A Report

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ROLL NUMBER : 160621733027


Mrs. Sumayya Afreen
Assistant professor
Department of CSE


(Private Un-aided Non-minority Autonomous Institution)
Abids, Hyderabad.
2021- 2022
(Private Un-aided Non-minority Autonomous Institution)
Abids, Hyderabad.




This is to certify that Ms. Karnaty.keerthi of branch CSE-A Roll No.

160621733027, has successfully completed report on “AI Hackathon” to my satisfaction and
submitted the same during the academic year 2021-2022, under the Department of Computer
Engineering / Artificial Intelligence & Data Science, Stanley College Of Engineering &
Technology For Women Chapel Road, Abids, Hyderabad.

Mrs. Sumayya Afreen Dr. Y.V.S. Sai Pragathi

Supervisor HOD (Computer Department)

I hereby declare that work entitled “AI HACKATHON” , is a record of an

original work done by me under the guidance of Mrs. Sumayya Afreen Assistant Professor,
CME Dept, Stanley College of Engineering and Technology for women.


I am using this opportunity to express my gratitude to thank all the people who contributed
in some way to the work described in this report. My deepest thanks to my supervisor for
giving timely inputs and giving me intellectual freedom of work. I express my thanks head
of computer department and to the principal of Stanley College of Engineering and Tech,
for extending his support.


1. INTRODUCTION - Artificial Intelligence

2. using MIT app inventor

1.1 Artificial Intelligence 9-10

1.2 Knowledge Representation 10-12
 Declarative Knowledge 11
 Procedural Knowledge 11
 Meta Knowledge 12
 Heuristic Knowledge 12
 Structural Knowledge 12
1.3 Types of Artificial Intelligence 12-16
i. Reactive Machines AI 13
ii. Limited Memory AI 14
iii. Theory Of Mind AI 15
iv. Self-Aware AI 16
1.4 Location Sensor 17-20
1.5 Conclusion 20
1.6 Certificate 21

The LocationSensor component reports latitude and longitude using a period decimal

The sensitivity of the GPS receivers in different devices varies. Some devices are more
sensitive to whether the phone/tablet is in a building, under trees or is traveling in
canyon like environments (i.e. in the mountains, between sky scrapers or merely tall
buildings). Buildings obscure the line of sight from the GPS to the positional satellites.
Weak signals result in reduced accuracy or loss of fix.

A GPS receiver's accuracy is dependent on the number of satellites it can get a fix
on (receive and confirm) at any moment. Consequently, accuracy of location
reported by the device can vary easily by plus or minus 50 meters or so over a very
short period of time. GPS accuracy is also dependent on the quality of the GPS
receiver in your device. Real GPS receivers used for commercial purposes,, not
tablets/phones, can be accurate to within less than 2 meters. Your phone probably
has no where near that capability, but it might. Most GPS have 12 parallel channels.
The channels help to acquire satellite signals. Some early GPS receivers had only a
single channel, meaning the receiver was slower in acquiring a fix and may not have
had the accuracy of a receiver with multiple channels. Newer phones have receivers
that have 20 channels and A-GPS and GLONASS (GLONASS is the Russian
version of GPS) which can operate together. The LocationSensor can not handle

The LocationSensor.DistanceInterval can trigger an unexpected change of

location response when set to a larger number. This can occur because the GPS
is in a constant state of flux, and sometimes, depending on how may satellite
fixes being used, can provide very erroneous location information. An early
device trigger response can be prevented by providing logic blocks to only trigger
when the GPS accuracy is within numbers you program.

When the GPS accuracy is reported by LocationSensor.Accuracy to be 32

meters for example, it means that if a LocationSensor.DistanceInterval is set to
anything less than 32 meters, the GPS will attempt a new fix (change) as if the
distance is set to 0 meters. The GPS units in low end phones especially are not
very precise and some tablets have no GPS at all.

To understand how your device's accuracy (positional reliability) changes, use

the GPS Accuracy Logger app described above, set the DistanceInterval to zero,
and monitor the changes in accuracy of your GPS.

