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Robotics 0.

01 Lecture 0

ME3015: Robotics

HCM City Univ. of Technology, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering Phung Tri Cong
Robotics 0.02 Lecture 0

• Place of Working: Department of Mechatronics, Mechanical Engineering Faculty
• Contact: Monday Morning (8h30 - 10h30), Office: 210 B11
Time in Class:
• Theory: 30 hours
• Assignment: 15 hours
• Practice: 15 hours (ME3016)
• Final Exam: Essay exam
• Rates: Assignments: 35%; Seminar: 25%; Practice: 10%; Final Exam: 30%
HCM City Univ. of Technology, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering Phung Tri Cong
Robotics 0.03 Lecture 0

Introduce: Basic Concepts, Terminology, Basic Components of an Industrial
Robot and Applications of Industrial Robots in Manufacturing. The subject also
discusses the problems of transforming the coordinate systems, forward and
inverse kinematics, and the Jacobi matrix of an industrial robot.

• Lecture 1: Introduction about Robots and Industrial Robots

• Lecture 2: Structure and Characteristics of Industrial Robots

• Lecture 3: Transformation of Coordinate Systems

• Lecture 4: Forward kinematic problem

• Lecture 5: Inverse kinematic problem

• Lecture 6: Velocity kinematic and Jacobi matrix

Robotics 0.04 Lecture 0


[1] Theory of Applied Robotics: Kinematics, Dynamics, and

Control, Reza N. Jazar, Springer

[2] Introduction to Robotics: Mechanics and Control, John J. Craig

(Editors), Pearson Prentice Hall

[3] Slides of Robotics Lecture

HCM City Univ. of Technology, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering Phung Tri Cong

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