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8. Christou NV, Sampalis JS, Liberman M, et al. Surgery de- 11. Sjöström L, Londroos A-K, Peltonen M, et al. Lifestyle, dia-
creases long-term mortality, morbidity, and health care use in betes, and cardiovascular risk factors 10 years after bariatric
morbidly obese patients. Ann Surg 2004;240:416-23. surgery. N Engl J Med 2004;351:2683-93.
9. Diabetes Prevention Program Research Group. Reduction in 12. Pories WJ, MacDonald KG, Flickinger EG, et al. Is type II
the incidence of type 2 diabetes with lifestyle intervention or diabetes mellitus (NIDDM) a surgical disease? Ann Surg 1992;
metformin. N Engl J Med 2002;346:393-403. 215:633-42.
10. Ryan DH, Espeland MA, Foster GD, et al. Look AHEAD 13. O’Brien PE, Dixon JB, Laurie C, et al. Treatment of mild to
(Action for Health in Diabetes): design and methods for a clin- moderate obesity with laparoscopic adjustable gastric banding
ical trial of weight loss for the prevention of cardiovascu- or an intensive medical program: a randomized trial. Ann Intern
lar disease in type 2 diabetes. Control Clin Trials 2003;24: Med 2006;144:625-33.
610-28. Copyright © 2007 Massachusetts Medical Society.

Sex and Aging

John H.J. Bancroft, M.D.

Human beings are living longer, women more compared with only 5% of respondents who were
so than men. Among people 85 years of age and sexually active considered sex as being “not at
older, there are 4 men for every 10 women.1 all important.” Previous research has shown that
What happens to sexuality in older age? older women are more likely than older men to
In this issue of the Journal, Lindau et al.2 re- lose interest in sex if they are not in a relation-
port the results of a community-based survey ship.4 Unfortunately, the present study did not
assessing sexual activity and problems among assess the proportion of respondents in a relation­
3005 men and women 57 to 85 years of age. ship who had become sexually inactive because
Among participants with a spousal or other in- of sexual problems, whether men or women had
timate relationship, the proportion who reported these sexual problems, and how the respondents
being sexually active decreased steadily across felt about their relationship.
the age groups and was uniformly lower among Most previous studies of the effect of aging
women; in the subgroup of respondents who on sexuality have involved either men or women,
were 75 to 85 years of age, 38.5% of men and focusing on different factors in each case. Re-
16.7% of women reported sexual activity with a search in men has shown an inverse linear rela-
partner in the previous 12 months. With increas- tionship between age and sexuality, even after
ing age, women were also substantially less likely adjustment for relevant age-related diseases. How-
than men to be involved in an intimate relation- ever, men differ considerably in terms of how
ship. Among both men and women who were quickly they age in this respect. In the Baltimore
sexually active, approximately half reported at Longitudinal Aging Study in the 1970s, men who
least one bothersome sexual problem. The pres- reported the highest frequency of sexual activity
ence of chronic medical conditions was associat- when they were younger had the slowest decline
ed with reduced sexual activity and an increased in sexual activity as they got older.6 This finding
frequency of sexual problems among both men has been virtually ignored in more recent re-
and women, although it was not a sufficient ex- search, in which the principal focus has been on
planation for the age-related decreases in sexual hormonal and vascular factors.
activity. Testosterone acts on the male brain to pro-
These findings are consistent with those of mote sexual arousal and desire. With increasing
earlier studies3-5 showing decreases in sexual ac- age, there are varying degrees of reduction in
tivity with increasing age, particularly in women. both free testosterone7 and the number, and pos-
The present report has the advantages of having sibly responsiveness, of neurons in relevant areas
oversampled the oldest age group (persons who of the brain such as the locus ceruleus, the brain-
were 75 to 84 years of age at the time of screen- stem center for testosterone-dependent arousal
ing) and having a relatively high survey response mechanisms. These changes contribute to the
rate of 75%. However, it provides little informa- age-related decreases in sexual interest and, to
tion about older adults who are sexually inactive. some extent, erectile function.8 There are age-
Among these persons, 48% of respondents as related changes in various aspects of the vascu-

