Last Day Notes - GMAT Quant

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Info to nail GMAT quant compiled by dreamz and tictaktoe/piyusht QUANT THEORY

1) nPr = n!/(n-r)! 2) nPn = n! 3) nCr = n!/(n-r)!r! 4) nCn = 1 5)


P0 = 1

6) nC0 = 1 7) AP 8)
GP An = ar(n-1) Sn = a(rn 1 )/ (r-1) S = a/(1-r) 9) 10) 1 mile = 1760 yards Trigonometric table An = a + (n-1)d Sn = n/2[2a + (n-1)d]


Sum of n numbers:


1 yard = 3 feet 1 mile2 = 640 acres I gallon = 4 quarts 1 quart = 2 pints gqpco 4228

13) 14)

16) 17) 18) 19) 20)

1 pint = 2 cups 1 cup = 8 ounces 1 pound = 16 ounces 1 ounce = 16 drams 1 kg = 2.2 pounds 30-60-90 triangle 1:3:2 sides 45-45-90 triangle 1:1:2 sides a3>b3 a>b If A than B => not B than not A Zero divided by any nonzero integer is zero. Division by 0 is undefined. Tangent Chord Angle: An angle formed by an intersecting tangent and chord has its vertex "on" the circle. Tangent Chord Angle =

21) 22) 23)

24) 25) 26) 27)

Intercepted Arc <ABC is an angle formed by a tangent and chord. Its intercepted arc is the minor arc from A to B. m<ABC = 60

Angle Formed Inside of a Circle by Two Intersecting Chords: When two chords intersect "inside" a circle, four angles are formed. At the point of intersection, two sets of vertical angles can be seen in the corners of the X that is formed on the picture. Remember: vertical angles are equal. Angle Formed Inside by Two Chords =

Sum of Intercepted Arcs

<BED is formed by two intersecting chords.

Once you have found ONE of these angles, you automatically know the sizes of the other three by using your knowledge of vertical angles (being equal) and adjacent angles forming a straight line (adding to 180).

Its intercepted arcs are . [Note: the intercepted arcs belong to the set of vertical angles.]

also, m<CEA = 120 (vetical angle) m<BEC and m<DEA = 60 by straight line.

Angle Formed Outside of a Circle by the Intersection of: "Two Tangents" or "Two Secants" or "a Tangent and a Secant". The formulas for all THREE of these situations are the same:

Angle Formed Outside = Difference of Intercepted Arcs (When subtracting, start with the larger arc.) Two Tangents: <ABC is formed by two tangents intersecting outside of circle O. The intercepted arcs are minor arc AC and major arc AC. These two arcs together comprise the entire circle.

Special situation for this set up: It can be proven that <ABC and central <AOC are supplementary. Thus the angle formed by the two tangents and its first intercepted arc also add to 180.

Two Secants: <ACE is formed by two secants intersecting outside of circle O. The intercepted arcs are minor arcs BD and AE.

a Tangent and a Secant: <ABD is formed by a tangent and a secant intersecting outside of circle O. The intercepted arcs are minor arcs AC and AD.

28) The standard deviation is a statistic that tells you how tightly all the various
examples are clustered around the mean in a set of data. When the examples are pretty tightly bunched together and the bell-shaped curve is steep, the standard deviation is small. When the examples are spread apart and the bell curve is relatively flat, that tells you have a relatively large standard deviation.

29) n(A B C) = n(A) + n (B)+ n(C)

n(A B) n(A C) n(B C) C) + n(A B

30) n(Aonly) = n(A) n(A C) n(A B) + n(A B C)

31)Dividend = Divisor * Quotient + Remainder 32) 33) LCM * HCF = Product of 2 numbers. 1 + 2 + 3 ..n = n * n+1 / 2 Sum of squares of 1st n natural numbers = n (n+1)(2n+1) / 6 Sum of cubes of 1st n natural numbers = [n (n+1)/2]2

34) 35)

Squares and Cubes Number ( x ) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Square ( x 2 ) 1 4 9 16 25 36 49 Cube ( x 3 ) 1 8 27 64 125 216 -

8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 21 22 23 24 25 37)

64 81 100 121 144 169 196 225 256 289 324 361 441 484 529 576 625

Fractions and Percentage: Fraction Decimal 1/2 0.5 1/3 0.33 2/3 0.66 1/4 0.25 3/4 0.75 1/5 0.2 2/5 0.4 3/5 0.6 4/5 0.8 1/6 0.166 5/6 0.833 1/8 0.125 3/8 0.375 5/8 0.625 7/8 0.875 1/9 0.111 2/9 0.222 1 / 10 0.1 1 / 20 0.05 1 / 100 0.01 38) Average speed = Total distance / Total Time

Percentage 50 33 1/3 66 2/3 25 75 20 40 60 80 16 2/3 83 2 / 3 12 1 / 2 37 1 / 2 62 1 / 2 87 1 / 2 11 22 10 5 1

1. When equal distances are covered in different speed then we take the harmonic mean Av Speed = 2ab / a + b 2. Different distances in same time we take AM Av Speed is = a + b / 2


Simple Interest: SI = PRT / 100, A = P + SI


Compound Interest Amount =


1 1 1 1 1

Nickel = 5 cents dime = 10 cents quarter = 25 cents half = 50 cents dollar = 100 cents

