EE 306 Manual

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Jordan University of Science &

Department of Electrical Engineering



‫ محمد الشريده‬.‫ م‬, ‫ عزات المومني‬.‫ م‬, ‫ اروى فريوان‬.‫ م‬, ‫ جمال ثلجي‬.‫د‬
aExp1: Series and parallel combination
1- Series circuit equations:

Req= R1+R2+R3+R4, Ieq=Veq/Req,

I=I1=I2=I3=I4, V1=I1.R1, V2=I2.R2, ………..
To find V5,V6, and V7 apply kirchhoff`s Voltage Law (KVL):
The algebraic sum of the voltages around any closed path is zero.
- One method consists of moving mentally around the closed path in a clockwise
direction and writing down directly the voltage of each element whose (+) terminal is
entered, and writing down the negative of every voltage first met at the (−) sign.

 V5=V2+V3+V4 OR V5=V-V1
2- Parallel circuit equations:

Req= , Ieq=Veq/Req,

V=V1=V2=V3, I1=V/R1, I2=V/R2, I3=V/R3,

I=I8, I5=I3=I6

Exp1: Series and parallel combination
To find I4 and I7 apply kirchhoff`s Current Law (KCL):
The algebraic sum of the currents entering any node is zero.

 I4=I5+I2 OR I4=I-I1
Example: in the following circuit calculate the
total current ( IT ) taken from the 12v supply
Req = 12 Ω.

What is the value of I1 and I2?

3- Connecting Ammeter and Voltmeter:

1. Are used to measure the voltage difference between two points in a circuit.
2. The voltmeter is connected in parallel with the element to be measured.
3. Voltmeters have very high resistance.

1. Are used to measure the current in a circuit.
2. The ammeter is connected in series with the circuit, so that the current to be
measured flows directly through the ammeter.
3. The circuit must be broken to correctly insert an ammeter.
4. Ammeters have very low resistance, so inserting an ammeter into a circuit in
parallel can result in extremely high currents.

Exp2: Half wave rectifier
1- The Sinusoidal source:

The PEAK TO PEAK value is the vertical distance between the top and bottom of
the wave. It may be labeled VPP or VPK−PK. In a current waveform it would be
labeled IPP or IPK−PK .

The PEAK value of the wave is the highest value the wave reaches above a
reference value. The reference value normally used is zero. In a voltage waveform
the peak value may be labeled VPK or VMAX (IPK or IMAX in a current waveform).

The PERIODIC TIME (given the symbol T) is the time taken for one complete
cycle of the wave. the FREQUENCY of the wave ƒ =1/T

The mathematical representation of the sin wave voltage can be given by:
v(t) = Vm sinωt, ω = 2πf radian frequency
Effective (RMS) Value of a Sinusoidal Waveform
i (t) = Im cos(ωt + φ)

And Vrms =

Exp2: Half wave rectifier
2- The diode

Forward Biased PN Junction Diode:

A negative voltage is applied to the N-type

material and a positive voltage is applied to
the P-type material.
If this external voltage becomes greater than the value of the potential barrier, approx.
0.7 volts for silicon and 0.3 volts for germanium, the potential barriers opposition will
be overcome and current will start to flow.
This is because the negative voltage pushes or repels electrons towards the junction
giving them the energy to cross over and combine with the holes being pushed in the
opposite direction towards the junction by the positive voltage.

Reverse Biased PN Junction Diode:

A positive voltage is applied to the N-type

material and a negative voltage is applied to
the P-type material.
The positive voltage applied to the N-type
material attracts electrons towards the
positive electrode and away from the
junction, while the holes in the P-type end
are also attracted away from the junction
towards the negative electrode.
The net result is that the depletion layer grows wider due to a lack of electrons and
holes and presents a high impedance path, almost an insulator.

Exp2: Half wave rectifier
3- HW rectifier

Average and RMs value of current,

4- Half-wave Rectifier with Smoothing Capacitor

Exp2: Half wave rectifier
Ripple value
The ripple is is the small unwanted residual periodic variation of the direct
current (DC) output.
The ripple can be expressed as the difference between the maximum and minimum
value (Vpp) in the obtained output is called the ripple. The ripple can be expressed
also by its RMS value.
Pure DC signal has no ripple:

The amount of ripple voltage will be reduced by using capacitors.

