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Heat Transfer Question Bank by Devendra Poonia

Q.1 A plane wall has a thermal conductivity of 1.15 W/mK. If the inner surface is at 1100°C and
the outer surface is at 350 °C, then the design thickness (in meter) of the wall to maintain a
steady heat flux of 2500 W/m2 should be

(A) 0.345 m (B) 0.245 m

(C) 1.145 m (D) 1.345 m

Q.2 Under steady state, the temperature of a body

(A) Increases with time

(B) Decreases with time

(C) Does not change with time and is same at all the points of the body

(D) Does not change with time but is different at different points of the body

Q.3 Determine the steady state rate of heat transfer per unit area through a 4.0 cm thick
homogeneous slab with its two faces maintained at uniform temperatures of 38 oC and 21
C. The thermal conductivity of the material is 0.19 W/m K.

(A) 80.75 W/m2 (B) 70.65 W/m2

(C) 60.55 W/m2 (D) 50.67 W/m2

Q.4 The forced convective heat transfer coefficient for a hot fluid flowing over a cool surface is
225 W/m2 oC for a particular problem. The fluid temperature upstream of the cool surface is
120 0C, and the surface is held at 10 0C. Determine the heat transfer rate per unit surface
area from the fluid to the surface.

(A) 21500 W/m2 (B) 24750 W/m2

(C) 75640 W/m2 (D) 76500 W/m2

Heat Transfer Question Bank by Devendra Poonia

Q.5 Calculate the thermal resistance and the rate of heat transfer through a pane of window
glass (k = 0.78 W/m K) 1 m high, 0.5 m wide, and 0.5 cm thick, if the outer-surface
temperature is 24°C and the inner-surface temperature is 24.5°C.

(A) 0.0128 K/W, 39.1 W (B) 0.128 K/W, 399.1 W

(C) 0.0018 K/W, 9.1 W (D) 0.128 K/W, 19.1 W

Q.6 Which of the following statements are true

(A) Heat transfer is possible only between two objects at same temperature

(B) Heat transfer is possible only between two objects kept at a distance

(C) Heat transfer is concerned with assessing the amount of energy transferred due to
temperature difference alone

(D) Heat transfer is concerned with assessing the amount of energy transferred by any
Heat Transfer Question Bank by Devendra Poonia

Q.7 The conduction mode of heat transfer takes place due to a temperature gradient

(A) in a medium which is not (B) in solids


(C) in gases (D) all of the above are correct

Q.8 For a given amount of heat transfer during steady state one-dimensional heat conduction
through a plane wall with constant thermal conductivity and no internal heat generation, a
decrease in the thermal conductivity of the wall will lead to

(A) an increase in the temperature gradient within the wall

(B) no change in the temperature gradient within the wall

(C) a decrease in the temperature gradient within the wall

(D) cannot be inferred with the given information

Q.9 For steady state one-dimensional heat conduction through a plane wall with constant
thermal conductivity and no internal heat generation, temperature distribution within the
wall will be proportional to

(A) x

(B) x2

(C) independent of x

(D) both (A) and (C) are possible

Heat Transfer Question Bank by Devendra Poonia

Q.10 A wall of thickness 0.3 m and of thermal conductivity 0.6 W / (m K) is having surface area
of 1 m2. If the inner and outer temperatures of the wall are 1840°C and 340°C, respectively,
the rate of heat transfer will be

(A) 150 W (B) 300 W

(C) 3000 W (D) 1500 W

Q.11 A plane wall has a thermal conductivity of 2 W/m-K. If the inner surface is at 1100 0C and
the outer surface is at 350 0C, then the design thickness (in meter) of the wall to maintain a
steady heat flux of 2500 W/m2 should be

(A) 0.13 to 0.35 (B) 0.45 to 0.75

(C) 0.33 to 0.35 (D) 0.13 to 0.25

Q.12 According to Fourier's law of heat conduction, the heat flux through a body of a constant
cross-sectional area is

(A) proportional only to the area normal to the direction of heat flow

(B) proportional only to the volume of the body

(C) only dependent upon the material of the body and the temperature gradient along heat

(D) cannot be inferred with the given information

Heat Transfer Question Bank by Devendra Poonia

Q.13 For steady state one-dimensional heat conduction through a plane wall with constant
thermal conductivity and no internal heat generation, temperature distribution within the
wall will be

(A) parabolic (B) hyperbolic

(C) linear (D) logarithmic

Q.14 Heat conduction in solids is due to

(A) flow of free electrons

(B) propagation of lattice vibrational waves

(C) both flow of free electrons and propagation of lattice vibrational waves

(D) transfer of kinetic energy between the randomly moving molecules due to their

Q.15 Consider steady-state heat conduction across the thickness in a plane wall of thickness 0.6
m. The wall has a normal area 5 m2 and is made up of material of thermal conductivity 0.4
W/m°C. There is no generation of thermal energy within the wall. The temperatures on the
two sides are 800°C and 300°C. What is the thermal resistance of the wall?

