Cessna 172M 1976 POH

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( 241 1200N WNSSa9 | synoydys | Mis) BS) MOOSAINVH OINIEVYAdO SLO Tie P'LOT’S OPERATING HANDBOOK Cessta. 1915 skyhavk | CESSNA MODEL 172.4 a 2ERFORMANCE game PILOT'S OPERATING HANDBOOK SPECIFICATIONS MODEL 1281 PERFORMANCE - SPECIFICATIONS SPE Ypdmum af ea Level « 125 xors Caso, 15% Power at 6600 Fe 420 KNOTS CcHUISi: Necoremensed Lean Mure with Gack svwance tor ne start, tanh sot, lth and #5 mites Range 480 NM Time Sonne Hange S95 NMe Time SL HRS Maximum Mange at 10,000 Ft + Ringe 440 Nie 3H Gallons Usable Roel Time tonne Daximum Range at 10,000 Ft... . Range BaD Nat 48 Gallons Usahle Push See Sa aes RareOF GUAR AT SES LEVEL... ers. 66 FFM SEHVICE CEILING = DUDE DS tgteo ee ‘TAREOFF PERFORMANCE: conti ag date 0000 ER SKYHAWK ‘Foal Dstan iv ot ier MODEL 172M $SaP ice Ove sv obiacie oo He STALL SPEED (CAS): oe lappy over Of Loss wera Pape Doar Power oi : Uno max we Son ss ENoatb ENP waicita: serial He Sonawe «ra us Start i sas station Wo axe EPG Loko shack ois uns Sota it fe Eas ris waNDe0OK iNcLUOES THe MATERIAL snctnGe annonce Con DTD Ho eis Moumae errosnineo to tme rot WEN Louoines Pans rh wr wrcaneany FUEL CAPACITY: Total oe Stare Tanke gat CESSNA AIRCRAFT COMPANY ou cabaerY sats WICHITA, KANSAS, USA SNEIME ves Leong 2 6Stp-nan a Hoa PROPELLERS Piso Mich, Diameter cose Tot (CONGRATULATIONS ‘onssxa ccossna "TABLE OF CONTENT: move 172M MODEL 17236 CONGRATULATIONS . . TABLE OF CONTENTS Shing, er tor oe or paws oman rte epi SECTION GENERAL ee ecard) roan nee eee usiranons : 2 ‘riers in yur fig pee has ot ae with of 3 Cana. Wor EMERGENCY PROCEDURES. « ao aaa faa ORAL MROCEDLES THE CESSNA WARRANTY - - Ite designed Yo provide you with the mast 29mere- Peer ee cece cee eo cece wwe & euancs/ PEE me AMANO eee i owen ALAS & STEMS {Strev cova ur Chomner Got Regu ek tend i Yur ste Leet eet aed army mc i yay oy ator Cea ene cut | ARPLANE HANDLING, loa ee SERVICE & MANTENANCE ee 8 "Aron A FOE rity st ei summers (Optional Systems Description SEIS are necro ome mn Yorn ee Operating Procedures) oe ee es 9 Gia ee Sei tr ne eerie Dic ono your crewruny ft aman a # we wer es ou at « 00 cEssxa secmioN 1 MODEL 17246 ‘GENERAL SECTION 1 GENERAL TABLE OF CONTENTS Descriptive Data ‘Engie Propeller on. ‘acim Certicated Wot Standard Airplane Weighs (Cabin and Estey Dimensions Baggage Space and Entry Dimensions | Specific Loadngs Symbols, Abbreviations and Terminology \Genaral Airspeed Terminology aod Syiniois Meteorological Terminology" [Engine Pover Termioley ‘ple Rerirnance se Pit Psa Termine ‘Weight and Balance Termisolny SBcTION 1 — GENERAL won SSS Figure 1-1, Three view 1a ESSN stcriox 1 Monet vam ‘CHNERAL INTRODUCTION ‘This handbook contains 9 sections, and includes the material required to ue lured te pilot by CAR Patt 3. Ikalao canealne supplemental ate supplied by Ceasta alrcest Company. Section 1 provides tic data and information of general terest, 1k also contnng ditions explanations of symbols, abbreviations, nd terminology commonly ed DESCRIPTIVE DATA ENGINE Number of Begins: 1. Engine Mansfactarer” Aveo Lycoming. ‘Engine Model Noniber: 0-320-£20. EEnrine Type: Normallysaspirate, eiret-deiv, air-cocld, horizostally- Spats errr etsy, fureytnt ei mt 320 meet Tsing and Engine Speed: 150 vated BHP at 2700 RPM. ore PROPELLER Propeller Manutactorer: McCauley Accessory Division. Propeller Model Nusnber: 1C160/D24883. Number of Basta 2 Propeller Type: Fixed teh rue. Fuel Grade fn Color): 60/87 Minimum Grade Aviation Ful (re. ‘Allrnatefely ahh ate lan ayproved are? 100/130 Low Lead AVGAS (Green). (Maxum lad content of 2 €¢ ber gallon) {00/180 Aviation Grade Fuel (green). (Maximum lead content of sive per ation) ll, ow lend AVS ahe used whenever posibte sine wil eau wy SECTION 1 GENERAL se MODEL 112M oe agai “oral Capacty: 42 gallon ‘Tora! Capucty Fach ask” 21 gallons, ‘Total Geabies 36 gallons, Long, nce Tanks: "Total Capacity: $2 gallons, Total Capacity Each Te Total Usable!” 48 gallon 28 gallons nore, ‘To ensure maximom fuel capacity when refveing, place {he lel slot valve nether LEP or UGH pias on (U1 Grade (Specitieaton): MiL-L-t012 Aviation Grade straight Mieral Oi: Use to replenish ‘plating rat 2 tours ng 2 st str ol cane ‘onsumption ha etabihaed, aimee Nore ‘The airplane was delivered trom the factory witha corro- sion preventive sireraft engine oil This oll shouldbe ‘rained after the frat 25 hous of operation L125 Ashes Dhepersat Olt, This ol mag be use ster rat 50 hour oo draugton hae cab Recommended Viscouty For Tenperature Ranset ‘BE soatmew sere are). IRE low or SAE $0 betwen 19°C (07) and 21°C C0" SME lOWG0 or SAF 20 blow "ib"CC0'n, f ‘Mutti-tseosity oll with a range of SE 10W30 se recon ‘pended for improved starting in cola weather 1 ‘cEsSxA secrion 1 MODEL 17aN¢ ‘GENERAL MAXIMUM CERTIFICATED WEIGHTS auoll, Normal Category: 2900 bs, Uiity Category’ 2008 ibe Lancing, Normal tegory: 2900 iba, Uity Category? 