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2017 International Conference on Robotics and Automation Sciences

Corrosion Detection in Industrial Pipes Using Guided Acoustics and Radial Basis
Function Neural Network

M. Fahad, K. Kamal, T. Zafar, R. Qayyum, S. Tariq K. Khan

National University of Science and Technology Coventry University
Islamabad, Pakistan Coventry, UK
e-mail:, United Kingdom, e-mail:

Abstract—Detection of corrosion in industrial pipes and tubes techniques [2-3]. Kim et al. [4] developed a method for stress
is a challenging task. This paper presents an efficient and a corrosion monitoring in pipelines that uses eddy current
low-cost approach for corrosion detection and classification. based detection of corrosion. The technique uses ploy-phase
The proposed approach combines the guided acoustic waves rotating magnetic field to setup eddy currents. Remote field
and Radial Basis Function Neural Network (RBF-NN) region is used to make measurements of the decaying eddy
classifier. Mean, RMS, Variance, Kurtosis and Skewness are currents away from the exciter. Gloria et al. [5] developed an
used as distinct features for the RBFNN classifier to classify internal corrosion sensor that uses magnetic flux leakage to
corrosion and no corrosion state. Network is trained to reduce detect internal corrosion in pipelines. Wall of the pipe is
the Mean Squared Error (MSE) up to 0.0074. The proposed
magnetized and when metal loss occurs due to corrosion,
technique shows promising results to detect and classify
corrosion with an accuracy of 99.45%. The specificity and
magnetic flux is leaked and is sensed by proposed sensor.
sensitivity of the classifier are found to be 99.54% s and 99.6% Guided Acoustic waves are the sound waves that moves
respectively. along the bounded structure while following the boundaries
of that structure. The solution to the problem of Corrosion
Keywords-radial basis function; corrosion detection; guided under Insulation (CUI) was proposed by Lowe et al. [6]
acoustic waves; artificial neural network; nondestructive testing through the guided waves testing. Testing scheme used the
pulse-echo arrangement of transducers which causes the
I. INTRODUCTION Lamb waves to follow the boundaries of the pipes up to fifty
meters. Reflection of these waves from defects in pipelines
Corrosion has always been an immense problem for were sensed by sensing elements and further interpretation
engineering community. Corrosion is a natural phenomenon was required to get results.
which gradually degrades the metals into its oxides and Artificial neural network (ANN) based techniques are
sulphides by reacting chemically or electrochemically with also proposed by different researchers. De Masi et al. [7]
its environment. Degradation caused by corrosion in made the corrosion assessment in subsea pipelines using
complex engineering systems strongly affects the economic machine learning based approach. A data driven artificial
and industrial growth of a country. According to World neural network model was used to predict internal corrosion
Corrosion Organization (WCO) annual direct cost of in pipelines. Fitting neural network (FNN) based regression
corrosion is 2.2 trillion US dollars worldwide which approach was used to predict the corrosion rate, metal loss,
accounts for over 3 percent of worldwide GDP [1]. area of defects and number of defects. Geometrical pipeline
Production loss, environmental impacts, transportation characteristics and fluid dynamics multiphase variables were
disruptions, injuries, and fatalities are the indirect costs used as input features to the FNN. Ali et al. [8] proposed the
associated to corrosion. use of artificial neural networks in sewage system concrete
Detection of corrosion in industrial pipes and tubes is a corrosion monitoring. Proposed technique used back-
challenging task, as most of the piping systems have limited propagation neural network to predict the mass loss in
access being buried underground or due to physical different types of sewage concrete against Sulphuric acid
limitations. External detection of corrosion can be made by attack. Saenkhum et al. [9] proposed the technique for
less expensive methods such as visual inspection; however, corrosion detection and classification. Proposed technique
internal corrosion detection demands highly intuitive ways. used Acoustic emission (AE) as corrosion detection
For example, in petrochemical industry, flow of acids inside technique and then used Feed Forward Neural Network
metallic pipes can corrode pipelines at higher pace and it can (FFNN) to detect corrosion. Scaling and Adaptive Moving
go undetected till breakdown. Numerous Non-Destructive Average (AMA) were applied on dataset. AE extracted
Testing (NDT) techniques have been proposed to detect features like AE energy, AE hit and AE ring down count
internal corrosion in pipes. These techniques may include were used as inputs to FFNN to classify corrosion.
ultrasonic, acoustic emission, guided waves, eddy currents, This research presents a novel and a low-cost approach
radiographic testing and magnetic flux leakage based for internal corrosion detection in industrial pipes. The next