(A) 0.5 W/°C (B) 0.5 °C/W

(C) 0.3 W/°C (D) 0.3 °C/W

Heat Transfer Question Bank by Devendra Poonia

Q.16 Thermal diffusivity of a substance depends on

(A) the amount of the substance

(B) the temperature of the substance

(C) the thermal conductivity of the substance

(D) both (B) and (C) are correct

Q.17 Thermal diffusivity of a substance is

(A) proportional to mass of the substance

(B) inversely proportional to mass of the substance

(C) directly proportional to density of the substance

(D) does not depend on the mass of the substance

Q.18 The back surface of a plate is heated at the rate of 100 W/m2 and the front surface is cooled
by air flow at 30 °C. It is given that the heat transfer coefficient between the air and the
plate surface is 50 W/(m2°C). Considering steady state heat transfer, what is the temperature
(in °C) of the front surface of the plate?

(A) 30 (B) 31

(C) 32 (D) 33
Heat Transfer Question Bank by Devendra Poonia

Q.19 Heat is transferred from an electric bulb by

(A) radiation (B) convection

(C) both (A) and (B) (D) none of the above

Q.20 A composite wall having three layers of thickness 0.3 m, 0.2 m and 0.1 m and of thermal
conductivities 0.6, 0.4 and 0.1 W/m°C, respectively, is having surface area 2 m2. There is
no generation of thermal energy within the wall. If the inner and outer temperatures of the
composite wall are 1840°C and 340°C, respectively, what is the rate of heat transfer?

(A) 150 W (B) 75 W

(C) 750 W (D) 1500 W

Q.21 Consider steady-state heat conduction across the thickness in a plane composite wall having
two sections as shown in the figure. There is no generation of thermal energy within the
wall. Both the sections of the wall have equal thickness (L). The conductivity of the left
section is k and that of the right section is 2k. The left face of the wall is at 400 K and the
right face is at 300 K. Assuming negligible contact resistance between the two sections, the
interface temperature (in K) of the two sections is

(A) 333.33 K (B) 200 K

(C) 400 K (D) 235.64 K

Heat Transfer Question Bank by Devendra Poonia

Q.22 Heat conduction does not occur if

(A) The body is impermeable to electromagnetic radiation

(B) The body is kept in a vacuum

(C) There is no relative motion of the fluid and the solid

(D) The temperature does not change with time

Q.23 Thermal diffusivity of a substance physically signifies

(A) the ability of a substance to conduct heat

(B) the ability of a substance to store thermal energy

(C) the ability of a substance to conduct heat relative to its ability to store thermal energy

(D) the ratio of rate of diffusion of momentum through a substance to the diffusion of heat in
that substance

Q.24 Thermal diffusivity of a substance is

(A) directly proportional to thermal conductivity

(B) inversely proportional to thermal conductivity

(C) directly proportional to (thermal conductivity)2

(D) inversely proportional to (thermal conductivity)2

Heat Transfer Question Bank by Devendra Poonia

Q.25 The roof of an electrically heated home is 6 m long, 8 m wide and 0.25 m thick. It is
made of flat layer of concrete having thermal conductivity 0.8 W/m-K. The
temperatures of inner and outer surfaces of the roof are measured to be 15 °C and 4 °C,
respectively, for a period of 10 hrs. Determine total amount of heat loss to the home
during the specified period.

(A) 1690 J (B) 60.84 × 106 J

(C) 16900 J (D) 60.84 × 103 J

Q.26 A thermocouple having emissivity 0.4 measures the temperature in a chamber with
black walls. If the air around the thermocouple is at 20 °C, the walls are at 100 °C and
heat transfer coefficient between the thermocouple and air is 75 W/m2-K. What temperature
will the thermocouple read if the system is in steady state?

(A) 23.5 °C (B) 28.4 °C

(C) 25.9 °C (D) 31.3 °C

Q.27 Air at 20 °C blows over a hot plate of 50 cm X 75 cm maintained at 300 °C. The
convection heat transfer coefficient is 20 W/m2-K. Calculate the heat transfer rate.

(A) 5600 W (B) 2250 W

(C) 1960 W (D) 2100 W

Q.28 Consider the plate in Q. 27 is made of carbon steel (k = 43 W/m-K) and having 2 cm
thickness. Calculate the inside surface temperature of the plate, if 200 W heat is lost
from plate surface by radiation.

(A) 307.19 °C (B) 302.85 °C

(C) 297.15 °C (D) 292.81 °C

Heat Transfer Question Bank by Devendra Poonia

Q.29 Fourier's law of heat conduction gives the rate of heat flow for which of the following

(A) One dimensional steady-state heat transfer

(B) Two-dimensional non-equilibrium. unsteady-state heat transfer

(C) Heat transfer due to external convection

(D) All of these

Q.30 If the thickness of the material through which heat is transferred is increased by a factor of
two. then the rates of heat transfer:

(A) Increases by a factor of 4

(B) Decreases by a factor of 4

(C) Increases by a factor of 2

(D) Decreases by a factor of 2

Q.31 Heat transfer by radiation mainly depends upon

(A) Its temperature

(B) Nature of the body

(C) Kind and extent of its surface

(D) All of the above

Heat Transfer Question Bank by Devendra Poonia

Q.32 A furnace wall is made up of steel plate 10 mm thick (k=15 W/mK) lined on inside with
silica bricks 150 mm thick (k=1.75 W/mK) and on the outside with magnesia bricks 200
mm thick (k=4.5 W/mK). The inside and outside walls are at 650 °C and 125 °C
respectively. (The area, A, can be considered to be 1 m2 for all the cases)

