File BT C2 - Nam Đoàn in Dùm

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Student each group should be found professional words or phases in all slides to do four duties such as

1. writing down vocabularies in professional words or phase

2. Distinguishing on words or phases are written as verbs, nouns, or adjectives
3. Translating on professional vocabularies or phases in to Vietnamese meaning
3. Writing down phonetic transcription of all professional vocabularies which is found by students
Assignments to groups
Group 1: slide 3,4,5,6 7,8 Group 10:slide 53,54,55,56,57,58
Group 2: slide 9,10,11,12,13,14 Group 11: slide 59,60,61,62,63
Group 3: slide 15,16,17,18,19 Group 12: slide 64,65,66,67,68
Group 4: slide 20,21,22,23,24 Group 13: slide 69,70,71,72,73
Group 5: slide 25,26,27,28,29 Group 14:slide 74,75,76,77,78,79
Group 6: slide 30,31,32,33,34
Group 7: slide 35,36,37,38,39,40
Group 8: slide 41.42,43,44 45,46
Group 9:slide 47.48,49,50, 51,52

All groups ( 1-16) should translate in to Vietnamese all slides from 79 to 94
And solution all exercises from slide 79-94

Phonetic and transcripsion for professional word or phases

1. Introduction air is a drying agent
 Air is an inexpensive drying agent commonly, it is available in
 Air is non-toxic, and does not contaminate the product.
 Air is a mixture of many different components including: N2,
O2, CO2 and some other gases.
 In drying technique, we consider air as a homogeneous
component and air hot drying is usually at atmospheric
pressure the temperature is only in the range of a few tens to
a few hundred OC.
 When calculating, we consider it as an ideal gas.
 The drying capacity of the air is expressed by the difference
+The the dry bulb temperature and the wet bulb temperature
(t = td – tw)
+ or the difference between the saturation pressure and the
partial pressure (p = Ps – Ph)
+as well as the difference in moisture content (d = ds – dh).

1.Ideal Gas Law Formula

 pV = GRT






 .Following the Ideal Gas Law Formula

 The pressure of a mixture of humid air is equal to the sum of the

dry air and water vapor pressures (Dalton's Law):
P = Ps + Pv (2.2)
 For humid air: PV = GRT
 For water vapour : PvV = GvRvT (2.3)
 For dry air: PdV = GdRdT
 Relationship between pressure and volume fractions:
PvV = PVv
PdV = PVd (2.4)
 The temperature of the humid air is equal to the temperature of the
dry air and the water vapor in the humid air.
T = Td = Tv [OK, OC] (2.5)
 The volume of the humid air is equal to the volume of the dry air
and the volume of the water vapor contained in the humid air
because they diffused in volume.
V = Vd = Vv [ m3] (2.6)
 The mass of moist air is equal to the sum of the masses of both dry
air and water vapor.
G = Gd + Gv [kg] (2.7)
or gd + gv = 1
Gas constant R:
R = R/ = 8314/ , [J/kgK]
R = gvRv + gdRd


3.1. Absolute humidity of air ( ab)

We called in a cubic of V, (m3), the humid air has Gv, kg of water
vapor, the ratio Gv/V is called the absolute humidity of the humid air.
Because of V = Vv so that:
Gv Gv 1 P
v     v , kg/ m 3 (2.5)
V Vv  v RvT

The absolute humidity of saturated humid air is max hay s

So that : 0 v  max
3.2. Relative humidity ( )

 The Relative humidity (RH) is an important parameter of

humid air. RH refer characterizing of ability to receive more
water vapor or in other words the drying capacity of the air.
 The relative humidity of the air, also known as the water
vapor saturation, RH is the ratio of the amount of water
vapor contained in 1m3 of air (absolute humidity) to the
amount of water vapor in 1m3 of the air mixture which
saturated with water vapor at same temperature and
pressure (maximum absolute humidity)
v 
 or   v
 max s

 According to the equation of state for an ideal gas:

Pv   v RvT
Ps   max RvT
So that  P
 v  v
 max Ps
The value of RH () is usually expressed as a percentage (%).
In case Pv = Ps then it has the value of maximum relative humidity
  1   max

Because of 0  Pv  P so that 0    100%

• For dried air  = 0.
• For sasurated air  = 100%
3.3. Vapor content in air or water rate in (d) g water/ kg air
If in G kg of humid air there are Gv kg of water vapor and Gd kg of dry air, then
we have the ratio
We called (d) the humidity rate dv or the water vapour content
The unit of d is: kg water/kg dried air or [g water/kg dried air
We have:  PV
v  Gv RvT

 PdV  Gd Rd T

We replace Rv = 462 J/; Rd = 287 J/;

Note : Pd = P – Pv ta được:
d  0, 621
P  Pv

3.4.Saturation pressure ( Ps)

 Saturation pressure (Ps), at which a liquid or solid is in
equilibrium with its vapor at a specified temperature.
 When the vapor pressure is equal to atmospheric
pressure, the liquid boils. The temperature then is the
boiling point of the liquid.

