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CHAPTER VI c. A separate Police Blotter, however, shall be maintained for offenses requiring
confidentiality like violence against women and children and those cases involving a child in
conflict with the law to protect their privacy pursuant to R.A 9262 (Anti-Violence Against Women
and Children Act of 2004 and R.A 9344 Juvenile Justice and Welfare Act of 2006).
d. The duty police officer shall record the nature of the incident in the police blotter
Learning Objectives: At the end of this the students should be able to; containing the 5 “Ws” (who, what, where, when, and why) and 1 “H” (how) of the information and
inform his superior officer or the duty officer regarding the occurrence of such incident.
1. Understand the protocols of Investigations
2. Explain the different terminologies used in this chapter e. In answering the above 5 Ws and 1 H and the Case Disposition, all such material details
3. Discuss the responsibilities of an investigator upon arrival at the scene about the incident, including the nature of the action or offense; the Date, Time, and Place of
4. Learn on how to evaluate preliminary evidence possibilities and record physical Occurrence; the names of the suspect/s, the victim/s, the witness/es, if any; facts of the case;
evidence significant circumstances that aggravate or mitigate the event or the crime should be entered along
5. Conduct a detailed search and prepare crime scene sketch with the identity of the officer to whom the case is assigned (Officer-on-case); and, the status of the

Investigation – is the collection of facts to accomplish a three-fold aim: 3. Investigation Team: Organization and Equipment
a. To identify the suspect
b. To locate the suspect a. All investigators in any police unit must be a graduate of prescribed investigation course
c. To provide evidence of his guilt with a rank at least PO2 (pre-requisite to assignment).

Six (6) cardinal points of investigation b. Composition:

1. What specific offense has been committed 1. Team Leader
2. How the offense was committed 2. Investigator/recorder
3. Who committed it 3. Photographer
4. Where the offense was committed 4. Evidence custodian
5. When it was committed 5. Composite Illustrator/Artist
6. Why it was committed
c. Equipment of the Investigator:
Protocols in Investigation
1. Police line 8. Fingerprint kit
1. Jurisdictional Investigation by the Territorial Unit Concerned-The Police Station 2. Video camera 9. Evidence bag
3. Voice recorder 10. Evidence tag
2. Official Police Blotter
4. Camera 11. Evidence bottles/vials
a. A Police Blotter is an 18’ x 12” logbook with hard-bound cover that contains the daily
register of all crime incident reports, official summary of arrests, and other significant events 5. Measuring device 12. Investigator’s tickler
reported in a police station.
6. Gloves
b. As a general rule, all crime incidents must be recorded in the official police blotter. 7. Flashlight

Definition of Terms Secure and Protect the Scene

Hopefully the first responders haven't caused too much disruption to any potential physical
Criminal Investigation – it is the collection of facts in order to accomplish the three-fold aims – to
evidence. Before even stepping inside the structure summer ingress and egress to it must be
identify the guilty party; to locate the guilty party; and to provide
controlled. Sentries at all possible entrances should be put in place. The crime scene investigator
evidence of his (suspect) guilt.
close (CSI), after learning the basic facts-in this case it appears that a white male appears to have a
single bullet wound the head and rigor has set in this from the first responders, so the CSI will
Criminal Investigator – a public safety officer who is tasked to conduct the investigation of all
establish the boundaries of the crime scene. the outcomes the crime scene tape.
criminal cases as provided for and embodied under the Revised Penal
Code/Criminal Laws and Special Laws which are criminal in nature. A
Initiate Preliminary Survey
well-trained, disciplined, and experienced professional in the field of
criminal investigation duties and responsibilities. The crime scene investigator before entering this structure an exterior survey is needed.
This may be nothing more that walking around the exterior of the structure to see if any of obvious
Diligence of a Good Father of Family – used in reference to person of ordinary or average evidence is apparent. This would include open windows, damage doors, ladders and the like. The
diligence. To determine that diligence, we must use as a basis the question the CSI is asking is how was the entry made to this structure. Once indoors, the CSI will
abstract average standard corresponding toa normal orderly person. make a visual survey of the actual room in which the incident reported took place. This is a good
Anyone who uses diligence below this standard is guilty of negligence. time to also take over all photos of the scene. He will then survey adjoining rooms to determine if
these spaces may have information relative to the incident. Most law enforcement agencies conduct
Organized Criminal Group – a structured group of three or more persons, existing for period of such investigations of an unattended death no physician present as a possible homicide-until it is
time and acting in concert with the aim of committing one or more determined otherwise. Unlike some TV dramas, the CSI is on site for the purpose of finding,
serious crimes or offenses as defined in the United Nations Convention evaluating, and collecting physical evidence. In most agencies, statements from witnesses and
against Transnational Organized Crime, in order to obtain, directly or survivors are handled by the investigators/detectives. During this entire survey period, The CSI is
indirectly, financial, or other material benefit. taking notes and/or recordings of his sensory observations.

