Travel Writing

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To travel from one place to another for different purposes is generally called travelling.

People do not
travel always for the same purposes. Someone travels to gain knowledge and experience, someone
travels for pleasure, someone travels for business purposes etc. It has much educative value. It is a part
of education. Our education and book knowledge remains imperfect without travelling. We can learn
many things from travelling. It teaches us to trade and commerce, language, sociology, customs, culture,
history, geography and so on. Therefore, the educative value of travelling beggars description. Besides
this, there are some special benefits of travelling. If a man stays in one place for a long time, he becomes
monotonous. Travelling removes our monotony and gives pleasure. It also broadens our outlook and
refreshes our mind. A good traveler can easily educate others. He can give us first-hand knowledge of
men and matters of another country. I like travelling very much.

To see the unseen and to know the unknown is inherent in human nature. This curiosity leads men to
travel from one place to another. This is called traveling. If a man stays in one place for a long time, life
becomes monotonous to him.

Generally, people do not travel always with the same purpose. Some people travel to gain knowledge,
some go to healthy places to improve their health and some people travel for pleasure only.
Businessmen travel for business purposes.

Travelling has manifold benefits. It is a part and parcel of our education. Our education and bookish
knowledge remain imperfect without traveling. We may read about many places in our history books. If
we can visit these places, the study of history becomes interesting. We read about men and things from
different parts of the world. By traveling to different parts of the world, we see new people and new
things. We can learn much about the manners and customs of those people. In this way, we can gain
much knowledge. Consequently, our narrowness of mind disappears. Many people travel to different
places to improve their health. If they go to a healthy place, they can recover their lost health. Travelling
is also a source of joy to us. We see new objects and beautiful natural scenery. This refreshes both our
mind and body.

Travelling teaches us to trade and commerce, language, sociology, customs, culture, history, geography
and so on. So the educational value of traveling beggars description. But we should keep in mind to
learn while traveling.
Travelling Essay as a part of Education
Traveling Essay as a part of Education – Education involves not only reading books and doing
exercises but also acquiring knowledge by doing something practical. In other words, practical
experience is a part of education. In this sense, since traveling adds to our experience and
knowledge base, it can safely be considered a part of education.

In this connection, it must be said that traveling has, roughly speaking, two purposes: acquiring
experience and pleasure. But it must be emphasized that in both the cases knowledge comes from

As far as education and traveling nexus is concerned, we can aver that traveling should be made
statutory for students. If this is done, then it will be a part of education. It has, however, a
number of benefits. These are enumerated hereunder.

Firstly, what we learn from our textbooks needs to be verified in the light of the reality. If this is
done, then the knowledge gained from books becomes practicable. And if this is to be achieved,
then there must be sufficient opportunities for traveling such as education tour or excursion.

Secondly, there are some subjects which can not be taught by or learned from textbooks.
Geography, history, and some branches of science fall into this category of subjects. For the sake
of perfect knowledge in these subjects, students must be inspired and patronized to go on
educational tours.

Thirdly, education without pleasure becomes, in most of the cases, prosaic and ineffectual. The
process of education in which recreational facilities are in-built, therefore, prove to be most
The other side of traveling as a part of education should not, in any case, be overlooked. That is,
it involves the question- Is it really affordable for the students of this country? The answer,
regrettably, will be in the negative in most of the cases. If traveling is, for instance, made an
essential part of education, then, to be sure, it will be a great burden on the guardians of our
students. The consequence will be that only a minority of students will be able to avail
themselves of the opportunity of acquiring perfect knowledge on the related subject(s), while a
majority of them will be deprived of the opportunity. This poses a great problem for the decision
makers as well as the whole educational system.

But it is not that such a problem is totally unsolvable. To make the extracurricular activities like
traveling more effective, it should be programmed in a limited way within a limited budget.
Also, educational institutions, as well as the government, should come forward to help students
in this regard with reasonable amounts of financial assistance.
Therefore, it is advisable that all educational institutions take sufficient care to include traveling
in the overall educational programme ensuring the eager involvement of the majority of the

Travelling essay


Traveling As a Part of Education – Introduction: Travelling means to go from one place to
another either on foot or by any kind of vehicle the situation allows. Man is by nature and
necessity a traveling or movie being. It is, so to speak, his inborn habit and interest to know the
unknown, to see the unseen, to enjoy the unenjoyed things with a view to filling his mind with
new ideas, knowledge, thoughts, and experience.

As a part of education: Travelling is an important way to gain knowledge and acquire

education. It gives the first-hand knowledge to the traveler and the books give the second-hand
knowledge. Bookish knowledge can be had from reading books the and practical knowledge can
be had from traveling. Hence traveling In regarded as a part of education. During traveling a
traveler visits different places both historical and general and comes in touch with people of
different regions, faiths, customs, and languages.

He can come across many geographical landmarks. Educational institutions arrange excursions
for students. They also take them on tours to the places of historical importance like the World
Heritage Sites, dams, river projects, powerhouses, hilly regions etc. Traveling helps the traveler
see the vast area of the country and her natural scenery or, beauty. It also helps the traveler
know how the wonderful earth is full of natural beauty, attractions, novelties, variety, and

Education is not perfect and complete without traveling. A more traveler knows more. It makes
him active, agile, more wise, more active and more diligent. It also removes his deficiency,
ignorance, barbarism, dogmatism, darkness, mental torment by satisfying and filling the mind
with pleasure and widening his mental horizon. e

Traveling helps learn outside knowledge: One can learn about the Tajmahal, the Hardinge
Bridge, the Great Wall of China, the London Underground Railway, the Iron Bridge, the Empire
State Building, the Patronage Tower, the Eiffel Tower, The Shat Gambuj Mosque, the
Sundarbans, Cox’s Bazar Sea Beach etc from reading books, magazines and journals.

But one’s knowledge about them is practically limited or smattering. Traveling or visiting these can
provide them with enough knowledge about them. So education. remains incomplete and experience
remains deficient without traveling.
Travelling is regarded as a means or part of education, enlightenment. enrichment of knowledge. It
sharpens our skills of observation, the power of analysis, and helps us in facing danger successfully, It
also stimulates us to make management and planning with its charms, experience, and adventures.

Usefulness: Travelling is very useful for us especially for the learners. It provides us not with bookish
knowledge but with practical experience. It gives us an opportunity to meet our friends and relatives
living in far-off places where we generally serve writing letters to them. Similarly, meeting other people
belonging to different cultures, faiths, races, communities, and regions is a great joy and pleasure.
During traveling, we can eat different foods, enjoy different climates and exchange our views with
people of different classes and tastes which are never possible only by reading books.

Today’s traveling: In ancient time or in olden days people traveled then mainly on foot for there were
no vehicles. Now we find traveling easy. We can travel by bus, car, train, air, cycle, motorcycle etc. We
can choose our means of travel. We can now travel to a long distance by modern vehicles within a very
short period.

Conclusion: Real education lies not in books but in traveling. Education by traveling needs no further
reading at home. It is a fast hand knowledge, a practical and unforgettable experience.

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