Fig. 1.1- Artificial Intelligence...................................................................9

Fig. 1.2- Artificial Intelligence...................................................................9
Fig: 2.2- Knowledge representation……………………………………….10
Fig: 3.3- Reactive Machines AI....................................................................13
Fig: 4.4- Limited Memory AI……………………………………………..14

Fig: 5.5- Theory of Mind AI…………………………………………..………15

Fig: 6.6- Self Aware AI………………………………………………..….16

Fig: 7.7- Barcode link for LocationTest………………………………………..…………..17

Fig: 8.8- Code Blocks in Mit app……………………………………………………………..19

Fig: 9.9- Certificate…………………………………………………………………………………..20
Artificial Intelligence
Applications With MIT App Inventor

 Artificial Intelligence
Artificial Intelligence is defined as the ability of a digital computer or computer-controlled
robot to perform tasks commonly associated with intelligent beings. AI is also defined

 An Intelligent Entity Created By humans

 Capable of Performing Tasks intelligently without being explicitly instructed.
 Capable of thinking and acting rationally and humanely.
A layman with a fleeting understanding of technology would link it to robots. They’d say
Artificial Intelligence is a terminator like-figure that can act and think on its own.

If you ask about artificial intelligence an AI researcher, (s)he would say that it’s a set of
algorithms that can produce results without having to be explicitly instructed to do so.
The intelligence demonstrated by machines is known as Artificial Intelligence. Artificial
Intelligence has grown to be very popular in today’s world. It is the simulation of natural
intelligence in machines that are programmed to learn and mimic the actions of
humans. These machines are able to learn with experience and perform human-like
tasks. As technologies such as AI continue to grow, they will have a great impact on our
quality of life. It’s but natural that everyone today wants to connect with AI technology
somehow, may it be as an end-user or pursuing a career in Artificial Intelligence.
Fig. 1.1 Artificial Intelligence

fig. 1.2. Artificial Intelligence

Knowledge representation
Humans are best at understanding, reasoning, and interpreting knowledge. Human
knows things, which is knowledge and as per their knowledge they perform various
actions in the real world. But how machines do all these things comes under
knowledge representation and reasoning. Hence we can describe Knowledge
representation as following:

o Knowledge representation and reasoning is the part of Artificial intelligence

which concerned with AI agents thinking and how thinking contributes to
intelligent behavior of agents.
o It is responsible for representing information about the real world so that a
computer can understand and can utilize this knowledge to solve the complex
real world problems such as diagnosis a medical condition or communicating
with humans in natural language.
o It is also a way which describes how we can represent knowledge in artificial
intelligence. Knowledge representation is not just storing data into some
database, but it also enables an intelligent machine to learn from that knowledge
and experiences so that it can behave intelligently like a human.

Fig 2.2. Knowledge representation

1. Declarative Knowledge:

o Declarative knowledge is to know about something.

o It includes concepts, facts, and objects.
o It is also called descriptive knowledge and expressed in declarativesentences.
o It is simpler than procedural language.

2. Procedural Knowledge

o It is also known as imperative knowledge.

o Procedural knowledge is a type of knowledge which is responsible for knowing
how to do something.
o It can be directly applied to any task.
o It includes rules, strategies, procedures, agendas, etc.
o Procedural knowledge depends on the task on which it can be applied.

3. Meta-knowledge:

o Knowledge about the other types of knowledge is called Meta-knowledge.

4. Heuristic knowledge:

o Heuristic knowledge is representing knowledge of some experts in a filed or

o Heuristic knowledge is rules of thumb based on previous experiences, awareness
of approaches, and which are good to work but not guaranteed.

5. Structural knowledge:

o Structural knowledge is basic knowledge to problem-solving.

o It describes relationships between various concepts such as kind of, part of, and
grouping of something.
o It describes the relationship that exists between concepts or objects.

Types of Artificial Intelligence 

When someone asks you to explain the different types of Artificial Intelligence
systems, you must categorize them based on their functionalities.
Based on the functionality of AI-based systems, AI can be categorized into the
following types:

1. Reactive Machines AI 4. Self-Aware AI

2. Limited Memory AI
3. Theory Of Mind AI
Reactive Machine AI
This type of AI includes machines that operate solely based on the present data, taking
into account only the current situation. Reactive AI machines cannot form inferences
from the data to evaluate their future actions. They can perform a narrowed range of
pre-defined tasks.