Total resistance of the composite wall will be

(A) 0.01308 K/W (B) 0.1308 K/W

(C) 1.308 K/W (D) None of these

Q.33 In Q.32 Total heat loss through the wall will be

(A) 3013.7 W (B) 3513.09 W

(C) 4013.76 W (D) 4513.09 W

Q.34 A composite wall consisting of two plates A and B in series, is placed normal to the flow of
heat. The thermal conductivities of the two plates are. KA and KB; and plate B has twice the
thickness of plate A. At steady state. the temperature difference across plate A is greater
than that across plate B. when

(A) KA > 5KB (B) KA < KB

(C) KA < 0.5KB (D) KA > 2KB

Q.35 Units of thermal conductivity in S.I. units is:

(A) J/m2sec (B) J/m K sec

(C) W/mK (D) Both (B) and (C)

Heat Transfer Question Bank by Devendra Poonia

Q.36 Heat flows through a composite slab, as shown below. The depth of the slab is 1 m. the k
values are in W/m K. the overall thermal resistance in K/W is

(A) 17.2 (B) 21.9

(C) 28.6 (D) 39.2

Q.37 In a composite slab, the temperature at the interface (Tinter) between two materials is equal
to the average of the temperature at the two ends. Assuming steady one-dimensional heat
conduction, which of the following statements is true about the respective thermal

(A) 2k1 = k2 (B) k1 = k2

(C) 2k1 = 3k2 (D) k1 = 2k2

Heat Transfer Question Bank by Devendra Poonia

Q.38 Consider one-dimensional steady state heat conduction, without heat generation in a plane
wall, with boundary conditions as shown in figure below. The conductivity of the wall is
given by k=k0 +bT where k0 and b are positive constants and T is temperature

As x increases, the temperature gradient (dT/dx) will

(A) remain constant (B) be zero

(C) increase (D) decrease

Q.39 As the temperature increases, the thermal conductivity of a gas

(A) increases (B) decreases

(C) remains constant (D) increases up to a certain temperature

and then decreases

Q.40 A plane wall has a thermal conductivity of 1.15 W/m.K. If the inner surface is at 1100°C
and the outer surface is at 350°C, then the design thickness (in meter) of the wall to
maintain a steady heat flux of 2500 W/m2 should be _______

(A) 0.345 (B) 0.675

(C) 0.925 (D) 0.015

Heat Transfer Question Bank by Devendra Poonia

Q.41 Heat transfer through a composite wall is shown in figure. Both the sections of the wall
have equal thickness (l). The conductivity of one section is k and that of the other is 2k. The
left face of the wall is at 600 K and the right face is at 300 K. The interface temperature Ti
(in K) of the composite wall is _______

(A) 335 (B) 475

(C) 375 (D) 400

Q.42 A material P of thickness 1 mm is sandwiched between two steel slabs, as shown in the
figure below. A heat flux 10 kW/m2 is supplied to one of the steel slabs as shown. The
boundary temperatures of the slabs are indicated in the figure. Assume thermal conductivity
of this steel is 10 W/mK. Considering one-dimensional steady state heat conduction for the
configuration, the thermal conductivity (k, in W/mK) of material P is ____________

(A) 0.3 (B) 0.75

(C) 0.1 (D) 0.67

Heat Transfer Question Bank by Devendra Poonia

Q.43 Consider one dimensional steady state heat conduction across a wall (as shown in figure
below) of thickness 30 mm and thermal conductivity 15 W/m.K. At x = 0, a constant heat
flux, q’’ = 1×105 W/m2 is applied. On the other side of the wall, heat is removed from the
wall by convection with a fluid at 25°C and heat transfer coefficient of 250 W/m2 K. The
temperature (in °C), at x = 0 is ______

(A) 125 (B) 325

(C) 525 (D) 625

Q.44 Steady one-dimensional heat conduction takes place across the faces 1 and 3 of a composite
slab consisting of slabs A and B in perfect contact as shown in the figure, where kA, kB
denotes the respective thermal conductivities. Using the data as given in the figure, the
interface temperature T2 (in °C) is _______

(A) 25.8 °C (B) 50 °C

(C) 67.5 °C (D) 87.5 °C

Heat Transfer Question Bank by Devendra Poonia

Q.45 One-dimensional steady state heat conduction takes place through a solid whose cross-
sectional area varies linearly in the direction of heat transfer. Assume there is no heat
generation in the solid and the thermal conductivity of the material is constant and
independent of temperature. The temperature distribution in the solid is

(A) Linear (B) Quadratic

(C) Logarithmic (D) Exponential

Q.46 A slender rod of length, L diameter d (L>>d) and thermal conductivity k1 is joined with
another rod of identical dimensions, but of thermal conductivity k2, to form a composite
cylindrical rod of length 2L. The heat transfer in radial direction and contact resistance are
negligible. The effective thermal conductivity of the composite rod is

(A) k1 + k2 (B) √k1k2

(C) k1k2/(k1 + k2 ) (D) 2k1k2/(k1 + k2 )

Q.47 Two plates of equal thickness (t) and cross-sectional area are joined together to form a
composite as shown in figure. It the thermal conductivities of the plates are k and 2k then
the effective thermal conductivity of the composite is

(A) 3k/2 (B) 4k/3

(C) 3k/4 (D) 2k/3

Heat Transfer Question Bank by Devendra Poonia

Q.48 In a furnace, the inner and outer sides of the brick wall (k1 = 2.5 W/mK) are maintained at
1100°C and 700°C respectively as shown in figure.