43) 44)

Equilateral triangle, Area = (3 * a2)/4 Area of trapezium = (Height * Sum of parallel sides) Arc Length = ( / 360) 2 r Area of sector = ( / 360) r2 Equal chords are equidistant from the center. (x+y) 8 = 8C8x8 + 8C7x7y + 8C6x6y2 + 8C5x5y3 + + 8C2x2y6 + 8C1xy7 + 8C0y8


47) 48)

Sometimes we get so involved with the nitty-gritties of mathematics that we start functioning like automatons and stop thinking. Dont fall prey to this trap. For example, what is the probability that a number amongst the first 1000 positive integers is divisible by 8? Dont start counting the multiples of 8! The figure of 1000 is a red herring. Use a little common sense. The numbers will be 8,16,24,32So, 1 in every 8 numbers is a multiple of 8, even if you consider the first million integers. So Probability is 1/8 The number of integers from A to B inclusive is = B -A +1 Average of consecutive numbers: Eg from 13 to 77 = (13+77)/2 51) Slope = (change in y)/(change in x) 00 = undefined

49) 50)


Slope = -1

Slope =2

Slope = 1

Slope = 0

Slope = infinity 54) 55) Sum of interior angles of a polygon with n sides = (n-2)*180 Degree measure of one angle in a regular polygon with n sides = {(n-2)*180 }/n

56) When multiplying or dividing both sides of an inequality by a negative

number, the inequality sign reverses. x < y => -(-x) > y => x > -y

57) 58) 59)

Fraction > (fraction)2

for all positive fractions

Fraction > (fraction ) for all positive fractions If n is a positive integer, (n6)/2 = (n12 / 4)

60) If z1, z2, z3 zn are consecutive positive integers and their average is an odd
integer => n is odd => sum of series is odd

61) In a triangle with sides of measure a, b and c, a-b<c<a+b

62)Before confirming try and back solve and make sure that u have answered what has been asked. 63)When the question mentions prime number, remember to think of 2 too. 64)In a triangle, if the sum of two angles = third angle, then it is a right angled triangle. 65)Do not transport information from another statement unless considering both collectively. 66)A-b = odd => a + b = odd 67)


66) If a DS question simply asks whether a, b, c and d are consecutive integers; use your brain. It has just asked u to answer if they are consecutive, not if they are consecutive in order. 67) Measure of an angle of a cyclic polygon = 180 360/n , where n is the number of sides of the polygon. 68) Sometimes, mistakes might also be committed by simply misreading the statement. Eg Both Tim and Harry received an acre of land more than Neel => t = n + 1, h = n + 1 Tim and Harry received an acre more than Neel => t + h = n+1 69) A

Let Triangle ABC be equilateral with each side of measure a and AC BD AB = BD = AD = a a = b = c = 600 AC = (a2 + a/2 2) = 3*a/2 Area = 3 * a2/4 Perimeter = 3a Radius of circle O = a/3 = AC * 2/3 Radius of circle O = 3a/6 = AC * 1/3

O .O

70) Two circles will touch each or intersect each other if the distance between their centers d is such that R r d R + r, where R and r are the radii of the two circles 71) Remainder of less than two means not just one; it also means remainder of zero. 72) Do not make unwarranted assumptions. 12 midnight to 12 noon does not mention what days, and hence you cannot find out the time period. 73) Standard deviation of a set is always negative and equals zero only if all elements of the set are equal. 74) If the difference between the largest and the smallest divisor of a number is X, the number is X + 1 75) Always remember the special watch out cases in DS questions. If the question mentions mean of a set, the mean can be ZERO also. 76) If area of a rectangle is known, diagonal is known, perimeter can be found a2 + b2 = diagonal2 a2 + b2 + 2ab = diagonal2+ 2ab (a + b)2 = diagonal2+ 2*area 77) (y2) = |y| => y if y is positive, -y if y is negative 78) angle = mod [(60H - 11M) /2 ] H = value of hour hand M = value of minute hand

eg, if time is 2:30, then H =2 and M =30 79) Every number raised to power 5 has the number itself as unit digit 80) If a + b + c = Z, than the largest of a, b, and c cannot be greater than the mean of the other two. 81) The rule that one side of a triangle cannot be > sum of other two, only applies to sides, not angles 82) FINALLY, MAKE SURE OF WHAT THE QUESTION SAYS INTEGER MEANS INTEGRAL LENGTH. And, DIVIDING A WIRE INTO PIECES, DOES NOT NECESSARILY IMPLY THAT THEY WILL BE INTEGRAL LENGTHS. Similarly, that a boat covers a distance upstream in 3 hours, states only the time, even if it has been mentioned that it covers a a distance 12 km downstream in 2 hours. 83) x2 = 9*y2 does not necessarily imply that x2 > y2. (Hint : consider x=y=0) 84) When we say multiples between 16 and 260, and inclusive/exclusive is not mentioned, take 16 and 260 to be exclusive. 85) The statement implies : The hourly wage for each employee ranges from $5 an hour to $20 an hour. minimum average = (20 + 5 + 5 + 5 + 5)/5 maximum average = (5 + 20 + 20 + 20 + 20)/5

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