VBS 2022 - Jesus Walks On Water

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VBS theme: JESUS is My Anchor

Lesson Title: Jesus walked on water- God saves when we call on

him .

Bible Focus: Matthew 14:1-32

Memory Verse: Matthew 14: 31 NIV : Immediately Jesus reached out his hand and
caught him “You of little faith,” he said, “why did you doubt?”

General: To understand that when we trust and call on Jesus Christ he rescues
1. To understand what happens when we focus on God and what happens when we
2. To know that Jesus understands our doubts.

Background story:
Jesus was grieving the death of John the Baptist and had retreated into a quiet and
private place. However, when the people heard they walked from far to follow him.
Jesus saw the crowd and felt compassion towards them, he began to heal them. They
people stayed late into the night with no food so Jesus fed them all (5000) with 5 loaves
of bread and 2 fish. After they all ate and were satisfied, he sent the disciples ahead of
him in a boat so he could have quiet time to pray. Now the winds were strong and the
boat was rocking and there came Jesus walking on water. When the disciples saw him,
they were scared and cried out in fear thinking it was a spirit. Jesus immediately told
them it was him and do not be afraid. Peter however needed more confirmation so he
told him “Lord if it's you, let me come out to you on the water”. Jesus told him to come
and Peter walked on the water until he became afraid as the wind blew heavily and
started to sink, calling out for Jesus to save him. Immediately Jesus reached out his
hand and caught him saying “You of little faith, why did you doubt?”. The wind
immediately calmed when they entered the boat and they worshiped him saying, “Truly
you are the Son of God.”
1. How can you stay focused on God?
2. What are some things you can trust God for?
3. How can you erase your doubt and fears?

1. When we focus and keep our trust in God the things we can do.
2. God helps us when we call on him.
Craft Suggestion- Anchor
1. Coloring sheet or
2. Recreate the scene of Peter and Jesus on the water using paper plates and
construction paper.
Learning Activities:
A) Blind fold a child and have them walk across a narrow ledge towards the sound
of your voice (God) then have another child call out to them.
B) Let children repeat bible verse twice then erase one word from the verse as they
repeat it until it is completely erased.
C) Have the children play Simon Says and every time one loses focus have them
tell a piece of the story or memory verse.
D) Lesson Quiz
1. Why did Jesus go to a quiet place? John the Baptist died
2. Who provided the bread and fish to feed the people? A little boy
3. How many breads and fish did he have? 5 bread 2 fish
4. How many people were fed? 5000
5. What was the wind like when the disciples were on the ship? strong
6. How did Jesus reach the disciples? He walked on water.
7. What was their reaction? They were scared
8. What did Jesus tell them after seeing their reaction? “ It is I, do not be
9. Who doubted it was Jesus and what did he ask him to do? Peter
10. Who else walked on water? Peter
11. Jesus _______ when Peter called on him. (saved him)

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