Estimating Time of Concentration in Large Watersheds

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Estimating time of concentration in large watersheds

Article  in  Paddy and Water Environment · June 2016

DOI: 10.1007/s10333-016-0534-2


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5 authors, including:

Edris Taghvaye Salimi Arash Malekian

University of Guilan University of Tehran


Majid Hosseini
Soil conservation and watershed management Research Institute


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Estimating time of concentration in large

E. Taghvaye Salimi, A. Nohegar,

A. Malekian, M. Hoseini & A. Holisaz

Paddy and Water Environment

ISSN 1611-2490
Volume 15
Number 1

Paddy Water Environ (2017) 15:123-132

DOI 10.1007/s10333-016-0534-2

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Paddy Water Environ (2017) 15:123–132
DOI 10.1007/s10333-016-0534-2


Estimating time of concentration in large watersheds

E. Taghvaye Salimi1,5 • A. Nohegar2 • A. Malekian3 • M. Hoseini4 •

A. Holisaz1

Received: 23 August 2015 / Revised: 14 January 2016 / Accepted: 11 June 2016 / Published online: 21 June 2016
Ó The International Society of Paddy and Water Environment Engineering and Springer Japan 2016

Abstract For hydrologists, time of concentration (TC) is Keywords Time of concentration  HEC-HMS  Peak
one of the most important parameters to be able to predict flow  Shafaroud watershed
the response of a watershed to a given rain event and plays
a key role in rainfall-runoff simulation. There are several
methods to calculate the TC. The time of concentration is Introduction
defined as the time from the hydraulically furthermost
point to watershed outlet. In this study, we integrated 22 Reliable estimates of runoff generated from watersheds are
formulas from various references for calculating time of required that help watershed managers and stakeholders
concentration and selected seven formulas by considering make informed decisions on water planning and manage-
the specific conditions and limitations that are suitable for ment. Rainfall-runoff models are widely used in water-
Shafaroud watershed with an area of 345.4 km2, located in sheds to simulate runoff based on precipitation and play an
the western Guilan province of northern Iran. They inclu- important role in the management of water resources (Vaze
ded Ventura, Passini, Bransby-Williams, Carter, John- et al. 2012). Several studies have been done on simulated
stone-Cross, Izzard and Papadakis-Kazan. The TC values runoff using HEC-HMS model in different watersheds
obtained from the mentioned methods were applied in (Anderson et al. 2002; Clay et al. 2005; Halwatura and
HEC-HMS software for the four rainfall events of June 5, Najjim 2013). This model is capable to simulate both event
2003; October 20, 2005; December 2, 2007; and June 19, and continuous hydrological modeling (Chu and Steinman
2008. The results indicated that peak flow values obtained 2009). One of the main parameters in HEC-HMS model is
by the Bransby-Williams method are most consistent with time of concentration (Abbasi et al. 2010; Kabiri 2014).
the observed peak data values and better presents the Time of concentration (TC) is defined as the time nee-
hydrologic condition of the watershed. ded for water to flow from the most remote point in a
watershed to the watershed outlet; this is calculated as the
time for runoff to flow from the most hydraulically remote
point of the drainage area to the point under investigation.
& E. Taghvaye Salimi
There may be a number of possible paths to consider in
determining the longest travel time. The designer must
Faculty of Agricultural Engineering and Natural Resources, identify the flow path along which the longest travel time is
University of Hormozgan, Bandar Abbas, Iran likely to occur (Mark and Marek 2011). The conceptual
Faculty of Environment, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran definition for the time of concentration is the time it takes
Faculty of Natural Resources, University of Tehran, Karaj, for a water parcel to travel from the hydraulically most
Iran distal part of the watershed to the outlet or reference point
Soil Conservation and Watershed Management Research downstream. This definition has been used for many
Institute (SCWMRI), Tehran, Iran hydrologic studies and applications (Kirpich 1940; Guer-
Faculty of Natural Resources, University of Guilan, mond 2008; Li and Chibber 2008; Mark and Marek
P.O.BOX 1144, Sowme Sara, Guilan, Iran 2011;Efstratiadis et al. 2013).

