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YDS Phrasal verbs

1. Keep on- davam etmək

Syn. Carry on, go on, continue, move on

He kept on moving.

2. Account for- təşkil etmək/ açıqlamaq

Students account for the vast majority of our customers.

Rural Americans are often older than those in other parts of America and that may account for the
slower adoption rates for internet access.

3. Get rid of - qurtulmaq

Syn. Abandon, give up, leave, quit

I can’t wait to get rid of that ugly old couch.

4. Cut down on- azaltmaq

Syn. Cut back on

I’m trying to cut down on the amount of sugar I eat.

5. Keep up with- ayaq uydurmaq, sürətinə yetişmək

Syn. Catch up with, keep abreast of, keep pace with

She walks so fast I can never keep up with her.

Technology changes so fast, it's hard to keep up with it.

6. Look up to- heyran olmaq, hörmət etmək

He always looks up to his uncle.

7. Look down on- xor görmək, yuxarıdan aşağı baxmaq

Homeowners often look down on plumbers.

She looks down on anyone who hasn’t had a university education.

8. Set up- qurmaq, düzənləmək

Syn. Establish, found

I’ll set up a meeting for Thursday.

The programme will set up a regional library system.

9. Make up- təşkil etmək / uydurmaq

Syn. Composed of, comprise, consist, constitute

Women make up 56 per cent of the student body.

10. Make up for- əvəzini ödəmək

Syn. Balance, compansate, counter

No amount of money can make up for the death of a child.

11. Take up- vaxt aparmaq/ yer tutmaq// hobbiyə başlamaq

I don't want to take up any more of your time.

She took up tennis at the age of 11.

12. Hold up- gecikdirmək

Sorry I'm late, but my train was held up.

13. Bring up- böyütmək/ bəhs etmək/ qaytarmaq, qusmaq

She brought up three sons on her own.

I hate to bring up business at lunch.

She was crying so much I thought she'd bring up her breakfast.

14. Turn into- çevirmək, çevrilmək

Syn. Convert, transform

Rain in the morning will turn into snow during the afternoon.
15. Break off- ayrılmaq, ayırmaq, sonlandırmaq

He broke off a piece of chocolate.

They've broken off their engagement.

16. Put off - təxirə salmaq/ fikrini yayındırmaq

Syn. Delay, postpone

You can’t put the decision off any longer.

put off doing something: He was glad to have an excuse to put off telling her the news.

Stop laughing – you’ll put her off.

17. Call off - imtina etmək, durdurmaq

Syn. Cancel

She’s called off the wedding.

If we have much more rain, the game might be called off.

18. Give up- imtina etmək, buraxmaq, vaz geçmək

Syn. Abondon, desert, leave, quit

His wife finally persuaded him to give up smoking.

19. Look into- araşdırmaq

Syn. Investigate

I wrote a letter of complaint, and the airline have promised to look into the matter.

20. Settle down- yerləşmək, məskunlaşmaq

She quickly settled down in her new house/job/school.

21. Get through- telefonla əlaqə saxlamaq /müvəffəqiyyət qazanmaq, uğur qazanmaq/bitirmək/

Syn. Pull through

I tried to call her but couldn't get through.

I got through to the wrong department.

She got through her exams without too much trouble.

I've got a stack of paperwork to get through before I can go out.

We're getting through a lot of coffee/toilet paper.

She gets through ten bars of chocolate each week.

22. Take after- xasiyyətcə oxşamaq

He takes after his mother/his mother's side of the family.

23. Call for- istəmək, gərəkdirmek/ istəmək, çağrı etmək

The present crisis calls for mature judgement on the part of our leaders.

Several of the newspapers were calling for his resignation.

Protesters were calling for a ban on the production of GM foods.

24. Back up- dəstəkələmək

Syn. Assist, back, help, support

If I ask for more money will you back me up?

25. Run up- to increase a debt by spending more (artirmaq, çoxaltmaq)

He ran up huge bills on clothes.

26. Cope with - to deal successfully with a difficult situation ( öhdəsindən gəlmək)

İt must be really hard to cope with three young children and a job.

