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in the civil wars.

Its prosperity, in the imperial period,

304. The prefect Sempronius wished her to marry his son,

of landed proprietors appointed by the government. At the

served both with the English and Dutch troops, was major-general

the surface of the province is of itost fertile soil, the

Garfield and Harrison. He was a prominent candidate for the

closely akin to Latin, and since the Hernici (q.v.), their

the power of Theodore in the country was rapidly waning.

as among people of mixed race it is almost universal, the

accumulators, see Dolezalek, Theory of the Lead Accumulator.

partially envelop the chest as it passed obliquely round in

Frankish empire in 835 by a decree of Louis the Pious issued

expense of the founder and elaborately annotated by the

first of his order who continued to bear that title after

the group are aquatic no zoospores are produced, a negative

and, (c) the great Logos doctrine as the explanation of

+3 deg. 0.104 0.104 0.00543 0.546 0.545 +0.0285 0.0

Ivory Coast . . . . . . . . . . . . . 129,000

His younger brother NICETAS (Niketas), sometimes called

time, until the tribe submitted and accepted government

Argolid, the Troad and Crete, to cause these to he taken

sodamide, NaNH2, and potassamide, KNH2, are formed.

The duodenum is from 9 to 11 in. long and forms a horseshoe

It is used mainly in articles of food or drink containing

u. K. H. Erzh. Albrecht,'' Mil.-Wissenschaftl. Verein, 1895;

recanted his heresy. The rest of his life was spent under the

and women and southern passions. He showed precocity in

Probably also-- Ababwa

decade of 54%. The total value of the implements and machinery

possess. Yet at Corinth alongside @), which is found for

through his vice- gerent, an Ostrogothic nobleman named

resident to the amir's court at Kabul. But the terms which

generally of an artificial character, marked by pillars, but

the number of ships under the command varies according to

the lofty mountains that encircle the bay. There is great

Kufa under Khalaf al-Ahmar. He is also said to have spent a

stands, though considerably altered), but was christianized

to admit the sultan's claims, and meanwhile agents of the

u* would not have the same distance of intersection and

no one till the abeyance is terminated; if eventually only

broadening in the north as if to span the oceans by reaching

destroyer of the sacred books, whose wisdom he had at the

the repeated waves of Mahommedan invasion swept over India,

in the 5th century, aad continued by Columba (who founded

J), or who, when the child is horn cries ``God hath made

British government in 1891, was invented jointly by him and

subject-matter. It may be noted, as an instance of the

large amount of work is being done on the subject, with a view

interesting gossip about her distinguished contemporaries.

In the rainy season the lake is subject to violent storms.

The white inhabitants of Guayaquil (lat. 2 deg. 13' S.) are kept

patricians and plebeians in turn, lastly, from either--at the

to get a higher electromotive force (E.M.F.). To prevent

workers, and has formed the subject of a huge literature.

process by which we perceive the beautiful--discussions which

with countries as distant as Egypt and Syria. Almeria was

appears. These elder writers illustrate rather the stage of

lower terrace are of small size and apparently of recent

The story of the struggle between France and Great Britain

office, in which he was succeeded by his brother James,---who

Tennessee. In spite of his good record Rosecrans was deprived

the romantic escape of Ida M`Donnell, daughter of Admiral

while there is no difficulty in recognizing skim-milk cheese.

songs and first drew attention to their inimitable charm.

society or any of its members are making systematic efforts

severely criticized for extravagance in army contracts, for

of Nepal in a stupa where some of the relics of Buddha were

it is convenient to designate by the name of Africa Minor.

the tray by means of a silk cord until equilibrium is again

eastward along the North African coast as far as Barca and even

of gas and ballast required to keep the balloon at a proper

people which descended from them. Most probably the object of

metre, to aid the memory. The first chapter of the Kosha

subject has been wonderful beyond any conception that could

such an acid the replacement may be entire with the formation

Torsion head; MM, Mercury cups; I, Index needle.

form a large continent, called by Suess Gondwana Land. In each

with double rows of plane-trees, bordered by fine houses

(1699-1782), a Dominican friar and professor of philosophy

the velocity of the bullets when the shell bursts.

humanity. He made his name American mainly by creating the

was a remarkable manifestation of volcanic activity which

exactions of dues and customs very seriously damaged the external

with the period from 814 to 1028, is of considerable historical

sheep. By the Diseases of Animals Act(1903) powers to

case, of the perfect stillness and stability which give

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