10)What are gilt- edged securities? Explain the importance of GIS market. Q11)Examine the factors that lead to the growth of derivatives market. Q12)A newly established bio technology company enjoying rapid growth. The current dividend for a share of stock is Rs.11.5. During the next four years, the dividend will grow at 15 per cent per year (g1=15%). After that, growth(g2) will be equal to 10 per cent per year. What will be the present value of the stock if the required return is 15 per cent? Q13)August 2016 sugar futures are traded today(i.e. on 4th June) at NCDEX at a price of Rs. 29,500 per ton. The size of each futures contract on NCDEX is 10 tons. The margin money required to be deposited is 12% of total value of futures contracts. A dealer in sugar is anticipating rise in sugar prices in the coming months. Accordingly he plans to take up August sugar futures contracts for a total of 47 tons. Required: a) What position(long/short)will he be taking in the futures market? b) How many contracts he needs to take? c) Howmuch margin money he has to deposit with the clearing house? d) Suppose the trader winded up his position in the futures market on Sth of August. When the futures price was Rs. 28,200/ton. What is the percent of profit / loss on his investment? PART-C Case study (Compulsory) [1 x 15 = 15] Q14)A call option on SBP stock is currently traded on NSE at a premium of 126(Strike price=K=Rs. 1440) and a put option on the same stock at a premium of Rs.36 (Strike price= K= Rs.1400). Both call and put options expire in 2 months from now. Mr. Amith, a trader, is expecting a rise in the market price of SBP stock, whereas Ms. Basu is expecting a fall in the price of SBP stock in the near future. 2. 31711 M-1235 Questions a) b) °) 4) °) What option Mr. Amith will be buying in the market(call/Put option)? What option Mr. Basu will be buying in the market (Call/ Put option)? What is the BEP for Mr. Amith? What is the BEP for Ms. Basu? If the theoretical price range of SBP stock is Rs. 0, 200, 400 to Rs.3000, what is the payoff profile of option for Mr. Amith? Draw a schematic diagram showing the results. If the theoretical price range of SBP stock is Rs. 0, 200, 400 to Rs.3000, what is the payoff profile of option for Ms. Basu? Draw a schematic diagram showing the results. aa 31712 i M-1236 SINo. “~ 0966 Total No. of Pages : 2 II Semester M.Com.Examination, June - 2016 (Scheme:CBCS) COMMERCE HC: Human Resource Management Time : 3 Hours Max. Marks : 70 Instruction: _ Answer all three parts. Answer any five questions. Each question carries five marks. [5 x 5 = 25] QJ) What is human resource planning. What are the objectives of human resource planning? 22) Compare and contrast recruitment and selection. 3) Explain the importance of job specification in an organization Q4) Briefly discuss the framework for the HRD process. Q5) Explain any two internal sources of recruitment. Q6) What is meant by interview? Discuss its significance and limitations. Q7) Explain various methods of promotion of employees in an organization. Q8) Differentiate between job enlargement and job enrichment. PART -B Answer any three questions. Each question carries ten marks. [3 x 10 = 30] Q9) Discuss the different methods of performance appraisal? 210)Describe the major changes taking place in the environment in which human resources have to function. Q11)Explain the essentials for a good wage incentive plan, PTO. 31712 M-1236 Q12)Discuss the importance of trade unions in fixation of wages and salary. Q13)Explain the process of Human Resource Planning? PART-C Case study (Compulsory) [1 x 15 = 15] Q14)Three executives were discussing the importance of HRM. They agreed that the effective management of a firm’s human resources is probably the most important source of sustained competitive advantage: for a modern organisation. But they expressed different viewpoints and emphasized different dimensions of HRM. Mr. S. Jayaramana says, “Everyone who deals with people has a need to understand some basic notions of HRM.” Mr. Rana som stated, “Effective human management practices support corporate strategic goals. Hence it is more important to see HRM from the angle of corporate strategy and governance.” On the other hand, Mr. G. Thapar argued that “the changing legal environment has made it critical that an organization be aware of the legal requirements involved in all HRM practices. Failure to do so can be quite costly”. Questions a) Which viewpoint will you prefer for modern human resource managers?Why? b) Canyou integrate these views? Why is it necessary to synchronize them?