From formula Ps
d s  0, 621
P  Ps
We have
d ( P  Ps )
Ps 
0, 621

We have experiment formular

 4026,42 
Ps  exp 12  
 235,5  t 
3.5 Vapour pressure (partial pressure )
If the vapor pressure has not reached the saturation vapor pressure
value, the vapor is called vapour pressure, the liquid molecules
continue to evaporate.
Thus, the partial pressure can be calculated when the water vapour
content of air (d) is known and the atmospheric pressure P is known.
Pv 
0, 621  d

Because of Pv = .Ps
ps (0, 621  d )

We can calculate the relative humidity () following (d) and ( Ps)
d s  0, 621 s
P  Ps

Table 1. Saturated water and steam (by temperature)

Table 2. Saturated water and steam (by pressure)

3.6. Specific heat of humid air (Entanpy)

 The specific heat of the humid air is equal to the sum of the
specific heat of the dry air and the specific heat of the water
vapor contained in the humid air.
 In which (1+d) kg of humid air there is 1 kg of dry air and (d) kg
of water vapor. Hence the enthalpy corresponding to 1kg of air
will be, I  id  div

 Entanpy of 1 kg dried air id  C pd t  1, 0048 t kJ/kg

 Entanpy of 1 kg vapour air

iv  r0  C pv t  2500  1,842t kJ/kg kk

 Then we have the specific heat of the humid air

3.7.Density of humid air ( )
The density of humid air is equal to the sum of the density of dry air and
the density of vapor at the same temperature:
1 Pd P
   d  v   v
 Rd T RvT
Where:  is density of humid air, kg/m3; v is specific cubic of humid air, m3/kg;
we transform the equation and get the formula

 We can use formula to find out the density of humid air which depend
on temperature(t) , relative humidity ( ), Saturate pressure (Ps) and
atmosphere pressure (P)
 0 .T0  0,378.Ps 
 1  
T  P 

 Where: T0 = 273K, 0 = 1,293 kg/m3 , T is ambient air = ( 273 +t)

3.8 Specific volume of humid air


 In engineering can use the formula:
v = 4,62.10–6T(621 + d), m3/kg
Example: Finding out density and specific cubic of specific the humid air in case
it has t= 30 OC,  =0,7
 We use table of water and vapour saturate with temperature, we find out Ps=
 0 .T0 
0,378.Ps 
  1  
T  P 
1, 293.273  0, 378.0, 7.4242 
 1    1,1519kg / m

273  30  10 5

Thus  =1,1519kg/m3
1 1
 and we find the specific volume    0,868m3 / kg
3.9.Dry Bulb Temperature (tdb)

 The Dry Bulb temperature, usually referred to as air

temperature, is the air property that is most
common used. When people refer to the
temperature of the air, they are normally referring to
its dry bulb temperature.
 The Dry Bulb Temperature refers basically to the
ambient air temperature. It is called "Dry Bulb"
because the air temperature is indicated by a
thermometer not affected by the moisture of the air.
 Dry-bulb temperature - tdb, can be measured using a
normal thermometer freely exposed to the air but
shielded from radiation and moisture.
 The temperature is usually given in degrees Celsius
(°C) or degrees Fahrenheit (°F). The SI unit is
Kelvin (K). Zero Kelvin equals to -273°C.
3.10 Wet Bulb Temperature –( tw)
The Wet Bulb temperature is the temperature
of adiabatic saturation. This is the
temperature indicated by a moistened
thermometer bulb exposed to the air flow.
Wet Bulb temperature can be measured by
using a thermometer with the bulb wrapped in
wet muslin. The adiabatic evaporation of
water from the thermometer and the cooling
effect is indicated by a "wet bulb temperature"
lower than the "dry bulb temperature" in the
The wet bulb temperature is always lower
than the dry bulb temperature but will be
identical with 100% relative humidity (the air
is at the saturation line).
Combining the dry bulb and wet bulb
temperature in a psychrometric diagram or 21

Mollier chart, gives the state of the humid air

 The difference between the dry bulb temperature and the wet
bulb temperature is called the drying potential (t)
 t = t – tw
3.11 Dew Point Temperature – Tdp
 Humid air in the surrounding environment contains a certain
amount of water vapor, when the temperature is lowered, some
of the water vapor will condense into clouds and fog. Therefore,
the temperature there is called the dew point temperature
 We have a different definition of the Dew Point: the dew
point is the temperature at which water vapor starts to
condense out of the air, the temperature at which air becomes
completely saturated. Above this temperature the moisture will
stay in the air.
 The dew point is the limit of the cooling process of humid air
with the constant moisture rate of air
If the dew-point temperature is close to the air temperature, the
relative humidity is high, and if the dew point is well below the
air temperature, the relative humidity is low.
The Dew Point is given by the saturation line in the
psychrometric chart.

 We can find out the dew point temperature, through the table of water and saturated
steam with the vapor pressure (Pv).
 On the contrary, when we known the vapor pressure (Pv) corresponding to the pressure in
the dew point state, we can find out the dew point temperature by the table of water and
saturated steam with the vapor pressure (Pv).

For example:
a)Find the vapor pressure in the dew point state is 15C and 33C.
b)Find the dew point temperature incase the humid air has a vapor pressure 0.045 bar and
0.072 bar
4 Humid air graph
To calculate the thermodynamic processes of humid air, we use two methods:
 Calculation method
 Graph method
+The calculation method gives accurate results, but the implementation time is very
long and easy to confuse
+The graphical method gives quick results and is visually visible, so it is easy to
judge in the technique.
The graphical method give multiple functions at the same time.
 There are two types of graphs commonly used today:
+I–d Graph (Ranzime Graph)
+t–d graph (carrier graph)
ẩm đô chứa hơi

Hướng dẫn tra đồ thị

Exercises: finding out parameters of the humid air in the following states with
Calculated method and I-d or T-d diagram

1) Dry bulb temperature 30OC, the relative humidity 60%

Please find out all rest factors ( tdp, tw,d, Ps, Pv,I,, v)

2)Wet bulb temperature 25OC, vapor content in air 10 g/kgkk dried air, P = 1at or 0,98bar
Please find out all rest factors ( tdp, tw,d, Ps, Pv, I,, v)

3) The dew point temperature is 25OC, specific heat is 80 kJ/kg air

Please find out all rest factors ( t, tw,d, Ps, Pv, ,, v)

4) The water rate in dried air is 30 g water /kg dried air, the relative humidity 50%, P= 0,98
Please find out all rest factors ( t, tw,d, Ps, Pv, I,, v)

