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1. Bring required documents to HR:
a) Copy of your Diploma (for employees not eligible for tax exemption) /Copia diplomei (pentru angajatii care nu sunt eligibili pentru scutirea de
b) Copy of your Disability Certificate/Copia certificatului de incadrare in grad de handicap (if applicable)
c) Copy of your Birth Certificate/Copia certificatului de nastere
d) Copy of your Marriage Certificate/Copia certificatului de casatorie
e) Copy of your children’s birth certificate/Copia certificatelor de nastere ale copiilor
f) Original of Statement from your Previous Employer regarding income/Adeverinta stagiu de cotizare - original
g) Copy of Clearance Form from Previous Employer/Copia notei de lichidare
h) Copy of labour book and/or seniority certificates/Copia cartii de munca si/sau adeverintei de vechime
i) For employees eligible for TAX EXEMPTION, if confirmed by Recruiter/Manager/HR./Aplicabil angajatilor eligibili de scutire
de impozit, daca scutirea de impozit a fost confirmata de Recruiter/Manager/HR:

Documents to be provided to Human Resources department within the communicated

Studies status / Stadiu studii
# deadline/ Documente de adus la departamentul HR in termenul comunicat

1 You hold a Bachelor Degree Detii o diploma de licenta Original of your Bachelor Diploma and Diploma licenta si supliment/foaie matricola in
from a recognised Romanian emisa de o universitate diploma supplement - Local HR will make original. Local HR va pastra doar copia
University acreditata din Romania authenticated copies, as legally required documentelor autentificata “conform cu
originalul” de reprezentantul HR, conform legii

2 You’ve graduated Bachelor Ai absolvit o facultate Legalized copy of the University Statement Copie legalizata a adeverintei de licenta
Degree studies in Romania, acreditata din Romania, valabila pana la emiterea Diplomei de licenta
but did not receive the dar nu ai primit inca
original Diploma document diploma de licenta in
from University original
3 You’ve graduated from an Ai absolvit un colegiu Original of the Graduation Diploma from the Originalul diplomei de absolvire a Colegiului
University College in Romania universitar din Romania short term University College - Local HR will Universitar - Local HR va pastra doar copia
make authenticated copies, as legally documentelor autentificata “conform cu
required originalul” de reprezentantul HR, conform legii
4 You are an active student Esti student activ 1.Original of your High school Diploma - 1.Diploma de Bacalaureat in original - Local
Local HR will make authenticated copies, as HR va pastra doar copia documentelor
legally required; autentificata “conform cu originalul” de
2.Original Statement issued by the University reprezentantul HR, conform legii.
stating that you are actively attending classes 2.Adeverinta student activ emisa de
(date of issue: maximum one month prior to universitate cu cel mult 1 luna inainte de data
your hire date in Oracle); angajarii in Oracle;
3.Affidavit taking the responsibility for the 3.Declaratie pe propria raspundere privind
validity of the information about your current validitatea informatiilor furnizate despre
Student status (Active students only) and any statusul actual de Student (aplicabil doar
modifications that may occur – template will
studentilor activi) si a eventualelor viitoare
be provided to you when coming to the Local
HR office modificari – modelul de declaratie va fi pus la
dispozitie de Local HR

 If you have completed studies outside Romania (bachelor or high school diploma), a legalized copy of the Equivalence of Studies document from the
Romanian Education Ministry as per is required;
 Daca ai studii finalizate in afara Romaniei (diploma de licenta sau bacalaureat), este necesar sa predai o copie legalizata a atestatului de echivalare a
studiilor emis de Ministerul Educatiei din Romania, obtinut conform procesului de echivalare mentionat pe

2. Carefully review Oracle’s Global Policies (, as well as Policies specific to

Romania on the HR website (

3. Read information regarding Life Insurance on the HR intranet (

4. Read the information regarding Medical providers and Hospitalization Services on the HR intranet
(, perform any changes if required and give your consent for the
Hospitalization services by logging in the Medical Benefits Tool (https://emeahr-

5. Upload your IBAN number in Self Service Apps during your first day @Oracle.

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