31713 i M-1237 SINog9741 Total No. of Pages : 3 II Semester M.Com.Examination, June - 2016 (Scheme:CBCS)(2015 Batch) COMMERCE Hard Core: Organisational Behaviour Time : 3 Hours Max. Marks : 70 Instruction: Answer all three parts. PART Answer any five questions. Each question carries five marks. [5 x 5 = 25] Q1) Define organisational behaviour. Explain its Scope. Q2) Explain the key elements of organisational behaviour. Q3) What is learning? What are its features? Q4) What is job satisfaction? What are its consequences? Q5) Explain two factor theory of motivation. Q6) Explain the importance of leadership in an organisation. Q7) Explain the factors influencing group cohesiveness. Q8) How do you overcome the barriers to effective communication? PART-B Answer any three questions. Each question carries ten marks. [3 * 10 = 30] Q9) Trace the development of organisational behaviour. Q10)What is an informal organisation? Compare it with formal organisation. Q11)Explain classical conditioning theory and operant conditioning theory of learning. Compare them. 31713 M-1237 Q12)What is the essence of Vroom’s expectancy model of motivation? What are its merits and limitations? Q13)Explain different leadership styles their merits and limitations. PART-C Case Study:(Compulsory) [1 x 15 = 15] Q14)Read the following case and answer the questions given at the end. Betty Kesmer was continuously on top of things. In school she had always been at the top of her class. when she went to work for her uncle’s shoe business. Fancy Footwear, she had been singled out as the most productive employee and the one with the best attendance. The company was so impressed with her that it sent her to get an M.B.A. to groom her for a top management position. In school again and with three years of practical experience to draw on. Kesmer had gobbled up every idea put in front of her relating many of them to her work at Fancy Footwear. When Kesmer graduated at the top of her class, she returned to Fancy Footwear. To no one’s surprise. When the head of the company’s largest division took advantage of the firm’s early retirement plan, Kesmer was given his position. Kesmer knew the pitfalls of being suddenly catapulted to a leadership position and she was determined to avoid them. In business school, she had read cases about family businesses that fell apart when a young family member took over with an iron fist, barking out orders, cutting personnel, and destroying morale. Kesmer knew a lot about participative management, and she was not going to be labeled an arrogant know-it-all. Kesmer’s predecessor. Max Worthy, had run the division from an office at the top of the building, far above the factory floor. Two or three times a day, ‘Worthy would summon a messenger or a secretary from the offices on the second floor and send a memo out to one or another group of workers. But as Kesmer saw it. Worthy was mostly an absentee autocrat making all the decisions from above and spending most of his time at exteneded lunches with his friends from the Elks Club. 3 31713 M-1237 Kesmer’s first move was to change all that. She set up her office on the second floor. From her always-open doorway she could see down onto the factory floor and as she sat behind her desk she could spot anyone walking by in the hall. She never ate lunch herself but spent the time from 11 to 2down on the floor walking around talking. and organizing groups. The workers, many of whom had twenty years of seniority at the plant, seemed surprised by this new policy and reluctant to volunteer for any groups. But in fairly short order. Kesmer established a worker productivity group a “SUGGESTION OF THE Week” committee, an environmental group a worker award group and a management relations group. Each group held two meetings a week, one without and one with Kesmer. She encouraged each group to set up golas in its particular focus area and develop plans for reaching those goals. She promised any support that was within her power to give. The group work was agonizingly slow at first. But Kesmer had been well trained as a facilitator,and she soon took on that role in their meetings, writing down ideas on a big board organizing them and later communicating them in notices to other employees. She got everyone to call her “Betty” and set herself the task of learning all their names. By the end of the first month. Fancy Footwear was stirred up. But as it turned out that was the last thing most employees wanted. The truthfinally hit kesmer when the entire management relations committee resigned at the start of their fourth meeting, “I m sorry. Ms. Kesmer”. one of them said. “We're good at making shoes but not at this management stuff. A lot of us are heading toward retirement. We don’t want