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This assessment aims to measure an individual’s work-life balance through a series of questions.
The respondent answers on a five-point Likert Scale.

S. No. Questions Strongly Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly

Agree Disagree
1. I am satisfied with my working
2. There is a balance between my
personal and professional life.
3. I worry about work even when I am
not at work.
4. My organization takes initiatives to
aid work-life balance.
5. The work life policy at my
organization promotes productivity.
6. I think I have good future prospects
at my workplace.
7. I find time for my family and
8. I never lose my cool at the
9. The location of my workplace is
easy to reach and travel-friendly.
10. I get to eat all my meals in peace.
11. My organization organizes
interactive events for the employees.
12. I uphold healthy relationships with
my colleagues.
13. I get renumerated for working
14. My organization provides ample
maternity/paternity leave to
15. My company offers in-house
doctors and therapist facilities.
16. I find it easy to make time for my
personal interests and hobbies.
17. I have to sacrifice my sleep over
18. I have to work on weekends.
19. I need extra help completing chores
at home, which I normally could do.
20. Most days I feel a sense of
accomplishment from what I do.
21. I am pretty much myself in front of
my colleagues.
22. I tend to browse my phone for work
updates, after work hours.
23. I find myself taking extra work
home with me.
24. My organization's work-life policy
helps retain employees.
25. The leave policy at my organization
is satisfactory.
26. I would prefer it if there were more
hours in a day.
27. I have a routine that helps me
balance my work-life and personal
28. I can easily ask for help from my
colleagues in a project.
29. My family is understanding of my
busy schedule.
30. I am comfortable being a leader in a
team project.

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