820 n engl j med 357;8  august 23, 2007

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lar and smooth-muscle tissues involved in the and orgasm is equally important or even more
erectile process,8 including an increased sensitiv- important. These different motivational patterns
ity to inhibitory (i.e., contractile) signals in the may be affected in different ways by aging, al-
erectile smooth muscle.9 though this remains to be shown.
The role of hormones in the effects of aging Despite the high prevalence of sexual problems
on women’s sexuality remains less clear. The ef- among the participants in the study by Lindau
fect of menopause is complex, involving not only et al., only 38% of men and 22% of women re-
physiological changes (e.g., reduced vaginal lubri- ported having discussed sex with a doctor since
cation related to a decrease in estrogen levels), the age of 50 years. Until recently, older adults
but also an end to women’s fertility, social atti- tended to keep quiet about their sexuality be-
tudes about the role of postmenopausal women cause younger people assumed that they were not
that vary across cultures, and a transitional phase and should not be sexually active. Now the pen-
with increased vulnerability to depression. The dulum has swung, and the emphasis is increas-
importance of menopause, as compared with ingly on the sexuality of older adults and the
other midlife factors, in explaining changes in provision of medical treatment to foster it.
sexuality has varied among studies.10,11 Lindau et al. comment on a “massive and grow­
Levels of testosterone in women gradually de- ing market” targeting older people. Perhaps a
crease with age, starting in the mid-30s, indepen­ middle ground is preferable. For some older
dently of menopause. This decrease may contrib- couples, sex can continue to play an important
ute to an age-related decrease in sexual interest part in their relationship and well-being, and
among some women, as suggested by recent some may benefit from counseling or medication
studies evaluating the effect of exogenous testos- for that purpose. Other couples choose to leave
terone on sexual interest and response.12 How- sex behind as they settle into their later life. Of-
ever, the relatively modest average increase in ten there may be the need for negotiation between
sexual interest and response reported in such partners. The medical profession should encour-
studies is consistent with the varying responses age older patients to feel comfortable in discuss-
of women to testosterone. Many women have a ing sexual problems and in choosing whichever
marked reduction in testosterone levels (e.g., with of these two options suits them best.
oral contraceptive use or after oophorectomy) No potential conflict of interest relevant to this article was re-
without adverse effects on sexual function13; this ported.

may reflect genetic differences in women’s re-

From the Kinsey Institute for Research in Sex, Gender, and
sponses to sex steroids. Reproduction, Indiana University, Bloomington.
As compared with studies in men, studies in
women have emphasized the effect of relation- 1. Census 2000. Washington, DC: U.S. Census Bureau. (Accessed
ship factors and mental health, which increasing­ August 2, 2007, at
ly are proving to be more important predictors 2. Lindau ST, Schumm LP, Laumann EO, et al. A study of sexu-
of sexual well-being than the physiological fac- ality and health among older adults in the United States. N Engl
tors of sexual arousal and response.14 Relation- J Med 2007;357:762-74.
3. Pfeiffer E, Davis GC. Determinants of sexual behavior in
ship factors and mental health are likely to be middle and old age. J Am Geriatr Soc 1972;20:151-8.
as important as or more important than physio- 4. AARP/Modern Maturity Sexuality Study. Washington, DC:
logical factors as women age. Whereas many National Family Opinion Research, 1999.
5. Laumann EO, Nicolosi A, Glasser DB, et al. Sexual problems
women report a decrease in their sexual interest among women and men aged 40-80 y: prevalence and correlates
and responsiveness as they progress through identified in the Global Study of Sexual Attitudes and Behaviors.
midlife, they are less likely to become distressed Int J Impot Res 2005;17:39-57.
6. Martin CE. Factors affecting sexual functioning in 60-79-
or worried about such changes as they get older. year-old married males. Arch Sex Behav 1981;10:399-420.
For many women, being in a relationship, the 7. Vermeulen A. Androgen replacement therapy in the aging
quality of that relationship, and a partner’s sexu- male — a critical evaluation. J Clin Endocrinol Metab 2001;
al problems are more important than their sexual 8. Schiavi RC. Aging and male sexuality. Cambridge, England:
responsiveness.15 Women also differ with regard Cambridge University Press, 1999.
to what they find rewarding about sex. Some are 9. Christ GJ, Schwartz CB, Stone BA, et al. Kinetic characteris-
tics of alpha1-adrenergic contractions in human corpus caverno-
motivated principally by the desire for intimacy, sum smooth muscle. Am J Physiol 1992;263:H15-H19.
whereas for others the desire for sexual pleasure 10. Dennerstein L, Alexander JL, Kotz K. The menopause and