The brick wall is covered by an insulating material of thermal conductivity k2. The
thickness of the insulation is 1/4th of the thickness of the brick wall. The outer surface of the
insulation is at 200°C. The heat flux through the composite walls is 2500 W/m2.

The value of k2 is ________ W/mK (round off to 2 decimal places).

(A) 0.5 (B) 0.1

(C) 0.15 (D) 0.20

Q.49 A wall has two layers A and B, each made of different material. Both the layers have the
same thickness. The thermal conductivity of the material of A is twice that of B. Under
thermal equilibrium, the temperature difference across the wall is 36° C The temperature
difference across the layer A is

(A) 6 °C (B) 12 °C

(C) 18 °C (D) 24 °C
Heat Transfer Question Bank by Devendra Poonia

Q.50 Consider steady-state conditions for one-dimensional conduction in a plane wall having a
thermal conductivity as 25 W/m.K and a thickness L is 0.5 m, with no internal heat
generation. Determine the heat flux (W/m2), given temperature at both surfaces T1 =400 K
and T2=300 K in the figure below:

(A) 200 (B) -5000

(C) -200 (D) 5000

Q.51 The equation describes 1D steady state heat conduction with no heat generation for plane
wall of thickness L, width W and height H (H>>L and W>> L) is

𝒅𝟐 𝑻 𝝏𝟐 𝑻 𝝏𝟐 𝑻
(A) =𝟎 (B) + =𝟎
𝒅𝒙𝟐 𝝏𝒙 𝟐 𝝏𝒚𝟐

𝝏𝟐 𝑻 𝟏 𝝏𝑻 (D) None
(C) =
𝝏𝒙𝟐 𝜶 𝝏𝒕

Q.52 Critical thickness of insulation for pipe is

(A) 3k/4h (B) 2k/h

(C) k/1.5h (D) k/h

Heat Transfer Question Bank by Devendra Poonia

Q.53 The unit of heat transfer resistance is

(A) m2K/W (B) mK/W

(C) m/W (D) K/W

Q.54 A 10 mm diameter electrical conductor is covered by an insulation of 2 mm thickness. The

conductivity of the insulation is 0.08 W/m-K and the convection coefficient at the
insulation surface is 10 W/m2-k. Addition of further insulation of the same material will

(A) Increase heat loss continuously

(B) Decrease heat loss continuously

(C) Increase heat loss to a maximum then decrease

(D) Decrease heat loss to a maximum then increase

Q.55 Radioactive waste (k = 20W/m K) is stored in a cylindrical stainless steel (k = 15 Wm K)

container with inner and outer diameters of 1.0 and 1.2 m, respectively. Thermal energy is
generated uniformly within the waste material at a volumetric rate of 2 x 105 W/m3. The
outer container surface is exposed to water at 25 °C, with a surface coefficient of 1000
W/m2 K. The ends of the cylindrical assembly are insulated so that all heat transfer occurs
in the radial direction. For this situation the steady-state temperature at the center of the
waste material is? (in K)

(A) 1143 (B) 738

(C) 1268 (D) 1909

Heat Transfer Question Bank by Devendra Poonia

Q.56 Which one should not be done to reduce contact resistance?

(A) Apply pressure at the contact plane of the two materials

(B) Make the surfaces smooth as much as possible

(C) Replace the air trapped between two surfaces by oil with high thermal conductivity

(D) Replace the air trapped between two surfaces by oil with low thermal conductivity

Q.57 Which of the following option(s) is/are TRUE?

(A) Lumped parameter analysis for transient heat conduction is essentially valid for Bi < 0.1

(B) The time constant of any general system can be considered as a product of two
parameters. namely. the capacitance of a system and the resistance of the system.

(C) The only mode of heat transfer in solid is conduction.

(D) The solution to a lumped capacitance model (in non-dimensional form), involves the
exponential product of Biot number and Fourier number.

Q.58 Biot number (Bi = hL/k) is the ratio of

(A) Conductive resistance in solid to convective resistance in fluid

(B) Conductive resistance in fluid to convective resistance in fluid

(C) Inertial force to viscous force

(D) None
Heat Transfer Question Bank by Devendra Poonia

Q.59 A 2cm thick steel slab heated to 525°C is held in air stream having a mean temperature of
25°C. The steel plate has the following thermos-physical properties:

ρ = 7950 kg/m3;
Cp = 455 J/kg °C
k = 46 W/m °C
h = heat transfer co-efficient on plate surface = 36 W/m2 °C

The Biot number will be

(A) 0.0078 (B) 0.0088

(C) 0.0070 (D) 0.0065

Q.60 A 2cm thick steel slab heated to 525°C is held in air stream having a mean temperature of
25°C. The steel plate has the following thermos-physical properties:

ρ = 7950 kg/m3;
Cp = 455 J/kg °C
k = 46 W/m °C
h = heat transfer co-efficient on plate surface = 36 W/m2 °C

What will be the time interval if the slab temperature would not depart from the mean value
of 25 °C by more than 0.5 °C at any point in the slab?