Author's personal copy
124 Paddy Water Environ (2017) 15:123–132

The procedures used to estimate TC depend on several This area is located between longitudes 48°410 1000 and
factors including watershed characteristics (especially drainage 49°60 1200 west and geographical latitudes 37°240 5800 and
area), climatic conditions, available data, and available time. 37°340 1800 north. The watershed borders Loumir watershed
For example, to design a small conservation structure such as a to the north and Shafaroud watershed to the south. On the
grassed waterway, a shortcut procedure that assumes a certain east side, it ends by the Anzali-Talesh road and to the west;
generalized relation between TC and some of watershed char- it ends at Ardabil province borderline. The altitude of the
acteristics but no relation between TC and rainfall intensity, watershed ranges from 68 to 2895 m. The main river with a
might be acceptable (Welle and Woodward 1986). Guermond total length of about 40.95 km drains the watershed. There
(2008) used six different TC formulae for the same calibrated are four meteorology stations in the region and discharge
watershed. All six formulas gave very different results and the data were measured at one gage, located at the outlet. The
value range was 12–140 min. Li and Chibber (2008) compared dominant land use is forest, agriculture, and range land.
the empirical models with plot test in the flat terrains and found
most empirical models under estimate overland flow time for
laboratory plots in the small trains. Efstratiadis et al. (2013)
used four formulas for estimating the time of concentration
In this study, the HEC-HMS software and SCS unit
including Kirpich, Giandotti, SCS, Passini which are widely
hydrograph approach which is compatible with other
used by engineers in Cyprus and the estimated values of peak
methods was applied. In the SCS method, curve number is
flows evaluated against the observed. The results indicated
calculated using land use and soil hydrological group maps
apart from the Giandotti formula, which showed a marginally
in different antecedent moisture and hydrological condi-
satisfactory efficiency of 48 %, the other three empirical
tions. Runoff calculation is given below:
methods for TC are totally inappropriate for Cyprus.
The current study has focused on finding the best ðP  0:2SÞ2
Q¼ ;
method for estimating the time of concentration in large P þ 0:8S
watersheds. We presented and evaluated 22 methods to
where Q is runoff (mm) and S is hydrologic losses (mm)
identify the best-performing method for estimating time of
computed with following formula:
concentration in the Shafaroud watershed in northern Iran.
25; 400
S¼  254
Methodology Maximum flood discharge was then calculated after
calculating runoff due to a specific rain event by the fol-
Study area lowing formula:
Shafaroud watershed with an area of 345.4 km2 is located Qmax ¼ ;
in the western Guilan province of northern Iran (Fig. 1).

Fig. 1 The typical landscape of the case study

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Paddy Water Environ (2017) 15:123–132 125

where Qmax = maximum flood discharge (m3 =s), A = area The HEC-HMS model was setup for the Shafaroud
(km2 ), Q = runoff (mm), and tp = time to peak which is watershed for four events and the peak discharges were
calculated by time of concentration (tc). calculated for different times of concentration compared.
Initially, the components needed for HEC-HMS model Finally, the estimated values of peak flows were evaluated
were determined for the Shafaroud watershed. One of the from the observed ones.
main parameters in HEC-HMS model is initial loss (infil-
tration, interception, and depression storage). We calibrated
the initial loss values in optimization stage with some Results
rainfall events for Shafaroud watershed and compared with
similar studies (Gholami et al. 2009). Some physical prop- According to Table 2, most of the methods of computing
erties of Shafaroud watershed is given in Table 1. Time of TC are suitable for the small catchments. Therefore in this
concentration (TC) is the time required for the entire study, for the Shafaroud watershed with an area of
watershed to contribute to runoff at the point of interest for 345.4 km2, we should use Ventura, Passini, Bransby-Wil-
hydraulic design, this is calculated as the time for runoff to liams, Carter, Johnstone-Cross, Izzard, and Papadakis-
flow from the most hydraulically remote point of the drai- Kazan methods. The values of TC calculated are illustrated
nage area to the point under investigation (Mark and Marek in Table 3. Rainfall amounts for the four flood events of
2011). Time of concentration is one of the main factors to June 5, 2003; October 20, 2005; December 2, 2007; and
calculating peak discharge. The accuracy of estimation of June 19, 2008 was applied in HEC-HMS software and
peak discharge is sensitive to the accuracy of the estimated following that each of the concentration time values
time of concentration. Therefore, the importance of an obtained from the formulas in Table 3 was given to the
accurate estimate of the time of concentration cannot be software. Then, rainfall-runoff model for the Shafaroud
overlooked (Li and Chibber 2008). There are many methods watershed study has been run and peak flow values for each
for estimating the time of concentration. However, some of of the four events are given in Table 4.
these methods are designed for the watersheds with different Peak flow values obtained show that the formulas pre-
characteristics. Different methods of determining the time sented in peak flow values achieved from Bransby-Wil-
of concentration is given in Table 2. liams method is most consistent with the observed data
With regard to the limitation of each formula, it is not values. In other words, this method has the best consistency
possible to use all of them without considering the limi- between the observed and simulated peak flow values (See
tation of each formula. For example for the Shafaroud Fig. 2). In conclusion, considering concentration time
watershed with 345.4 km2 areas, just seven methods estimation, Bransby-Williams method can provide more
including Ventura, Passini, Bransby-Williams, Carter, accurate results for large watershed areas. On the other
Johnstone-Cross, Izzard, and Papadakis-Kazan were used hand, using the coefficient of efficiency (CE) peak flow
and the time of concentration calculated based on the estimated versus observed values were compared.
mentioned formula.
CE ¼ 1  d2e =d2o ;
Totally, 25 flood events were selected for this study that
the discharge data at the output station of the Shafaroud where d2e ¼ variance of the residuals, d2o ¼ variance of the
watershed have been recorded. Due to using SCS method observed.
in this study, only records are not involved in snowmelt The coefficient of efficiency for each event is given in
events, were selected. In this regard, four events for dif- Table 5. According this table, Carter, Johnstone-Cross,
ferent years have been represented including: June 5, 2003; Izzard, and Papadakis-Kazan are inappropriate for TC and
October 20, 2005; December 2, 2007; and June 19, 2008. Ventura, Passini, and Bransby-Williams are suitable for TC