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The n e w e ng l a n d j o u r na l of m e dic i n e

sexual functioning: a review of population-based studies. Annu 13. Bancroft J. The endocrinology of sexual arousal. J Endocrinol
Rev Sex Res 2003;14:64-82. 2005;186:411-27.
11. Avis NE, Stellato R, Crawford S, Johannes C, Longcope C. Is 14. Bancroft J, Loftus J, Long JS. Distress about sex: a national
there an association between menopause status and sexual survey of women in heterosexual relationships. Arch Sex Behav
functioning? Menopause 2000;7:297-309. 2003;32:193-208.
12. Shifren JL, Davis SR, Moreau M, et al. Testosterone patch for 15. Hayes R, Dennerstein L. The impact of aging on sexual func-
the treatment of hypoactive sexual desire disorder in naturally tion and sexual dysfunction in women: a review of population
menopausal women: results from the INTIMATE NM1 Study. based-studies. J Sex Med 2005;2:317-30.
Menopause 2006;13:770-9. Copyright © 2007 Massachusetts Medical Society.

Understanding the Causes of Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis

Richard W. Orrell, M.D.

Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) is a human although a unifying understanding of any ALS
disease resulting from the degeneration of mo- mechanism remains elusive. Also disappointing
tor neurons in the brain, spinal cord, and periph- is the lack of therapeutic advances built on find-
eral nervous system. The resultant clinical features ings from research in animals. Many therapeutic
include weakness of the arms, legs, and face and agents have been tested on mouse models of ALS,
difficulties with speech, swallowing, and breath- but they have so far failed to translate into clini-
ing. ALS affects women and men, regardless of cal practice. The only disease-modifying medi-
ancestry, and the risk of disease increases with cation for patients with ALS is riluzole, which
age. Its clinical progression is one of the fastest was licensed more than 10 years ago. It was de-
of the neurodegenerative diseases, with death (of- veloped as an inhibitor of glutamate release with
ten from respiratory failure) typically occurring antiexcitotoxic effects, and in clinical trials its use
within 3 to 5 years after onset. The incidence is has resulted in the extension of survival by ap-
approximately 2 per 100,000 persons per year, proximately 2 to 3 months.3 A recent disappoint-
and the prevalence is approximately 6 per 100,000 ment has been the trial of minocycline (a second-
persons.1 generation tetracycline with antiinflammatory
Generally speaking, the cause of ALS remains properties); a preliminary report suggests that it
unknown. The most important advance in under- may accelerate disease progression in humans,4
standing the cause was provided through the iden- although it had promising effects on a mouse
tification of mutations in the SOD1 gene (encoding model transgenic for mutated SOD1.5
copper–zinc superoxide dismutase) in about 2% Although classic studies of linkage and mu-
of all patients and in 20% of those with an auto- tation detection continue in the rare families in
somal dominant form of ALS. The SOD1 gene was which the mutated gene has not been identified,
found after many years of study; linkage studies clinical genetic studies have moved on from the
of large families with autosomal dominant ALS “simple” genetics of clearly heritable mendelian
ultimately proved pivotal in the discovery. Since disorders to the “complex” genetics of diseases
then, mutations in five additional genes (encoding that may have multiple genetic influences. This
alsin, angiogenin, dynactin 1, senataxin, and ves- shift has been enabled by high-throughput meth-
icle-associated protein B) have been associated ods, the cost of which — although considerable
with a motor neuron disease (although often not — is rapidly falling. At the center of many on-
a typical ALS phenotype) in a few families. There going studies is the microarray (or “DNA chip”)
remain regions in the genome — genetic loci — designed to genotype hundreds of thousands of
that have been associated with disease but in single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) simul-
which a specific gene has yet to be identified.2 taneously in a single experiment.6 SNPs are sin-
Our understanding of the pathogenesis of ALS gle-nucleotide variations in the DNA sequence
is also scant. A great deal of research has been that can be used as markers for neighboring ge-
done with the use of cellular and animal models, netic variation. By comparing the prevalence of
in particular with mice transgenic for the human a specific SNP in case patients and controls, one
SOD1 mutations. These mice have some features can determine whether the chromosomal region
that are similar to those of patients with ALS, represented by the SNP is associated with disease.

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