2000 te Weight in Baggage Compartment, Normal Category Baggage Area 1 (or pussenges on childs seat)-Station 82 to 108 120 these note below ‘Baggage Area 2"Sation 108 Y0 142: 50 he. See note teow, Nore ‘The maximum combined weight capacity for bagzage areas Vind? e120 oe ‘Woight in Baggage Compartment, ULty Category: In tis category, the "mggage compartinent and Fear set must nt be occupied. STANDARD A LANE WEIGHTS. Standard Empty Weight, siyhavk: 1987 Bs, ‘Soak it: 1432 Is Maximo Use Load Normal Categor ty Categoe Soha ame aise Ssh a8 388 be CABIN AND ENTRY DIMENSIONS. Detailed dimensions ofthe eabia interior and entry door openings are BAGGAGE SPACE AND ENTRY DIMENSIONS _Dineglons of te terns ares and bagage door opening Fh SPECIFIC LOADINGS Wing Loading: 19.7 ms. /ag- Power Losing: 15.9 Ibs. /ap Pay SECTION 1 ccessna GENERAL MODEL 2M SYMBOLS, ABBREVIATIONS AND TERMINOLOGY GENERAL AIRSPEED TERMINOLOGY AND SYMBOLS KCAS Knots Callrated Atrepeed is indicated aisepeet corrected {br position tna tstromen error ani enpreased in brs ‘Kooteealbrated airspeed ie equa t MTAS in standard aie Iioapoere at ea level. MOAS nots Indicated Alrspeed isthe spect shown onthe airspeed ‘ulealor ane expressed in ause, KTAS gots True Airepeed isthe airspood expressed in tots rel ‘ive wo undisturbed air which ROAS Srvected for altage nd temperature Maneuvering Speed is the maximus: speed at whieh you may ‘arora Stat re Vpg Maximum Flap Extended Spd a the gras speed permis: ‘Hole with win Taps n't estrbed extend psn Vyo__Masimum structural Crusing Speed is the speed that should ‘ot be exceoded sxGept snot ain, then only wih auton ‘Never ceed spec is the speed mit that may not be ex yy Salling Speed or the miniour steady fight speed at which ‘Be a ie once Salling Syed or the minnwm steady fight epeed at which ‘the moat forward center of gravity. v% ‘Best Angevof of single inition portion, oe = MAGNETO MALFUNCTION ee sai st rea yt pilin cee sieeca eee aa feet scieeone arent Sa cei creat pacman ae, ‘and proceed to the nearest airport for repairs ee Low on pressuRe nameplate, ee Iatcin the ine (Dll Bressure fage or relief valve is mautuncticning. A ans a aac ana + sae dt a een co a id Shee appa caning mee Peace as Soe te 1. total Lose of ol pressure is accompanied by a rise in oll mayer ‘tur there ts good reason to suspect an engine lle is imminent fee ice Sncne power immediately and select wile forced land ek ) the miotin power requted to reach the deeinedtaseboown et, ‘cBSsNA SECTION 3 MODEL tam EMERGENCY PROCEDURES ELECTRICAL POWER SUPPLY SYSTEM MALFUNCTIONS Matfnctions in the electrical ower supply eystem can Be detected by periodie monitoring ofthe ammeter and over-vollage warning tights bow ver, the catae of these malfunctions te wally lial to determine, A ‘broken alteriitor drive belt or wiring ia most ney the cause of atefaa~ {or tllures,altnoagh other factors ould esse the protiem. A damaged ‘or impropotiy adjustea voltage regulon can also cause maureen Brobleme of tus nature conte tn electrical emergency nd shouldbe fealt with mediately. Electie!power malfonciona usually fll to fro eltegries: excnarice sate af charac and inmuifcient rate of thargo. ‘Toe following pusgraphe describe the Fosommended remedy for cack ‘itiation EXCESSIVE RATE OF CHARGE After engine starting and heavy electrical usage a low engine seeds (ouch an extended texting) the battery contion wil be Tow enouth 0 ae= ‘opt above normal charging suring Oe inital part ofa iit. However, Sx thirty mines of erufong fey the ammeter shuld be indealing Icsn than two nee width of harping curren. ifthe charging vate were {ovremain abore thio vaive on long fish, the battery would overheat ad ‘Sraporate the eletrole at an excessive Fate. Fleetronie componets tn fhe electrical system would be adversely alfeced by tigher than normal Soitage i's fay voltage regulator stig i causing the overcharelng. Yo prectide these posse, an over-vltage sensor wil automaticaly fut dow he Skeraor and he ove-rltage wring ight wl rte ine enarge vatage reaches appreiately 10 votes, Asouming tha Inalfuntion was only momentary, an atteml shouldbe made to reactivate the altematorsjstem.-Fo do this, tora ath sido ofthe maclen sviteh {Uf ana then on again. Ifthe problem no longer exsta, normal aerator ‘areing will resume andthe warning Aft wll fo af. The hight comes sh again, 2 mailnction fe cermed in hs eve, ie ght should be \eminaiedana/or th curcent drain onthe bate) feaiaea because the betery cn sup the electrical sat for ny &limied prt tie the ensergency occurs st night, power rust be conaczved for later Use ‘1 ding gts aod ape Sing ding. INSUFFICIENT RATE OF CHARGE the ammeter indleates a continua discharge rate in sligiy che alterear isnot upping power to the eystom and hould be aut down nce the alternator fed elrult may be pacing an uanevesenry Toad o the system, All minessontat equipment shouldbe farmed ff and he {git terminated as soon as practical. 3-18/(8-16 blank) | SECTION 4 NORMAL PROCEDURES TABLE OF CONTENTS tatrodsetion Speeds For Site Oparstic : cuEckList PROCEDURES Pref specon pee Reh Wing, rating Hee ight W wee att Wi Yon Wine, Teale Bage Belore Saving Ensine ‘Atwer Labding Stcurind Alplane| AMPLIFIED PROCEDURES Starting Brine section 4 Sere vam [NORMAL PROCEDURES ttirerteete: SECTION « cEssta NORMAL PROCEDURES opel 17a TABLE OF CONTENTS (Continued) Tasting : . : Belo Takeit © : : ‘Warm-Up a Magneto Oxedk S21 | Atereator Check, ee: ower Check’ See aera Wing Play Seto, : Crosswind Fakeots 3 ee Enroute Climo Crise pion i ee Soins | : ee anding | 2 pepe i aad : "Nore Laing © : : ‘Stor Feit Lande” > > ae Crossind Landing : : : Balted Landing : ae Cold Westner Operation ‘Stating eee : liga Operations : Hee Mot Weather Operation | it Noe Abaterseat : : 4a SECTION 4 cessna MODEL 172m, NORMAL PROCEDURES INTRODUCTION Section provider checklist and amplified procedures fr the conduct of normal operation, Normal procedures anaocated wit Optional Spa {ems dan be found in seetion 9 SPEEDS FOR SAFE OPERATION Unless otherwise noted, the following speeds are taxed ova wass- su weit of 200 oun and mye ase for any nase weighs How fret, toacheve the performance specified in Section 8 for takeaf