(A) 5973.2 sec (B) 6973.3 sec

(C) 7953.7 sec (D) 9973.5 sec

Q.61 Which one is the characteristic length to be considered for a spherical object of radius r to
calculate Biot number?

(A) r/2 (B) r/3

(C) r/5 (D) None

Heat Transfer Question Bank by Devendra Poonia

Q.62 A hot cylindrical wire of radius 1 min is suddenly placed in a stream of air of 25°C. The
thermal conductivity of the wire is 20W/ (m K). The convective heat transfer coefficient of
the surrounding air is 500 W/ (m2 K). The initial temperature of the object is 100°C.

Which of the following option(s) is/are TRUE?

(A) The value of Biot number will be less than 0.1

(B) The value of Biot number will be more than 0.1

(C) Lumped system approach can be applied for the prescribed system.

(D) Lumped system approach cannot be applied for the prescribed system.

Q.63 For transient one-dimensional conduction with no heat generation, the energy equation is

𝒅𝟐 𝑻 𝝏𝟐 𝑻 𝝏𝑻
(A) =𝟎 (B) 𝒌 = 𝝆𝑪𝒑
𝒅𝒙𝟐 𝝏𝒙𝟐 𝝏𝒕

𝜕2 𝑇 𝜕2 𝑇 𝜕𝑇 (D) None
(C) k ( 2
+ ) = 𝜌𝐶𝑝 𝜕𝑡
𝜕𝑥 𝜕𝑦 2

Q.64 A ball of 12 mm in diameter is at a given temperature of 1000 K. It is to be cooled to a final

temperature of 300 K in an air environment at 250 K and a convection coefficient of 20
W/m2K .
The properties of the material of the ball are
k = 40 W/mK
ρ = 7800 kg/m3
c = 600 J/kgK .
Assume the radiation effects to be negligible.

Calculate the characteristic length of the ball

(A) 2 mm (B) 4 mm

(C) 6 mm (D) 3 mm
Heat Transfer Question Bank by Devendra Poonia

Q.65 A ball of 12 mm in diameter is at a given temperature of 1000 K. It is to be cooled to a final

temperature of 300 K in an air environment at 250 K and a convection coefficient of 20
W/m2K .
The properties of the material of the ball are
k = 40 W/mK
ρ = 7800 kg/m3
c = 600 J/kgK .
Assume the radiation effects to be negligible.

Calculate the time constant

(A) 300 s (B) 300 s-1

(C) 468 s (D) 468 s-1

Q.66 A ball of 12 mm in diameter is at a given temperature of 1000 K. It is to be cooled to a final

temperature of 300 K in an air environment at 250 K and a convection coefficient of 20
W/m2K .
The properties of the material of the ball are
k = 40 W/mK
ρ = 7800 kg/m3
c = 600 J/kgK .
Assume the radiation effects to be negligible.

Calculate the Biot Number

(A) 0.001 (B) 0.01

(C) 0.1 (D) 1

Heat Transfer Question Bank by Devendra Poonia

Q.67 A ball of 12 mm in diameter is at a given temperature of 1000 K. It is to be cooled to a final

temperature of 300 K in an air environment at 250 K and a convection coefficient of 20
W/m2K .
The properties of the material of the ball are
k = 40 W/mK
ρ = 7800 kg/m3
c = 600 J/kgK .
Assume the radiation effects to be negligible.

Based on the Biot number obtained, which of the following statements is true

(A) Conduction resistance is large in comparison to surface convection resistance

(B) Conduction resistance is small in comparison to surface convection resistance

(C) Conduction and surface convection resistances are comparable

(D) None of the above

Q.68 A ball of 12 mm in diameter is at a given temperature of 1000 K. It is to be cooled to a final

temperature of 300 K in an air environment at 250 K and a convection coefficient of 20
W/m2K .
The properties of the material of the ball are
k = 40 W/mK
ρ = 7800 kg/m3
c = 600 J/kgK .
Assume the radiation effects to be negligible.

Calculate the time taken by the ball to cool to the final temperature of 300 K

(A) 468.36 s (B) 1267.36 s

(C) 1500 s (D) 792.85 s

Heat Transfer Question Bank by Devendra Poonia

Q.69 A ball of 12 mm in diameter is at a given temperature of 1000 K. It is to be cooled to a final

temperature of 300 K in an air environment at 250 K and a convection coefficient of 20
W/m2K .
The properties of the material of the ball are
k = 40 W/mK
ρ = 7800 kg/m3
c = 600 J/kgK .
Assume the radiation effects to be negligible.

Calculate the time taken by the ball to cool to the final temperature of 250 K

(A) 468.36 s (B) 1263.6 s

(C) 0 s (D) infinite long time

Q.70 A ball of 12 mm in diameter is at a given temperature of 1000 K. It is to be cooled to a final

temperature of 300 K in an air environment at 250 K and a convection coefficient of 20
W/m2K .
The properties of the material of the ball are
k = 40 W/mK
ρ = 7800 kg/m3
c = 600 J/kgK .
Assume the radiation effects to be negligible.