For a given resistor value, a smaller capacitor will discharge more quickly ( RC Time
Constant ) and so increases the ripple obtained.
For a given capacitor value, a smaller load resistance will discharge the capacitor
more quickly and so increases the ripple obtained.
As τ=RC increases, ripple decreases.
If there is only a capacitor (R=∞ τ=∞) the ripple will be zero
If there is only a Resistor (C=0 τ=0) the ripple will be maximum (ΔV=Vm)

Capacitor polarity
When connecting polarized capacitor the capacitor must charge with correct
polarity to avoid damage.

Part a plot: (Used V-div. is: Used T-div. is: )

Part b plot: (Used V-div. is: Used T-div. is: )

Plot for 2.2 kΩ: (Used V-div. is: Used T-div. is: )

Plot for 1 kΩ: (Used V-div. is: Used T-div. is: )

Plot for 220 Ω and 10µF: (Used V-div. is: Used T-div. is: )

Plot for 220 Ω and 100µF: (Used V-div. is: Used T-div. is: )

Exp3 Common emitter amplifier biasing and gain
1- The BJT (Bipolar Junction Transistor) transistor:

This element has two basic functions: “switching” or “amplification”. The transistors
have the ability to operate within three different regions:
 Active Region – the transistor operates as an amplifier and Ic = β.Ib (β is the
dc current gain)
o Conditions: VBE=VBE(ON) ~0.7 & VCE>VCE(SAT)
 Saturation – the transistor is “Fully-ON” operating as a switch
and Ic = I(saturation)
o Condition: VCE=VCE(SAT) ~0.2
 Cut-off – the transistor is “Fully-OFF” operating as a switch and Ic = 0
o Conditions: VBE<VBE(ON) ~0.7

2- General circuit and circuit analysis:

IF VBB>0.7  Not Cut-Off
KVL on base loop : IB=(VBB-0.7)/RB
Assume active: Ic = β.IB
KVL on collector loop : VCE=VCC-IcRc
Now if VCE > 0.2  Values are correct
But if VCE<0.2  Not correct.
This means correct values are VCE ~ 0.2 V and Ic = (VCC-0.2)/Rc
Exp3 Common emitter amplifier biasing and gain

Phase shift:
If Vin is +ve  IB ↑  IC ↑  Vce ↓ (-ve) This
means there will be 180o phase shift between input
and output.

Coupling capacitor
In analog circuits, a coupling capacitor is used to connect two circuits such that only
the AC signal from the first circuit can pass through to the next while DC is blocked.
This technique helps to isolate the DC bias settings of the two coupled circuits

3- Potentiometer and Voltage division

Vout= Vin*R2/(R1+R2)
Exp3 Common emitter amplifier biasing and gain

Ex: Vin=17 V R1=1 M Ω Rp= 1 k Ω

Vo=Vin*Rp/(R1+Rp)~17 mV
0>=Vout>=17 mV

Potentiometer connection as a variable resistor

Connect this circuit:

Change value of RB2 to complete this table:
Vin (peak)=5mV on CH1
Vce (DC) VCE (peak) Ib (µA) Gain (Calc.) Ic (Calc.)

Plot for Vce=6V DC (show both input and output signals)

(Used V-div1: Used V-div2: Used T-div: )

Exp4 Inverting Op Amp
1- The Op Amp
An op amp is a circuit composed of resistors, transistors, diodes, and capacitors.

One input is labeled with a minus sign and is called the inverting input.
The other is labeled with a plus sign and is called the noninverting input.
Other characteristics of ideal op amps are:
(1) an infinite impedance between inputs
(2) a zero output impedance
(3) infinite gain

2- Ideal and practical Inverting Amplifier

The design rules are:

From rule 1: I1=I2. From rule 2: V-=V+=0.

But I1=Vin/R1 and I2=(0-Vo)/R2
Then Vin/R1=-Vo/R2 and hence Vo=-(R2/R1)Vin

Practical Issues
1- Op amps require bipolar power supplies,
+Vs and -Vs, of equal magnitude, which
are connected to designated pins of the IC.
2- Output value will not exceed the supply
3- Approximate input offset current
compensation can be provided by
connecting a resistor at the noninverting
input equals (approximately) R1
4- Compensation for input offset voltage can be provided by a variable resistor connected to
two terminals of the op amp.
Exp4 Inverting Op Amp
3- Offset Balancing:

In this circuit, input voltage is zero and the gain is 1000 so that any offset from zero in
the output can appear. After connecting the circuit, you can remove the offset by the
variable resistor connected with the op amp.