5).The wet temperature 30OC, the RH is 60%

Please find out all rest factors ( t, tdp,d, Ps, Pv, I,, v)
Given 10,000m3 of humid air with temperature t = 30OC,  = 80%.
Air pressure P = 1bar.
Please find out:
-Vapor content in dried air, d
-Specific heat, I
-Dew point temperature ,tdp
-Wet bulb temperature, tw
-Absolute humidity, ab
-Density of moist air,
-Specific volume of moist air,v
-Mass of dry air present in this volume,Gd
-Mass of moist air in this volume, Gw

Exercises: Using the humid air graph I-d or T-d and combine the calculated
method, students find out the remaining parameters of the humid air in the
following states:

1) Dry bulb temperature 45OC, relative humidity 40%

1) Wet bulb temperature 25OC, dry bulb temperature is 35Oc

1) Dew point temperature 20OC, specific heat 90 kJ/kg air

2) Specific heat 100 kJ/kg air , relative humidity 50%

1) Dew point temperature 28OC, vapor content in humid air is 30 g/kg dried air

1) Wet bulb temperature 30OC, specific heat 100 kJ/kg air

Diagram of a DRYER

Diagram of heating fresh air to hot air drying agent

1.1) The heating process of iso-humidity Note
( unchanged vapor content) d1 = d2 t1 < t2 1 > 2
 This is the process of heating the fresh air  For 1 kg of air: q12 = (I2 – I1), kJ/kg
by a heat source (without the evaporation of  For L kg of air: Q12 = L(I2 – I1), kJ/s (kW);
water in the air)
 We use a heat exchanger by a resistance, or
steam or furnace smoke.

Sensible heating
Qh= ma( IB-I0) = ma.Cpa(IB-I0)

1.2) Isohumidity heating process and drying Note:

t2 = tw.k
We chose k from 1,15 to 1,2.
 Amount of water in the wet material removed
by the drying agent in 1 kg of the agent when
it blown through
 –

 The amount of heat required to heat

1 kg of air into a drying agent has a
value of q = (I –I ), kJ/kgkk
h B A

 Specific heat of drying process required

to evaporate 1 kg of moisture
(IC -IA )
q dr =
d C -d A
Total heat of drying process required
to evaporate W kg of moisture
Qdr = qdr.W
Graph showing the state of humidified isothermal heating and drying on the graph of moist air I–d and T–d
1.2 Drying process
 Theoretical fresh amount of air need to evaporate 1 kg of water in wet material
+Incase d is kg water/ kg dried air 1
ldr (kgair / kgwater ) =
dC - d A

+Incase d is g water/ kg dried air ldr (kgair / kgwater ) =
dC - d A
 Theoretical fresh amount of air need to evaporate W kg of water in wet material of
a drying process L dr ( kgair ) = W .l

2). Combined heating and humidification process

In case for drying some foods which need to first sensibly heating the air and then
adding water vapour to the air stream through steam nozzles as shown in the figure.


ma ma
t0 td d0
d0 dd
I0 Id

t0 td


A 1

dA dB dc d(g/kgkkk

This is the process of heating the air

used in air treatment techniques by
spraying water or steam at a
temperature higher than the air
Comment: dA < dB tA < t B B < A
 Heat required for 1 kg of air:
 qAB = (IB – IA), kJ/kg
 The amount of water required
increases humidity in hot air of a
process d’ = dB – dA, kg/kg air

 Amount of water vaporized from

the wet material during drying
d = dc – dB, kg/kg air
Note : d’< d
 d = dB – dA, kg/kg air

 Specific heat of drying process required to qh = (IB –IA), kJ/kgkk
evaporate 1 kg of moisture (I C -I A )
 q drc –=db) kg water
d = (d
Note : (dc – dB) >> (dB – dA)
d C -d B

Theoretical fresh amount of air need to  Theoretical fresh amount of air need to
evaporate 1 kg of water in wet material evaporate W kg of water in wet material of a
drying process
ldr (kgair / kgwater ) =
dC - d B
L dr ( kgair ) = W .ldr

3)Enthalpy cooling process

 The enthalpy cooling process is widely used in air-conditioning technology (not used
in drying).
 This process occurs when we spray water which has temperature as ambient air
(see Figure 2.21).

 Value of Factors of humid air

 Incase water is separated in ambient

 dB1 > dA tB1 < tA B1 > A

 dB2 > dB1 tB2 = twA B2 = 100%

 IA = IB1 = IB2
4.1) content specific humidity cooling processing and dehumidification

 This process is the opposite of heating.

 During this process, the air temperature
decreases, the relative humidity increases
while the moisture content remains
unchanged until the air reaches saturation.
 In case the temperature of the air is the
dew point temperature. If you continue to
cool the air, the following cases will occur:
+ Water vapor condenses into water droplets
and remains in the air forming fog.
+The water droplets are completely
condensed and separated from the air, that is,
the amount of water vapor in the air remains
in a dry saturated state.
 The humid isostatic cooling is applied in
refrigeration and air conditioning
techniques through indoor units Sensible cooling

 This process occurs when moist air in a certain

state loses heat due to heat exchange with the
environment, so its moisture content remains
 This process is often encountered in an air
conditioning or a cold object in the environment.

+When cooling t2 > tdp, the humid air does not condense
the temperature and enthalpy decrease, and the relative humidity increases
 Heat to be cooled for 1 kg of ambient air to condensed point
q1A = I1 – IA, kJ/kg
 When one kg of air continue to cool to below the dew point temperature, it is dehumidification
q12 = I1 – I2, kJ/kg
 Incase L kg of air get in to a evaporator, then total heat Q calculate such as
Q = L .q12
(I -I )
 Specific heat used to evaporate one kilogram water from the drying process q dr = 1 2
(d1 -d 2 )
 Amount of water is condensate of 1 kg of humid air d = d1 – d2.