What is the steady state temperature of the ball?

(A) 1000 K (B) 250 K

(C) 300 K (D) cannot be determined

Heat Transfer Question Bank by Devendra Poonia

Q.71 If the radiation effects are not negligible, and must be considered in the analysis

(A) The lumped parameter approach cannot be applied

(B) The convection heat transfer coefficient must be replaced by an overall heat transfer
coefficient taking into account the radiation effects for Biot number calculation

(C) The applicability of lumped parameter approach can no longer be checked by utilizing
the Biot number

(D) The convection effects can be neglected

Q.72 The lumped parameter approach is valid when

(A) Biot number is high

(B) Conduction resistance is low as compared to surface heat transfer resistance

(C) Both (A) and (B) are correct

(D) None of the above

Q.73 The time constant in transient heat conduction is indicative of

(A) thermal energy storage (or release) relative to surface convective heat transfer

(B) strength of conduction heat transfer relative to surface convection heat transfer

(C) strength of conduction heat transfer relative to surface radiation heat transfer

(D) None of the above

Heat Transfer Question Bank by Devendra Poonia

Q.74 The overall heat transfer coefficient (U) for a composite wall of thicknesses x1, x2, x3 (in
series) and of corresponding thermal conductivities k1, k2, k3 is given as

𝟏 𝒌𝟏 𝒌𝟐 𝒌𝟑 𝒌𝟏 𝒌𝟐 𝒌𝟑
(A) = + + (B) 𝑼 = + +
𝑼 𝒙𝟏 𝒙𝟐 𝒙𝟑 𝒙𝟏 𝒙𝟐 𝒙𝟑

𝟏 𝒙𝟏 𝒙𝟐 𝒙𝟑 𝒙𝟏 𝒙𝟐 𝒙𝟑
(C) = + + (D) 𝑼 = + +
𝑼 𝒌𝟏 𝒌𝟐 𝒌𝟑 𝒌𝟏 𝒌𝟐 𝒌𝟑

Q.75 The temperature variation under steady state heat conduction across a composite slab of two
materials with thermal conductivities k1 and k2, is shown in the figure below. Which one of
the following statements holds true?

(A) k1 > k2 (B) k1 = 0

(C) k1 = k2 (D) k1 < k2

Q.76 An electrically heated sphere with a diameter of 5 cm is exposed to ambient air at a

temperature of 20°C and a heat transfer coefficient of 15 W/m2°C. The surface of the sphere
is to be maintained at 120°C. The rate of heat transfer (in W) from the sphere to the air
when the sphere is bare is

(A) 1.17 (B) 11.78

(C) 117.8 (D) 1178

Heat Transfer Question Bank by Devendra Poonia

Q.77 An electrically heated sphere with a diameter of 5 cm is exposed to ambient air at a

temperature of 20°C and a heat transfer coefficient of 15 W/m2°C. The surface of the sphere
is to be maintained at 120°C. The rate of heat transfer (in W) from the sphere to the air
when the sphere is covered with a layer of insulation (thermal conductivity 0.3 W/m°C) of
thickness 2 cm

(A) 1.36 (B) 13.63

(C) 136.3 (D) 1363

Q.78 A composite wall of two layers of thicknesses Δx1, Δx2 (in series) and of thermal
conductivities k1, k2 is having cross-sectional area A normal to the path of heat flow. If the
wall surface temperatures (at both ends) are T1 and T3, then assuming no internal heat
generation, the rate of heat transfer (Q) is given as

𝑨(𝑻𝟏 −𝑻𝟑 ) 𝑨𝒌𝟏 𝒌𝟐 (𝑻𝟏 −𝑻𝟑 )

(A) 𝚫𝒙𝟏 𝚫𝒙𝟐 (B)
+𝒌 𝚫𝒙𝟏 +𝚫𝒙𝟐
𝒌𝟏 𝟐

(𝑨𝒌𝟏 +𝑨𝒌𝟐 )(𝑻𝟏 −𝑻𝟑 ) (𝑻𝟏 −𝑻𝟑 )

(C) (D) 𝑨𝚫𝒙𝟏 𝑨𝚫𝒙𝟐
𝚫𝒙𝟏 +𝚫𝒙𝟐 + 𝒌
𝒌𝟐 𝟏

Q.79 A composite wall of two layers of thicknesses Δx1, Δx2 (in series) and of thermal
conductivities k1, k2 is having cross-sectional area A1 and A2 normal to the path of heat
flow. If the wall surface temperatures (at both ends) are T1 and T3, then assuming no
internal heat generation, the rate of heat transfer (Q) is given as

𝑨𝟏 𝑨𝟐 (𝑻𝟏 −𝑻𝟑 ) 𝑨𝟏 𝑨𝟐 𝒌𝟏 𝒌𝟐 (𝑻𝟏 −𝑻𝟑 )

