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Name of Teacher Bernadette L.

Rosalita Section MERCURY

Leaning Area TLE Time 8:00-8:50
Grade Level EIGHT Date

A. Content Standards The learner demonstrates an understanding of the concepts in the preparing
electrical materials and tools using the different forms in electrical installation
and maintenance.
B. Performance Standards The learner independently prepares appropriate electrical materials and tools
using the different forms in electrical installation and maintenance based on
industry standards.
C. Learning Competencies/ At the end of the lesson, learners are expected to: (TLE_IAEI7/8UT-0a1)
LO1: identify electrical supplies, materials, and tools;
LO2: request appropriate supplies, materials, and tools for a specific
LO3: receive and inspect electrical supplies, materials and tools.

1. Electrical Tools and Equipment.

2. Different types of tools.
A. References K to 12 Basic Education Curriculum and Livelihood Education Learning
Module Electrical Installation and Maintenance Grade 7 and 8
1. Teacher’s Guide pages
2. Learner’s Materials pages
3. Textbook pages
4. Additional Materials from
Learning Resource (LR) portal
B. Other Learning Resources Slide presentation of key concepts, task cards, worksheets
IV. PROCEDURES Teacher’s Activities
A. Classroom Routine Pre-lection
1. Preliminaries
a) Prayer

Father God,
As we start this new day for new learning, we ask for Your guidance.
Lead us all the way. May You let us see through Your eyes, listen
through Your ears, and speak with Your mouth.
Be with us as we explore the world.
Give us the heart to love and be kind to one another. Please watch over
all our teachers, children, and families.
In Jesus’ name. Amen

b) Greetings
c) Checking of attendance
d) Reminders
e) Icebreaker

2. Review/Drill

Say: In preparation for our lesson, I want you to think of words that you think
has relevance to electricity.

Learners give their answers by raising their hands and answering orally.
B. Activity Motivation
 Do you know the basic terms that used in electricity?
 Do you know the tools used in electricity?
 Can you identify the tools common in your household?

Say: Let us test if you can correctly identify/guess these scrambled

letters. Arrange the scrambled letters to reveal the word in the box.


Learners give their answers to each scrambled letters by raising their


Say: The terms used in the scrambled word activity somehow activated
your learning about some terms that is connected to electricity.

C. Analysis Guide Questions:

 What are the tools/materials mentioned above?
 What are their functions?

Activity: “Interactive Discussion”

Learners share their ideas about the tools used in electrical installation.

Say: Those mentioned are the tools that are used in electrical
installation that are commonly known. They have their own specific function
and this is what we shall find out as we proceed in this lesson.

D. Abstraction
Electrical Tools and Equipment

The following are common electrical tools and equipment needed in the
installation of electrical wiring.
IV. Wire Stripper- A tool used for
removing insulation of medium
sized wires ranging from
gauge #10 to gauge #16.

V. Electrician’s Knife. This is used

by linemen to remove
insulation of wire and cables in
low and high voltage
transmission lines.
VI. Portable Electric drill. A small
drilling machine with a chuck
capacity of ¼‖ to 3/8‖. It is
used in making holes on metal
sheets and concrete walls.

VII. Hacksaw. This tool is used to

cut metal conduit and armored

c. Generalization/Integration
“Connecting Learning”

After the discussion, the teacher will ask several questions.

Guide Questions:
 What did you learn from our topic today?
 What is the importance of having and using proper tools?

E. Application d. Independent Practice:

 Let each student demonstrate the proper use and handling of a tool of
their choice.
 The teacher will give 2-3 minutes to finish the task.

Performance Rubrics
F. Assessment Direction: Choose the letter of the best answer. Write the chosen letter on a
separate sheet of paper.

______________1. This is used for griping, holding, cutting electrical

wires and cables and even small nails. Usually used by linemen in doing
heavy tasks.
______________2. Used for cutting and holding fine wires. This can
reach tight space or small opening where other pliers cannot reach and
also used in making terminal loops of copper wires.
______________3. This has a cross tip resembling a positive (+) sign. It
is used to drive screws with cross slot heads.
______________4. This is tools used in driving or pounding and pulling
out nails.
______________5. A tool used for removing insulation of medium sized
wires ranging from gauge #10 to gauge #16.
______________6. A small drilling machine with a chuck capacity of ¼‖
to 3/8‖. It is used in making holes on metal sheets and concrete walls.
______________7. Comes in either Standard or Philips screw driver with
short shank or blade and shorted handle used to turn screws in tight space
where standard screw driver cannot be used.
______________8. Used by linemen to remove insulation of wire and
cables in low and high voltage transmission lines.
______________9. This tool is used to cut metal conduit and armored
______________10. What is the importance of tools in electrical work?

G. Assignment
In preparation for our next topic, gather information about Common Wire
Splices and Joints. Draw at least minimum of five (5) Wire Splices and Joints
with description included.

50% - Originality
30% - Creativity
20% - Cleanliness

Prepared by:

BTVTED Student

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