 Amount of water is condensate of L kg of humid air which flows vie the evaporator
W = L(d1 – d2)
Diagram of the principle of heat pump

4.1.Freeze drying process by a heat pump


Freeze drying with a heat

pump to remove the agent


+ Freeze drying by heat pump return

all exhaust gas
4.1 Freeze drying by heat pump returns all exhaust gas

 The specific heat required to cool 1 kg of moist air which is supplied in to the drying chamber
qcool = (Ic – ID)
 The specific heat required to condense 1 kg of moist air which is be got out the system of the heat pump
qcondense = (ID – IA)
 The specific heat required to cool and condense 1 kg of moist air which is be got out the system of the heat
pump qCA = (IC – IA)
 The power of evaporator from state C to state D to A )
NE= mfan (Ic – IA) Where : mfan :Mass flow rate of fan, kg/s;
 The Power of condenser from state A to state B)
NC= mfan (IB – IA)
 Amount of water in the wet material removed by the drying agent in 1kg of the agent d= dD-dA

4.2Freeze drying with a heat pump to remove the agent

Exhaust air


 The specific heat required to cool 1 kg of ambient air to condenses state qcool = (IC – ID)
 The specific heat required to condense 1 kg of moist air which is be got out the system of the heat
pump qcondense = (IC – IA)
 The specific heat required to heating addition 1 kg of dried cool air to drying agent
qheat (AB) = (IB – IA)
 The cooling capacity of evaporator from C state to A state)
NE= mfan (Ic – IA) Where : mfan :mass flow rate of fan, kg/s;
 The heat capacity of Condenser from A state to B state)
NC= mfan (IB – IA) Where : mfan :mass flow rate of fan, kg/s;
 Amount of water in the wet material removed by the drying agent in 1kg of the agent d= dD-dA
The outdoor air has a temperature of 32C and a dew point of 26C.
1.Calculate the vapor content (water rate in air) of the air when it cooled to 20C.
2.Calculate the amount of water that condenses 500m3 of this air to 20C.

5.1 Mixing air with different states

t B ,d B ,IB B M B

t C ,d C ,IC C M C

tA,dA,IAA MA
5.1 Mixing air with different states
t B ,d B ,IB B MB

t C ,d C ,IC C M C
tA,dA,IAA MA

 The hot air from the combustion chamber is mixed with fresh air to create a drying
agent that allows the correct adjustment of the desired drying temperature to save

 Substance balance equation:

MA + M B = M C (1)
 Heat balance equation:
MA IA + MB IB = MC IC (2)
 Moisture balance equation
MA dA + MB dB = MC dC (3)
So that M I I d d
 C A
 C A

MA IB  IC dB  dC
IC  I A I B  I C
and 
dC  d A d B  dC M AI A  M B I B
IC 
 The state C is defined: M A  MB
M AdA  M BdB
dC 
M A  MB
5.2 Mixing air with different states and drying

t B ,d B ,IB B MB

t C ,d C ,I C C M C

tA,dA,IAA MA

5.2 Mixing air with different states and drying

 The amount of heat required to heat 1 kg

of air into a drying agent has a value of
qh = (I1 –I0), kJ/kgkk

 The total heat of combustion chamber of a dryer

Qcb = m’fan (I1 –I0), kW
Where: mfan is mass flow of combustion chamber

 Specific heat of drying process required to evaporate 1 kg of moisture

 Total heat of drying process required to Qdr = qdr.W

evaporate W kg of moisture
furnace smoke
Schematic diagram of using furnace smoke as drying agent in
convection heat exchanger dryers

The make up air at rate of 100 m3/min from the environment having tdb = 40 °C and tw =
27°C is mixed with 600 m3/min of return air from the conditioned space having state tdb = 23
°C and relative humidity 50%.
Compute dry and wet-bulb temperatures and specific humidity of the mixture.

2.5 Furnace Smoke
 Furnace smoke in the condition of complete combustion has the same
properties as air
 However, in the furnace smoke contains a large amount of CO2 and increased
moisture content generated by the combustion process.
 Furnace smoke also has the same state parameters as moist air.

How is furnace smoke generated?

 People burn all kinds of fuels: coal, firewood, rice husk, Diesel oil, LPG, etc. to
create furnace smoke.
 Furnace smoke can be used directly for drying by mixing with air to reach the
desired drying temperature or indirectly through a gas-smoke heat exchanger.
 The parameters of flue gas are also shown on the graph I – d
or T-d
Displaying on the mixing process and the theoretical drying process
between smoke and fresh air on the I-d . graph

 Position (0 ) is Fresh air state at zero point has ( t0, d0, I0, 0 tdp0)

 Position 1: Fuel and fresh burn in the combustion chamber which set up smoke to
have high temperature ( t1, d2, I2, 2 tdp2)
 Smoke state at K point ( tk, dk, Ik, k tdpk)
 Position 2 is mixing chamber ( t2, d2, I2, 2 tdp2) becomes the drying agent which has suitable
temperature of the drying requirement.
 Position 3 : drying agent get in to the drying chamber and it has state ( t3, d3, I3, 3 tdp3) when it go
out the chamber drying

Fuel composition
 Fuel composition of the solid fuel:
C, H, O, N, S, W, A.
C + H + O + N + S + W + A = 100%

 Fuel composition of the gas fuel

Fuel gases consist of hydrocarbons (CxHy), hydrogen (H2), and
carbon monoxide (CO)

 Fuel composition of the liquid fuel

C, H, O, N, S
C + H + O + N + S = 100%
Fuel composition of the solid fuel:
C, H, O, N, S, W, A.
C + H + O + N + S + W + A = 100%
W is water in fuel
A is ash in fuel
 Heat value of fuel:
The amount of heat released when completely burning 1 kg of fuel
is called the calorific value of the fuel.
 High calorific value – HCV (High heat value-HHV )
The theoretical amount of heat released in the combustion
 Low calorific value-LCV ( Low heat value- LHV)
The amount of useful heat obtained is equal to the high calorific
value minus the latent heat of water evaporation (it is also depends
on the efficiency of the furnace).

