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Fiza Asad

Business School, Bahria University Islamabad

MGT 404: Analysis of Pakistan Industries

Professor Maria Shahid

Role of TDAP


1.1 Introduction……………………………………………………………………...1

2.1 The Export Promotion Bureau.........................................................................1

3.1 Mission and Vision..............................................................................1

3.1.1 TDAP’s Activities........................................................................................2

3.1.2 Functions…...........................................................................................................2

4.1 Pros, Cons, Opportunities and Challenges...............................................................2

4.1.1. Upcoming Projects..............................................................................1

4.1.2. TDAP’S branches........................................................................…1

4.1.3. Recommendations........................................................................2


Role of TDAP

1.1 Introduction

The Trade Development Authority of Pakistan (TDAP), was established on

November 8, 2006. It is the successor organization to the Export Promotion Bureau. TDAP

was made under a presidential ordinance. TDAP has mandated to have a larger view of the

global trade development rather than just the export. With its 14 regional offices, the

department performs facilitation and regulatory functions and also provides supply side and

marketing assistance to the exporters.

2.1 The Export Promotion Bureau

The Export Promotion Bureau was set up in 1963as an attached department of the

Ministry of Commerce, the EPB facilitated exporters all across the country. More than 20,000

were facilitated to exhibit their goods abroad, and therefore grow their exports. It provides a

forum for for dispute resolution between exporters and importers through the mechanism of

commercial courts in collaboration with the judiciary.

EBP contributes in a specific manner, as Pakistan’s export as a quarter of billion

dollars in 1963 increased by 70 times in 2005/06. There are several TDAP’s departments:

 Accounts

 Admin

 Marketing

 HR

 Information Advisory Centre

3.1 Mission And Vision

TDAP’s mission is to achieve a quantum-leap in Pakistan export. To fulfil this

mission, TDAP shall employ such skills and competencies, professional management
Role of TDAP

techniques, international marketing strategy backed by market research and trade analysis, by

the support of latest technology.

The VISION of TDAP is that it will develop and promote export holistically,through

synergy, focus and with collective wisdom and counsel of its stakeholders. In addition to this

proactive marketing and promotional efforts, it is going to achieve the objectives of rapid

export growth through the interaction and and coordination with private and public

stakeholders, and enhancing the quality of such services and products by broadening the

exports and imports of the products.


The activities of TDAP’s includes that it participates in 40 to 60 international trade

exhibits annually. It sends 20 to 40 trade delegations abroad every year, it implements various

Trade Policy initiatives announced by the Commerce Industry. Moreover, it undertakes

various sector development projects from the Export Development fund and runs various

expo centres.



1. Trade Delegations

2. Product specific promotion activities


1. Product shows

2. Seminars
Role of TDAP

3. Workshops

4. Trainings

5. Product/Sectoral seminars

6. Consultative sessions
Trade Delegations Meetings
Role of TDAP

Visit of Japanese Delegation (UNIQLO) • Meeting with prominent textile exporters

like Nishat Mills, Sapphire Textile Ltd. and

Inter loop were arranged to discuss future


Visit of members of the European Parliament • Meetings with Law Minister of Punjab,

to Lahore Secretary Labour, Secretary Home, Treaty

Implementation Cell Punjab, and Punjab Safe

City Project were arranged along with a Call

on H.E Governor Punjab

EU GSP Review Mission Delegation • Meeting with Nishat Mills to exhibit CSR

and its compliance promoting the top class

manufacturing available in Pakistan. •

Meeting with Treaty Implementation Cell


Trade Delegation from Scotland •Meeting with LCCI and signing of MoU

between LCCI, PSBC and PBIT

• Meeting with H.E Governor Punjab to

discuss prospect of opening 25 hospitals in


EU-Pakistan Sub Group on Trade • Meetings with the trade associations were

organized by TDAP and feedback in this

regard was forwarded to MOC

Belgium Trade Delegation to Pakistan • Meeting with CEO PBIT and signing of

MoU between Awex and PBIT

• Call-ons with Governor Punjab for image-

building of Pakistan
Role of TDAP

3.1.2 Functions

One of TDAP’s functions is to implement directives of the federal government and

the board relating to export development. It also encourages and trains new exporters.

Moreover it develops a consistent , sustainable and result oriented holistic export plan,

outlining vision, objectives, strategies and plan as approved by the board. TDAP helps and

encourages research in trade policy studies that may facilitate in formulating an effective

export policy and plans.

Moreover it plans and organizes foreign trade promotion through advertising in local,

and international print electronic and other appropriate media. It provides advisory support to

stakeholders and promotes exporters and stakeholders education .TDAP plans, organizes

exhibitions and delegations to and from Pakistan. This also includes organizing local,

international and inter-provincial export promotional conferences, workshops and seminars.