alee ‘Set, ‘he speed appropriate tothe pastcala weight mst be Use ‘Takeo, Papa vos Normal Cin out cee ee + TOO IAS Nacimam Perfortasce Takoott, apeeaia 30 tot 50 HAS route Climb, Pape UD! cee + S000 KIA : ‘0-80 Kins : ‘8 Ras oe ts kas ‘ ea mas Beat Angle of Ci, 30/00 Feet tomas Tang Apr = (ormal Approach, Flan ces SOTO TAS Normal Apptosety Pape : Be-65 KIAS Short Feld Approwch, Flaps 40° 0 KIA nalted Landing: ‘During Transition to Maximum Power, Plaps 20° os mas Maximum Racommensed Parbulot Air Peoetrafon Speed! "800 Los ee 7 mans 1980 Lbs 7 ao RAS 1800 Le : oe 0 KAS imum Demasirated Croasiind Volcty "Takeo or Lamang ° 2s 15 eNOTS as Sere me eee eee eee eee eee eee eee SECTION 4 ccessna cessxa, SECTION 4 NORHAL PROCEDURES MODEL 1728 Sopet rant [NORMAL PROCEDURES, CHECKLIST PROCEDURES PREFLIGHT INSPECTION Deasin (0) Control West Lock = REMOVE. (2) ition Seaton *= OFF. (3) Master Suite — ON (4). Poel Quant Tadeato (8) aster Soiten = OFF. (©). Bagzage Door - CHECK, tock with hey if e's seat ist be Seeupled @tmrennace - CHECK QUANTITY, (2) Rudder Gust Lock REMOVE &) Riricbien=*oisconrer. &} Cotrt aurtaces CHECK tretom of movement nd secur. @rsowr wine testing tage ©) aileron @ rion wine (0), Wing Tie-Doen -- DISCONNECT. — 2 Data waeed Tires — CHECK for proper fiat. te Delve fit ght ote ayant ach ead, wae saler Vinsally check airplane for general contion ding i and Sein sal gusty ofa ro fue ik sup aed trbcarounnapcton i sol reatbos enone Seen Salata ebeck fr water acirent, and proper fuel grate (red) Sail soumatallons of rot ev oe sms from wig, (a) “vue Quant" CBE VISUALLY for Sstod leet ssrises conan no inal accuralaton of ese ee Baia nen het i plane, check Sperton @nose Tights, and make sure s Asshight i aratlate (1) Engine OM Level -- CHECK. Do not operate with less than six © quarts, Filta eight quarts for extended fhe (2) Berore iret tof the ay and afer exch refueling, pull out strainer drain kno for aout four seconde to clear fuel sirince of Donate water and wediment. Check strainer drain closed. It water {5 beerved,thetuel stem may contain ational water, and far Figure 4-1, Preflight ingpsetion | thor draining of the sytem atte strainer, fel tank some, an fel SECTION « ccpssna ccessna SECTION « NORMAL ProceDURES MODEL 172M MODEL r= [NORMAL PROCEDURES selector vais drain plug willbe necessary. @) cartureor Heat - COLD. () “Propeller and Spinner =+ CHECK, or ticks and security. (3) Sater Swit =~ On (@). Landing Lights) == CHECK for condlon and clesmeae. (@) Prime = AS REQUIRED (2 8 stroe: none I engi Us warm) (8) Carburetor Air Filter = CHECK for restrictions by Bist oF (8) Thromo—~ OPEN /4 Net ther foreign matter. (®) Propeier Area > CLEAR, (0)" Nove Wheel Strt and Tiee ~~ CHECK for proper inflation, (1) gation Sten START trekane when engine stars) {Nore Te-Down ~- DISCONNECT. () Oil Preamare {@)_ Plight Iatromest Sate Soorce Opening (left side of fselage) —- CHECK or stopper, Our wine ‘cHEeK. BEFORE TAKEOFF 1G), Cabin Doors and Wintow(s) ~- CLOSED and LOCKED, () muin whee Te ~~ CECK or proper ation rll Grsnote Pgs an Connor. Bee Bet ih he ay Spleen, wv 8) eiesocin—carEory, Fr ond Sain al grat et rom fl te sine {f) Fig natena San Telnaes weer Seca te reper ie gee ed os i Fae quay Cnc WisUS EY fr Gestetevel. {8 Moet Ginaatea -— ore. {0 pel Se ip © seen 1) Better Bt i) kare Hh Yow 0 et Derr wine teasing tdoe (3) Bey arake SR : (19) Taree 2H nat (1) Pio The Cover ~~ REMOVE an enc. opesing for stoppage ee aeacioa 2 EME (RPA drop shoal nat exceed 128 RPM Bch Bak Yoakam" cbt ts sepa oho a0 nou reel tees wag 6 Slit warns pening CHEEK br some To check he ws sehen k= Ce for RP ar fe, faces Ut Wercieover ee Sn pi od pp be toe eas set Ammer = EP ih PES ac Retail ose open & Sie Gar meneck ‘SP ces Doea® pisceuneeT (Fiat eco, Nato Lg ter Soe Lee Peay cers wino reting tdoe i) Werte rrition tock -= ansusr. (03) Wing Flaps == UP. (0) Aiterot = CHECK for freedom of ovement and securty BEFORE STARTING ENGINE TAKEOFF Q).PresihtInepection -~ COMPLETE. NORMAL TAKEOFF @) Seats, Hells, Shader Harnesses =~ ADIUST and LOCK, (@) uel Selector Valve =~ BOTH 1b) Wing Vane — ur. (3) Radios, Aulopiat, Electrical Equipment - OFF, 12) Carburetor Hest ~~ COLD, 3) Bree "rHan ed Se 8) wie Fo Creat Breacere == {@ Bleator Contra HP NOSE WHEEL a 88 KIA. STARTING ENGINE MAXIMUM PERFORMANCE TAKEOFF (0) muture -- Rien, () Wing Plane = UP, szcnioN & cesen, NORMAL PROCEDURES MODEL 112% 2) carburetor test (8) Seabee ~ APPLY, (4) Three =~ FULL OPEN. {S) rates RELEASE (@) Elevator Control =~ SLIOMTLY TAIL LOW. (2) Clim Speed 5 KIAS fn all otwtactes are cleared) cot. ENROUTE CLIMB (2) Asespeed —~ 70-00 KAS. fa maxtium performance climb is necessary, use peed shown inthe Hate OF Clint char in Secon, (2) teale -- FULL OPEN. (3) Minmire FULL RICH (nature may be leaned above 9000 fet) CRUISE (2). Power ~= 2200-2100 RPM (oo more than 15%) @) Elevator Trim — aDsUst. (3) Mime -» LEAN, DESCENT 2) ssw -— ecu, @) Power -- AS DEaRED. (3) Carbtseior Hoat == AS REQUIRED (to prevent carburetor lena) BEFORE LANDING (Q). Buel Selector Valve -- BOTH @) Minnire == 1c, (8) Carburetor Meat -- ON (apply ful eat before closing trot). (a) Sizspeed = 60-70 KIAS laps UP) NORMAL PROCEDURES ‘cEsana Stooge am (2) Wine Flaps -~ AS DESIRED. (6) Alrepeed™Se°ee WIAS Uaps DOWN). BALKED LANDING (a) ‘Throtle -- FULL OPEN. (2) Garturetor Hest == COLD, (3) Wine Flaps “= 20 (a) Airspeed'=- 55 0A, (8) Wing Flaps» RETRACT slowly, NORMAL LANDING (4) Tovehiown -- MAIN WHEELS FIRST, (2) Lancing Roll=» LOWER NOSE WHEEL GENTLY, Braking -= MGOMMEM REQNARED.. AFTER LANDING (2). Wing Flaps = UP, 12) Garturetor Heat ~~ COLD. SECURING AIRPLANE fa) parking Brake == SET. (2) Rado, Electrical Equipment, Autopilot ~~ OFF. (2) Mixture == IDLE CUT-OFF (jued tah o. (@) ignition Sten OFF. (2) Ststor Smtch -- OFF. (e)_Costot toc INSTALL, 4-9/(4-10 bana) | section 4 Cessna MODEL 172M [NORMAL PROCEDURES AMPLIFIED PROCEDURES STARTING ENGINE uring engine atasting, open te theote approximately 2/8 teh. In warm temperatures, oe or two stakes of he pritmer shouldbe sulficen [cold wosther, upto atx stress Ye primer ye necerba3." 