2.1.Đặc tính chung của nhiên liệu ( rắn, lỏng, khí )

Composition Liquid fuel (%) Coal (%) Natural gas (%)

Cacbon 84 41,11 74
Hydrogen 12 2,76 25
Sulphur 3 0,41 -
Oxygen 1 9,89 A few
Nitrogen A few 1,22 0,75
ASH A few 38,63 -
Water A few 5,98 -
Table of chemical composition of some fuels

Burning fuel
Burning process
Fire reaction:
C + O2 → CO2 + 8 084 kcal/kg Cacbon =completely
2C + O2 → 2CO + 2 430 kcal/kg Cacbon =incomplete
2H2 + O2 → 2H2O + 28 922 kcal/kg Hydro
S + O2 → SO2 + 2 224 kcal/kg Sunphur

Three T letter of combustion:

(1) Temperature high enough to ignite and maintain fuel
(2) Stirring (Turbulence) fuel and oxygen,
(3) Time, must be enough to complete the combustion.

 D.I Mendeleev formulas SOLID FUEL

+HHV ( High heat value)

[𝐊𝐜𝐚𝐥 /𝐤𝐠]: 𝐇𝐇𝐕 = 𝐐𝐡 = 𝟖𝟏𝟎𝟎. 𝐂 + 𝟑𝟎𝟎𝟎𝟎. 𝐇 − 𝟐𝟔𝟎𝟎. 𝐎 − 𝐒
[𝐤𝐉 /𝐤𝐠] 𝐇𝐇𝐕 = 𝐐𝐂 = 𝟑𝟑𝟖𝟓𝟖. 𝐂 + 𝟏𝟐𝟓𝟒𝟎𝟎. 𝐇 − 𝟏𝟎𝟖𝟔𝟖. 𝐎 − 𝐒

 LHV ( Low heat value)

𝐋𝐇𝐕 = 𝐐𝒍 = 𝐐𝒉 − 𝐫. 𝟗. 𝐇 + 𝐖
= 𝑸𝒉 − 𝟐𝟓𝟎𝟎. 𝟗. 𝑯 + 𝑾
[𝑲𝒄𝒂𝒍/𝒌𝒈] 𝑳𝑯𝑽 = 𝑸𝒉 − 𝟔𝟎𝟎. 𝟗. 𝑯 + 𝑾
 The formulas GAS FUEL

𝒒𝐥 = 𝟎, 𝟎𝟏. 𝑪𝑶. 𝑸𝑪𝑶 + 𝑯𝟐 . 𝑸𝑯𝟐 + 𝑯𝟐 𝑺. 𝑸𝑯𝟐 𝑺 + 𝑪𝒎 𝑯𝒏 . 𝑸𝑪𝒎 𝑯𝒏 𝒎𝟑

qt  0,01  qH 2 S .H 2 S  qCO .CO  qH 2 .H 2   (qCm H n .Cm H n )  , kJ/m 3

Where : CO, H2, H2S, CmHn is gas fuel composition

QCO, QH2, QH2S, QCmHn Heat capacity of burning gases
𝑄 = 10800 𝑄 = 91400 𝑄 = 116000
𝑄 = 12150 𝑄 = 118800 𝑄 = 63800
𝑄 = 23400 𝑄 = 59300 𝑄 = 35800

𝑄 = 86000
We can use formula
𝒒𝐥 = 𝟑𝟓𝟖, 𝟐𝟎𝑪𝑯𝟒 + 𝟓𝟗𝟎, 𝟔𝟔𝑪𝟐𝑯𝟒 + 𝟔𝟑𝟕, 𝟒𝟔𝑪𝟐𝑯𝟔 + 𝟖𝟔𝟎, 𝟎𝟓𝑪𝟑𝑯𝟔 + 𝟏𝟎𝟕, 𝟗𝟖 𝑯𝟐 + 𝟏𝟐𝟔, 𝟑𝟔 𝑪𝑶

Table heat capacity of solid, liquid and burned gas (kcal/kg)

Coal 3000 ÷ 7000 DO 10.000 ÷ 10.500

Peat ≃ 2000 Natural gas (NG) ≃ 8600 kcal/m3

firewood 2500 ÷ 3000 Propan 21.500 ÷ 22.200 kcal/m3

FO 9300 ÷ 9800 Butan 28.000 ÷ 28.900 kcal/m3

Table heat capacity of gases (kcal/m3)

Gas type qt, kJ/Nm3
Hydro H2 10.800
Cacbon oxyt CO 12.150
Hydro Sunfua H2S 23.400
Metan CH4 35.800
Etane C2H6 63.800
Propane C3H8 91.400
Butane C4H10 118.800
Determining on the low calorific value of the below fuels with its composition
A) We has one coal type which has its composition
C = 0,367; H = 0,027; S = 0,032; N = 0,007; O = 0,111; AS = 0,206;
W = 0,25.
Qh = 33858 x 0,367 + 125400 x 0,027 – 10868 (0,111 – 0,032)
Qh = 14953,114 kj/kg fuel
Ql = 14953,114 – 2500 (9 x 0,027 + 0,25)
Ql = 13720,614 kj/kg fuel

Execise :
B) We has one natural gas type which has its composition
CH4 = 98,5%, C2H6 = 0,6%, C3H6 = 0,1%, CO2 = 0,1%, N2 = 0,7%.

