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Computer Science Project Report


Fashion Store Management

(Session: - 2022 – 2023)

Submitted By: - Submitted To: -

Prem Malvi Ms. Harshna Mehta
(Board Roll no.) Faculty CS
XII Science

CBSE Affiliation No.: 430151 School Code :13115

Roll No.

This is to certify that the Computer project work on the Topic

Fashion Store Management was satisfactorily carried out in

Computer Lab by Master Prem Malvi of class XII Science during

the academic year 2022 – 2023.

Signature Signature Signature

(Internal Examiner) (Head of Institute) (External Examiner)

I feel proud to present my project in Computer Science on the topic

Fashion Store Management.

This project wouldn’t have been feasible without proper guidance

of my Computer Science Teacher Ms. Harshna Mehta who guided
us throughout the project in every possible way. This Synopsis
report involves detailed study of various modules which have to be
carried out by student to obtain desirable output so as to conclude
the project and report on a meaningful note.

Rigorous hard work has been put in this project report to ensure
that is proved to be the best. I hope that this project report will
prove to be breeding found for next generation students and will
guide them in every possible way.

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