0 gine in warn, bo priming Will be requires. Ia extremely cold temper teres, if may be necessary to continue priming fle canine the engine, ‘Wook interment ing followed by puts of black smoke from the cextatat slack indicate overpriming oF Hondag. Excess fuel ean be learod from the comluston chambers bythe following procede® Set {he miytre conc fal Tea sd the trot fol pen then erank te ene {ine through several revolutions ith the starter." Repeat the starting Drocegure nitout a8) asditonal priming, 1 the engin is underprimed (most likely im cold weather with cold ‘egine) It wit bot fire sta, an adtonslpeinng wl bo necessary. [Xeavo asthe cylinders begin fire open the trot sihty t kee i nae Alter starting, if he of gage does not begin to show pressure within 30 eeconde in the summertime sd abot ice ta long in Very cold ‘eater, stop engine abd vostlgae. Lack of ol pressure ean emuse ceius engine aamae After sartog, avid Oe use af Carhurator heat Snleas loin condone preva. nore Adina detats concerning cla weather starting and ‘peration may be found under COLD WEATHER OPERA ‘THON pararrape im tls section TAXING When taxing, tts important tha speed and ute of brakes beheld to 4 inimom and tal all corals be atlised ave Taxis Diageaa, sere 4-2) ovmaintain ivectiona control aod balance, “The carburetor heat control nob sud Be puted fll duriag ll round operons aalons beat ia augotately necessary. When the iad is on | SECTION « ‘cEssNa NORMAL PRoceDURES ‘woe 172M * ‘USE DOW AILERON Os levine ta cope Nore wo pmecrion ‘rad ales Gofaa ote ell and sharp secriON 4 Cessna MoDeL 17234 [NORMAL PROCEDURES pled ot the heat position, abt entering the engine Ino ikerod ‘Taxling oer Ise gravel oF cinders should be done at low engine ‘peed to avoid abrasion snd stone damage to the propeller tip BEFORE TAKEOFF WARM-UP 1 the engine accelerates smoothly, the airplane ig ready for takett, Since the engine i closely cowie for eilcent ivtigit give cooling, Precaution thould be takes to Svoid crerheating during prolonged engine ‘Speration on the ground. Ata, Long periods of vs Ay ca sions pase MAGNETO CHECK ‘Toe magneto check shold be made st 1700 RPM as follows. Nove ‘union seh seat to postion and ote RPM. Next move sith back {S'DOTH to clear th othe aetof pga: "Thea move mutch ta the Le post tion, ote RPM and return the switch i the BOTH position, ‘REM drop ‘Should at exceed 126 RPM on either magatto or show greater than 80 [RPM diferent between magneton. If force le dou concerning opera ton ofthe iition system, RPM checks at higher engine speeds wl ws- Aly confirm whether efileney exist ‘outed An absence of RPM drop may be an indication of faulty grounding of ‘one Sle of the ignition system or should he cause for aunpiion that he ‘magnets ting fo set in advance of te sting specified, ALTERNATOR CHECK Prior to flights where verliction of propor alternator and voltage segulatr operation f easel (ouch as night or instrament fights). 3 Doslive verification an be made by loading the eletrieal system momen {Eruy"f Yo seconds) it be opilonal ann Hight (iro eaaipped, oe by operating the wing flae anrne the engine ransp (1700 RPMI. Te a= teter wil femaln within a Secale meh of pero ifthe sternal and ele {age repulaior are operating property TAKEOFF POWER CHECK Wis important to check fallethotteeagine operation early i the ‘SECTION 4 ccosena NORMAL PROCEDURES ops 17238 takeoff run. Any signof rough engine opeatjon or slageishvngin accel= {ration ia Good cause for discontinuing the el. Ifthe oceura, Jou ae ese n waking’ ron hot, rte op bone aor {Skat ig atempted, The engine ehoold rin tooothy and torn appeal ‘nately 300 ta 2490 RPM with eaebureor bea of and mxtuce dal eh nore CCarturetor Heat sould not be used uring toot uae ‘ie absolutely necessary for olan sroath eeaine Acceleration ur-theotte ramps over loose gravel are especially harmful 9 pron eller tia. When iksotle must be snags over 4 grave surface, ita rery {ingortam that te thvolle be advanced slowly. ‘This allows the aleplane {o Start rot before high RPM ir develope) ad the feavel wil be Boe ack of the propeller vue tan pulled Ino ll When tnavovanbe ena!” ppear in the propeller blade, ‘hey shouldbe omeatatly correct= scribed in Section b under Propeller Care rior to takeof from felds above 2000 feet elevation, the mistare sould be leaned to sve maximum RPA in fall-thotly sate ramp After full hoot is applied, aust the throttle fection lock clock vse a prevent the theo fron! crecping mck ion mgimum power Position simar fection Ibex adjustments sbould be made au resulted rote tight condone to mata fined throttle slg WING FLAP serTINGS [Nort and obstacle clearance talwotty are performed with wits flaps vp. "The use of 10" flape tll shorten the ground ran appronimatel) 10% tee aantage i Io in the clin toa 0-fool obstacle. Therefore, the ute of 10" flap le reserved for mini ground mana or for fake ‘ous soft or rough flelds, I 10" of flaps are sed for minimum ground una, tia preerable to fave the extended rather than retract ther In {he climb