Synonyms: deal with, handle, overcome, tackle

27. Deal with- to take an action in order to solve the problem ( öhdəsindən gəlmək)

How do you intend to deal with this problem?

28. Take off

1. Qalxmaq (təyyarənin göyə qalxması)

The plane took off at 07.30 a.m.

2. Uğurlu olmaq, uğur qazanmaq

Her singing carrier had just begun to take off.

3. Ayrılmaq, çıxıb getmək

When he saw me, he took off in the other direction.

4. Soyunmaq, çıxartmaq

He took off his shoes and came in.

29. Put on

1. Geyinmək

He put on his pyjamas and went to sleep.

2. Çəki almaq, kökəlmək

He put on weight and was upset.

30. Come into- miras elde etmek/ təsir etmək

She came into a lot of money when her grandfather died.

She married for money - love didn't come into it.

31. Clear out- boşaltmaq

My boss has given me a week to clear out of my flat.

32. Step down- istefa etmək. (Syn. Step aside)

She stepped down as the captain of the team.

33. Break out- baş vermək/ xilas olmaq, qaçmaq

War broke out in 1914.

He broke out of the prison.

34. Fall off- düşmək, azalmaq

Sales have been falling off recently.

35. Come along- gəlib çatmaq, meydana çıxmaq/ inkişaf etmək, yaxşılaşmaq/birlikdə getmək (go with

Go now and I'll come along later.

Jane's English is really coming along. (Improving)

We're going to the cinema. Do you want to come along?

36. Turn on- yandırmaq, açmaq/kimisə gözlənilməz tənqid etmək,

Turn on the light, please.

Turn on the music, please.

Suddenly she turned on me and accused of me undermining (zərər vermək) her.

37. Set off- yola düşmək

What time do we set off tomorrow?

38. Take on- işə götürmək

He took me on as an assistant.

39. Come across- təəssürat oyatmaq/rastlaşmaq, rast gəlmək

Syn: encounter, run across, bump into

What comes across in his later poetry is a great sense of sadness.

I came across a word I'd never seen before.

Have you ever come across such a horrible person in your life?

40. Rule out- gözardı etmək, yox saymaq

Syn.: Exclude

Rule out each and every word from the application which you don’t want the principal to read.
I won’t rule out a winter fashion show.

41. Wipe out- yox etmək, silmək

Whole villages were wiped out by the floods.

Nothing could wipe out his bitter memories of the past.

42. Take over- idarəçiliyini elə almaq

The firm was badly in need of reconstructing when she took over.

43. Keep out - daxil olmamaq, çöldə qalmaq

The sign on the door said "Keep out!"

44. Put up with- dayanmaq, dözmək

Syn.: Bear, endure, tolerate

We'd been unhappy for years, but I put up with it for the sake of the kids.

45. Give rise to- səbəb olmaq

Syn.: Bring about, cause, contribute to, induce, lead to

International support has given rise to a new optimism in the company.

46. Figure out- anlamaq, tapmaq, həll etmək

Syn.: Find out, make it, work out

If they know the cause of the problem, they might be able to figure out how to prevent it happening

47. Find out- tapmaq, aşkara çıxarmaq, öyrənmək, həll etmək

Syn.: Discover, learn

I'll just go and find out what's going on outside.

48. Take place- baş vermək

Syn.: Happen, occur

People laid flowers at the spot where the crash took place.

49. Make over- devretmek

If he dies childless he is to make over his share of the estate to his brother.

50. Put out- söndürmək

Fire crews from Grangetown put out the blaze.

51. Bring into- gətirmək, cəlb etmək

The government is trying to bring teachers into the debate on education.

52. Give in- teslim olmaq

The government cannot be seen as giving in to terrorists' demands.

53. Keep up- yüksəkdə tutmaq/ davam etmək/ yetişmək

We sang as we marched, to keep our spirits up.

How long can the economic boom keep up?

I had to walk fast to keep up with him

54. Build up- inkişaf etdirmek/artırmaq

He’s built up the family firm into a multinational company.

These exercises are good for building up leg strength. 55. Keep off- uzaq tutmaq

Syn. Keep away

Please keep the dog off the sofa.

