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Natural Environments:

Environmen Tropical Desert Tropical Polar Region

t Rainforest Grassland

Climate Hot and wet Dry and hot Rainy and dry Cold

Animals & wide variety long eyelashes to meat/grass fish / other

plants ➛ good eyesight prevent sandstorms eating animals animals

Polar Region:

Polar Bear:
- Thick fur ➛ keep warm
- Small ears ➛ reduce heat loss
- Thick layer of fat under the skin ➛ can survive without food for
few days

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Emperor Penguin:
- Short and thick feathers ➛ keep warm
- Thick layer of fat under the skin ➛ can survive without food for
few days
- Webbed feet
- Young Penguins: gray feathers

𓍊𓋼𓍊𓋼𓍊 Outer layer: withstand the wind

𓍊𓋼𓍊𓋼𓍊 Inner layer: waterproof


- Lose less water than other animals
- Has fat stored in its humps
- Dry environment: stays inactive in its shell and seals shell mouth
with mucus (can survive without food)

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African Tortoise: reduces water loss
- Fats, minerals and water stored in hard shell
- Thick scales to prevent the loss of body moisture

Characteristics related the environment:

Arctic Hare Desert Cottontail

Thin and short ears Long and thick ears
White fur Gray fur

Hibernating: saves energy and lowers metabolism

Fish ✗
Squirrel ✓
Bear: no food needed ✓
Snake: can’t control their body heat ✓

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Ways to scare predators away or defend themselves ‧͙⁺˚*・༓☾
Protective Coloration: blends into environment so predators can’t spot
- Young Harp Seal (white): snow
- Lion (yellow & brown): wheat and grass
- Grasshopper (green): plants

Mimicry: pretends to be a plant or a part of the environment

- Leafy Sea Dragon: seaweed
- Stick Insect: tree branch
- Flatfish: changes color (sand/corals)

Warning: scares predators (with bright colors/ special patterns)

- Porcupine: has spikes
- Common Five-ring: scares predators
- Poison Dart Frog: blue skin releases a poison

Living in Groups: looks like a big creature to confuse / distract predators

- Sardines
- Spotted Deer

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Features of animals which helps them to get food:
- Has a long and narrow beak
- Flaps wings quickly to stay in front of the flower

- Long tongue and flexible lips
- Obtains sap from trees

- sharp teeth and claws (eats meat)
- Good eyesight, hearing and sense of smell

- Long and powerful forelegs (spikes)
- Good eyesight

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- Strong feet
- Sharp beaks and claws
- Good eyesight

- Long and large beak
- Throat pouch ➛ drain water
- Good at swimming and flying
- Spots fish underwater

- saw-like structure & sharp teeth to hunt prey

Animals’ survival depends on climate, water and food supply to adapt to
the environment

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Food Chain: feeding relationships among living things

Sunlight ➛ Plant ➛ Zebra ➛ Lion

Plant ➛ Caterpillar ➛ Bird ➛ Hawk

ੈ✩‧₊:˚ Fewer hawks ➛ more birds ➛ fewer caterpillars ➛ more


✿ Negative impacts on biodiversity:

Increase of kangaroos causes less grass in grasslands and affects the
other animals living in that area

Nutrients for plants:

- Dead animals
- Animal waste

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Carbon Dioxide

Breathe out Taken in

Animals (Respiration) Plants (Photosynthesis)

Breathe in Give off


Through the respiration of animals and photosynthesis of plants, the
levels of oxygen and carbon dioxide are kept in balance

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Urban Development:

1. How has this place changed?

It was a forest and has become a city with many factories and buildings.

2. How do the changes affect the society, economy and environment?

Society: improves living standards
Economy: increases industrial and business activities along with income
Environment: causes air & water pollution

3. How do the changes affect animals and plants?

- Loss of habitats
- The decrease of food
- Pollution
ੈ✩‧₊:˚ Water pollution: sewage system (dirty water from the
residential area)

ੈ✩‧₊:˚ Air pollution: burning of fossil fuel (affects greenhouse gasses

and traps heat)

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Reasons of animal extinction:
Loss of habitat: economic & agriculture development

Black-faced spoonbill, Chinese Dolphins and Sharks:

- Cannot adapt to polluted water (chemicals affecting breathing and
food source)
- Overfishing
- Injured by ships

Green Sea Turtle:

- Damaged nestling grounds
- Edible meat
- Body fat: high-grade soap and cosmetics
- Shell: chinese medicine

Rhinoceros: illegal hunting for chinese medicine

Panda: deforestation (unable to move to other bamboo forests)

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Illegal Trades of wild animals and plants:
Ivory sculpture (large, hard and rare): the tusk of an elephant to carve
into art

Rosewood Furniture (hard with fine grains and doesn’t break easily): to
make luxury furniture and handicrafts

The overuse of animal and plant resources causes species to become
endangered and upsets the balance of nature.

Ways to protect the ecosystems:

- Keep the environment clean
- Not eating endangered species
- Not damaging wild animals/ plants
- Reduce waste
- Government: preserve places with high ecological value (building a
wildlife crossing)

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Housing to protect the environment:
- Skyrise greening
- Roof window: natural light
- Ventilation system: more wind (not needed to turn on AC)
- Renewable energy: solar and wind power
- Eco-friendly walls: reduce using raw materials

Measures should be taken to balance social development, economic
development and environmental protection.
To maintain the balance of nature, we should treasure animal and
plant resources and protect the ecosystem.

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