Table 1 Summary of the

Subwatershed Area (km2) Curve number Initial loss(mm) Impervious area (%)
Shafaroud watershed
characteristics A1 14.8543 54 43.3 2.57
A2 60.9113 51.8 47.3 2.40
A3 74.1686 53.5 44.2 2.42
A4 68.287 56.5 39.1 2.19
A5 53.2352 61 32.5 1.70
A6 73.9111 59 35.3 1.64

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126 Paddy Water Environ (2017) 15:123–132

Table 2 A summary of time of concentration methods

Model Formula Remark Reference

Kirpich Tc = 0.0078L0.77S-0.385 Developed for small drainage Kirpich (1940)

L = length of channel/ditch from headwater to basins in Tennessee and Li and Chibber (2008)
outlet, ft Pennsylvania, with basin areas
from 1–112 acres (0.40– 45.3 ha)
S = average watershed slope, ft/ft
For Tennessee, K = 0.0078 and y = - 0.385
For Pennsylvania, K = 0.0013 and y = - 0.5
Williams Tc = 60LA0.4D-1S-0.2 The basin area should be smaller Williams (1922)
L = basin length, mi than 50 mi2 (129.5 km2) Li and Chibber (2008)
A = basin area, mi2
D = diameter (mi) of a circular basin of area
S = basin slope, %
Hathaway Tc = 0.8275(LN)0.467S-0.233 Drainage basins with areas of less Hathaway (1945)
Kerby L = overland flow length, ft than 10 acres (4.05 ha) and Kerby (1959)
slopes of less than 0.01
S = overland flow path slope, ft/ft Li and Chibber (2008)
N = flow retardance factor
Izzard Tc = 41.025(0.0007i ? c)L0.33S-0.333i-0.667 Hydraulically derived formula; Izzard (1946)
i = rainfall intensity, in./h values of c range from 0.007 for Li and Chibber (2008)
very smooth pavement to 0.012
c = retardance coefficient
for concrete pavement to 0.06 for
L = length of flow path, ft dense turf
S = slope of flow path, ft/ft
Johnstone- Tc = 300L0.5S-0.5 Developed for basins with areas Johnstone and Cross (1949)
Cross L = basin length, mi between 25 and 1624 mi2 (64.7 Li and Chibber (2008)
and 4206.1 km2)
S = basin slope, ft/mi
California Tc = 60(11.9L3/H)0.385 Essentially the Kirpich (7) California Culvert Practice (1955)
Culvert L = length of longest watercourse, mi formula; developed for small Li and Chibber (2008)
Practice mountainous basins in California
H = elevation difference between divide and outlet,
Henderson- Tc = 0.94(Ln)0.6S-0.3i-0.4 Based on kinematic wave theory Henderson and Wooding (1964)
Wooding L = length of overland flow, ft for flow on an overland area Li and Chibber (2008)
n = Manning’s roughness coefficient
S = overland flow plane slope, ft/ft
i = rainfall intensity, in./h
Morgali- Tc = 0.94L0.6n0.6S-0.3i-0.4 For small catchment Morgali and Linsley (1965)
Linsley L = length of overland flow, ft Aron and Erborge (1973), Nicklow
n = Manning roughness coefficient et al. (2006), Li and Chibber (Li
and Chibber 2008)
S = average overland slope, ft/ft
i = rainfall intensity, in./h
FAA Tc = 1.8(1.1 – C)L0.5S-0.333 Developed from airfield drainage FAA (1970)
C = rational method runoff coefficient data assembled by U.S. Corps of Li and Chibber (2008)
L = length of overland flow, ft
S = surface slope, ft/ft
U.S. Soil Tc = (1/60) (L/V) Developed as a sum of individual U.S. Soil Conservation
Conservation L = length of flow path, ft travel times. V can be calculated Service (1975, 1986)
Service using Manning’s equation
V = average velocity in ft/s for various surfaces Li and Chibber (2008)
(The exponent of S, if converted from Manning’s
equation, will be -0.5)