56. Make out- çözmək, anlamaq

Syn. Figure out, find out, work out

How do you make that out?

57. Set out- yola düşmək/ başlamaq

Syn. Set off, commence, start, embark on

We set out from New York on Friday for Egypt.

They set out to discover a cure for cancer.

58. Look up- axtarmaq

I didn’t know what ‘brave’ meant and had to look it up in a dictionary.

59. Run over- əzmək/ həddi keçmək

Keeley was run over by a car outside her house.

We've run over our time.

60. Turn out- ortaya çıxmaq

The truth turned out to be stranger than we had expected.

61. Get up- yataqdan qalxmaq, oyanmaq

Every day I get up early in the morning.

62. Turn up- çatmaq, artırmaq (səsi, istiliyi və s.)

This is similar to waiting for a bus that never turns up.

I turned the volume up.

Turn the heat up high.

63. Break through- çətinliyi keçmək, yarıb keçmək, aşmaq

The crowd tried to break through the gates.

Protesters broke through the barriers.

64. Get along with- biri ilə yaxşı yola getmək

Syn. Keep in with

Some brothers and sisters get along well, while others fight like cats and dogs.

I don't really get along with my sister's husband.

65. End up- nəticələnmək , nəticədə olmaq, son qoymaq

Every time they went dancing they ended up in a bad mood.

66. Get over- sağalmaq, öhdəsindən gəlmək

Syn. Heal, recover

She was only just getting over the flu when she got a stomach bug.

It took him years to get over the shock of his wife dying.

67. Use up- istifadə edib bitirmək, sona kimi istifadə etmək

Syn. Consume, deplete, exhaust, expend, run out of

Don't use up all the milk - we need some for breakfast.

68. Give off- yaymaq, buraxmaq, göndərmək

Syn. Emit, release, send off

When they die, plants give off gases such as carbon dioxide and methane.

The forest fire gave off thick black smoke.

69. Try on- yoxlamaq, geyinib soyunmaq

"I tried on a couple of dresses but they were too expensive

70. Count on- etibar etmək, güvənmək

Syn. Rely on

Whatever you're doing, you can count on me.

71. Fall through- uğursuzluğa düçar olmaq

Our vacation plans have fallen through.

72. Look after- qayğısına qalmaq

Syn.: Care for, take care of

He looks after his son during the day.

73. Go through- yaşamaq, məruz qalmaq/ incələmək, nəzərdən keçirmək

Syn.:. Experience, undergo

She's gone through a lot in order to achieve what she has

Remember to go through the pockets before you put those trousers in the washing machine.

74. Turn down- rədd etmək

Syn.: Decline, deny, refuse , reject

75. Abolish- ləğv etmək, qanuni qüvvədən salmaq

I think bullfighting should be abolished.

76. Get away with-. Cəza almamaq, cəza almadan yayınmaq

Everyone thinks he's guilty of the robbery, but it looks like he's going to get away with it.

By jumping over the barriers, he got away without paying for a ticket.

77. Come up with- həll yolu tapmaq, icad etmək

Syn.: Devise, think up

She's come up with some amazing scheme to double her income.

They came up with a plan to make us more efficient.

78. Rely on- güvənmək, etibar etmək

Syn.: Count on, depend on, depend upon

79. Run out- bitirmək, istifadə edib qurtarmaq

Syn.: Run out of, use up

The milk has run out.

My patience is beginning to run out.

80. Put down- yere qoymaq, yatırtmaq

He put down his cup.

He helped put down the rebellion.

81. Put forward- irəli sürmək

Syn.: Put forth, set forth, set forward

The proposals that you have put forward deserve serious consideration.

82. Look through- nəzərdən keçirtmək, incələmək

I've looked through some catalogues.

83. Make for- səbəb olmaq, nəticələnmək

Syn.: Bring about, cause, give rise to, induce, lead to, result in

A happy parent makes for a happy child.

84. Care for- qayğısına qalmaq/ xoslamaq, sevmək

Syn.: Attend to, take care of, look after

She cares for elderly patients.

I don't care for your tone of voice.