C: The wood has the composition: W = 10%; A = 0.9%; C = 45.5%;

H = 5.4%; O = 37.8%.
Calculate the high calorific value of the fuel according to the Mendeleev

For example:
Calculate the theoretical amount of dry air to burn 1kg of coal and 1kg of
wood which have its composition such as : C = 0,367; H = 0,027; S =
0,032; N = 0,007; O = 0,111; A = 0,206; W = 0,25.
Please determine the parameters of smoke after the combustion
Specific heat of fuel is Cfuel = 0.12 kJ/kg
The parameters of outdoor air t0 = 25OC, d0 = 0.017 kg/kg
+ Coefficient of excess air in the combustion chamber cb = 1.2
+ Combustion efficiency cb = 75%
 Required amount of dry air for combustion
+For solid fuels: L0 = 11,6.C + 34,8.H + 4,3.(S – O), kg air/kg of fuel
+For wood fuel: L0 = 5,96(1 – W), kg air/kg of fuel
+For gas fuel:  n 
 m 4 
L0  0, 0247.CO  0,342.H 2  0, 607.H 2 S  1,38   Cm H n  1,38.O, kg air/m fuel

 12m  n 
 
 In fact for burning on 1 kg of fuel requires a larger amount of air than the
. theoretical amount
 The ratio between these two quantities is called the excess air factor, 
= L/L0
 9H  W   1  9H  W  A 
qh .cb  C fuel .t fuel    iv    C pd .t
  100   100 
L0 .  d 0 iv  i0  C pd t  t0 

Where: cb- combustion chamber efficiency; qh – low heat value of fuel,

L0 is amount of dry air for combustion (kg);L is is amount of real dry air for
combustion, kg; i0- heat capacity of ambient air, kj/kg; iv- heat capacity of
vapor in smoke ; t is temperature of smoke

 Vapor content in smoke 9 H  W   .L0 .d 0

d smoke 
 .L0  1  A  9 H  W

 Entanpy of smoke q hcb  C fuel .t fuel   cb .L0 .I 0

I smoke 

-A is ash composition in fuel ; W is water composition in fuel
-cb -The amount of excess air in the combustion chamber when burning fuel.

 In fact, the enthalpy of the furnace smoke can be found on the I-d diagram
Recall about the phase transition of water and the thermal points in the phase transition

Heat of

Heat of fusion334kJ/kg

1000J=0,9478 Btu = 238,8 calorie;

1,0 kWh = 3,6 MJ = 3,413 mBtu
1kg = 2,2046 lb

Steam generation from the process of cooking water in a boiler

What is the role of steam in the heating system?
-The process of heating and generating steam?
Assuming that 1 kg of water is heated at a pressure of P and a temperature of 20 C,
the process of converting water to steam is shown in the following T–s graph:

1 kg of water at
pressure p and
temperature 30°c

What happened out?

Incase we provide the
system with a heat

tipping point
Un boiled

superheated zone

Humid saturated
vapor region


The process of heating water and generating steam

Un boiled liquid

Humid saturated vapor region

superheated zone

Example: Moisture-saturated steam has a pressure of P = 3 bar, the dryness X = 0.85.
Determine the amount of heat released by 10 kg of steam when it is completely condensed.
Solution '
We have equation ix = (1 - x)i' + xi”

Use the table of water and steam on the saturation line at the P= 3 bar
We have : i’ = 561,4 KJ/kg
i” = 2725 KJ/kg

So that ix = (1 - 0,85) . 561,4 + 0,85.2725 = 2400,46 KJ/kg

 The amount of heat released by the vapor in complete condensation:

Q = G(ix -i’) = 10 (2400,46 - 561,4) = 18390; 6 KJ

Superheated steam

 Superheated steam can be used as a drying agent.

 The fully saturated superheated steam is determined with two basic parameters:
temperature and pressure.
 There are two ways to understand about superheated steam as follows:

+At the same pressure as the dry saturated steam, the superheated steam has a
higher temperature.
+ At the same temperature as the dry saturated steam, the superheated steam has a
lower pressure

 The ratio between superheated steam pressure and dry saturated steam pressure
is called the degree of vapor saturation, .

= pv/ps, %
Exercise 1
Building a mind map of the basic parameters of humidity air
Please see the example diagram in the below

Exercise 2
Given 10,000m3 of humid air with temperature t = 30OC,  = 80% and air pressure
P = 1bar.
Please find out:
-Vapor content in dried air, d
-Specific heat, I
-Dew point temperature ,tdp
-Wet bulb temperature, tw
-Absolute humidity, ab
-Density of moist air,
-Specific volume of moist air,v
-Mass of dry air present in this volume,Gd
-Mass of moist air in this volume, Gw
Exercises 3: Using the humid air graph I-d or T-d and combine the calculated
method, students find out the remaining parameters of the humid air in the
following states:

1) Dry bulb temperature 45OC, relative humidity 40%

1) Wet bulb temperature 25OC, dry bulb temperature is 35Oc

1) Dew point temperature 20OC, specific heat 90 kJ/kg air

2) Specific heat 100 kJ/kg air , relative humidity 50%

1) Dew point temperature 28OC, vapor content in humid air is 30 g/kg dried air

1) Wet bulb temperature 30OC, specific heat 100 kJ/kg air

Exercises 4: finding out parameters of the humid air in the following states with
Calculated method and I-d or T-d diagram

1) Dry bulb temperature 30OC, the relative humidity 60%. Please find out all rest factors ( tdp,
tw,d, Ps, Pv,I,, v)

2)Wet bulb temperature 25OC, vapor content in air 10 g/kgkk dried air, P = 1at . Please find
out all rest factors ( tdp, tw,d, Ps, Pv, I,, v)

3) The dew point temperature is 25OC, specific heat is 80 kJ/kg air. Please find out all rest
factors ( t, tw,d, Ps, Pv, ,, v)