ts the obatacie. tne case gee an obtacle clearance speed of SEKIAS.”Aa'soon asthe obstacle in sleaet, tbe Hlape may be retracted 2s the aircrat accelerates to the normal Mape-up climbvost speed. Daring hgh alte tact is hot weather where climb woul be imarzinal with 16" flap, itis recommended teat he figs ot be used oe {Ske Pap aetage grater an 10" are a approved foe aeat ae Sasser see sees seas see agg SC aCe eee EEE Rute cessxa ‘SECTION 4 Moen 12m NORMAL PROCEDURES ROSSWIND TAKEOFFS “asta no ston routs normaly ate peed ih he at snp dng neceneary forte el length eo mnie iw de a= Hin teaver aheoft "She aiplane te accelerated to speed Serer ua ermal, Thor lego stay to peevent pee aay rete ronmay wie deifing, Whe car d beers, Sen stata tore ast nd wo correct for al ENROUTE CUMB Ropmal ita ae performed ith laps up and fl hate and at specheSeahiGionte cher anet taecclcln apes ft the bet ee tion ot performance wails und eaine cols. The fitare Spm ff blow 300 fees may be leanne 200 fet for soto fad tion ot Oats sans PAL Hf an Sstrvcton ica Fest Peep et angle, the bes angl-ol-clin speed shat be (hed with aps up sed mast ower. Cima at speeds lower than the best rate-f-elimb speed Should ts f short uration to tmprove enane colin CRUISE Normal eruisng ts perfotmed between 55% and 15% power. he engine [RPM nd corresponding fuel eonsumption fr various autitwies can be deere ‘ined by ening your Cesana Power Computer or the data tn Section 5 Ccrtsing shoud bo done at 65% to 8 pwer ntl & ttt Fe are nas accumated or ofl consumption Ya at Rhee "Tess To enaure proper eating te rings an tipticante to ow mained, aod erin in service fle rb liner replacement oF top over of obe sore alors ‘tee Cruise Performance Table, Figure 4-8, iestrates the tue a= spect ant nautical les pet gallon airing ervise OF various akitages and see a power Ta able saul be used an a ge, long with the aval SECTION 4 Cessna NORMAL PROCEDURES mone aM eoorm | ne | eo | to | ier | oo | se Pleure 4-3, Cruise Performance Table ble winds sot information, to determine the oat favorable site and fore sing for's given ra Th slecin et erloe tae oe basi ofthe moat favorable wind conditions andthe ue of lw power set~ ings are sanfcant factors at sono coeldered on enc rip to ‘To achieve the recommended lean misture fel consumption figures sown ia Section 8, the miure shold be Teed a fohoa (2, Pulte mixture conto ot unl enne RPM peaks and begins {@)"Earichen slighty back to peak RPM. For bet tel economy at 75% pote or Iss, opteate athe leareat ura Ga cae an ele orton at bn auf the peat HEM, whichever ours ae” Ths wi Toe i petae mately 5% greater range than shown in this handbook, ee Curr, 8 eed by an nei drop a a, canbe removed by aplieston of fll artufetor eat Ups sgenite een SAT RPM (th beat of), ur tn isin nncunt of beat fy We ae ror) to preven Ice irom forming. Since the ald at cansees ener mistre Feast he mitre sein wien carartor Del lst ued "The use of full earburetor beat is recommended ducing Mig in Neary ‘ain to avo the possibilty of engine stoppage de to excesaive water ne eatin on eartartar ice. "Phe mintare feng abou be readjusted or Smoctheat operation ed = Im extremely heavy rain, the use of partial earburetor heat (control “16 SECTION 4 MopEL raw NORMAL, PROCEDURES sgprximatly 2/2 aut), and part trot close at ast one teh, may ieineenyar ocean adequie power.” Hower changes nould be ase atu) ibwed by promy sdhunomen of be mixture fr antes ‘persion, STALLS ‘The stall eharauteraticg are conventicnal and aural warning 1s pro- vised by a stall arog horn wiseh sounds between 5 and 10 knoe above The etal nal ccnfigutns, Power-off stall speeda st maxiniam welght for mith forward and at xg, pallens are presented in Section 5 SPINS Ileatonal sping are approved inthis airplane within certain restrict ‘ea wadinge "Spine with bagusge adage or occupied rear seats) are nol siproved: However, before attempting to perform sping several items should be be carefully cmaered to aanure aaule lea "No spine should beal= tempted wilt frat having received ial neruction bth ib spin etries ‘Suton recoveriea trom s qo inatretor wh a fala with the Shin tharasterietice ofthe Coaana 172M ‘The cabin should be clean and all oose equipment (ineloding the mi crophone and retr seat bats) shouldbe stowed or necured. For 4 aclo ‘ight In walen spine wil be conducted, tbe coplot's seat tel and shoulder teres sda ceed The Beat lable Hn ‘should be adjnted to provide proper restraint during at anilpnte fi ‘onations. However, care ahculd be tan to ensure tat the pile ean ‘atiy tench the fight controle and produce maximum contro travel, is recommended that, where feasible, entries be accomplished at igh enough tltue tat seoverioe ae eospleted 1000 feet ot more above (Fount level. A least 1000 feet of atte los #hoal be sowed for a {Etarn apn and recovery, while sf dora opin and recovery may Tequire somewhat mare than twicé Cat sutout, For example, the Fecommetied otry nitude fora 6 tar epin wold be 6000 fect shove ground level In crsena MODEL 172M SECTION ¢ NORMAL PROCEDURES restr fed of view it provided whit wil assist in maintain plot Srientation. ‘The normal entry is made from 2 power-off stall, As the stall ix ap= preached the elevator contol shouldbe sncatypulied to tbe fal af fSostion” fst prior to reaching the stall "break", rads contol inthe Snsiredwizecton of the spin rotation shosld be apied so tat fll rudder fefecion te reached simpet simultaneously with reaching fal at elevator Alita greater rate of decelertin han for normal sal entry 5p" Blicaton of ailerons inthe