978-1-5386-3995-5/17/$31.00 ©2017 IEEE 129

sections explain the proposed technique, background theory is a three-layer neural network that consists of an input layer,
behind RBF-NN, experimentation, results and conclusion. a hidden layer and an output layer. Input layer contains ‘n’
number of neurons whereas output layer contains ‘m’
II. PROPOSED TECHNIQUE number of neurons and there exists a hidden layer in between
Fig. 1 shows the flow chart of the proposed technique. the input layer and the output layer. The hypothetical
Acoustic signals at different frequencies are generated using connections exist between the first two layers which are
a computer and are passed through corroded and healthy input layer and the hidden layer, whereas weighted
sample pipes. These signals are then acquired through connection exists between the hidden layer and the output
acoustic sensor which is installed at another end of pipe. layer. Classification can be easily performed by utilizing
Different statistical features are then extracted from the radial basis function neural network (RBF-NN), moreover,
acquired signals. These extracted features are then used as this network can also be utilized for approximating functions
distinct inputs to the RBF-NN. The neural network is trained by using Gaussian potential functions [10]. RBF-NN is
for the maximum iterations to achieve a preset Mean trained using the training algorithm given below. Output is
Squared error (MSE). Once the desired MSE is met, the computed using the Gaussian activation function. Non-
network is trained and the weights are then freezed. This negative response is given by such function for all the values
trained neural network is then used to classify the corroded of y. The function is represented as
or healthy state of pipe. (1)
The derivative of the function is represented by
The algorithm used for training of the network is given
Step 1: Weights are initialized (Random small values are
Step 2: Perform steps 3-10 if the stopping condition is
not true.
Step 3: Perform steps 4-9 for each input.
p 4: Input
Step p signals are received by each input unit

Step 5: Radial basis function is calculated.

Step 6: The set of input vectors are utilized for choosing
the Radial basis functions centers. For guaranteed adequate
sampling of the input vector space sufficient numbers of
centers to be designated.
Step 7: The output of im unit vi ( xi) in the hidden layer
whereas Centre of the RBF unit for input variables,
Figure 1. Algorithm Flow Chart of the Proposed Technique
= Width of the ith RBF unit, variable of input
III. BACKGROUND THEORY Step 8: Weights in the output layer are initialized by
assigning small random small values.
A. Radial Basis Function Neural Network Step 9: Neural network output is calculated
Artificial Neural Network (ANN) is basically an (4)
information processing system that mimics a biological brain.
It is a computational model which consists of several whereas, = number of hidden layer nodes, = Output
interconnected neurons. Architecture of neural network can value of mth node in output layer for the nth incoming pattern.
be defined based on supervised learning and unsupervised = Weight between mth output node and ith radial basis
learning. For supervised learning input patterns are provided function unit. = Biasing term at nth output node.
to the network with the corresponding target signal. The Step 10: Error is calculated and stopping condition is tested.
difference between the output and the target is the error Changing of weights and number of iterations can be the
signal. The error is then minimized to a predefined level stopping condition
through continuous adaptation of the weights, against the
target signal. For unsupervised learning, neural network IV. EXPERIMENTATION
classifies the signals into different classes based on
similarities in features without needing any target signal. A. Data Acquisition
The structural design of radial basis function network is Experiments are conducted on steel SS-304 pipes having
like multilayer feed forward network, which, in its simplest one feet long length with one-inch diameter. Acoustic wave

source is installed at one end of the pipe and an acoustic Fig. 3 shows plot of mean values for healthy and
sensor is installed at the other end to acquire the signals. Five corroded pipe. Red line shows the corroded state and blue
different frequency waves of one, three, five, seven and nine line depicts the healthy state. It can be seen from the figure
kilohertz are generated and passed through healthy pipe for a that signal for the healthy pipe is clearly distinguishable from
duration of five seconds. The resulted signals are acquired at the signal of corroded pipe. A similar trend can be seen in
a sample rate of 44100 Hz to fulfil the Nyquist criteria using plots for RMS as shown in Fig. 4. Again, the healthy pipe
acoustic sensor. Same frequency acoustic waves are signal is clearly distinguishable from corroded pipe signal.
generated and passed through the internally corroded pipe Same can be seen in graphs of Skewness, Kurtosis, and
and recorded. Each experiment is repeated three times for variance in Fig. 5, Fig. 6 and Fig. 7 respectively. Hence these
each frequency both on healthy and corroded pipes. parameters can be used as distinct features for RBF-NN.
Experimentation yields the dataset for healthy and corroded
pipe samples each having fifteen sample waves. Fig. 2 shows
a generalized diagram of the experimental setup.

