Unit 3.3

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At the beginning – в начале

It took 1 month, In order to

learn very quickly
Correct – правильно
During noun< during the
weekends I have completed all
of my tasks. During a month,
she faced a lot of problems, in
order to learn how to drive.
While V , While learning new
language, I struggled with some
Then после,
As a result – в итоге
She have completed her
Challenging – difficult
Publish – публиковать
Cooking, which is called “X”
In time – чуть раньше
On time – во время
She worked as an administrator
She worked like her mom.
The apple doesn’t fall far from
the tree- яблоко от яблони
To earn – зарабатывать
They have to go to work. They
doesn’t have enough(
достаточно) time, to spend
with family. They have some
mental issues. For example,
insomnia (бессонница). They
consume a lot of coffee, they
Problem, error(technical
problems), issue .
At work – на работе.
Database – база данных
Below – внизу
Connections – link – связи
Come up with – придумать
Research – исследование
Keen on – to be excited
Keen on learning languages.
Doubts – сомнения
1. worried, troubled, or anxious. – обеспокоены

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