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Table 2 continued
Model Formula Remark Reference

Papadakis- Tc = 0.66L0.5n0.52S-0.31i-0.38 Developed from USDA Papadakis and Kazan (1986)

Kazan L = length of flow path, ft Agricultural Research Service Li and Chibber (2008)
data of 84 small rural watersheds
n = roughness coefficient
from 22 states
S = average slope of flow path, ft/ft
i = rainfall intensity, in./h
Chen-Wong Tc = 0.595(3.15)0.33kC0.33L0.33(2-k)S-0.33i-0.33(1?k) Overland flow on test plots of 1 m Chen and Wong (1993)
For water at 26 °C wide by 25 m long. Slopes of Wong (2005)
2 % and 5 %
C, k = constants (for smooth paved surfaces, Li and Chibber (2008)
C = 3,
k = 0.5. For grass, C = 1, k = 0)
L = length of overland plane, m
S = slope of overland plane, m/m
i = net rainfall intensity, mm/h
TxDOT Tc = 0.702 (1.1 – C)L0.5S-0.333 Modified from FAA (16) Li and Chibber (2008)
C = rational method runoff coefficient
L = length of overland flow, m
S = surface slope, m/m
NRCS Tc = 0.0526[(1000/CN)-9]L0.8S-0.5 For small rural watersheds NRCS (1997)
CN = curve number Li and Chibber (2008)
L = flow length, ft
S = average watershed slope, %
Yen-Chow Tc = Ky(NL/S0.5)0.6 Overland flow for small Yen and Chow (1983)
N = overland texture factor. watersheds Ky ranges from 1.5 Nicklow et al. (2006)
for light rain to 0.7 for heavy rain
L = length of overland flow, ft
S = average overland slope, ft/ft
Eagleson Tc = 0.0111(Ln)/R-0.666S-0.5 The basin area should be smaller Eagleson (1962)
L = flow length than 8 mi2 (21 km2) Nicklow et al. (2006)
n = roughness coefficient
S = average slope of flow path
R = Hydraulic radius for the main channel when
flowing full
Carter Tc = 100L0.6 -0.3
m Sm For natural channels Carter(1961)
Lm = length of flow, mi Nicklow et al. (2006)
Sm = surface slope, ft/mi
Giandotti Tc = 60(4A0.5 ? 1.5L)/0.8(Hm-H0)0.5 Developed for small agricultural Giandotti (1934)
A = drainage basin area, km2 watersheds Del Giudice et al. (2012)
L = length of the longest flow, km Sharifi and Hosseini (2011)
Hm = mean drainage basin elevation, m
Ho = drainage basin outlet elevation, m
Bransby- Tc = 58.5LA-0.1S-0.2 For big watershed Abustan et al. (2008)
Williams L = Mainstream length, km Department of Transport and Main
A = Catchment area, km2 Roads (2010)
S = Equal Area Slope, m/km
Passini Tc = 6.48(AL)0.333S-0.5 For big watershed
A = basin area, km2
L = length of main channel, km
S = average slope of the basin, m/m

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128 Paddy Water Environ (2017) 15:123–132

Table 2 continued
Model Formula Remark Reference

Ventura Tc = 7.62 (A/S)0.5 For natural channels Guermond (2008)

