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French refugees here after the revocation of the edict of

and over the Pennines. It has no connexionwith Alston itself.

attempt was made to plant a white colony on the lower Niger,

oven, the temperature being carefully limited. The melted

Dios, all of which are reinforced by numerous secondary but

entitled An Account of the Scottish Atlas, stating

Sary-su and Chu, the latter on the southern boundaryline.

place of Abel's burial. According to Josephus, Abilene was a

description of manure being, as a rule, applied year after

Italy. The Illyrians were also ``Pelasgian,'' but in a wider

apostle Paul; and here we can compare the statements made

government and sacred rhetoric in the Princeton Theological

were assisted by Priam, then a young man (Iliad, iii. 189),

Barbary corsairs.

affairs. He seemed at first inclined to press a quarrel with

Europe, disapproved foreign tours, and could not consistently

at first made little progress, and the Axumite kings seem

their persons were sacrosanct or inviolable, and (at least

This brief account of the conspicuous part taken by Abdur

so, the action upon the human system would be infinitely

and in 1754 he solved the problem of the precession of the

rapidly, being, we may readily conjecture, precipitated by

connexion between the gut and the yolk-sac is the very rare

river; Filabres, in the middle of the province; Cabrera and

landholders, and to distribute them in allotments to poor

great reformer. In so far as he had any decided political

salvation: (3) that he who remains in love of God can commit no

also represented in a well-known marble figure in the Villa

flora, affords, as regards the fauna also, the only possible

peninsula. It has afforded an attractive study to philologists,

marrying one of her own class until she has--as the Brazilians

them was published with the works of Gerson (by Elhes du Pin,

AEON, a term often used in Greek (aion) to denote

well in practice, and has certainly won the approval and the

seems to us to be the most satisfactory (based very largely

but much greater power, its two motors each developing 85

(5) Climate.---The climate of Abyssinia and its dependent

Kandahar and took Kabul. But he gained the goodwill of the

On his return he was treated for some time with great distinction

dynasties, who realized the strategic importance of Agra as

France, the Netherlands, Portugal and Spain already held

They brought with them iron, which they used for their long

to fix here the site of the proposed Welsh National Library.

the native tribes to assert their independence and accept him

that are frequently to be met with in old manuscripts, and

of King Theodore, and the place of imprisonment of the British

pavement, full of goldfish, and with myrtles growing along its

sur le regne d'Alexis Ier, Comnene (1900). (J. B. B.)

Ba-Mangwato Ama-Tembu

I. (d. 1124) mention is first made of Aberdeen (originally

the 7th of December 1862. He was prosecuted for his first

towns, under a modified form of freehold (melk) by the

and vegetables are produced in sufficient quantity for the

general colour is dark olive-brown, with large oval black

of which he became rector in 1829. Now began his literary

for naval cadet whenever his congressional district has no

of admiralty jurisdiction--one, for instance, that could in

was done with less care than had been bestowed upon the horse

and his gallant companions arrived on the scene. But no

the evolution of acetylene. This compound was afterwards fully

the other allows the inhabitants to avoid the excessive heat;

separators. In 1888, at Nottingham, hay and straw presses for

strip of blotting-paper and extracting the paper, together

appointed prime minister (December 1, 1882), but Ahmed Vefik

coast of Scotland he halted off Arran, where negotiations were

&c., is destitute of aisles altogether. The nave in the northern

Breche de Valsenestre (Bourg d'Oisans to Valsenestre), foot

the appropriation to the latter of a portion of the site

by electro-chemical action, they hold it very securely.

by profession, and his work, transitory as it proved, was

shows in detail, the Kharosthi alphabet is derived from

resistance was offered by the Moors of Mombasa, but the town

AMBROSE (fl. 1190), Norman poet, and chronicler of the

arrows, were freely used. The missiles of those days were,

1774, determined that there was but one real mouth, and that

almucium is mentioned, occasionally as identical with the

above. Compounds are known which may be looked upon as

Bakalai Wa-Guha Wa-Sinja

Pratt Health Cottage, whose donors also gave to the college

land, S.W. and S. of Shoa; and the central part of Somaliland.

frosts of 1709 and 1763, plants were raised from seed, and

appreciably behind the others in voltage, density or gassing.

his uncle was slain. In 1458, and with more numerous forces

(Deut. xxiii. 3 sqq.; Ezr. ix. 1 sqq.; Neh. xiii. 1 sqq.).

to three academicians, who made their report at their next

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