sirection afte decir apn. andthe ust of bower a hey ml amare mre content npn me te pin Ao the airplane begine Losi, reduce te power to le apd rebum the tilerona to neutral, oth stovtor and rudtes controle should hed {ull withthe spim uni the spin secovery te inilted, An Soadwertent tele on othe ofthese eantfola Could renal inthe development 8 pose= hon spirale For the pirpose of training in sping and spn racoverie, a 1 oF 2 turn epin to Adequnte sol soos be ted. Upto? tart, the spin Wil peo- (rene fo 2 flrly rapid rate of Fotation asd top atid Appltation of Sesovery controle mil progise prompt recoveries (etn 1/4 fern). Dose fig entended sping of tio to thrge (urna or more, the spn wil tend we hace tte a spleal, pareafarly to the right “hip Wil be accompanied Dylan increase In alfspeed and gravity lode cathe airplane, tha oe= ‘cure, Fecovery should be accomplished quickly ty leveling the wine sad recovering trom the resulting ve ales of How may tuo the ss eb oF how i etre the following recovery technique should be used: (0) VERIFY THAT THROPTLE 18 I TLE, POSITION AND ALLERONS ARE NEUTRAL, APPLY AND HOLD FULL RUDDER OPPOSITE TO THE DIREC Tiow O° ROTAT @) JUST AFTER THE RUDDER REACHES THE stoP, MOVE THE Cover WHEPL Buskuy PonWano Pai #NOUGH 70 BMEA (a) HOLD Turse CONTROL INPUTS UNTIL ROTATION sTOPS 19) REROTATION sTops, NEUTRALIZE RUDDER, AND MAKE A SwoOTH RECOVERY PROM THEE RESULTING DIVE, 11 alsoreotation presides a visual determination ofthe ‘rection of rotation, the symbole airplane inthe turn Goce eee eee eee GGa sea aeeiseeecce- cece ce acl aa aaaa Ra aa aaa aaa aaaalsaaaaaa seeaeeaisecaauaiaa SECTION 4 | cesexa | MODEL rae [NORMAL PROCEDURES ‘oordinstor oF the needle ofthe turn and bak inteator ‘may be referred to for this information _Yastion in ate alan ging on weigh an ate dt Inctalled equipment or right seat cceipagcy cin ease ferences In be~ favior, patticularly in extended pine: ‘These silences are normal and ill restit in varletions isthe spin charaeteriatics ad inthe seraling ‘endencie for spina of more than 2 trae, However, the recovery tchnlaue ‘should alraye be used and all result inte most expeditious Pecovery 0% ny sin. Intentional spins vith lap extended are probitited, since the big specin whien may orca ding Fecovery are potentially damaging tothe Fap/wtag stmctore, LANDING NORMAL LANDING. Normal landing approaches ean be made with power-on or tera vith any ap sete desired. Surface winds tnd air turbulence are ese Ty the pitary fctors in determining the most comfortable approach speeds, Step alps should we avoided with lp settings greater than 20° he toa sig tendency forthe sievatar fo oscillate une certain com~ ‘ations ofsirapecd,sidestip angle, and center of geaety load Nore. Ccarturetor heat sbould be aplied prior to any signiscant eavetion or cloning of the thle Actual yuchdown should we made with power-off and onthe main theca fre to seduce the landing speed and eabsequent need for braking {nthe landiné ro ‘The nose Melts lowered othe runwaY Fenty aller the spred as diminished to aroiqunteccesary nase gear ads. This proceaure te copcclally important Fough or al tela tangs, ‘SHORT FIELD LANDING. For a maximum perforinance sort Held landing in moth alr condl= tions, ake an approach a fhe inary secommendg alpeed witha Flap using eoush omer to conttl te ghise path (SEMIY hghor ape prosch seeds should be ured under tbulent air conditions.) Afterall Efproncht obolaclce ate cleared, progressively reasce Power and alte sucTion 4 NORMAL PROCEDURES: cess open aM {ain the approach apeed by lowering the oae ofthe agplane. Tauchdowa Should be made with power of and ec the main wheels frst” Tragediaely [te toschiown, ower the pooe whl and apply hear Drang an required. For maximum brake elfecivenea, Fetract the fapa, ld te control shel fal back, ah apply masini brake Dressure witout sliding the EROSSWIND LANDING ‘when landing ina strong crosewind, uso the minim fap set -omplred forthe fed length It lap sengs great than 20" ae uae ‘in Slealipa wit all udder deflection, some clevstor osillaion may be feat normal apprsich spre, owever, thie des no affect ontrol of the airplane. Altiouth the crab or combitation metes of eit coneecton tay be used, te wing-low method gives the best control Alter toveh= {downy boda stright course wi be Merable ose wheel nd cecasional Draiing i necenear ‘The maximum allowable erosatnd velocity ts dependent pon plot capability as welt se aerattUimitstions. With averaze plot techni, faizect eroaswinds of 15 knots can‘ hand ith rae. BALKED LANDING ., la balked nding Go-around climb, reduce the wing ap setig 2 420% immediately alter full power ia applied If te fags were extended © 40°, the reduction to 20" may be approximated by plein the flap ewitch in the UP postion. ne two seconds sa then retrain the rete fo euteal obstacles muat be cleared during he foraround climb, leave the wing {isp inthe 30" wo 20" range snd maintain ssn siegpecd soil the St flew are eleared” Above 3000 fet, lean the miste to cain maximum KPa After cleorig any obstacles, the flaps may be retraced sth St plane accelerates tothe Rormal apap cli apted, COLD WEATHER OPERATION STARTING Prior w stating on cold moraine, it advisable to pl the propel= ler through several times bya "oreak lowe” ae "limber the iy ae SECTION « Sessnk yRMAL, PROCEDURES. MODEL 17234 NORMAL 11 Nore, sen gn pple gh Yt wea prop eames Ti Se Re Fouad as St syne wey, ee tr ogensaemeane mt me nae meals Ee pares rare esr BS probly wi be congealed poe fo starting extremely C18 We perarres:, When wing Mifer vo bacon unuer