A = surface of the basin, km2 Quaro (2011)
S = average slope of the hydraulic way, m/m Zimmermann (2003)
0.8 0.7 0.5
Mockus Tc = 60[L (S ? 1) ]/1140Y Modified from SCS method. The NRCS(2010)
L = flow length, ft basin areas from 1.3 to 2000 Mockus (1961)
acres (0.53 to 809 ha)
Y = average watershed land slope, %
S = maximum potential retention = (1000/CN)-1
CN = the retardance factor

Table 3 Time of concentration values

Time of concentration (min.)
A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 A6

Ventura Tc = 7.62 (A/S)0.5 111.6 404.1 243.5 209.0 140.4 167.8

0.333 -0.5
Passini Tc = 6.48(AL) S 127.9 435.4 266.2 200.0 138.4 161.6
Bransby-Williams Tc = 58.5LA-0.1S-0.2 181.1 335.1 297.5 184.6 163.6 175.1
Carter Tc = 100L0.6
m Sm
49.3 95.7 72.5 52.0 43.2 46.1
Johnstone-Cross Tc = 300L0.5S-0.5 38.1 88.4 51.8 37.2 27.8 29.6
Izzard Tc = 41.025(0.0007i ? c)L0.33S-0.333i-0.667 73.3 128.3 89.9 72.1 59.4 61.9
0.5 0.52 -0.31 -0.38
Papadakis-Kazan Tc = 0.66L n S i 37.1 69.1 51.0 38.2 31.6 33.5

Table 4 The peak flow values (m3/s)

Simulated Observed
Ventura Passini Bransby-Williams Carter Johnstone & Cross Izzard Papadakis & Kazan

05-Jun-2003 6.952 7.0503 7.6955 9.8015 10.161 9.1439 10.645 8.26

20-Oct-2005 35.593 35.263 34.417 39.265 39.817 38.613 40.175 32.71
02-Dec-2007 4.3072 4.3969 4.1133 5.3665 5.54 4.9957 5.6569 3.52
19-Jun-2008 4.4036 4.3712 4.6527 8.056 8.5524 7.0798 9.3398 4.71

that use and the most appropriate method is Bransby- 1997; Kirpich 1940; Guermond 2008; Li and Chibber
Williams. Note the last three methods (Ventura, Passini, 2008; Mark and Marek 2011; Del Giudice et al. 2012;
and Bransby-Williams) formed by the watershed area Efstratiadis et al. 2013). Griffiths and Mckerchar (2008) in
variable in their formulas. small catchment in New Zealand used Rational Method
formula for calculating time of concentration. Sharifi and
Hosseini (2011) presented in 72 watersheds in Iran that the
Discussion California equation, the Kirpich equation, and the Arizona
DOT equation have the best performance in determining
In rainfall-runoff simulation, the importance of time of time of concentration for the selected watersheds. Del
concentration has been noted in previous studies. The TC is Giudice et al. (2012) used Giandotti formula for estimating
generally defined as the time required for a drop of water to time of concentration in the catchments with area between
travel from the most hydraulically remote point in the 15 and 5493 km2 in southern Italy.
watershed to the point of outlet. This definition has been Li and Chibber (2008) compared fourteen time of con-
used for many hydrologic studies and applications (NRCS centration models developed from both overland flow data

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Fig. 2 The comparing peak flow values (m3/s)

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130 Paddy Water Environ (2017) 15:123–132

Table 5 The coefficient of efficiency This study focused on finding the best method for esti-
5-Jun-03 20-Oct-05 19-Jun-08 2-Dec-07
mating the time of concentration in big watersheds. In this
paper, we selected seven formulas from 22 formulas that
Papadakis-Kazan -0.84 0.56 -0.89 -0.94 were allowed to use to calculating time of concentration in
Johnstone-Cross -0.77 0.56 -0.85 -0.18 the watershed with 345.4 km2 area. These seven formulas
Carter -0.68 0.57 -0.56 -0.09 are Ventura, Passini, Bransby-Williams, Carter, Johnstone-
Izzard -0.47 0.58 -0.16 0.14 Cross, Izzard, and Papadakis-Kazan. The components of
Ventura 0.16 0.58 0.60 0.69 the formulas are illustrated in Table 7.
Passini 0.17 0.58 0.58 0.70 Running the HEC-HMS model and comparison of
Bransby-Williams 0.18 0.62 0.64 0.71 simulated and observed peak flows showed better fit than
other formula for Ventura, Passini and Bransby-Williams
while Bransby-Williams had the best fit to estimating peak
flow. With regard to Table 6, Ventura, Passini, and
and watershed data. They used five laboratory plots with Bransby-Williams used watershed area variable in their
very low slopes and the result showed that the most formulas. Note that Carter, Johnstone-Cross, Izzard, and
empirical models underestimate overland flow time. Papadakis-Kazan models don’t have a watershed area
TC is used in several rainfall-runoff empirical and variable and predicted the peak discharge with the majority
physically based methods to calculate the flow character- overestimated. Thus values of watershed area are very
istics. But given the importance of time of concentration in important in calculating TC in the large rural watersheds
the watersheds, one should be certain that the time of and should be considered. In other words, it could be said
concentration estimated is absolutely correct? Unfortu- that the formulas have been formed with two main com-
nately, many of the hydrology and water resource projects ponents (L & S) overestimated the peak discharge (see
are done without considering reliable calculated time of Table 4) and the formulas that in addition to the two pre-
concentration. There are many methods and formulas to vious variables used the watershed area variable are more
estimating time of concentration but the majority of them accurate in calculating the peak discharge of watersheds
are designed for the specific conditions and limitation. In with high surface areas. In this regard, the Bransby-Wil-
Table 6, we have shown the remarks of each model. liams method presents the best estimation.

