Electricity Is Transmitted To The Consumer in Three Phases

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Electricity is transmitted to the consumer in three phases:

1) Generation
2) Transmission
3) Distribution
Electricity is generated in power plants from electromagnetic generators with the help of water,
steam or air. It is transmitted from the power plants to the consumers by the help of chain of
transmission and distribution lines. This supply of electricity to the consumer must fulfill the
loads of the consumer, this load on the distribution end effect the overall power factor which is
the angle between the voltage and current, that is the power factor decreases and hence the
quality of the electricity supplied to the consumer is effected. By the increase of load the power
factor decreases which is not efficient and cause increase in the supply of current. It is the duty
of the electrical supply company to maintain the quality and the reliability of the electrical
supply to the consumer.
This low power is due to the presence of inductive load, as in the inductance current lags 90
degrees from voltage, which is the cause of the bringing the power factor down, other causes
are presence of induction motors, varying loads in the power system, electric heat furnaces in
industries, arc lamps and harmonic current.

Effects of low power factor:

kVA rating of the equipment:
Low power factor cause an increase in the kVA rating of the equipment as power factor is
inversely proportional to the kVA rating, making them expensive.

Conductor Size:
Conductor size depend upon the amount of current flowing in the line, low power factor
cause an increase in the supply of current, hence the conductor size increases and make it too

Voltage regulation:
Low power factor causes the voltage regulation poor.

Voltage regulation:
Voltage regulation is the difference between the sending and receiving end voltages.

Voltage regulation can be given as:
Voltage regulation=(Vn-Vf)/Vn
Vn=voltage at no load and Vf=voltage at full load.
To maintain the quality of the supply of electricity to the consumer the voltage regulation
should be improved.

Processes of resolving the issue of power factor:

1) Installments of synchronous condenser.
2) Installments of phase advancers.
3) Installments of capacitor banks.
The most common used processes are the installment of capacitor banks and synchronous
condensers. Also synchronous condensers are neglected because they are itself a load and are
expensive in maintenance point of view. On the other hand capacitor bank are light and are
very cheap and can be used at any circumstances that is why capacitor banks are preferred over
the other 2.

Installments of capacitor banks.

It is known that inductive load have lagging power factor and capacitive load has lagging
power factor, that is capacitive power factor ranges from -1 to 0 and inductive power factor
ranges from 0 to 1. So, to bring the power factor to unity a capacitive load is attached to the
transmission line and hence, the losses are removed and the quality and the voltage regulation
is maintained.

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