Growl Sevice Pog cere aoe ‘cold weathor staring procedures ar® a fllws: wath Present 1) With ignition mich OFF an note clase, prime te ening Meee cele bing toed Oe by Pa Nore tion of fe Use heavy sakes of primer Se best atom ‘Rfbstpends ph primer al the way sa 2 | ‘ter Prima fo avoid pooslty of engine dri Tue | {Reon te primes. etre gh @ malate fer SENT ope iin Eat tart 7 6 Ri ne elt nortan eo @ Shenae gate whtnou Probeat 1). rim tn engine sx to ten erokes while the propel eg ; 2) Prime he Getarolle cues. Leave primer cMmrged and ready {8 “Proper Area — CLEAR {3 macles Suteh =~ O8 {9 Mttace» FULL MIG eee aeeeee a aeeeEE cessna MODEL 2M (9) nition suiten-- START. (@)_aniptrotie rapidly to fall open twice, Return to 1/8 inch pen position Gy "Heteae ignition smteh 1 BOTH when eagine starts, (@) Continue to prime engin until 5 runing sooth ately ump throte rapaly over ‘et 1/40 total travel (0) Gi Prennure == CHECK. (00) ‘Rullearmarctor neat kb fll on after engin has started ‘eave on uni engine io runing smoothly. iy Lock Primer or altere Nore daring the fist few attempts, {Or if the engine firing diinanes i strength ts pee hve thatthe park plage have been feosted ver. Pre= at must be used Before another start is aempted, (exurion} Pumping tne throttle may cause raw fel to accuiate inthe take als dul, cresting fie hazard inte erat ts baie.” Ifthis occurs, mainsin a craing action tire exlnguisher Is advised for cold starts mihoatPre= ‘urieg col weather operations, no indication wil be spparent on the ol tempers gage prior to akeal if ataige air wrperatares are ¥ery fold. "After stale warmup pera (to 9 minuies at 1000 RPM), 2c- Ecleraie the engine several ios fo higher engine RPM. Ifthe engine ao flores smoothly andthe oll preset reninins hormal and stesdy, he Sispane ts ready for tak FUGHT OPERATIONS ‘olcolf Is muide normally with carburetor heal off, Avid excessive ‘Carburetor neat may be used to overcome any ocasional engine roughness def ie, ‘When operating in temperatures tel -16°C, avoid using partial ear bninotor heat. Pastal heat may inereaze the carburetor aie temperature to the 0” t031°C range where icing is elie! under certain stmoupherie SECTION ¢ NORMAL PROCEDURES MODEL 172M HOT WEATHER OPERATION Refer to he gegeral warm temperature stating information wader ‘starting Engine ia ths werion. Avoid prolonged eagine opration oF the NOISE ABATEMENT Increased emp on improning te eal of our environment r= aqure raced efron te part of pts to inne he elect Sven age on be ple We, se pilots, ean demonstrate cur concern for envsronmonta m- provemnty by appieaton ofthe following suggested procoasres, and Thereby teat tus pubite support for aviation: (1) Pilots operating ascralt under VFR over outdoor assemblies of sons, Feereatoul sd par areas, aad oer nuee-aenative ‘leas should ake evry effort to fly dot less 2,000 feet shove the sulace, weather permiting, eventhough igh st over Level tiny be consist withthe provisions of government relatos, (3) purngsepartare om or approach to syst, him ise {Shei end descent fr andng sould he mae a fo ao poe Iinged igh at tow altade near tolse-snatve areas, ‘me tore recommended prucedaree do not aply whe they would conflict with Ate Trac Control clearances Gr intructions, or where, im the plot's Judgement, an Shitogeof less thn 00 fut is Becestary for hana fo SMlogstely exereiee hs duty to s00 and avoid ater ale~ 4-23/14-24 sank) Peer ere eee acacia ee eee eae eaee oe eUeeeas section 5 ccpssna Monet ray PERFORMANCE, SECTION 5 PERFORMANCE TABLE OF CONTENTS Ute of Performance Cinits Simple Prosiem "Teeeu Figure 37, Oo Figure 5-8, Figure 5-0, Figure 8-10, Landing stance 53/408 bans) | Eee eeeee EEE eee EEE EEE See EEE EEE EEE zee zzz EEE EE eee EEE Eee EEE eee EEE eee eee eee cesena section 5 MopeL am PERFORMANCE INTRODUCTION erlormance data hart o® the following pages Are presented so tat you may know what to enpect from the sirplne under vaniousSondiione, | adSto, to facie the panning of ght i deta and with reasonable Securtey. “The data in the charts ta been onpted from acta ht feats with the airplane and etgie tn good conaton and using average prion techniques 1 should be noted tat the performance information presented inthe range and entrance profile charts allows for 18 mine reaerve fuel aged on 48% power, Fel ow data for cree ts based onthe ecom= tnod lean taste sesting. Some indeterminate variables auch ae {re leaning technique, fuel motoring characteristics, engine ad propeller ‘contion, snd ar frkwlosce nay stein! for variations af 104 of more {n'range an endurance. Therefore, iis portant touilize si salable InrSrmation# estimate the fuck reqeied forthe partialar fight USE OF PERFORMANCE CHARTS Performance data is presented in talar or graphical form oilas~ uate the eilect of diferent variables. Sulieleniy detailed information x provided inthe ites 0 that conservative rales can be nelected and Used {edcteraine te garicular pertormance figure with reasonabte securaey. SAMPLE PROBLEM. ‘The following sample flight problem utilizes information from the ‘various carts fo determine the predicted performance dats for» peal {igi Tae following information ta own SRPLANE CONFIGURATION "ateotl neigh 2290 Pounae Use tet 34 Galoas TTAKEOEF CoxDITIONs eld pressure atte 1500 Feet ‘Temperature Barc (18°C above standard Wind component slog runway 42 na Headwind Field tenets 3500 Feet sa SECTION 5 ccessna PERFORMANCE, ope a8 (CRUISE CONDITIONS ‘otal astance 420 Newton Mes Presoure altitude 5500 Peet BO"G (16°C above standard) 10 oot Heatnd Bxpected wind enroute LANDING