(A) 𝚫𝒙𝟏 𝚫𝒙𝟐 (B)
+𝒌 𝚫𝒙𝟏 +𝚫𝒙𝟐
𝒌𝟐 𝟏

(𝑻𝟏 −𝑻𝟑 ) (𝑻𝟏 −𝑻𝟑 )

(C) 𝚫𝒙𝟏 𝚫𝒙 (D) 𝑨𝟏 𝚫𝒙𝟏 𝑨𝟐 𝚫𝒙𝟐
+ 𝟐
𝑨𝟏 𝒌𝟏 𝑨𝟐 𝒌𝟐 𝒌𝟐
+ 𝒌
Heat Transfer Question Bank by Devendra Poonia

Q.80 A composite wall of two layers of thicknesses Δx1, Δx2 (in series) and of thermal
conductivities k1, k2 is having cross-sectional area A normal to the path of heat flow. If the
wall surface temperatures (at both ends) are T1 and T3, then assuming no internal heat
generation, the interface temperature (T2) is given by

Δ𝑥1 −1
(A) 𝑇2 = 𝑇3 + ( Δ𝑥1 Δ𝑥2 ) (𝑇1 − 𝑇3 )
𝑘1 𝑘2

(B) 𝑇2 = 𝑇3 + ( Δ𝑥1 Δ𝑥2 ) (𝑇1 − 𝑇3 )
𝑘1 𝑘2

(C) 𝑇2 = 𝑇3 + ( Δ𝑥1 Δ𝑥2 ) (𝑇1 − 𝑇3 )
𝑘1 𝑘2

𝚫𝒙𝟐 −𝟏
(D) 𝑻𝟐 = 𝑻𝟑 + ( 𝚫𝒙𝟏 𝚫𝒙𝟐 ) (𝑻𝟏 − 𝑻𝟑 )
𝒌𝟏 𝒌𝟐

Q.81 For transient heat conduction problems, small thermal time constant ( = ) physically
signifies that

(A) the temperature of solid will change fast due to a thermal change

(B) the temperature of solid will remain at initial temperature for a substantial time

(C) the change of temperature of solid may be fast or slow, depending on other parameters

(D) for a given lumped thermal capacitance, the resistance to convection heat transfer
extremely large.
Heat Transfer Question Bank by Devendra Poonia

Q.82 In transient heat conduction. the two dimensionless parameters involved are

(A) Biot number and Reynolds number

(B) Fourier number and Reynolds number

(C) Biot number and Fourier number

(D) Prandtl number and Reynolds number

Q.83 Biot number is defined as

(A) the ratio of conduction resistance in the solid to surface convection resistance

(B) the ratio of surface convection resistance to conduction resistance in the solid

(C) the product of conduction resistance in the solid to surface convection resistance

(D) a dimensionless time (ratio of time to thermal diffusion time)

Q.84 The lumped capacitance method for transient heat conduction problem is applicable if

(A) the physical size of the body is very small

(B) thermal conductivity of the material is very large

(C) heat transfer coefficient is very small

(D) all of the above

Heat Transfer Question Bank by Devendra Poonia

Q.85 The internal conduction resistance of a solid as compared to the surface convection
resistant be ignored if the Biot number is less than

(A) 1.0

(B) 0.1

(C) Fourier number

(D) None of the above

Q.86 Forced convection in a liquid bath is caused by

(A) Intense stirring by an external agency

(B) Molecular energy interactions

(C) Density difference brought about by temperature gradients

(D) Flow of electrons in a random fashion

Q.87 If the fluid viscosity is doubled, keeping all the other parameters the same, the value of
Nusselt number is

(A) Halved

(B) Doubled

(C) Remains the same

(D) Cannot be determined from the given information

Heat Transfer Question Bank by Devendra Poonia

Q.88 Choose the most correct option

(A) If the Grashoff number is low, natural convection will be dominant

(B) If the Grashoff number is high, natural convection will be dominant

(C) If the Richardson number is low, natural convection will be dominant

(D) If the Richardson number is high, natural convection will be dominant

Q.89 Choose the most correct option

(A) If the Grashoff number is low, forced convection will be dominant

(B) If the Grashoff number is high, forced convection will be dominant

(C) If the Richardson number is low, forced convection will be dominant

(D) If the Richardson number is high, forced convection will be dominant

Q.90 Choose the most correct option

(A) If the Grashoff number is equal to 1, forced convection and natural convection effects
will be comparable

(B) If the Reynolds number is equal to 1, forced convection and natural convection effects
will be comparable

(C) If the Richadson number is equal to 1, forced convection and natural convection effects
will be comparable

(D) None of the above statements is correct

Heat Transfer Question Bank by Devendra Poonia

Q.91 Convective heat transfer coefficient depends upon:

(A) the surface geometry (B) the bulk fluid velocity

(C) the properties of the fluid (D) All of above

Q.92 Air (A), water (W), engine oil (E) and mercury (M) has Prandtl numbers at 30 °C as
0.71, 5.83, 6400 and 0.025, respectively. Show the correct order of following figures for
respective thermal and velocity boundary layers:

(A) (B)

(C) (D)

Q.93 Which of the following option is correct?