Figure 3. Mean for healthy and corroded pipe (1 KHz)

Figure 2. Block Diagram of Data Acquisition Setup

B. Results
Recorded acoustic signals for both healthy and corroded
pipes are processed using MATLAB® to extract distinct
features. Five statistical features namely Skewness, Root
Mean Square, Kurtosis, Mean and Variance are extracted
from these recorded signals. Each recorded signal having a
duration of five seconds and a sampling frequency of 44100
Hz is processed to extract features with a windowing size of
one thousand samples. Each recorded wave yields 220
samples: therefore, fifteen healthy waves have 3300 samples.
Each feature has 3300 samples for each class, so overall
dataset consists of five features having 6600 samples each. Figure 4. RMS for healthy and corroded pipe (1 KHz)
Table I shows the Average values of these features for
healthy pipe and corroded pipe.
freq RMS Mean Kurt Skew Var
1 HP 0.853 0.005846 1.31 -0.025 0.7324
KHz CP 0.912 0.015404 1.20 -1.958 0.8368
3 HP 0.424 -1.6E-05 1.54 -0.032 0.1813
KHz CP 0.481 -6.5E-05 1.57 0.002 0.2331
5 HP 0.059 1.46E-05 1.82 -0.020 0.0035
KHz CP 0.073 1.07E-04 1.72 0.031 0.0053
7 HP 0.160 2.70E-05 1.77 -0.007 0.0258
KHz CP 0.145 -2.2E-05 1.73 -0.034 0.0211
9 HP 0.199 1.04E-04 1.56 -0.018 0.0398
KHz CP 0.098 7.91E-05 1.65 -0.029 0.0096
HP=Healthy Pipe, CP=Corroded Pipe, RMS=Root Mean Square, Kurt=
Kurtosis, Skew=Skewness, Var=Variance Figure 5. Skewness for healthy and corroded pipe (1 KHz)

Figure 6. Kurtosis for healthy and corroded pipe (1 KHz)
Figure 9. FFT plot of 1 KHz Signal (Corroded Pipe)

RBF-NN is used as a classifier to classify corrosion and

no corrosion state. Extracted features are used as input to the
neural network. Network was trained with five input neurons
and two output neurons. Table II shows the training
parameters for the network.
Parameter Value
Goal MSE 0.007
Spread 1
Maximum Neurons 500
DF 25

70% of the overall dataset is used for training while 30%

is used for testing and validation of network. 4620 samples
Figure 7. Variance for healthy and corroded pipe (1 KHz) out of 6600 are used to train the network to minimize the
mean squared error to a preset goal value of 0.0074. With 5
For further analysis, FFT of the acquired signal is input neurons and 2 output neurons RBF-NN chooses the 50
calculated. Fig. 8 and Fig. 9 shows 1 KHz guided wave hidden neurons to achieve the desired Mean squared error of
signal for healthy pipe and corroded pipe respectively. It can 0.0074 in 50 epochs. Fig. 10 shows the convergence curve of
be observed from the figure that amplitude of the peaks is the RBF-NN against the preset MSE.
changed. In addition to this an additional peak at 5 KHz is
visible for the corroded pipe which may be introduced in the
signal due to corrosion.

Figure 8. FFT plot of 1 KHz Signal (Healthy Pipe) Figure 10. Performance Curve of Trained the RBF-NN

Once the network is trained, updated weights are used to V. CONCLUSION
test the RBF-NN against the testing and validation data. The paper presents a novel approach for detection and
Trained network is tested against the 30% of the dataset and classification of internal corrosion in industrial pipes. The
the confusion matrix of the tested data is calculated. Table III proposed method uses low frequency range guided acoustic
shows the confusion matrix against the tested dataset. waves for detection of corrosion. Acoustic waves are
TABLE III. CONFUSION MATRIX collected at the other end of the pipe and statistical features
of the recorded waves were extracted. Distinct extracted
Actual Class features Mean, RMS, Skewness, Kurtosis and Variance are
Predicted N=1920 1 2 used as inputs to Radial basis function neural network to
1 985 4 classify internal corrosion. Network is trained against a
preset goal mean squared error of 0.0074 and Accuracy of
2 5 986
the testing dataset is found to be 99.45%. Future work
involves further investigation of Machine Learning based
Performance of a classifier can be shown by Accuracy, approaches for internal corrosion classification.
Specificity and Sensitivity. These parameters can be
calculated using equations 5-7. REFERENCES
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