Table 6 Limitation of TC
Model Remark
Kirpich For Small catchment
Giandotti Developed for small agricultural watersheds
NRCS For small rural watersheds
California Culvert Practice Developed for small mountainous basins in California
Williams The basin area should be smaller than 129.5 km2
Hathaway The basin area should be smaller than (4.05 ha)
Mockus The basin area should be smaller than (809 ha)
Eagleson The basin area should be smaller than 21 km2)
Henderson-Wooding Based on Overland flow equation
Morgali-Linsley Based on Overland flow equation
Chen-Wong Based on Overland flow equation
Yen-Chow Based on Overland flow equation
TxDOT Based on Overland flow equation
FAA Based on Overland flow equation
US Soil Conservation Service Developed as a sum of individual travel times
Izzard For natural channels
Ventura For natural channels
Papadakis-Kazan For natural channels
Carter For natural channels
Bransby-Williams For big watershed
Passini For big watershed
Johnstone-Cross Developed for basins with areas between 64.7 and 4206.1 km2)

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Paddy Water Environ (2017) 15:123–132 131

Table 7 The category of model components Obviously, a more accurate estimation of peak discharge in
Component Model
rainfall-runoff models makes the next step to be optimized
and validate the model more precisely together. The results
Lo, So, n Hathaway ? Yen-Chow of this research can improve the quality of estimating TC
Lo, So, C FAA ? TxDOT for future flood hazard and rainfall-runoff studies.
Lo, So,i Henderson-Wooding ? Chen-Wong
Lo, So,i, n Morgali-Linsley Acknowledgments The authors would like to thank Mojtaba Soheili,
expert of Iran Water Resources Management Co. for his efforts in
Lch, Sch Kirpich ? Carter ? Johnstone-Cross
data collecting.
Lch, Sch, A Passini ? Bransby-Williams
Lch, Sch, A, D Williams
Lch, Sch, CN NRCS
Lch, Sch, i Izzard References
Lch, Sch, i, n Papadakis-Kazan
Abbasi M, Saravi MM, Kheirkhah MM, Sigaroudi SK, Rostamizad G,
Lch, Sch, R, n Eagleson
Hosseini M (2010) Assessment of watershed management
Lch, H California Culvert Practice activities on time of concentration and curve number using
Lch, Hm, A Giandotti HEC-HMS model (case study: kan watershed, Tehran). J Range
Lch, V U.S. Soil Conservation Service Watershed Manag 63(3):375–385
Abustan I, Sulaiman AH, Wahid NA, Baharudin F (2008) Determi-
Lch, Sr, Y Mockus
nation of rainfall-runoff characteristics in an urban area: Sungai
Sch, A Ventura Kerayong Catchment, Kuala Lumpur.In:11th International con-
ference on urban drainage, Scotland, UK
Lo length of overland flow, So average overland slope, Lch length of
Anderson ML, Chen ZQ, Kavvas L, Feldman A (2002) Coupling
main channel, Y &Sch slope of flow path or watershed, Sr maximum
HEC-HMS with atmospheric models for prediction of watershed
potential retention, A area, i rainfall intensity, n manning’s roughness
runoff. J Hydrol Eng 7:312–318
coefficient (retardance coefficient), C runoff coefficient, CN curve
Aron G, Erborge CE (1973) A practical feasibility study of flood peak
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