4- Obtaining +ve or –ve value for input voltage:

In this circuit if the potentiometer wiper is at the middle exactly the voltage will be
zero. If the wiper moves up you get +ve voltage. If the wiper moves down you get –ve

Ex: suppose R=1k Ω and Rp=2 k Ω. Then the current equals 6 mA

Now if the wiper is at the middle exactly ( Ra=Rb=1 k Ω) and the voltage read by the
voltmeter is : 12 – VR – VRa= 12 – 6 – 6 = 0 OR VRb+VR-12= 6 + 6 – 12 =0

Plot part a (Uout as function of Uin)

Plot part b (Uout as function of Uin)

Exp5 Thyristor controlled half wave rectifier

1- The SCR thyristor

It requires a gate signal to turn it “ON” and once “ON” it behaves like a rectifying
Thyristor is a unidirectional device, that is it will only conduct current in one direction
only, but unlike a diode, the thyristor can be made to operate as either an open-circuit
switch or as a rectifying diode depending upon how the thyristors gate is triggered.

2- Thyristor operation
The operating voltage-current I-V characteristics curves for the operation of a Silicon
Controlled Rectifier are given as:

Once the thyristor has been turned “ON” and is passing current in the forward
direction (anode positive), the gate signal looses all control. The application of any
gate signals or pulses after that will have no effect at all because the thyristor is
already conducting and fully-ON. Then applying a momentary gate pulse to the device

Exp5 Thyristor controlled half wave rectifier
is enough to cause it to conduct and will remain permanently “ON” even if the gate
signal is completely removed.
It can only be turned “OFF” again by reducing its Anode to Cathode current to below
a value commonly called the “minimum holding current”, IH.

3- Thyristor trigger circuit

Since an AC sinusoidal voltage continually reverses in polarity from positive to

negative on every half-cycle, this allows the thyristor to turn “OFF”.
So by applying a Gate signal at the appropriate time during the positive half of an AC
waveform, the thyristor can be triggered into conduction until the end of the positive
half cycle.
Output average voltage:

α is called the firing angle. The firing angle refers to the point on the waveform from
where the thyristors start conducting.

Exp5 Thyristor controlled half wave rectifier
4- DC trigger and AC trigger
If the gate current is a fixed DC value then the thyristor will be either ON all the
time (α=0) if the gate current is enough to turn it on or OFF all the time (α=180 o)
if the gate current is not enough.
For AC trigger we have 3 different cases based on the gate current value:
Case 1
If the value of the gate resistor is too small the gate current will be
high enough at all time and hence the thyristor will be ON in all of
the +ve cycle. (minimum firing angle)

Case 2
If the value of the gate resistor is too large the gate current will not be enough at all
time and hence the thyristor will be OFF in all time
If the value of the gate resistor is such that the gate current will be high enough only
when the voltage is at the peak, the thyristor will be ON in half of the +ve
cycle.(maximum firing angle)

Case1 (min α) Case2 (V=0) Case3 (max α)

Task 1: Plotting the I – V characteristics of SCR
1) Connect the circuit as shown in the figure.


2) Complete the following tables.

Vs=12 V Rg= 100 kΩ (The SCR is not triggered)
RL I Load (µA)≈I g VAK (Calculated)
1 kΩ
2.2 kΩ

Vs= 12 V Rg= 10 kΩ (The SCR is triggered)

RL I Load (mA) VAK (Calculated)
2.2 kΩ
1 kΩ
220 Ω
3) Modify the circuit as follow:

4) Use Rg=10 kΩ, then t urn Rp (1 kΩ) fully CCW (minimum value), make sure the SCR is
triggered, open the gate circuit, turn Rp very slowly CW until the light goes off. Record
the current just before the light goes off:

5) Modify the circuit as follow:

6) Turn Rp fully CW (maximum value), make sure the SCR is not triggered, then turn Rp
very slowly CCW until the light goes on. Record the current just before the light goes
I Load (mA)≈I gate (firing)

7) Plot the graph.

Task 2: Operating at maximum firing angle (minimum output voltage) and

minimum firing angle (maximum output voltage)
8) Replace the dc supply by a (6 – 7 Vrms) ac supply
9) Turn Rp fully CCW and complete this table:
VGK (RMS) = V VLoad (DC) = V
IGate (RMS) = mA ILoad (DC) = mA
10) Use the oscilloscope to find the firing angle.

11) Turn Rp very slowly CW and stop just before the light suddenly goes OFF and
complete this table:
VGK (RMS) = V VLoad (DC) = V
IGate (RMS) = mA ILoad (DC) = mA

12) Use the oscilloscope to find the firing angle.