4) The water rate in dried air is 30 g water /kg dried air, the relative humidity 50%, P= 0,98
bar Please find out all rest factors ( t, tw,d, Ps, Pv, I,, v)

5).The wet temperature 30OC, the RH is 60%.Please find out all rest factors ( t, tdp,d, Ps, Pv,
I,, v)
Problem 5.
Humid air has a temperature t = 25 0C and d = 12 grams of water vapor/kg of dry air.
Use the T-d graph to determine:
1. Specific heat of air
2. Relative humidity
3. Dew point temperature of humid air.
4. Saturation pressure
5. Vapor pressure differential
6. Displaying on this process on I-d and T-d . graphs

Problem 6:
The ambient air has t0 = 250C, d0 = 0.017kg vapor /kg air. This air heated by the
isohumidity to the drying temperature t1= 900C.
Let's define the parameters:
1. Corresponding ps1
2. Relative humidity 1:
3. Specific heat of air I0, I1
4. Calculate the amount of heat q that the calorifer needs to provide to heat the air into a
drying agent to reach the temperature t1
5. We suppose the air flow to be heated is 5000 kg/h. Calculate the power of the calorifer
Q (kW).
6. We suppose the volume flow rate of air to be heated is 5000 m3/h. Calculate the power
of the calorifer Q, kW.
7. Displaying on this process on I-d and T-d . graphs
Problem 7.
Humid air has temperature t1 = 400C; 1 = 30%. Incase we spray water in to this to lower
the temperature,
1.What is the maximum possible lowering temperature?
2. What is the maximum temperature reduction that can be achieved by isothermal cooling
(without dehumidification)?
3.Displaying on this process on I-d and T-d . graphs

Problem 8:
The humidity air has a wet bulb temperature of 22OC and a dew point of 20OC
1.Calculate the amount of water contained in a room measuring 6m x 10 x 3m (length x
width x height)
2.Determine the vapor content and the amount of water to be sprayed into 500m3 of this air
when the maximum adiabatic humidity is increased.

Problem 9
The humid air stream with a flow rate of 3m3/s, pressure P = 0.1MPa, temperature t1 = 300C,
relative humidity 1 = 0,80 is cooled with the vapor content not change to temperature t2 =
100C for dehumidification, then it heated to t3 = 200C and then it is blowed into the drying
1.Determine the necessary parameters at state1
2.Determine the required parameters at state 2
3. Determine the necessary parameters at points 3.
4. Determination of specific volume of air before dehumidification
5. Determination of the condensate water [kg/h]
6. Determination of refrigeration capacity of the unit Q0[kW]
7.Displaying on this process on I-d and T-d . graphs
Problem 10
The ambient air has state temperature t1 = 200C, humidity relative 1 = 60%, and
pressure p1 = 0.1 MPa is blown throught a heat exchange to heat to temperature t2 =
550C, then blown in drying chamber,
1. Determination of air humidity relative coming out of the drying chamber
2. Determine the amount of air required to evaporate 1kg of water from the drying object.
3. Calculate the heat supplied to the heat exchange knowing the required amount of air
through the heat exchanger is 100 kg/s
4 . Calculate the power of the heat exchange

- Problem 11:
The outdoor air has a temperature of 32C and a dew point of 26C.
1.Calculating on the vapor content (water rate in air) of the air when it is cooled to 20C.
2.Calculating on the amount of water that condenses of 500m3 at t =20C.

-Problem 12
- A Gas stream (1) has temperature of 100C, the vapor rate d1 = 10g/kg air which mixed with
a fresh gas stream (2) at 32C and  = 80%. The temperature achieved after mixing was
-Determine the parameters of the air flows by calculation method and the humid air graph
-Knowing the gas flow rate (1) was 5kg/s, Please calculate the gas flow rate (2)
-Knowing the gas flow rate (1) is 4m3/s, Please calculate the gas flow rate (2)
-Assuming that the air mix has the vapor rate of 15g/kg dried air, The air flow rate (1) was 2
m3/s, Please determine the parameters of the air state after mixing and calculate the the
required mass of the gas flow rate (2 )
Exercise 13.
The fan of a convection dryer has its flow of 3 m3/s. The drying agent supplied to the drying
chamber is heated iso vapor content (specific humidity un change) . The drying agent temperature is
550C, the ambient temperature is t=300C, the relative humidity is = 80%. The dryer has a drying
capacity of 3 tons/batch, the material moisture content Mwb1= 34% requires the product moisture.
product Mwb2= 14%.
1. Drawing on the layout of the dryer;
2. Displaying on the drying process on the I-d and T-d graphs
3. Determining on the parameters (t,d,I, ) at 3 point of the drying process on the I-d diagram ;
4. Calculating on the amount of water contained in 1 kg of the agent which discharged the drying
5. Calculating on the mass of the finished product.
6. Calculating on the total amount of water removed from the wet material to ensure the material
reaches the required storage moisture.
7. Calculating on the heat of the drying process.
8. Calculating on the power of the heat exchanger to supply the drying agent to the drying chamber
9. Calculating on the amount of heat to be supplied to the drying chamber.
10. Assume that the heat exchanger is a air and steam exchanger in which the steam supplied to the
drying chamber is 3 bar, the dryness x = 0.9, the temperature of steam exiting the heat
exchanger is 90oC, pressure P is 1at, the efficiency of heat exchanger capacity = 70%.
Calculating on the mass of steam to be supplied to the heat exchanger.

