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Electromagnetic waves

Basic idea of current displacement

Transverse waves:
The transverse waves are those in which the direction of disturbance or displacement in the
medium is perpendicular to that of the propagation of the wave.

Formation of EM waves:
EM waves are generated by electrically charged particle oscillates (accelerating
charges). The electric field associated with the accelerating charge vibrates which generates
the vibrating magnetic field. Both vibrating electric and magnetic fields give rise to EM

Electromagnetic waves consist of a sinusoidal variation of the electric and

magnetic field at right angles to each other and right angles to the direction of
propagation of waves.

The frequency of EM wave is equal to the frequency of oscillation of charge, v=
2 π √ LC

Nature of EM waves:
The EM wave which travels in the direction on z axis which is produced in a
capacitor of E inside is perpendicular to plate (x axis) also the B which rises
displacement current is parallel to plates (y axis) will give rise to the EM wave (in z axis)
Since E and B are mutually perpendicular, they are transverse in nature.

E x =E0 sin ⁡( kx−wt)

B y =B0 sin ⁡( k z−wt ) where k=2 π / λ

E0 =amp of varying electric field

B0=ampof varying magnetic field

Important characteristic of EM waves:

Electromagnetic waves have constant velocity in vacuum and it is nearly equal to
3 × 10  m s-1 

Refractive index of a medium is given by η=√ μ 0 ϵ r

Speed in medium = 1/ √ με , U e =U m , see page no 331(aio)

EM waves follow rules of reflection, refraction and absorption (not needed)

Maxwells Equation:
Maxwell's equations describe how an electric field can generate a magnetic field
and vice-versa. These equations describe the relationship and behaviour of electric and
magnetic fields.
Maxwell gave a set of 4 equations which are known as Maxwell's equations.

Gauss's Law in electrostatics, Gauss's Law in magnetism, Faraday's Law of

electromagnetic induction, Ampere Maxell’s circuital law

Spectrum (5 mark it seems)

Type of radiation Frequency Wavelength

Radio waves 500 kHz – 1000MHz
Microwaves 1GHz – 300GHZ
Infrared waves

Visible ray



Gamma ray

Electromagnetic waves are also known as EM waves. Electromagnetic radiations are composed
of electromagnetic waves that are produced when an electric field comes in contact with the
magnetic field. It can also be said that electromagnetic waves are the composition of oscillating
electric and magnetic fields. Electromagnetic waves are solutions of Maxwell’s equations, which
are the fundamental equations of electrodynamics.
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