85. Bring about- səbəb olmaq

Syn.: Cause, contribute, give rise to, induce, lead to

One way they can bring about political change is by putting pressure on the country.
86. Cut out- kəsib çıxartmaq

She cut his photograph out of the paper.

87. Turn off- söndürmək

Will you turn the television off, please?

It is now safe to turn off your computer.

88. Run through- nəzərdən keçirtmək/ mövcud olmaq/ tüketmek

We ran through the list, but none of the machines seemed any good.

Melancholy runs through all her stories.

It took him just a few months to run through all the money his father left him.

89. Send for- çağırmaq, gətirtmək

Do you think we should send for the doctor?

90. Do without- olmadan etmək

There's no mayonnaise left, so you'll just have to do without.

91. Show off- özünü göstərmək

She only bought that sports car to show off and prove she could afford one.

92. Think over- götür-qoy etmək

I'll give you time to think my offer over.

93. Change over- bir üsuldan digərinə keçmək

We've just changed over from gas heating to electric.

94. Take care of- qayğısına qalmaq

Syn.: Look after, care for

We must take care of the old.

95. Run out of- bitirmək, qurtarmaq

They returned home from South Africa when their money ran out.

96. Close down- bağlamaq

All the mines in this area were closed down in the 1980s.

Our local butcher is closing down.

97. Sort out- həll etmək

The teacher helps the children to sort out their problems.

98. Force out- məcbur etmək

Police officers forced out the onlookers from the room where the crime had been committed.

99. Do with- əlaqəli olmaq

My question has to do with yesterday's homework.

100. Turn over- təhvil vermək

Eventually he turned over control of the company to his son.

101. Leave out- daxil etməmək

They always leave her out of the conversation.

102. Cut off- kəsmək/ dayandırmaq

Why did you cut off all your hair?

The gas had been cut off.

103. Point out- açıqlamaq

I feel I should point out how dangerous it is.

104. Get in- minmək/ gəlmək, gəlib çatmaq

Syn. Get on- minmək

He banged his head on the car as he was getting in.

What time did you get in last night?

105. Put over- aldatmaq/ təxirə salmaq

My dad’s really smart – you can never put anything over on him.

The match was put over a week.

106. Work out- anlamaq/ hesablamaq/ məşq etmək

I can’t work him out.

These figures work out differently each time I add them.

Mark works out in the gym two or three times a week.

Syn. Figure out -anlamaq

107. Try out- yoxlamaq, geyinib soyunmaq

John hopes to try out his new running shoes this weekend.

Lanny is trying out her new bicycle.

108. Get on- minmək/ yola getmək/davam etmək

Syn. Get in- minmək

It's time to get on a train.

He doesn't get on with his wife.

Jane got on with her work.

109. Take back - sözünü geri almaq/ geri vermek.

I said she was lying, but I take it back.

If you’re not satisfied with your purchase, we’ll take it back and refund your money.

110. Pull through- sağalmaq, öhdəsindən gəlmək/kömək etmək

The illness is difficult to overcome, but we hope she'll pull through.

He said the support of his fans had pulled him through.

111. Wait for- gözləmək

When the thieves left the building, the police were waiting for them

112. Put through- telefon ilə bağlanmaq

The switchboard operator refused to put the call through.

113. Take to- xoşu gəlmək/ başlamaq

İ took to John immediately.

She’s taken to walking along the beach after work.

114. Bring down- devirmək, azaltmaq

Military historians may never know what brought down the jet.

Our principal responsibility is to bring down the level of unemployment.

115. Look over- göz gəzdirmək, incələmək

I had a few minutes before the meeting to look over what he'd written.

Would you quickly look over these figures for me and see if there are any obvious mistakes?

116. Look out for- diqqət yetirmək, nəzər yetirmək

We were told to look out for a blue van.

117. Make do with- kifayətlənmək, yetinmək, idare etmək

Can you make do with $5 for now and I’ll give you the rest tomorrow?
118. Get off- düşmək, enmək/ işdən ayrılmaq

Syn. Get out

She got off the bus and went to the shop.

We get off early on Fridays.

What time do you get off work?

119. Take down- qeyd etmək/ yox etmek, sökmək

I can take down the messages that come in.

The army took down the barricades erected by the rebels.