Fig.3.3 Reactive Machines AI

An example of Reactive AI is the famous IBM Chess program that beat the
world champion, Garry Kasparov.
Limited Memory AI
Like the name suggests Limited Memory AI, can make informed and improved
decisions by studying the past data from its memory. Such an AI has a short-lived or a
temporary memory that can be used to store past experiences and hence evaluate
future actions.

Fig4.4 Limited Memory AI

Self-driving cars are Limited Memory AI, that uses the data
collected in the recent past to make immediate decisions. For
example, self-driving cars use sensors to identify civilians
crossing the road, steep roads, traffic signals and so on to make
better driving decisions. This helps to prevent any future
Theory Of Mind AI
The Theory Of Mind AI is a more advanced type of Artificial Intelligence.
This category of machines is speculated to play a major role in psychology.
This type of AI will focus mainly on emotional intelligence so that human
believes and thoughts can be better comprehended.

Fig.5.5 Theory Of Mind AI

The Theory of Mind AI has not yet been fully developed but rigorous research is
happening in this area.
Self-Aware AI
Let’s just pray that we don’t reach the state of AI, where machines have
their own consciousness and become self-aware. This type of AI is a little
far fetched given the present circumstances. However, in the future,
achieving a stage of superintelligence might be possible.

Fig.6.6 Self-Aware Al

Geniuses like Elon Musk and Stephen Hawkings have consistently warned us about
the evolution of AI. Let me know your thoughts on this in the comment section.

AI is a very vast field that covers many domains like Machine Learning, Deep
Learning and so on. In the below section I’ve covered the various fields of AI.
Using MIT App Inventor
Using the Location Sensor
The LocationSensor component can determine the phone's latitude and longitude as
well as a street address. You can use it to share your location with others, record
"breadcrumbs" on a journey or treasure hunt, or as a way to take roll in class (as long
as the students have Android devices!)

The LocationSensor component can determine the phone's latitude and longitude as
well as a street address. You can use it to share your location with others, record
"breadcrumbs" on a journey or treasure hunt, or as a way to take roll in class (as
long as the students have Android devices!)

The sample apps below are simple but illustrate the basic way that location can be
determined. Both apps report the current latitude, longitude, and addres on the
phone's display and, just for fun, speak the address aloud. The first app reports the
location as soon as the sensor gets the data and every time the phone's location is
changed. The second app only invokes the location sensor in response to an event--
when the user clicks a button.

For each sample app, the following is provided:

 A barcode which can be scanned to install the app on your phone.

 The source code (blocks) for you to use/ customize. Download the file to your
computer then upload it into App Inventor.
 A snapshot of the app in the Component Designer
 Annotated blocks to help you understand the app. The annotations are block
comments that will appear in the app when you upload it as well.

Sample App 1: Location Reader

Report location data as soon as sensor reads it and when the location changes

TRY IT! Scan the QR code with your Android phone to install this app (if you haven't
already, download a scanner from the Android Market)
Fig 7.7 Barcode link for LocationTest

CUSTOMIZE IT! Download the source blocks to your phone by clicking the button on
the right, then upload into App Inventor by choosing More Actions | Upload Source on
the Projects page.

UNDERSTAND IT! Here is the user interface and components for the app:
Fig 8.8 code blocks in Mit app
The sample apps below are simple but illustrate the basic way that location can be
determined. Both apps report the current latitude, longitude, and addres on the
phone's display and, just for fun, speak the address aloud. The first app reports the
location as soon as the sensor gets the data and every time the phone's location is
changed. The second app only invokes the location sensor in response to an event--
when the user clicks a button.

For each sample app, the following is provided:

 A barcode which can be scanned to install the app on your phone.

 The source code (blocks) for you to use/ customize. Download the file to your
computer then upload it into App Inventor.
 A snapshot of the app in the Component Designer
 Annotated blocks to help you understand the app. The annotations are block
comments that will appear in the app when you upload it as well.

The LocationSensor component can determine the phone's latitude and longitude
as well as a street address. You can use it to share your location with others, record
"breadcrumbs" on a journey or treasure hunt, or as a way to take roll in class (as long
as the students have Android devices!)


Fig9.9: certificate

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