Exercise 14
A grain dryer that heats and to increase humidification combinedly. Knowing,the temperature of out out
door is 25 OC, relative humidity is 70% while the drying technology requires the hot air is 60oC and the
vapour content is 17g/ kg dried air. The capacity of dryer is 100kg/batch, the moisture content of wet
material Mwb is 35%. The requirement of the moisture content of finished product Mwb2 is 14%.
1. Drawing on the layout of this dryer;
2. Building on the cool drying process but getting out the exhaust gas on the I-d and T-d graphs
3. Determine the parameters (t,d,I, ) at 3 points of the humid air diagram .
4. Calculating on the mass of the finished product.
5. Calculating the water should spray in to one kg of dried air.
6. Calculating on the heat of the heating for one kilogram of air from the drying process.
7. Calculating on the air should supply to evaporate for one kilogram of water from the drying process
8. Calculating on the heat of the evaporation of one kg water from the drying process
9. Calculating on the total amount of water removed from the drying process to meet moisture content
of conservation.
10. Calculating the total heat of the drying process.
11. Calculating the total air should supply to the drying process.
12. Calculating on the power of heat exchange incase the time of drying is 5 hours.
13. Calculating on the flow of dryer fan.
Exercise 15
A cool dryer which returned 100% exhaust gas. We known the temperature of the exhaust
gas was 37OC with its relative humidity of the air is 75%. The dew point temperature of the
air leaves the evaporator is 20OC. The capacity of dryer is 300kg/batch. The moisture
content of the wet material is 78% and the finished moisture content is required 12%.
1. Drawing on the layout of the dryer;
2. Displaying on the drying process in the humid air graphs of I-d and T-d;
3. Determining on the parameters (t,d,I, ) at 4 points of the cool drying process ;
4. Calculating on the mass of the finished product.
5. Calculating on the total amount of water should removed from the raw material to ensure
that the finished product has the moisture content of 12%.
6. Calculating on the heat of the humidity cooling and de humidification process for one
kilogram of exited air.
7. Calculating on the heat of the heating process for one kilogram air to supply in to the
drying air.
8. Calculating on the heat used to evaporate one kilogram of water of the drying process.
9. Calculating on the power of the evaporator and power of the condenser of the heat

Exercise 16
A grain dryer has its capacity of 2000 kg/batch. The moisture content of wet material Mdb1 (dry basis) is 28.5% while the
finished product moisture required Mwb2 (wet basis) is 13% .
The condition of drying process such as : the temperature of outdoor air is 25OC and  is 80% while the temperature of
drying agent is 70OC. To supply the drying agent has temperature of 700C into the drying chamber, the operator must
mix a flow of the hot air stream from a gas-steam exchanger and the other flow of out door air
Knowing the hot air has temperature t= 150OC, vapor content d= 30g water/kg and its flow is 4m3/s and the out door
air having flow is 6 m3/s
Students calculate:
1.Drawing on the layout of dryer
2. Building on this process on the I-d graph and determining on key parameters(d,I,t,) at 4 point of the process?(Note
:Students draw and display this process on your paper)
3. Calculating on the mass of flow which was supplies in to the drying chamber.
4.Calculating on the heat of the heating process for the ambient air to become the drying agent
5. Calculating on the power of the heater which used to heat the out door air to become the drying agent.
6 Assuming that the heat exchanger used humid saturated steam with its dryness X= 0,85, Please calculate the amount
of steam to be supplied in one hour of drying ( We know the humid saturated steam pressure was 3 bar, the heat
exchanger efficiency ex=70% and steam come out of the heat exchanger was water at 90 Oc
7.Assuming that the heater is a coal combustion, Please calculate the amount of coal to be supplied in the combustion
chamber incase of the LHV of coal is 5500kcal/kg and the efficiency of coal combustion chamber is cb=70%
8.Please calculate the power of coal combustion chamber incase time of drying is 6 hour
Exercise 17
A cool dryer which give the exhaust gas to the out side of environment. We known the
temperature of exhaust gas is 37oC, the relative humidity of the air  is 70%. The temperature
and the relative humidity of the out door air was supplied to the evaporator to be 28 OC and 85%.
The temperature of the air coming out of the evaporator is 18oC. The dryer has its drying
capacity of 200kg/batch, the moisture content of wet material Mwb is 70%, the moisture content
of the finished product Mwb2 is 12%.
1. Drawing on the layout of this dryer;
2. Building on the cool drying process but getting out the exhaust gas on the I-d and T-d graphs
3. Determining on the parameters (t,d,I, ) at 4 points of the diagram I-d.
4. Calculating on the mass of the dried product
5. Calculating on the total amount of water removed from the green onion process to meet
moisture content of conservation.
6. Calculating on the specific heat of cooling process for a kilogram of the humid air
7. Calculating on the specific heat of the cooling and dehumidification process for one
kilogram of humid air.
8. Calculating the heat which used to evaporate one kilogram of water from the drying process
9. Calculating on the power of the evaporator and the condenser of the heat pump

Exercise 18
A cool dryer used the heat-pump principle to return 100% the exhaust gas. The temperature
of exhaust gas which exit the drying chamber is 35oC, the relative humidity of the air () is
65%. The exhaust gas come in and come out the evaporator. The temperature of exhaust
gas at the rear of the evaporator is 15oC. The capacity of dryer is 300kg/batch, the moisture
content of wet material Mwb is 75%. Requirement of the finished product moisture content
Mwb2 is 14%.
1. Drawing on the layout of this dryer;
2. Building on the cool drying process but getting out the exhaust gas on the I-d and T-d
3. Determine the parameters (t,d,I, ) at 4 points of the drying process on the I-d diagram
4. Calculating on the total amount of water removed from the wet material to meet moisture
content of conservation.
5. Calculating on the mass of the finished product.
6. Calculating on the heat of the cooling for one kilogram of humid air
7. Calculating on the heat of the cooling and dehumidification process for one kilogram of
humid air from drying process
8. Calculating on the Calculating on the heat of evaporation for one kilogram of water
9. power of the evaporator and the condenser of the heat pump

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