Organized Crime – a combination of two or more persons who are engaged in a criminal or virtual Evaluate Physical Evidence Possibilities
criminal on a continuing basis for the purpose of profit or power using
Questions that should be answered initially are:
gangland style to attain their purpose.
1. Did the shooting occur in this room?
Parole Evidence – Requisites. For the admissibility of parole evidence of the ground of mistake or
2. Has the body been moved (by first responders or perpetrators)?
imperfection of the writing, the following requisites must occur:
1. the mistake should be of fact 3. Has any object been moved (especially by first responders or family members)?
2. the mistake should be mutual or common to both parties to the instrument
4. Were additional shots beside the one in the victim’s head. this means examining walls,
3. the mistake should be alleged and proved by clear and convincing evidence
ceiling, room objects, etc.?
5. Are shell casings apparent. If so-mark them with placards, evidence tents, etc. so they will
Upon the Arrival at the Crime Scene
be obvious in photos?
A crime scene investigation begins well before the CSI enters structure, an open field or 6. Are traces of blood apparent in other areas of the room-indicating movement of the
wooded area. Usually, the radio dispatch message is brief and seldom reveals the full nature of the victim?
incident. Most often this is done to avoid drawing on-lookers and the media who may be 7. Is blood spatter apparent?
monitoring the dispatch frequency. SD CSI turns onto the street in question, his first obligation is to 8. Are there signs of a struggle?
“turn on” his powers of observation. He may make a mental note of what he sees, hears and smells- 9. Are there visible footprints in the blood?
or still-records them on a digital voice recorder. “Does anything look out of place? What odors 10. Each crime scene May well generate other questions to be answered by the CSI. The
maybe noticeable and are there unusual sounds. above list is simply the most obvious questions.

Prepare a Narrative of the Scene Conduct a Detailed Search

The crime scene investigations notes can serve as a very critical part of the overall
Go over every square inch of the scene in an attempt to locate even the smallest particle of
physical evidence available from the scene. The investigator must keep in mind that months or even
evidence. “This brings to mind a recent case wherein a woman was brutally beaten to death in her
years later this case may go to trial. Your notes must present the full story of what you saw and any
bedroom. Several days after the crime scene was released to the family, the victim’s sister found a
impressions the evidence gave you. Avoid speculation as to what occurred unless you have physical
tooth from the victim on the bedroom carpet.”. Many crime scenes warrant the use of an evidence
evidence to back it up.
vacuum in the scene to collect any potential microparticle evidence such as hairs and fibers. This
step should be performed prior to any close in inspection of the victim.
Capture the Scene Photographically
Be certain to have overall, medium range and close-up shots of any potential physical Record and Collect Physical Evidence
evidence. Be certain to include scales in the close-up shots.
a. As potential evidence is located, it should be recorded on the crime scene sketch as well as
Prepare the Crime Scene Sketch in photographs. If your agency offers the luxury but having a videographer on hand, video
often tells a compelling story to a jury
Many Crime Scene Investigators’ will prepare the rough sketch at the scene and will
complete a detailed sketch back at headquarters. The rough sketch should contain no more or no
b. Crime scene evidence is useless it is properly marked and packaged, and a Chain of
less than the final, detailed sketch. It is always recommended that an assistant help out when taking
Evidence is begun from the time it is picked up. Use the proper type of containers for all
measurements, and it's a good idea is to have this individual verify each measurement to avoid
evidence collected. Never package objects wet with blood or other physiological fluids in
questions later.
plastic bags, as this will accelerate decomposition. Label and identify all evidence
collected, including the notes taken by the investigator.
A sketch is usually made of the scene as if one is looking straight down or straight ahead.
Measurements should be taken at crime scene of distances between two objects, room
c. Of course, the digital age we live in takes note of electronic devices like computers and
measurements and key pieces of evidence. Two measurements should be taken at the right angles to
cellphones. This type of evidence requires special handling and only experts trained in
each other from two location points. Each measurement should we double measured to make sure
working with digital items should be permitted to handle and collect these items.
they are correct and accurate. A professional using all the measurements and notes taken by the
investigators can make a final sketch. However, the original sketches should not be thrown out but
Conduct a Final Survey
saved along with the other key evidence in case a disagreement occurs, or something was missed.
Once the crime scene has been recorded with videotaping, still photography and sketches, gathering
Be certain that every package containing physical evidence is collected leaving nothing
of evidence can occur. Gathering and locating physical evidence is a very slow and tiresome job
behind. Make a final walk-through to be certain that all potential evidence is bagged and tagged.
when done correctly, however, it can surrender many clues. One of the first things an investigator
must determine is the size and area that must be searched. The main focus search must include all
Release the Crime Scene
likely points of entry and exits used by the criminals. While searching, certain patterns may be used
to cover and examine the area.
While it is normal for others having an interest in the property to want to regain access, the
CSI should not be rushed, coaxed, or bullied into releasing the scene until the job is done.
Different ways in which an area can be examined.
1. Spiral Search Method – which is by starting in the center of the scene and work in a spiral
outward, do this method until all of the scene has been covered and

2. Grid Method – this is done by marking the crime scene into a grid and walking in a straight line
from one side of the grid towards the other where as you make 180 degrees turn
and come back a few steps over from where you just searched.

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