Q1 Using the data from step 9 and step 11, calculate the firing current of the SCR and compare
it with the one you obtained in step 6.

Q2 Calculate VLoad (DC) you found in steps 9 and 11 and compare it with the measured
Q3 Draw the circuit needed to operate the SCR in step 8 with a separate trigger supply.
Q4 If the supply used for Q3 generate pulses instead of ac voltage, what are the conditions so
that we get the same results?

Exp6: Transformers
1- Construction:

2- Voltage ratio of the ideal transformer:

When the primary winding is connected to a time varying voltage v1, a time varying flux

φ is established in the core where:

The core flux also links the secondary winding and induces a voltage v2:

Dividing the two equations we get :

Where a is the transformer turn ratio
The apparent power input of the ideal transformer will be equal to the output and hence:

which means that :

3- Input impedance of the ideal transformer:

If we define the secondary impedance, or load, as ZL=V2/I2. And the primary input impedance as Zin=V1/I1

Example : Find I2 for the following circuit

input impedance of ZL/a2 = 100


and I2 = (1/a)I1 = 25 mA rms

4- Polarity test:
Dot Convention

In Transformer, The phase relation between primary and secondary currents and voltages
depends on how each winding is wrapped around the core.
In fig (2) you may notice that the secondary winding is wound around the core in the opposite
direction from the secondary winding in fig (1).
Consequently, the voltage induced in the Secondary winding in fig (2) is 180° out of phase as
compared with the induced voltage in secondary in fig (1) and the direction of secondary
current (IS) is opposite from the primary current (IP)

To eliminate any confusion in the phase relation between primary and secondary voltage and
current, a dot convention has been adopted for transformer schematic diagrams such that:
A current entering the dotted terminal of one coil produces an open circuit voltage with a
positive voltage reference at the dotted terminal of the second coil.

This means in figures a and d v1 and v2 are in phase.

While in figures b and c there is 180o phase shift between v1 and v2.

This can be tested in the laboratory by connecting the transformer as follow:

Now if the voltmeter reads the summing of E1 and E2 then the polarity is “opposite” as in
figure b. and if it reads the subtracting then the polarity is “same”.
5- Series and parallel connection:

It is important to know the polarity if we are to connect coils in series or parallel combination.

For the circuit A if the polarity is not the same a very large current will flow in the coils which
will burn them. While in B if the polarity is opposite the output will be zero volt.
Q. What benefit we get from connecting coils in parallel.

Connect circuits: page 19, 25, 30,and 31. Fill the tables: page 20, 26, and 28.

1- Voltage ratio on no-load

Energize the transformer and complete the given table:

2- Polarity test

Complete this table:

3- Series and parallel connection

Complete this table:
Secondary connection Load connection V1 V2 I1 I2
Parallel Parallel (15 Ω) 40 V
Series Series (60 Ω) 40 V

Parallel connection is shown below:

And Fr=sF where Fr is the frequency of the current in the rotor

Measured Calculated
Torque n Pin I Po efficiency P.F
Plot (T,n)

Plot (Pout,ɳ)

Plot (Pout,P.F)

Plot (Pout,s)

Measured Calculated
Torque n P1 P2 I Pin Po efficiency P.F
Plot (T,n)

Plot (Pout,ɳ)

Plot (Pout,P.F)

Plot (Pout,s)

DC motor Shunt
V=160 T=0 N.m
Rf Ia If n

Rf : Low V=160 Calculated

Rf : Low T=0 N.m T Ia If n Pin Po efficiency
V Ia If n 0.2
160 0.4
140 0.6
120 0.8
100 1

DC motor Series
V=160 Calculated
V Ia n
T Ia n Pin Po efficiency
160 0.4
140 0.6
120 0.8
100 1
80 1.2

Plot (If,n)
Plot (Vt,n)

Plot (Pout,ɳ)

Plot (T,n)

From the equation Ef = Vt – jI1Xs , increasing the field current will change the value of I1. The change
will follow the pattern shown in Fig.3 known as the V-curve. This will also change the reactive power
value and the power factor. Minimum value of Ia correspond to unity power factor, from this point
increasing value of If will increase generated reactive power (overexitation) and decreasing If will
increase absorbed reactive power (underexitation).

T=0 N.m T=0.4 N.m
If Ia If Ia

If = ……. VL=300 V
Measured Calculated
Torque n P1 P2 Ia If Pin Po efficiency P.F

Plot (T,n)

Plot (Pout,ɳ)

Plot (Ia,If)

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