to be supervisors.” Astonished, Kesmer went to talk to the workers with whom she belived she had built good relations. Yes, they reluctantly told her, all these changes did make them uneasy. They liked her and they didn’t want to complain. But given the choice they would rather go back to the way Mr. Worthy had run things. They never saw Mr. Worthy much but he never got in their hair. He did his work, whatever that was and they did theirs. “After you’ ve been in a place doing one thing for so long”. One worker concluded. “the last thing you want to do is learn a new way of doing it.” Case Questions: a) What factors should have alerted Kesmer to the problems that eventually came up at Fancy Footwear? b) Could Kesmer have instituted her changs without eliciting a negative reaction from the workers? If so, how? >a > 3. 31715 nnn WE-1239 SINo. . 08932 Total No. of Pages : 2 II Semester M.Com.Examination, June - 2016 (Scheme:CBCS)(2015 Batch) COMMERCE SC: Strategic Management Time : 3 Hours Max. Marks : 70 Instruction: Answer all three parts. PART-A Answer any five questions. Each question carries five marks. [5 x 5 = 25] QI) What is Strategy? What are the objectives of strategic management? Q2) Differentiate between vision, mission and purpose. Q3) What is OCP Analysis? Explain. Q4) Give a brief note of Distinctive Competitiveness. Q5) What are corporate level strategies? Q6) What is differentiation strategy?Explain it in detail. Q7) Explain porter’s five forces model. Q8) What are the differences between traditional business and internet business? PART-B Answer any three questions. Each question carries ten marks. [3 * 10 = 30] Q9) Describe the process of strategic management. Q10)Bring out a detailed study on ETOP. Q11) What is cost leadership strategy? Explain its features. @Q12)Discuss the role of organization structure in effectiveness of strategy implementation. PTO. 31715 ' M-1239 Q13)Discuss the symptoms malfunctioning of strategies. PART-C Case study: (Compulsory) [1x 15 = 15] Q14) “The IT department for a global multi-business company was struggling to meet heightened demand for increasingly complex technology solutions. This frustrated the company’s business leaders, who were relying on technological solutions to drive multiple changes in the business model. The company realized that continuing down this path without making some adjustments in the technological delivery model jeopardized its goals for deepening its IT capabilities, This would have hindered its ability to quickly implement business strategies and to maintain a competitive edge in the market. ‘Senior management asked Mckinsey to help change the IT organization! model in a way that would more effectively support strategies.” Questions: a) What are some hypotheses on where the root-cause of the problem is? ‘What is the possible solution b) What are the challenges in implementation of strategy? oo OD 2. 31716 M-1240 SINo. nogg Total No. of Pages : 2 II Semester Examination, June - 2016 (Scheme: CBCS) COMMERCE Stock Markets (Open Elective) Time : 3 Hours Max. Marks : 70 Instruction: Answer all parts. PART-A Answer any five questions from the following. Each question carries 5 marks. [5x 5=25] QI) Briefly explain the functions of NSE. Q2) Distinguish between new issue markets and stock exchange. Q3) Write the procedure of opening a demat account. Q4) Give a brief account on S&P CNX 500. Q5) What are the limitations of SEBI in its functioning? 6) Write a note on settlement of investor’s grievances. Q7) Distinguish between equity shares and preference shares. Q8) What is dematerialisation? Explain the various steps involved in dematerialisation. PART -B ‘Answer any three questions from the following. Each question carries 10 marks. [3 « 10 = 30] Q9) What is the objective behind promotion of NSDL? Explain the facilities offered by NSDL. PTO. 31716 M-1240 10)Discuss the procedure involved in listing securities in stock exchange. QI1)Who are brokers? Explain their functions in stock market. Q12)Discuss the SEBI reforms in primary market to protect the interests of investors. 13)Elucidate the trading system in stock exchange in India. Case study (Compulsory) [1 x 15 = 15] Q14)Mr. Prakash has invested his surplus funds in the shares of Ajantha Ltd. The company is having a high growth rate. And it’s earning super normal profits every year. But the company is not paying dividends sufficiently to its shareholders. Mr. Prakash is unphappy with this attitude of the company. Questions: a) Assume you as Mr. Prakash, what is your next step towards company’s attitude? b) If the company is not responding to you, then what legal steps would you take? c) Explain the role SEBI in this case. DDD 2s

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