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Form 8 - Chemistry
Separation of Mixtures Revision Questions

Q1. Illegal drugs are sometimes used to affect the performance of racehorses. These drugs
can be detected in horse urine using chromatography.
• a concentrated sample of urine from each horse is spotted onto the start line of a sheet of
chromatography paper
• known illegal drugs are also spotted onto the same paper
• ethanol is used as the solvent
The chromatogram shows urine samples, A, B, C and D, and the two illegal drugs lasix and

(a) Explain which urine sample contains an illegal drug.


(b) What is the meaning of the term solvent?

(c) The results for known drugs are given as Rf values.

Calculate the Rf value for lasix.


Rf value for lasix =...................................................

(d) Suggest how the solubility of the drug in the solvent affects the distance travelled by the

Q2. This apparatus is used to separate a mixture of ethanol (boiling point 78 °C) and water
(boiling point 100 °C).

(a) What is the name of this method of separation?


(b) Why can ethanol and water be separated by this method?



(c) Suggest why water should enter the condenser at A rather than B.

(d) Explain why the first liquid to be collected in the beaker is mostly ethanol.

Q3. Rock salt is a mixture of salt and sand. Crystals of pure salt can be obtained from rock
salt by using the method below.

Use words from the box to complete the sentences.

You may use each word once, more than once or not at all.

• Grind the rock salt into a fine powder.

• Add the powder to hot water and stir to

............................................................................. the salt.

• Filter the mixture. The salt ............................................................................. passes

through the filter paper leaving behind the sand.

• Boil the filtrate to ............................................................................. some of the water.

• Leave the saturated solution to cool so that

............................................................................. of salt form.

• Finally, ............................................................................. the cold mixture to separate

the crystals from the remaining solution.

Q4. The diagram shows four pieces of apparatus used in the separation of mixtures.

(a) (i) The apparatus labelled P is used for

A crystallisation
B filtration
C fractional distillation
D simple distillation

(ii) The apparatus labelled S is used for
A crystallisation
B filtration
C fractional distillation
D simple distillation

(b) (i) Which method of separation should be used to obtain sand from a mixture containing
salt, sand and water?
A crystallisation
B filtration
C fractional distillation
D simple distillation

(ii) Which method of separation should be used to obtain pure water from a mixture
containing salt, sand and water?
A crystallisation
B filtration
C fractional distillation
D simple distillation

(iii) Which method of separation should be used to obtain copper(II) sulfate from a
mixture containing copper(II) sulfate and water?
A crystallisation
B filtration
C fractional distillation
D simple distillation

(c) Food colourings contain one or more food dyes.
A student used paper chromatography to separate the dyes contained in food colourings.
She placed spots of three known food colourings (E, F and G) and one unknown food
colouring (H) on the chromatography paper.
The diagram shows the appearance of the paper before and after her experiment.

(i) Describe how the student should complete the experiment after placing the four spots
on the paper.








(ii) Suggest why food colouring F did not move during the experiment.

(iii) How many food dyes are there in food colouring E?


(iv) How many known food dyes are there in food colouring H?

(v) Dyes are often identified by their Rf values.

Record the results for the dye in G and calculate its Rf value.

Q5. This question is about the separation of mixtures.
The table shows some methods used to separate mixtures.
Place a tick ( ) in one box in each row of the table to show the best method of
separation for each mixture.

(ii) Which of the mixtures P, Q, R or S contains an undissolved solid?


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