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Logic gates, which are the lowest abstraction level of the digital domain,
operate on ones and zeros. In physical reality, those logic gates are built out of
transistors, a type of circuit component. Transistors aren't like light switches
that are either on or off.A logic gate is a device that acts as a building block for
digital circuits. They perform basic logical functions that are fundamental to
digital circuits. Most electronic devices we use today will have some form of
logic gates in them.

Sr.No. Details of Activity Start Date Finish Date Responsible


1. Selected the topic for Micro 5/09/2022 7/09/2022 Yash Bavalekar

2. Organized things required for 15/09/2022 20/09/2022 Shreyash
Micro project Shedge
3. Browsed for information of raw 25/09/2022 01/10/2022 Samarth
data Sarwade
4. Attended extra lecture for 07/10/2022 15/10/2022 Prathamesh
project Sawant
5. Prepared notes accordingly 25/10/2022 05/11/2022 Yash Bavalekar

6. Created Word document with 12/11/2022 24/11/2022 Shreyash

our teacher’s help Shedge
7. Made required corrections after 03/12/2022 07/12/2022 Samarth
discussion Sarwade
8. Also created a PDF document to 10/12/2022 14/12/2022 Prathamesh
make a hard copy of the report Sawant

Logic gates are used to carry out logical operations on single or multiple binary inputs and
give one binary output. In simple terms, logic gates are the electronic circuits in a digital
Application Of Logic Gates
Logic gates have a lot of applications, but they are mainly based upon their mode of
operations or their truth table. Basic logic gates are often found in circuits such as safety
thermostats, push-button locks, automatic watering systems, light-activated burglar alarms
and many other electronic devices.
One of the primary benefits is that basic logic gates can be used in various combinations if
the operations are advanced. Besides, there is no limit to the number of gates that can be used
in a single device. However, it can be restricted due to the given physical space in the device.
In digital integrated circuits (ICs), we will find an array of the logic gate area unit.

Verification and interpretation of truth tables for AND, OR, NOT, NAND, NOR Exclusive
OR (EX-OR), Exclusive NOR (EX-NOR) Gates.

Apparatus: Logic trainer kit, logic gates / ICs, wires.

Theory: Logic gates are electronic circuits which perform logical functions on one or more
inputs to produce one output. There are seven logic gates. When all the input combinations of
a logic gate are written in a series and their corrresponding outputs written along them, then
this input/ output combination is called Truth Table. Various gates and their working is
explained here.

AND Gate

AND gate produces an output as 1, when all its inputs are 1; otherwise the output is 0. This
gate can have minimum 2 inputs but output is always one. Its output is 0 when any input is 0.

OR Gate

OR gate produces an output as 1, when any or all its inputs are 1; otherwise the output is 0.
This gate can have minimum 2 inputs but output is always one. Its output is 0 when all input
are 0.
NOT Gate
NOT gate produces the complement of its input. This gate is also called an INVERTER. It
always has one input and one output. Its output is 0 when input is 1 and output is 1 when
input is 0.

NAND gate is actually a series of AND gate with NOT gate. If we connect the output of an
AND gate to the input of a NOT gate, this combination will work as NOT-AND or NAND
gate. Its output is 1 when any or all inputs are 0, otherwise output is 1.

NOR Gate
NOR gate is actually a series of OR gate with NOT gate. If we connect the output of an OR
gate to the input of a NOT gate, this combination will work as NOT-OR or NOR gate. Its
output is 0 when any or all inputs are 1, otherwise output is 1.
Exclusive OR (X-OR) Gate
X-OR gate produces an output as 1, when number of 1’s at its inputs is odd, otherwise output
is 0. It has two inputs and one output.

Exclusive NOR (X-NOR) Gate

X-NOR gate produces an output as 1, when number of 1’s at its inputs is not odd, otherwise
output is 0. It has two inputs and one output.

Logic gates are primarily implemented using diodes or transistors acting as electronic
switches, but can also be constructed using vacuum tubes, electromagnetic relays (relay
logic), fluidic logic, pneumatic logic, optics, molecules, or even mechanical elements.
It states that the complement of logical OR of at least two Boolean variables is equal to the
logical AND of each complemented variable. Therefore, the complement of logical AND of
two Boolean variables is equal to the logical OR of each complemented variable.

The experiment was able to successfully achieve the following objectives: (1) to know the
different basiclogic gates, (2) to describe basic logic gates characteristics, and (3) to
demonstrate the function of thebasic logic gates by answering a design problem. And after
doing the experiment, I can conclude that:The first objective was met since I now know the
different basic logic gates specifically AND, OR, NOT,NAND, NOR, XOR, and XNOR, as
well as its function and characteristics which lands at the secondobjective but the NOT, AND,
and OR, are the only gates that were used in the given logic circuit based onthe truth table. We
used Logisim and GATES spreadsheet to apply the given design. Logisim is used tosimply
simulate the different digital logic circuits while the GATES spreadsheet has AND, OR, NOT
and IC’s.

We take it is an opportunity to thank all those who have directly and indirectly inspired.
directed and assisted us towards successful completion of this project report .Special thanks to
Lecturer Digital Techniques and Microprocessor subject of Diploma Engineering college of
Abhaysinhraje Bhonsle Institute of Technology and Polytechnic for encouragement throughout
the project report and guideline in designing & working out this project. We are also grateful
to team of "Develop a project fot tree traversal "For their highly encouraging and co-operative
attitude. We express our sense of gratitude towards our friend and parents for their constant
moral support during project report.

Website Name : is/definition/ logic-gate- AND-OR-NOR-NAND-

NOR- and - NOR.
http://www.turtorialspoint c/ computer/ logic - gates .htm. truth-table-gates / therory.html.

Reference Books Name :

1. logic gates tecnology.

2. Basic digital electronics.
3.mordern digital electronics.

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