Role of TDAP



1. Focusing and Enhancing the Trade of Emerging Sectors

2. No competitors

3. Young talented employees bringing innovations

4. Making the export easier and comprehensive


1. Inefficiency

2. Failure to achieve goals

Role of TDAP

1. Explore foreign markets


1. Political De-stability

4.1.1 Upcoming Projects:

i. Establishment of Agro Food Technology Institute of Pakistan, at Lahore

ii. Establishment of Institute(s) of Marble Technology, Karachi and Peshawar

iii. Establishment of Dazzle Park in Karachi

iv. Establishment of Carpet Institute, Quetta

v. Establishment of Expo Centre, Multan

vi. Establishment of College of Fashion and Design, Karachi

vii. Establishment of Dates Processing Institute at Khairput


 Exports projected to hit $38 billion

Express Tribune published that from February 17,2022 Pakistan’s exports of goods and

services were exceeded to $38 billion in the ongoing fiscal year, which was for the first time

in the country’s history, projected Trade Development Authority of Pakistan (TDAP) said by

Chief Executive Arif Ahmad Khan.In a meeting with a delegation of the Council of

Economic and Energy Journalists on Wednesday, he said that within the first six months of
Role of TDAP

fiscal yr 2021-22, goods shipments to distant places markets rose to $15 billion, posting an

growth of 18%.

“African marketplace is the focal point of interest as there are giant possibilities for export of

different products to the area,” he said. “Rice, pharmaceutical and IT merchandise have quite

a few export capacity.”

He stated that Pakistan had shipped rice well worth $2.2 billion and with the creation of

superior generation in crop cultivation, harvesting and processing, the variety may be pushed

to $5 billion.

Similarly, Pakistani pharmaceutical exports stand at handiest $300 million, which may be

lifted with the aid of five to 6 times over the following couple of years. On the other hand,

there is a massive scope for IT exports.


Trade Development Authority of Pakistan (TDAP) and First Women Bank Ltd. (FWB) have

signed an agreement to promote ladies entrepreneurship throughout the united states and to

increase information of enterprise practices girls marketers,TDAP secretary Ahsan Ali Mangi

and FWB president and CEO Farrukh Iqbal Khan signed the memorandum of expertise.

Speaking on the event, Mangi said TDAP changed into focused on small and medium

companies (SME) sectors and ladies marketers.

He highlighted the authority’s function in developing focus on export way of life with

recommendations to form and boost up businesses, meeting needs and traits of worldwide

markets. TDAP secretary shared his perspectives on supporting girls marketers (WEs) in their

every day business practices. TDAP plans to educate WEs through workshops, seminars,

exhibitions and many others, he brought.

Role of TDAP

4.1.2 TDAP’s Branches:

 Pakistan’s Top Export Destinations:

1. USA $3.6B 5.6% (Textile and its products, Surgical goods and leather articles)

2. UK $1.7B 9% (Textiles and its products, Rice Leather articles and Footwear)

3. China- $1.6B 14% (Textiles, Surgical goods, Sea food , Rice and Metals)

4. Afghanistan- $1.5B 18% (Cane or beet sugar, Wheat, Medium oil, Rice and Portland


5. Germany- $1.3B 11.6% (Textiles,Toys, Optical Instruments, Cereal and Footwear)

6. Spain-$952M 16.6%

7. UAE- $936M 18%

8. Netherland- $864M 26%

9. Italy- $766M 17%

Role of TDAP

10. Bangladesh- $732M 17%

4.1.3 Recommendations:

a) Government should annihilate the shortcoming in Tdap's running

b) TDAP's running to be made viable with changing state run administrations as each time

new government attempts to carry out new arrangement

c) There be an internal audit team rather than Accountant general of Pakistan. In short

money review ought to be overseen inside

d) Being a public endeavour, TDAP ought to keep government delegates who are more

dependable and have insight of Trade and Commerce as it were

e) TDAP should support the trade of crafted works and cabin industry and advance nearby

Pakistani legacy globally through Platforms like Expo

f) TDAP's local office should grow even to more modest urban areas of Pakistan

g) TDAP should save a bigger financial plan for innovative work and ought to concentrate

on the worldwide business sectors all the more completely, their nearby requests, what

they truly need and which nation needs which items

h) Objectives ought to be accomplished with set focuses to obtain great results

i) TDAP ought to give a total stage to new business visionaries who have less involvement

with global exchange, and who need to commodity and import with legitimate help

Role of TDAP

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