(Note: Here k represents thermal conductivity)

(A) ksolid > kgas > kliquid (B) kliquid > kgas > ksolid

(C) kgas > kliquid > ksolid (D) ksolid > kliquid > kgas
Heat Transfer Question Bank by Devendra Poonia

Q.94 Heat conduction is taking place in a slab in one direction only (other directions are
completely insulated). A steady state temperature profile in a given slab is given.

1. Heat generation is taking place in a slab.
2.Thermal conductivity dependent on temperature as k = ko (1 + βT) where β > 0.
3.Thermal conductivity dependent on temperature as k = ko (1 + βT) where β < 0.
4.No heat generation and thermal conductivity is also constant

Match the profile with appropriate cases.

(A) P-1, Q-2, R-4, S-3 (B) P-1, Q-3, R-2, S-4

(C) P-4, Q-3, R-2, S-1 (D) P-4, Q-3, R-2, S-1

Q.95 Heat conduction is taking place in a slab at a steady state without heat generation O2
consumption. The thermal conductivity of a slab varies with temperature as

k = a + bT + cT3

where a = 2, b = 4 × 10-3, c = 2 × 10-9 and k is in W/mK.

The temperature of the left surface is 500°C and the right face is 450°C. The thickness of
the slab is 100 cm.

Heat flux will be ___________ W/m2. (Rounded off up to 2 decimal places)

Heat Transfer Question Bank by Devendra Poonia

Q.96 Which of the following option(s) is/are CORRECT for thermal conductivity variation with

(A) Thermal conductivity of metal decreases with an increase in temperature except for

(B) Thermal conductivity increases exponentially with the increase in temperature for non-

(C) Thermal conductivity of gases increases with an increase in temperature.

(D) Thermal conductivity of liquid decreases with temperature.

Q.97 Consider a slab made up of stainless steel whose left and right surface temperatures are
40°C and 80°C respectively. The thermal conductivity of stainless steel is

k = 7.75 + 7.78 × 10-3T

Where k is in J/s m°C and T is in °C. The mean thermal conductivity (in J/s m°C) of the
slab is

(A) 8.3724 (B) 8.0612

(C) 8.9862 (D) 8.2168

Q.98 Which of the following option(s) is/are correct?

(A) Heat transfer coefficient increases on increasing velocity.

(B) Mass transfer coefficient increases on increasing velocity.

(C) Heat and mass transfer coefficient decreases on increasing velocity.

(D) Heat and mass transfer coefficient is independent of velocity.

Heat Transfer Question Bank by Devendra Poonia

Q.99 Heat transfer is taking place through spherical ball having temperature 200°C. In stagnant
infinite medium with ambient temperature 100°C. Radius of the ball is 3 cm. Thermal
conductivity of the ball is 5 W/mK.

The steady state rate of heat transfer will be ___________ W.

(Rounded off to nearest integer)

Q.100 Heat transfer is taking place through sphere in stagnant infinite medium.

The value of Nusselt number (Nu) at steady state will be __________.

(Rounded off to nearest integer)

Q.101 Heat flows through slab as shown below. The k values are in W/(m.K). The overall thermal
resistance is __________ K/W.

(Rounded off two decimal places)

Heat Transfer Question Bank by Devendra Poonia

Heat Transfer – Question Bank - Answer Key

Question Answer Question Answer Question Answer Question Answer

no. no. no no

1. A 26. A 51. A 76. B

2. D 27. D 52. D 77. B
3. A 28. B 53. A 78. A
4. B 29. A 54. C 79. C
5. A 30. D 55. C 80. C
6. C 31. D 56. D 81. A
7. D 32. B 57. A,B,C,D 82. C
8. A 33. C 58. A 83. A
9. A 34. C 59. A 84. D
10. C 35. D 60. B 85. B
11. B 36. C 61. B 86. A
12. C 37. D 62. A,C 87. C
13. C 38. D 63. B 88. D
14. C 39. A 64. A 89. C
15. D 40. A 65. C 90. C
16. D 41. D 66. A 91. D
17. D 42. C 67. B 92. C
18. C 43. D 68. B 93. D
19. C 44. C 69. D 94. A
20. D 45. C 70. B 95. 291.49
21. A 46. D 71. B 96. A,B,C,D
22. B 47. B 72. B 97. D
23. C 48. A 73. A 98. A,B
24. A 49. B 74. C 99. 377
25. B 50. B 75. D 100. 2
Heat Transfer Question Bank by Devendra Poonia

Heat Transfer – Question Book - Answer Key

Question Answer Question Answer Question Answer Question Answer

no. no. no no

101. 0.87 126. 151. 176.

102. 127. 152. 177.
103. 128. 153. 178.
104. 129. 154. 179.
105. 130. 155. 180.
106. 131. 156. 181.
107. 132. 157. 182.
108. 133. 158. 183.
109. 134. 159. 184.
110. 135. 160. 185.
111. 136. 161. 186.
112. 137. 162. 187.
113. 138. 163. 188.
114. 139. 164. 189.
115. 140. 165. 190.
116. 141. 166. 191.
117. 142. 167. 192.
118. 143. 168. 193.
119. 144. 169. 194.
120. 145. 170. 195.
121. 146. 171. 196.
122. 147. 172. 197.
123. 148. 173. 198.
124. 149. 174. 199.
125. 150. 175. 200.

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