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5/19/2021 Examination Review

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 01004 - Scrum Process Examination Time remaining 00:15:46

Question 1 :
The responsibility of xing defects found during acceptance testing is with:

(Single choice)

 The programmer who coded it.

 The programmer who paired and reviewed the code.

 Anyone in the team.

 The programmer who has the best knowledge.

Question 2 :
Who will de ne the Sprint Goal? (Single Choice)

 The Scrum Team

 The Development Team
 The Key Stakeholders

 The Scrum Master

 The Product Owner

Question 3 :
Who is responsible to commit to deliver selected user stories in the Sprint?

(Single choice)

 Product Owner

 Project Manager
 Scrum Master

 The Development Team

Question 4 :
What may happen if the product owner doesn't join the planning poker estimation meeting? (Single choice)

 No one will facilitate this session

 The team will have a tendency to overestimate.

 The team will not get the necessary clari cations regarding the stories getting estimated.

 There will be no timekeeping

Question 5 :
Team should use daily stand-up meetings to do all of the following except:

(Single choice)

 Keep up peer pressure and commit to each other.

 Highlighting issues and bottlenecks. 1/4
5/19/2021 Examination Review

 Collaborate e ectively with each other.

 Provide a status update to the Scrum Master or Product Owner

Question 6 :
A Product owner could be invited in all of the following meetings except:

(Single choice) 

 Sprint planning
 Daily stand-up
 Sprint review

 Sprint retrospective

Question 7 :
What are importance activities should be considered at sprint 0?

(Single choice)

 Conduct Kick-o Meeting to transfer the scope, vision, role & responsible, process approach, quality objectives, etc. to
project team; de ne SAD and frame work will be used in the project
 Conduct Kick-o Meeting; De ne project working process; Prioritize items in product backlog; De ne DoD; Develop high
level architecture document which describes key technical challenges, constraints, high level system overview
 All answer are incorrect

 All answers are correct

Question 8 :
In NashTech Scrum process, Con guration Management Plan is not mandatory to de ne to manage project?

(Single choice)

 True
 False

Question 9 :
In NashTech, who will review and approve project plans and project processes? (Single choice)

 Product Owner
 Delivery manager
 QA manager
 Appropriate roles, following the de nition in NashTech Standard Software Development RADIO for Scrum

Question 10 :
What are the criteria for NashTech Scrum process?

Choose 2 answers from below:

 Fixed price project with Scrum team de ned clearly

 Scrum team de ned clearly and original requirements are not changed during project implementation
 Scrum team de ned clearly with one type of project is ODC/or T&M

 Suitable to apply if original requirements are changed frequently

Question 11 :
Which are the correct activities should be do in the Demo meeting?

(Single choice)

 Scrum team verify the list of Sprint's User Story(US)/Product Backlog Item(PBI) with Sprint goal; prepare demo scenario;
move not-completed Sprint's US/PBI to next sprint with high priority mark 2/4
5/19/2021 Examination Review

 Scrum team verify the list of Sprint's US/PBI with Sprint De nition Of Done (DoD); prepare demo scenario; move not-
completed Sprint's US/PBI to next sprint with high priority mark
 Scrum team verify the list of Sprint's US/PBI with DoD, Sprint Goal; move not-completed Sprint's US/PBI to Product Backlog
Item with explanation
 All answer are incorrect

Question 12 :
Retrospective meeting is conducted to?

(Single choice)

 Review done and incompleted sprint items with Product owner; evaluate sprint successful or not
 Review the good and not good activities during sprint;

 Evaluate nal result via good and not good activities during sprint; suggest improvement actions
 Review the good and not good activities during sprint; get ideas from Scrum team for improvement actions; suggest the
way to follow up improvement actions and evaluation in next sprint

Question 13 :
In NashTech, who should review the De nition of Done for project?

(Single choice)

 Product Owner
 Scrum Team
 Both Product Owner & Scrum Team

Question 14 :
What's the di erence between Release and Sprint de nition?

(Single choice)

 Release is included more sprints, each release have the goal and de ned by Product owner
 Release is the same Sprint, each have duration, goal are de ned by Product owner/or representative of Client and each
release have di erent duration, depened on Client de nation
 All answers are incorrect
 All answers are correct

Question 15 :
Which is the best de nition of ‘de nition of done’?

(Single choice)

 A term de ned when the project is completed and ready to be shipped to production.
 A term de ned by the team to determine when a user story is completed and ready for shipping to a customer.
 A term de ned to indicate acceptance of features by the end user.
 A term de ned to indicate when the Scrum team can take credit for their accomplishment and demo their deliverables.

Question 16 :
During sprint execution, you notices that you missed a story that needs to be implemented. What should you do?

(Single choice)

 Quickly estimate, design. and complete the implementation, even if that means working overtime.
 Ask the product owner to add the story to the product backlog for future prioritization and planning.
 Pick up the item during the retrospective to determine the root cause of why the item was missed during the planning
 Request to extend the sprint deadline to accommodate the missed story 3/4
5/19/2021 Examination Review

Question 17 :
There is a new member in your Scrum team. He he observes that the burndown chart, instead of going down has actually risen in
the current sprint from where it was in the past. How can you explain to him?

(Single choice)

 You explain that there is a mistake in the burndown chart, as the bar graphs should always show a downward trend.

 You explain that the team has corrected the estimates of a few stories based on better understanding that they have
gathered recently. In the past, there was an underestimate.
 You explain that the product owner has recently added a bunch of new stories to the backlog, hence the top has moved
 You explain that the rise in the bar graph is because the team’s progress has been slow in the last few days, as a colleague
has been ill.

Question 18 :
Which is not a valid reason to update the product backlog?

(Single choice)

 Change in the composition of the development team

 New stories or risks
 Priority change
 Finding from previous sprints

Question 19 :
The product owner is looking at the backlog, shu ing priorities, adding more epics and features. and removing some that are no
longer necessary. What's he doing?

(Single choice)

 Backlog re nement
 Backlog prioritization
 Backlog creation
 Backlog review

Question 20 :
Team A in project X has a velocity of 25 story points and Team B in project Y has 50 story points over a 2-week Sprint. What does
this mean?

(Single choice)

 Team B has double the capacity (team size) than Team A.

 Team B is more mature, uses sophisticated tools and achieves more in the same time.
 Nothing. Velocity of two teams cannot be compared.

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