coNpITIONS Pield pressure altitude 2000 Feet Temperature are Wind component along ranway 6 Brot Hesdind isi ona 5000 Feet TAKEOFF ‘The taksot distance chart, figure 5-2, should be consulted, keeping 4a mind thatthe dlstances shown are based! on minis performance fechniguess” Caaservative detances can be extallished by feng the ‘hart atthe nex higher vale of weight stead and temperature: For ‘ample, in hi particular sample problem, the taken tistance informa {Gon preseated or & weight of 2000 Ib. , pressure allude of 2000 fet find temperstire of 30°C stoula be aed and result in te folowing rosa ro 1155 Feet ‘Total distance to clear a S0-foot obstacle 2180 Peet ‘A correction forthe effect o wind may be made based on Note 8 of the {ateotleiart. The datance correction fort 12 kas bendwind i 12 x 108 = 15% Decrease ‘Ths results inthe following estas, corrected for wind Ground roll, zero wind 38 Decrease in ground oll utss feet 3 159) 150 Corrected ground rl ‘TOF Feet ‘otal distance to clear = ‘isfot obstacle, ero wind 2000 Decrease intra stance (a0s0 feat = 133) 2e4 Corrected tt distance (o clear 30-fot obstacle 1108 Peet "howe distances are well within the takeoff eld length quoted earlier for ccasexa SECTION 3 MODEL s7aN PERFORDIANCE the sample problem. cruise ‘The raising alte and wind alot aformation have been given for this fight However, the ower settag slectlon for eruige must be de {ermine based on several considerations. ‘Tose include the ceuize Be {Srmance characteristics af the aleplane presented in gore 57, ange profile chart presented in figure 5-8, and the endurance rote ‘haet reweutea ia gare 5-8, ‘The range profile chart ilustrates the relationship between power snd range, Cossiderale feel savings and longer ange remul hen lower For this sample problem witha crise altitude of $800 fest and ds- taneg of <0 ial og, We ae ale cart inca atu of 175% power welling will necessitate a fuel stp, ia view ofthe anit 1 inot nesowind component. However, electing 208 power setting from the range profile chart ylelds a predicted range of 47 natleal les Sider zero-windcondtlng. "The endsranee profile chart, gure ‘Sows 9 corresponding 4 hours ‘the range figure of 477 nautica ile in corrected to account for the expect 10 Ena Renn! 3500 foe ange, 20r0 wind mn Deca rue du nd corsected range 275 Nautica ites ‘This indicates that the trip can be made without a fel stop weg approxi- nately 855 power ‘The craae performance chart, figure 5-1, Is entered at 6000 feet stage nod 20°C above standard temperature.” These valves Most nearly ‘rrempond tothe expostedaliude sh temperature conditions: ‘The so tse speed hoeen is 2500 RPM, which Feoulte sn the fallow Power ome {Troe airspeed 100 Keats late fel ow no GPa ‘Te power compter may be used to determine over and fuel consumptot drug the igie section 5 ccessna PERFORMANCE ope 7am FueL ReouineD ‘The total fel requirement tor the flight may be estinated sing the performance information insures Seb ag ST.” For this sample pte Tem, figure 5-6 shows tata cin irom 1000 ett 6000 feat Felines 220 along of fuel and may be aed se conservative eatsate fortis Problem. ‘This is for a standard temperature fax show om the eli hart) "me approxinate elect oft notestandaed temperntne a ioe reap te inc fry a tice ty JO fr sath 10°C ave Sand {eisperatuee ae to the lower ate af climb In tha casey ausung 2 {perature 16°C sbowe standard te correction wovld bs AEC 5 105-168 increase HEE x 108-108 With his factor inched, the fel estimate wasld be calculated as follows ‘et to climb, standard temperature 2.0 Iereane ave fo potestandard temperature Goris os CCorsected fel to clin TFcatlons made, te tance lim, einen in fiure 8, may be correct Distance to climb, stantard temperature 14 Iereage oe to ton-standarawennperature {is nmticnl mice x 363), CCorsected distance to eid TStical Mites ‘The resultant ensine distance a Cm distance ae Cruise distance OH nautical nates otha pected 10 iat heaving, the ground sped or er 109 io AB knots ‘Therefore, the time reguired for the erie portion ofthe tip is ts pre 406 Nastiea wales $94 Mant = 4.1 Hours cessna, SECTIONS MODEL 172% PERFORIANCE “rhe fuel required for cruise i endurance times fuel consumtion 4.1 hoara x70 gallons/hour = 28.7 Gallons "The toa) estimated fuel required is a follows Bagine start, tal, and teat 11 Chin 22 raise 1 ‘Total fuel requires ‘tals wil leave fel reserve of: sao “34 $53 cattons ‘Once the ight is underway, ground speed checks wil peovide amore accurate bais for estimating the time enroste te 1 coFFesponding Tel Fequired fo complete the teip wilh ample eaerve tanoine ‘A proceaire similar tothe tat cqlclatons shold be ase for estimating the Inding letance atte destination alert. Figure S10 resents maximum performance eebae landing datances for varias Usportaitiade and emperature compisatins ‘The distances corres” ponding to 2000 fst sighage aad $0°C shoald be used and Feu inthe (Ground rot. 500 Feet ‘Total distance to clear « S0-foot abetacle 1300 Peet ‘A conection for wind maybe made based on Note 2 ofthe landing chart. Th distance covsection for a # kot headend FIBA «105-18 Decree “la results in the following wind-corsected figures: ‘Total dieance over a #0-foo obstacte «214 eet. These distances are well within the landing field length quked previous {or tus sample problem. ot serio s crag caso secre s SeroAvee woositiat SSR am sent iountce AIRSPEED CALIBRATION AIRSPEED CALIBRATION WORMAL stati s0URCE AUTANATE State SOURCE | frome ae ee Arent ronibins| $8 88 Boo

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