120. Give back- geri vermək

Make sure you give me the keys back when you've finished.

121. Play down- önəm verməmək

The doctor tried to play down the seriousness of my father’s illness, but we weren’t fooled.

122. Pull up- azarlamak, tənqid etmək/ dayanmaq (maşını dayandırmaq)

Last week my five-year-old pulled me up on my spelling!

I was at the gas station, and he pulled up next to me.

123. Depend on- güvənmək, etibar etmək

Syn. Depend upon, count on, rely on

You can always depend on her in a crisis.

124. Follow up- izləmək

Follow up the phone call with a written confirmation.

125. Put up- inşa etdirmək/ artırmaq

They’re planning to put a hotel up where the museum used to be.

Several of the banks have decided to put up their interest rates.

126. Hold out- irəli sürmək, israr etmək

She held out the possibility of prisoners being released.

I should have held out for a better deal.

127. Show up- ortaya çıxmaq, gəlib çıxmaq

I invited him for eight o'clock, but he didn't show up until 9.30.

128. Come up- yaxınlaşmaq/meydana çıxmaq

A young girl came up to me and asked for money.

When the sun or moon comes up, it rises.

129. Fight off- mübarizə aparmaq

Her body couldn’t fight the infection off.

130. Keep away- uzaq durmaq, yaxınlaşmamaq

Keep away from the edge of the cliff.

131. Get out- düşmək/ çıxmaq/yayilmaq

The driver stopped the car at the side of the road and got out.

The teacher screamed at him to get out.

There was a huge public outcry when the news got out.

132. Hold on- gözlemek/ tutmaq

Hold on, I'll check in my diary.

He took my hand and held on very tightly.

133. Bring in- təqdim etmək/qazandırmaq/işə almaq

She said the government would bring in the necessary legislation to deal with the problem.

Their chain of restaurants brings in millions of dollars a year.

The firm decided to bring in a new management team.

134. Get away- qaçmaq, qurtulmaq

Syn. Escape, Evade

We walked to the next beach to get away from the crowds.

135. Put away- yerine qoymaq, toplamaq

You never put away your toys.

136. Draw up- hazırlamaq

The lawyers drew up a contract over the weekend.

137. Come back- geri gəlmək/ ağlına gəlmək

Syn. Get back, return, turn back

When is Tom coming back from Ireland?

As soon as she entered the school, childhood memories came rushing back.

138. Run down- çarpmaq( maşın)/ tənqid etmək/azaltmaq

She got run down outside school.

You’re always running me down!

But the survey also revealed firms were running down stocks instead of making new products.

139. Open up- açmaq, başlatmaq

"Open up!" Sam shouted, banging on the door.

Many people have opened up shops on the online auction site to sell their things.

140. Catch up- çatmaq, yetişmək/tamamlamaq/ söhbət etmək

We left before them, but they soon caught us up again.

The deadline’s tomorrow. How are we ever going to catch up in time?

Come over tomorrow and we can catch up.

catch up with: I’ll catch up with you another time, Kevin.

141. Slow down- sakitləşmək/ yavaşımaq

The doctor has told him to slow down or he'll have a heart attack.

The car slowed down as they passed Customs.

142. Die out- nəsli tükənmək, yox olmaq

Syn. Disappear, vanish

Dinosaurs died out millions of years ago.

143. Fill out- forma( anket) doldurmaq

Syn. Fill in

Fill out the application carefully, and keep copies of it.

144. Turn back- geri dönmək

Syn. Come back, get back, return

Bad weather forced them to turn back.

Refugees who reach the border may be turned back.

145. Get around- yayılmaq

It didn’t take long for news of his resignation to get around.

146. Look for- axtarmaq

Syn. Search, search for, seek

He was looking for work as a builder.

We are looking for a partner in a new business venture.

147. Carry out- yerine yetmək, gerçəkləşdirmək

I was elected to carry out a program, the governor said, and I have every intention of carrying it out.

148. Be fed up with- bezmək

I'm fed up with all these delays.

Consumers are fed up with rising gas prices.

149. Carry on- davam etmək

Syn. Continue, keep on, go on

She carried on watching the TV.

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